Friday has come and gone, Police
Commissioner Anthony Magnetto is now back in retirement and almost by default
Police Chief John Tedesco is again in control of the day-to-day operation of
the Police Department.
Since there wasn’t a bombshell
Friday to dispute the Times Union story that was online Thursday evening with
the headline “Troy police chief resumes command,” Rosamilia really had no
choice in the matter. He was looking for another commissioner – Retired Capt.
John Riegert and Deputy Chief Buddy McCavoy were mentioned - but it can’t be
easy to find someone to take the job for $30,000 when the department is under
so much internal turmoil and public fire?

“Time will soon tell whether the mayor
will truly cast aside his political ties to the PBA and abandon his agenda of
placing its president in control of department department’s policies, command
and discipline,” Premo said in the statement. “It is hoped that the abject
failure of the PBA president’s effective control of the policies and discipline
of the police department in direct countermand of the chief’s established “best
practices,” have taught them all what was apparent from the start: an
accredited police department must not be controlled by politics or a PBA president.”

“The mayor essentially admitted he
previously usurped Chief Tedesco’s authority and duties through the unlawful
appointment of Mr. Magnetto, who now leaves when the Troy Police Department
faces the public turmoil of recent events that are directly related to the
ineffective policies he instituted at the behest of the PBA president which
have resulted in a lack of proper command, control and discipline, according to
the statement.

It has been by and large a
disaster, in retrospect, but things came to a head on Jan. 25 with the
Kokopellis riot. Nobody can directly blame Magnetto for the melee that left
eight officers injured, six requiring hospital care, five patrons under arrest
and racial tensions in the city stretched to the breaking point.

Tedesco proved the voice of reason,
however. He welcomes an independent investigation by the U.S. Justice
Department to satisfy the community and the cops and offered up some structural
changes in the department – namely a return to community policing and more defined
disciplinary procedures. With the first, cops would get to know the residents and the second know if a cops screws up he will pay for it.

