Here is an email exchange that started with
Councilman Bob Doherty, D-District 4, first criticizing the attorney for Chief
John Tedesco, Brian Premo, for coming on my show Sunday and then criticizing
the chief for being less than gracious with Mayor Lou Rosamilia for giving the
chief his duties back.
I won’t defend the radio show or the station but
anyone at any time is welcome to come on my show or call in on Sunday from 10a.m. to noon.
While Doherty may have been well-intentioned in
his email, it’s evident – as I wrote – that Premo and the chief will not let bygones be bygones and are taking
any chances on what the future may bring just in case the future does include
another police commissioner.
In other words, Premo pulls no punches and the
funniest part is when he implies Rosamilia should go back to kindergarten ... or
even pre-K.
(Updated with Premo's response to Doherty's response at the end of the email exchange)
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Doherty [mailto:doherty4troy@gmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, February 16, 2014 7:45 AM
To: Bodnar Dean; Zalewski Ken; Wiltshire Rodney;
Robertson Anastasia; James Gordon
Cc: John.Tedesco; Lou.Rosamilia
Subject: Public Discourse- Bob Doherty
Nice letter in the Record today about Police
issues by Kimberly Mazor.

There has been a run discord fueled hyperbole on
that station that seems to include denigrating a memorial because it was
referred to as a "Celebration" and accusations that people were naked
at the event of Jan 25th. Makes no sense to fuel public anxiety.
The PBA member who loudly called the African American Pastoral Alliance a
"Clown Circus" is of the same unhelpful position.
References to the KKK in discussing the Kokopellis
event serves to reinforce defensiveness can contribute to dismissal and
Ever heard of the Four agreements?
The Four Agreements:
1. Be Impeccable With Your Word
Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean.
Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use
the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
2. Don't Take Anything Personally
Nothing others do is because of you. What others
say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are
immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of
needless suffering.
3. Don't Make Assumptions
Find the courage to ask questions and to express
what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings,
sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform
your life.
4. Always Do Your Best
Your best is going to change from moment to
moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any
circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse
and regret.
Don Miguel Ruiz
On Feb 18, 2014, at 2:44
PM, Brian Premo <bpremo@premolaw.com> wrote:
I send this welcomed response on behalf of Chief
Tedesco, who is presently on vacation. It is a communication concerning
impending litigation as all past correspondence.
Firstly, Councilman Doherty's comments are as
offensive as those recently made by the Mayor and Mr. Magnetto concerning the
many issues pending.
Secondly, it is hoped that my recent statements
have made clear Chief Tedesco's position: a resolution of his claims requires
the execution of a Settlement Agreement which includes an enforceable term that
no further action will be taken by the Mayor, any City Council member or other
city official to cause his unlawful political discharge, usurp his authority or
duty, or create a hostile work environment in violation of the City Charter,
NYS Civil Service Law, and/or the U.S. Constitution.

Fourthly, any Agreement in settlement of Chief
Tedesco's claims must be premised upon the fact that the Mayor unlawfully
appointed Mr. Magnetto to usurp his authority and duty to institute police
department policies and rules dictated by the PBA President, which they both
tacitly admitted in recent public statements. However, although not
surprising considering his previous admission to Chief Tedesco that he did not
want to vote for the appointment of Mr. Magnetto but "had to support the party
line", Mr. Doherty's comments make clear that he now wants to ignore the
fact that Mr. Magnetto's appointment was unlawful, that Mr. Magnetto usurped
the unlawfully authority and duty of Chief Tedesco, that Mr. Magnetto
countermanded Chief Tedesco's established policies and orders to implement
those dictated by the PBA President at the direction of the Mayor, that the
Mayor and Mr. Magnetto treated Chief Tedesco in an hostile, unprofessional, and
undignified manner in denigration of his rights, and that the violation of
Chief Tedesco's rights have caused him damages that must now be remedied.
