Think of it this way, with the
number of missteps – and that’s a kind word to describe some of what has gone
on - over the past 10 months or so, what do you expect any member of the
Council who takes his or her job seriously to do?
Sit back and watch?
It they did, observers, taxpayers
and columnists would bash them for not doing anything. I can hear it now, just
like I’ve heard variations of it before: “Where does the Council stand.” Or, “What
does the council think about that?” Or “didn’t the Council have to approve it
By holding public hearings,
President Rodney Wiltshire is doing his job and so are the members who support
the investigation.

Bad analogy, I know, but the fact
remains if Rosamilia and company have nothing to hide, they shouldn’t worry
about answering a few questions by a part time legislative body and they should
just step up and answer the questions. Just as it’s the Coucnil’s obligation to
ask, it’s the mayor’s to answer.
Instead, we have Rosamilia bashing
the inquiry and Councilwomen Lynn Kopka, D-At Large, Erin Sullivan-Teta, I-At-Large, and Councilman Gary Galuski,
D-District 6, killing the vote on a technicality. Of all the blatant violations
of the Charter I’ve seen over the years, not starting a meeting at 7 p.m. is up
there with the most petty.

Funny, I remember when Councilman
Bill Dunne first got elected – or it may have been his second term – and I repeatedly
called him an “effective check and balance” to then Mayor Harry Tutunjian. And
he was. He watched Tutunjian like a hawk and I applauded Dunne for taking his
job seriously and doing it well.
Now Dunne is at the center of
about every controversy being discussed and he is, obviously, Rosamilia’s
planning commissioner. That means Rosamilia is responsible. And Wiltshire and
company are watching him like a hawk. The difference is Tutunjian is a staunch
Republican and Dunne is as staunch of a Democrat whereas Wiltshire and
Rosamilia both ran and won with the Democratic Party support.

No Dunne or Ryan last night. I'm sure those two will be front and center when the subpoenas fly. I think it's common knowledge those two are also the core of the FBI investigation. The loyalists Galuski, Teta and Kopka have not only helped Lou look bad but will be cast as officials covering up for each other. Also couldn't agree more on Kopka. I voted for her the first term but didn't the second. Don't think many will on her third.
ReplyDeleteRyan was at the meeting last night.
DeleteIf he was he was nestled under Lou's desk. He never showed his face at the council hearing. That's a fact Jack.
DeleteTo hell he was. If he was he was dressed as a potted plant.
DeleteJim,, great post but small mistake.
DeleteLyn Kopka was not the president for 2 terms. 1 term only & a rough time for all, except the cats
He was there. I know it's hard to see with your head up Rodney's ass.
DeleteTechnicality? That pesky charter sure does get in the way. Wiltshire is the only one losing ground here. Runs a meeting like he runs his business. Badly.
ReplyDeleteRodney's whole agenda is to make Lou look bad (so far a success)so he can run for mayor. I do hear the republicans are courting him and he's part of the delusional bunch and they may knock Wade out. Cross endorsement on the horizon.
DeleteRodney's headed nowhere fast. He won't get the Dem line and even if he did get the R line, we know it's the kiss of death in Troy.
DeleteThe fact that he's part of the delusional bunch says it all.
How many burritos will it take to knock Wade out?
DeleteWhen Mayor Lou called his hasty presser at 5:45 last night many were hoping he was announcing he was stepping down,.until they realized that Country Club Pete Ryan would take over. Stay Lou stay
ReplyDeleteMorris the Kat played a bad hand last night. Had Lou call the press when the meeting itself was a non issue. The only BOOM was Cristo calling Garrett a liar which every citizen in the city except for Lou knew. Now Lou looks out of touch, Rodney looks like a prince and many look like they're covering their assess. Morris, is the King Street demolition still a "dead issue"?
ReplyDeleteBefore you anoint Rodney a prince a picture on the sanctuary facebook begs to question. There's Rodney with his good buddy Steve Peirce, the same Steve Peirce that conspired with Dunne to take federal funds that weren't his. Yet Rodney is investigating Dunne? Who benefited from illegally moving the money, Dunne? I believe Dunne was suspended, Peirce got new sidewalks at taxpayer expense which is a slap to all the hardworking folks that have to pay for them out of pocket. When will Rodney subpoena him? Prince no, hypocrite yes.
DeleteSay it isn't so! The Council prez took a photo with a local celeb. Nice attempt at deflecting but lets keep the focus where it needs tobe. on the lawbreakers in city hall.