A poor choice of closing metaphor. http://www.understandingprejudice.org/teach/native.htm
ReplyDeleteYou are right Jim The Chief should be Chief He has many good points to implement. He knows the city and the citizens and is a fair person in himself.
ReplyDeleteThis administration is the worst in Troy history. As a registered democrat that votes that way the vast majority of the time I am embarrassed by the lack of leadership within city hall. I didn't vote for the PBA president to run this city I voted for Mr.Rosamilia. I wish I could take my vote back.
ReplyDeleteThe trio of clowns (Lou Rosamilia, Nina Nichols, and K McGrath) and their buddy Bob Fitzgerald have brought us to this. It's cost Troy plenty already: $30k for an ineffective commissioner, $85k for Fitzgerald's tantrum against Tedesco, and now untold amounts in lawsuits by a fractured, leaderless city. Folks, this is what happens when a weak administration and inept councilmembers are influenced by political retribution and corrupt special interests. Isn't it interesting that almost all of the people involved in this mess have self-destructed and scurried away, or are in the process of doing so? There's a reason for that.
ReplyDelete@5:05. Well said
DeleteWe'll done!!!!!
DeleteAmen. Says it all
DeletePlease tell me that kevin McGrath has seen this. It's a must see for him. We all know that he insulates himself from the truth. But we must hope that he or his people make him see this. This is the reason he is gone.
Delete10:16 He reads this but doesn't have enough of a set to respond. Karma's a bitch, Kev.
DeleteAll those politicos, whether current, former or wanna-be's read this shit. They love seeing their name in print.
Delete@5:05 AM or should I call you by your real name, harry, I'll give you the $30k cause that was the current Mayor but the $85k was all you. How many more of your lawsuits are still left for Troy to pay? We had a City Hall that only needed repairs and some cosmetic work, independent engineers have said that it was structurally sound! You also gave away land and a building which was owned by the City of Troy through a reverter clause in the deed. You cost us $1.5 million to "upgrade" that building before you gave it to Judge. We also had to pay Judge rent for a year and be unable to use the building during that time! @ $30k rent and $10k taxes per month (which the City should not have to pay), that comes out to be $480k for that year which should be taken out of your hide! Your "strong" * admin only cost us every year you were there. :P
Delete*insert 4 letter word here
Is this the same chief that is suing the city? Kind of like Fitzgerald suing the city over the last administration's screw ups? Is there much of a difference? I mean, someone is going to have to make the decision to settle or risk taxpayers money, especially when a court doesn't throw the lawsuit out and allows the case to go forward. A judge would toss a garbage suit, wouldn't he? The case Fitzgerald has against the city has stood the test of time in the courtroom, or we wouldn't settle, right? I wonder if that is what will happen with Tedesco. It has to be a conflict of interest, would it not be, to walk into work everyday having the power to advance your case by your policies? Speaking of lawsuits against the taxpayers, how is the HIPAA violations investigation going Jim? Any word on when it might conclude? Lots of Troy taxpayer money at stake in that situation. The County's insurance company is not backing the Sheriff in it so it will be up to us taxpayers to pay any judgments. Any chance you might look into it, or do the folks at the radio station just want you to ignore their GOP Sheriff's screw ups? I understand, you need a paycheck, can't bite the hand that feeds you and it certainly isn't Troy taxpayers that buys your groceries, it is the GOP in the County, correct? I guess you can get a pass. Over two years investigating himself, (without resolution) but no inquiry on your part? Understood.
ReplyDeleteChef will not sue city, but he need strike fear in Rose Miller. New Major is like mannikin in department store.
Delete"The case against Fitzgerald has against the city has stood the test of time in the courtroom, or we wouldn't settle, right?"
DeleteWrong. I see you have no understanding whatsoever of the law or procedure which, if you're a Democrat, is no great surprise.
Lawsuit has been filed, perhaps Mr. Premo can enlighten us on the latest moves on the plaintiff's part; is the chief requesting a dismissal? I am sure the city can't discuss pending litigation.
Delete*Raises hand* "Professor 10:59, can you enlighten the audience as to why Fitzy's suit wasn't dismissed long ago? How far into the case are we, all these years later? Has there been discovery? And how much really did the settlement cost taxpayers - $10,000 out of pocket, the rest covered by an insurance policy that is paid for whether anyone collects from it? What happens when a suit goes forward without the backing of the insurance company and then there is a judgment? What does that cost? #itstheeconomydummy
DeleteLet's stop with the bullsh*t. Fitzy sued because Tedesco ordered an accounting of his time as a paid police officer (PBA president). His captain Sprague worked with Fitzgerald to run a political campaign against Tedesco but in support for Lou, Kopka Kevin Mcgrath and pastor Nina Nichols. And the best yet, Rodney Wilshire and Bob Dorehty.. Now how do you cops feel now? Your union dues and lawsuit costs were paid to the very people who are screwing you now. Pete Ryan has a man crush on Fitzy and Lou stutters when in the same room with Chief Tedesco. That's a fact jack!
DeleteIs this the same officer who spends 40 hours a week working on political campaigns? Who has padded his overtime and has announced his upcoming retirement? Who has "stolen" 85 grand from the taxpayers who will unfortunately always pay your lifetime pension? Who has lied consistently about anyone that stands in his way? It's ironic that Fitzy has come out against the good Pastor Willie, for they both pray with Lou, hide behind religion, lie repeatedly, yet both are clearly cut from the same cloth. Only in troy.
DeleteTHANK YOU 9:08. Fitzgerald and his political cronies have cost the city $$$$ and people have had enough of his bullshit. He is as much of a divider as Willie. Fitz, your supporters are gone, your disgraced council puppets are gone, your credibility and influence are gone. Troy people have finally woken up to what you are really out for. Yourself!
ReplyDeleteHeard the show this am. Found Premo credible, Urzan not. According to Urzan, the problem stems from people vocalizing their displeasure with recent events. Institutional racism around disproportional arrests of black men jay walking and riding bikes and history of police violence against African Americans is not the problem according to Tina. People focus on the recent incident and forget the multiple other incidents that are just coming to light. Check channel 13. Remember Rev. Bacote was not the only minister from a Black Church at the press conference. Finally, Urzan was asked about racism and talked about crime. It is about language, actions, and perception. You use the N word, as a white person you only bring watermelons to a Black neighborhood function, and you consistently equate crime with color. That is institutional racism.
ReplyDeleteJim whats up with your new man crush on Rodney? Any post criticizing him for the clown he is and you wont allow to post. whats up wit dat?
ReplyDeleteI know Ms. Urzan cares for her community but who in their right mind opens a bed and breakfast in North Central Troy?
ReplyDeleteAlso listened to Premo on the air this morning, what did he mean about the city using money designated for the cleanup of South Troy down by the old Portec is now going to be used to build a road for Mr. Valente at the Scolite sight? Is that even legal? What does councilman Galuski think of that?
Cleanup to be paid by National Grid.
DeleteYou're implying that Galuski has a brain and can think for himself.
What's a bigger threat to the health and welfare of a young black male? Police or another young black male?
ReplyDeleteWell stated 9:40, but, If these young African-Americans were not committing crimes, the police would have no reason to arrest them. And if they stopped committing the crimes, the statistics would not look so bad. Tired of this lame argument.
ReplyDeleteBob Cox, I hope you're saving your money for this Saturday's annual Friends of 112 TH Street banquet. Last year you were trying to borrow money to get in, your annuity from your multi million dollar tree service company was late I take it. Well this year you should bring your friends Rodney and Randy. It'll be fun.
ReplyDeleteDoherty is now concerned with the way discipline is handled in the Troy PD. He sat back and watched as the PBA bullied Lou into not proceeding with disciplinary charges. Oh, that was because Magnetto was in charge. Now he is concerned again. When will people see through this garbage.
ReplyDeletecheck it out Dep Mayor Ryan has the snow REMOVED ON HIS STREET........what's your street like!
Pete wasn't home today so there for he knows nothing about it. You see if Pete's not there or wasn't at the meeting or didn't take the phone call or never spoke to anyone then it didn't happen. Pete love deniability and that's how he governs. Pete like to eat sausage just don't want to see it made. That means Bill Dunne runs wild.
ReplyDeleteFour articles in the left leaning TU today all bad news about Troy. From bad cops to a demented bully of a planning director. Pete Ryan has his lily white street plowed while half the city streets are so narrow people are in danger. He tells Lou, these critics are all republican or McCashion nuts, "we're doing a good job", as respected businessmen and residents lament how easy it is for this once respected man to lie as easy as he breaths. One day you'll have to ask yourself was the money worth it? Being viewed as corrupt and shameless as your fellow administrator Bill Dunne. Sleeping well Peter?
ReplyDeleteOne would think the city could plow 3rd and 4th streets curb to curb so the busses could get through and people could get to and from work. Seriously WTF are we paying these people for?