Fifthly, Mr. Doherty's comments do nothing to
remedy the past violation of Chief Tedesco's rights or ensure that no similar
action will be taken against him in the future, which come only by way of
enforceable Settlement Agreement.
I will send a related letter to members of the
Council and others discussing the matter as soon as practicable.
In closing, since the issue concerns the
remedying of rights violated by the unlawful acts of those who clearly have not
followed The Four Agreements, I must say that I find the following quotes to be
appropriate to the matter:

Frank Lloyd Wright (Architect, interior
designer, writer & educator)
Man is the only animal
that learns by being hypocritical. He pretends to be polite and then,
eventually, he becomes polite."
Jean Kerr (Irish-American Author &
"You can't defend
the indefensible - anything you say sounds self- serving and
Diane Abbott (Actress, once married to Robert
But, far better than
all, I recommend the reading of "All I Really Need to Know, I Learned in
Kindergarten." If its tenets were followed by the Mayor, there would
be no issue to remedy at this time. It is hoped that what should have been
learned in pre-school days has now become clear: there is no place for politics
in a police department, especially bad politics. It is also hoped that
all hypocrisy is left unspoken in any future related conversation, public or
Please forward this reply to Mr. Silverman.
Brian Premo.
From: Robert Doherty <doherty4troy@gmail.com>
Date: February 18, 2014 at 8:24:13 PM EST
To: Brian Premo <bpremo@premolaw.com>
Cc: Bodnar Dean <bodnard@hotmail.com>, Zalewski Ken <zalewski@troycitycouncil.com>, Wiltshire Rodney <wiltshirefortroy@gmail.com>, Robertson Anastasia <anastasiavoice4district2@yahoo.com>, James Gordon <jgordon003@nycap.rr.com>, Tedesco Chief John <john.tedesco@troyny.gov>, Rosamilia Lou <lou.rosamilia@troyny.gov>
Subject: Re: Public Discourse- Bob Doherty
Date: February 18, 2014 at 8:24:13 PM EST
To: Brian Premo <bpremo@premolaw.com>
Cc: Bodnar Dean <bodnard@hotmail.com>, Zalewski Ken <zalewski@troycitycouncil.com>, Wiltshire Rodney <wiltshirefortroy@gmail.com>, Robertson Anastasia <anastasiavoice4district2@yahoo.com>, James Gordon <jgordon003@nycap.rr.com>, Tedesco Chief John <john.tedesco@troyny.gov>, Rosamilia Lou <lou.rosamilia@troyny.gov>
Subject: Re: Public Discourse- Bob Doherty
Mr. Premo,
I did not address any correspondence to you and will not continue argumentative correspondence with you. I wish to correspond within the Council, Public Safety Committee and when appropriate, the Administration without your input or response. Although you have a client among the addressees, I do not think that gives you entitlement to participate in our correspondence.
To the other addressees: I had asked and was told that the restoration of the Chief to full responsibilities was accomplished and accompanied with his clear understanding of the Mayor's authority and role.. There is some irony that in an article where the Mayor choses to restore full authority to the Chief, the Chief's advocate is attacking the Mayor's allegedly poor decisions.
At these times of focus on Public Safety, continued arguing is unseemly and undermines our ability to come together. I was also told by council advocates of the Chief that he was quite willing to proceed to work with us all. I find it tiresome to be giving energy to this past conflict or such personalized responses from outside sources. I also think it important to get on the team or off the wagon. "To give orders you need to take orders" was something I was told a long time ago. Bury the hatchet and drive the bus.
The Public Safety Committee was a strained activity for the Chief and the Committee in the last term. I do not intend to repeat a conflict process. As far as I know, neither does the Chief.
I did not address any correspondence to you and will not continue argumentative correspondence with you. I wish to correspond within the Council, Public Safety Committee and when appropriate, the Administration without your input or response. Although you have a client among the addressees, I do not think that gives you entitlement to participate in our correspondence.