DeleteYour such a phone you should be ashamed. Every F-ing thing that Poor Lou and Corkey Ryan where told would happen if they put Dunne in there administration has come TRUE. No you no good F-er's want a do over. HES A PUKE AND YOU ALL DUNNE IT TO YOURSELFS. Embrace Bill Dunne he's your boy. You get what you deserve.
Delete@ 8:25....go to bed, your drunk
Delete5:30 I'd rather be drunk than F-ing stupid. I can sober up but you will always be stupid. What I posted is true they where warned about this deviant and everything has come true as predicted. The cover up is always worse than the crime. Peter and Lou will leave office in disgrace because they didn't listen.
DeleteThe Tom Wade Trio (Galuski, Kopka, and Teta) continue to sing the same song -- "Protect the guilty at all costs" regardless of how it affects the residents of Troy.
ReplyDeleteBetter than the "Embarrass the Administration at All Costs" trio of Rodney, Ken and Spooky Jim Gordon. Narcissism, opportunism, and old fashioned political whoring at its finest.
DeleteThe truth should not embarrass. Who dunne it and why? Simple questions and if you feel the need to go into bunker mode and spin doctor with 8 versions of the same story and none of them matching... No wonder folks think the truth is not being told.
DeleteRemember the SafeAct letter to the Governor Lynn penned under the noses of her fellow council, I do. Remember $30,000 waste of money for a commissioner, I do. Remember the lack of a snow removal plan during the entire winter, I do. Remember the $300,000 overpayment error that an accounting professor no less didn't catch, I do. Remember all of the warm press conferences the Mayor has had after a violent crime spree, I don't. Remember all of the Lou and you events, I don't.
Delete@ 1:46 I do believe they do a good enough job of embarrassing themselves.
As opposed to the favouritism,nepotism and conflict to interest 1:46....??? Think I'd rather see someone use the opportunity to prove themselves valuable and a true asset to the City than what's currently the way of doing things with bullying
DeleteYou'd better hope the voters don't care about the overpayment error, 4:39. Because no money was lost, as opposed to the $200,000 STOLEN from county taxpayers under Kathy Jimino's nose. STOLEN because of (and I quote from the state Comptroller) "poor financial controls" of the Republican county government. I wonder what the taxpayers think about that?
DeleteHey 4:39-- Remember the notice in the paper about the Tutunjian business not paying their taxes? No? Everyone else does!
DeleteDeflect, deflect and deflect some more. That s what this administration is proficient in and its obvious at the comments bringing Jimino and Tutunjian into it. You know I'm right, Lou cannot lead this city and it shows. Lynn has her nose bent because she lost the Council Presidency, trying to save face when she couldn't deliver that win for Wade. Galuski he is just irrelevant at this point since this is, thankfully, his last term. Teta doesn't open her mouth for fear she'll flub as bad as she did at MTC, boy that was a hoot! Anyone else remember that, I do.
DeleteGaluski is friends with all the Casales...if course he will vote against..
ReplyDeleteSure do miss Mark McGrath don't you.
ReplyDeleteyou're the only one, I think it's great we have no Mcgraths on the council.
DeleteAmen to that
DeleteIf either runs again they win.
Deletejunkie cowboys club in the burgh its time for all X junkies to just go away and let there livers fail and die.
DeleteWOW, you really must have tied a nice package on last night and the real treeman comes out. How sad that you actually want someone to die because of some political stance or some illusion that you didn't get what you felt you were entitled to. Very sad indeed.
DeleteThe only good McGrath is the Judge
DeleteForget the McGraths. Vito RULES! Again Vito thank you for cleaning up that illegal junkyard on 5TH and 114TH street. You're like a pitbull on a bone. Free ice cream.
DeleteThats for sure. And he is still good friends with Wade.
DeleteNothing is FREE
DeleteNobody wears Mohair better than Mark
ReplyDeleteFranco: there may not have been corruption in the police department under tedesco, but there sure was incompetence and failure. And evident in the recent spike in crime since february, the incompetence and failure is back in full force.
ReplyDeleteDo criminals plot and plan when to commit crimes based on who is the police chief? I don't think that they do. A spike in crime since Febuary, its the same shit just wait until August when its too hot to stay inside.
DeleteI concur with the above statement
DeleteDitto on what 4:33 said! Its all just sour grapes because Magnetto turned into be a big disappointment.
DeleteHaven't been on this blog in a while but the post of 2:24 tells me Tedesco is back in charge and Fitzy's back whining and crying.
DeleteIn charge of what? why does our Police Chief live in Watervliet, why do half of the policemen live outside of Troy?are they afraid of something?
DeleteHow long before the Rod-Ken lead consortium hold up the signs '#bring back our girls' ? Of course the Kopka-Gulumpski-Teta cartel will say no. Lou will send a letter of support but then take it back. Doherty isn't a shoe in either, he may not want to insult the Islamic jihadist terrorists. If he could only speak to them he could make them understand the evils of their ways. Peace
ReplyDelete#bringbackourgirls.... sounds like something Bill Dunne could really get behind.
DeleteBreaking news. Pasture Willy, Irr-reverand Tim and Buffoon Bob Doherty will lead a contingent to Nigeria to broker a deal with the Boko Haram and "bring back our girls". Used to barter will be the used bikes from the Troy Bike Rescue. Team coordinator Barb Nelson quotes 'bicycling makes the world go round". Dunne was the first to sign on, also on board is Rodney (and photographer) and Lynn (neuter the lions) Kopka. Mayor Lou signed up but then later declined and Country Club Pete found out where Nigeria was and was excused for he had a haircut appointment that week. Anastasia is still trying to get a handle on the boundaries that separate the countries (districts).
DeleteAfter yet another week of bumbling and fumbling in Troy its time to update the odds for next years mayors race. Lou R. 50-1 Rodney W 4-1 Lynn K 200-1 Ken Z 30-1 Cindy 10-1. Mark Mc 5-1 Jim G 50-1 Carmella M 30-1 the field 10-1. signed Vinny Vegas Happy Mothers Day to all the Mothers
ReplyDeleteI'd say 100-1 for Flash Gordon. He has far too many family responsibilities to run for Mayor.
DeleteKen Z should run
DeleteThere is nothing better than a former councilperson who leaves office in disgrace,familyless,exposed for what a shit bird he really is who now spends his time in his underwire in a lawn chair posting on his computer in a house with no furniture about the people who are doing what he misses so badly. Red is rock this shit bird lives on.
DeleteKen Z should run if you want a person who can NOT make a decision, will always take both sides of a controversial issue if you can find him to take a position at all, and can never be expected to exhibit a backbone when the tough get going.
Deleteits to funny you can't get him off your minds because you know he's still a threat. That's what's really funny.
DeleteI am pretty sure I live in Kens district and I have contacted him on more than a few occasions. I have found him to be very clear and consistent on his positions, even when we differed on our views. I have watched him handle the controversial issues with clarity and persistance, sometimes stubborn persistance. I would never think to characterize the man as flip flopping, indecisive or lacking a backbone.
DeleteTroys mayor Lou, on the other hand, is weak and ineffective especially when confronting the tough problems of this city. Has no control over his own employees and has no idea what is going on in general. A nice guy but hes tired worn out, out of touch and worried more about placating then leading.
I hope Ken runs. I have heard other peoople talking about him and every one has a high opinion of the man.
What's really funny is how we slap your ass every time you can't get Gordon off your mind. You think your a threat? If you weren't such a puss who knew you would get beat you would have ran but NO you knew that the cat was out of the bag as far as your shit bird ways and your inability to do the right thing and once again you broke the law and screwed the people that you could to keep yourself from being a 3 time felon. People laugh at you and now your left with people like Cox and Rabbit to feed your ego. How sad a life you and only you made for yourself. Please run again so you can be thrown out on your ass but then again knowing when to put your tail between your legs and run away has been done before in district 1. Wink wink.
Delete9:17 signed Kenny's mommy
Delete@9:17 very well written but clearly lacking facts. Never in the history of Troy has an elected official abstained from a vote on multiple occasions because he didn't know which way to vote. To use an abstention is because there is a conflict of interest, examples being work related, family-relatives or financial investment. I believe the poster that you replied to has the same view of Ken as many others outside of his political circle. The fumbling of the Time Warner contract with his false promises are another example of a complete lack of leadership. So before you turn on Lou about his lack of leadership try to imagine Ken in Lou's position. Downright frightening.
DeleteWOW!!!!! Kevin you been bitch slapped. Might be time to hang it up.
DeleteSeen: Kevin having lunch with Pete Ryan. Forget it Kevin, we know what your trying to do and it won't work. You and your brother are finished.