To the other addressees: I had asked and was told that the restoration of the Chief to full responsibilities was accomplished and accompanied with his clear understanding of the Mayor's authority and role.. There is some irony that in an article where the Mayor choses to restore full authority to the Chief, the Chief's advocate is attacking the Mayor's allegedly poor decisions.
At these times of focus on Public Safety, continued arguing is unseemly and undermines our ability to come together. I was also told by council advocates of the Chief that he was quite willing to proceed to work with us all. I find it tiresome to be giving energy to this past conflict or such personalized responses from outside sources. I also think it important to get on the team or off the wagon. "To give orders you need to take orders" was something I was told a long time ago. Bury the hatchet and drive the bus.
The Public Safety Committee was a strained activity for the Chief and the Committee in the last term. I do not intend to repeat a conflict process. As far as I know, neither does the Chief.
Bob Doherty
Premo said he never got Doherty's last email and in response said:
Premo said he never got Doherty's last email and in response said:
"Funny, only in dealing with Mr. Doherty since the advent of the Internet this is the one and only email purportedly addressed to me that I did not receive," he said. "In any event, it's content is no more than further unintentional, self-effacing, water-spilling, fallacious, political rhetoric which warrants no further response."
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ReplyDeleteSuggesting the Chief sue these people until the bleed from their anus might have been worded a little too strongly for this political climate. How about the chief sue them until they walk with a limp?
DeleteFunny stuff. Anastasia's email is Anastasiavoice4didtrict2@yahoo.com? Voice? She hasn't said a damn thing other than on Willie's Facebook page. There she encouraged a class action lawsuit against the City.
ReplyDeleteYeah Troy, you picked yourselves a real voice alright. Don't even get me started on Doherty....
You know who else doesn't talk? Flash Gordon. Is anyone in there, Jimbo? You had years of failed campaigns to get ready for the job, whats the problem? District one's got themseves a real winner
DeleteHi kevin and welcome out from under your rock.
DeleteKevin McGrath showed up at the Ethic Commission meeting last night looking for a Cooperation Agreement. When they told him he was not part of the investigation he was heard to say "not yet Pat said I still need to get an agreement". In additional news Ed McDounoh was seen at Premos office yelling "what's Kevin going to say I did this time.
DeleteUh oh. Vito's getting wound up
DeleteThe Italian was right. The guy is a dopie
ReplyDeleteIrony: An alcoholism professional advocating for a night club. What a phony you are Mr Doherty!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
ReplyDeleteJust seen Lou on the news and it all clear to me know. Lou is a Mets fan. He said we will get them next year.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by a blog administrator. Because I called Bob an idiot.
ReplyDeletePremo is the dictionary definition of arrogant. And with regard to the culture within the TPD, it developed under Tedesco's leadership,
ReplyDeleteI find Mr. Doherty to be a hypocrite as most far left socialists are. Here is a quote from his missive to Mr. Premo "1. Be Impeccable With Your Word
ReplyDeleteSpeak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love". This man is the biggest gossip, and spreads vile lies especially against his fellow council women. He is not a very pleasant person and is prone to fits of rage. I feel he is truly unbalanced as he has bonded with the likes of Bob Cox, Rodney and Willie. Keep an eye on this one.
Jim, please correct me if I'm wrong in my interpretation of your blog post. Mr. Doherty expresses his disdain that Counselor Premo and Chief Tedesco will not speak nice of Mayor Lou for "unlawfully" violating Tedesco's civil rights. "let bygones be bygones" yet has already found the TPD guilty of violating the rights of patrons in a bar. So is Bob saying you can violate the rights of some but not others? Am I missing something here?
DeleteYes, you're missing the facts. Here are the facts:
Delete1. Doherty hasn't expressed an opinion on whether Tedesco's rights were violated.
2. Doherty hasn't expressed an opinion on whether the TPD violated anyone's rights.
So, other than the fact you have no reading comprehension, what exactly is your problem?