Delete@7:24 I am not in Kens political circle but I am pretty active in the neighborhood and any one that knows Ken speaks highly of the man. Maybe its your own political circle that dislikes him do to his popularity. Isnt the time warner contract the responsbilty of the mayor to negotiate? You are correct that it is a lack of leadership, but its a lack of leadership from the mayor nad his negotiators.
DeleteI think Ken would make a fine mayor and I dont think I am the only one who is saying it. Another four years of milk toast leadership from Lou.......... that's downright frightening.
Jim Gordon is nervous, its obvious. He is almost a quarter into his first and only term and he's done nothing but grandstand at council meetings and call for resignations. Crime, graffiti, trash all on the upswing in the burgh. What are you doing about it, Jim? People are seeing what an empty suit you really are.
Delete@12:43 I cannot compete with Ken and his followers (you). I'm sure the people "active" in Ken's world speak highly of him and would go to any lenths to make him look good. For instance, having (you) and his active neighborhood people follow his political opponent at all hours of the night, hiding outside his house and detailing every move he makes. Well again, I can't compete with that. However, I guess I'd much rather see a man stick up for his convictions rather than abstain due to his fear of political reprisal. He was elected to be the voice of his district, to abstain shows he's a coward when making a tough decision. And you call our Mayor Lou milk toast? As much as Lou has been somewhat of a disappointment at least his mistakes are his, I haven't heard him blame it on King Kenny.
DeleteAt the end of the day (or hearings) Rodney is Mayor with cross endorsement. Lou is left to one paycheck. Peter is pleading the fifth along with Dunne. Teta-Sullivan loses her dental coverage. Lynne is out only to be left picking dandelions at Washington park. Garry is eating crayons and Crazzy Uncle Boob gets caught fondeling grape fruit at the farmers market.
ReplyDeleteA cross-endorsement pre-supposes Rodney can get the Democratic party endorsement. He can't. He also won't have the Independence Party endorsement. That leaves him the Republicans and the WFP...Good luck there..
DeleteNot so fast, Wade is on the ropes and Rabbit is oh so close. Right now it's a tossup. Rodney is Rabbit's ticket to daily doughnuts and political vendettas inside city hall. As for the republican endorsement who is/was the republican city chairman....Jim Gordon? Who's tight with Rodney and carries his water...Jim Gordon? Who else could the reigning republican hierarchy run...Carmella, Harry? Rodney's sitting pretty right now.
DeleteWho cares if Rodney gets the Republican endorsement? I hope they give it to him. He'll look like the opportunistic flip flopping political whore that he is, and the voters will bounce his phony ass out along with Flash Gordon and Anesthesia Robertson.
DeleteDemocrats will never elect a compulsive gambler to be their leader.
DeleteYou're right, just liars and thieves.
DeleteParticularly when they have so many felons to choose from
DeleteJack for Mayor
ReplyDeleteHearing Chief Garrett is amassing a record amount of overtime even for him. The city's OT allotment for both fire and police is almost empty and it's not even mid year. Speculation is Garrett knows he's a target of the FBI and will bolster his pension in case he has to quickly retire.
ReplyDeleteHey every good morning it's Mayor Lou and a I need to add a few more people to the "Witch hunt list". I would like to add the FBI, the State Department of Labor, the DEC and the US Enviromental Protection Agency. According to city spokesman Mike Morris this is all a dead issue and we need to get back to the peoples work which includes feral cats crayon eating and dental insurence. We are also evolved in a major water sprinkler system at the golf course that this "which hunt" is keeping Country Club Peter from.
ReplyDeletechief tommy loves his 1000.00 sleep overs$$$$
ReplyDeleteThe man epitomizes the word GREED.
DeleteWhile we are speaking of Chief G.... Russ Reeve's is out of town for less than 24 hours and Chief G has an 'emergency demolition' done on a privately owned building. Although he says his men were out putting placards on city owned structures and he can't explain why they were inspecting those privately owned buildings. Who directed them to investigate city owned buildings, and how did they determine city owned vs privately owned? Was there a list they worked from? It's been reported that Boyajian had allegedly requested the city purchase those buildings and make a parking lot for Bombers. It is also reported that Reeves was asked by Boyajian if the building could be taken down under incident command to circumvent the asbestos abatement that would be required. I'm certainly not blaming anyone of wrong doing but there's a lot of coincidences there that I would like to see explained. Maybe Mayor Lou isn't playing dumb on that one, maybe some other people were taking advantage of his inexperience?