I guess my problem is watching a hypocritical buffoon and his loyal political hacks embarrass a once proud city.
Delete8:38 Then you must have really been dying during the Tutunjian administration
DeleteTutunjian isn't in office anymore. It's now clueless Lou, corrupt Pete and Dunne and the clown council.
DeletePompous ass is you ask me
ReplyDeletePete and Lou are getting there balls busted and rightfully so about the lack of a snow removal plan. The city looks like sh#t the only person happy is the mirror salesman. But but BUT why does Mike Hayner get a pass? Where was his plan? He's been around a while. Hayner made $105,000.00 the last 2 years and will make it again this year and what was mikes plan? Come in on Saturday? NOPE!!! Come in on Sunday? NOPE!!! Come in on Monday a Holliday also knows as TRIPLE time ( that means 3 times your normal pay or like getting 3 days pay in 1 day). BINGO that's the plan. Why should a department head care about the cost to the tax payer? ESPECIALLY one that doesn't live in Troy. This Hayner is milking the overtime as well as the lack of any clue of what to do that Pete and Lou have. No LEADERSHIP in Troy from Mayor down to department heads and this is what happens we now have to pay a subcontractor to do the job that Hayner is paid $105,000.00 to do. But like everyone said there nice guys. Hayner $105,000.00 Mayor Lou $95,000.00 Dept Mayor Pete $85,000.00 total $285,000.00. The 3 stooges job at snow plowing PRICELESS. But there good guys.
ReplyDeleteJust watched channel 13 news and it was stated the snow cleanup was all dumped in Knickerbocker Park. That means snow, sand and salt will destroy the grounds of the beautiful Knick Park. What about Frear Park....oh that's next to Ryan's house, what about Prospect Park, that's where Lou's miscreant supporters play their "hide the salami" games. Since they didn't carry Lansingburgh in their election they will do everything to destroy it.
DeleteTalk to your district rep. Good luck with that.
DeleteThe state prohibits the snow to be dumped near a waterway, specifically the Hudson River. Overflow from the two lakes in Frear Park flow through the Piscawen Kill Creek to the Hudson and runoff from Prospect Park potentially could make its way to the Poesten Kill Creek which also feeds the Hudson. Knick is the only park that does not have flow off potential into the Hudson.
DeleteOh, and it really isn't that hard to put your name on a comment.
Waking Ashe tray
DeletePeggy Kownack and the Piscawen Kill sounds like a double header playing at Kokopellis.
DeleteMs. Kownack,, your assertion that the runoff from Prospect Park could "potentially" make it's way to the Postenkill yet Knickerbocker Park does not have "flow off potential" shows your absolute ignorance. I would try to explain the stream flows that enter the park and the direction and paths of which they run into the river but with your limited knowledge and some delusional idea that what" flows" in your head is actually fact, well it's a mountain I choose to not climb.
DeleteThanks Bill
DeleteBill shouldn't you be trying to figure away from keeping that $4,400,000.00 from "flowing" it's way out of Troy by its deadline of September 2014?
DeleteIf you are unfamiliar with the Piscawen Kill, dearest Anon, perhaps it is you with a lack of familiarity. Although there are streams that flow through Oakwood Cemetery, they are not considered waterways by the state's definition. It's good to know that you are so threatened by me that you must be derogative. It's a trick small humans have used since the birth of time to make themselves feel bigger.
DeleteThe problem is Mike Hayner is not a department head he is the streets supervisor. The police have 3 chiefs, 10 capts, and 27 sgts for 130 cops....dpw has 1 supervisor running the show for 75 employees. there is no department head in dpw.
ReplyDeleteWhat does fennel do?
DeleteMike would never take a department head. That would be no overtime just salaried employee. Replace him with a department head and save $30,000.00 for the city.
DeleteMirch never got overtime and the streets where a lot better and cleaner. No leadership just pension padding on there way out the door Lou and Hayner.
DeleteHey Premo, go write another letter. That's all you're good for