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Councilwoman Erin Sullivan-Teta peeled
away from her two Democratic colleagues on Monday’s vote to issue subpoenas in
the investigation into controversial demolition projects in the city.
I’ve never met Sullivan-Teta, but
a week ago she stood by Councilwoman Lynn Kopka, D-At Large, and Councilman
Gary Galuski, D-District 6, as Mayor Lou Rosamilia decried the investigation as
a “witch hunt.”
Her change of heart is telling.
For starters, it reinforces what
everyone involved Capital Region politics already knows – her brother, Mike
Sullivan, is no dummy.
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Sullivan worked for former U.S.
Rep. Mike McNulty for years and is now across the river working for Gov. Andrew
Cuomo somewhere. He is a behind the scenes kind of guy but he knows the game as
well as anyone – he learned from one of the best, Tom Matthews, after all - and
I’ll be my house his consult was one reason his sister changed her mind.
Since Mike Sullivan, known as Sully, is no dummy,
he must see the writing on the wall when it comes to Rosamilia. By that I mean
the mayor is in such a weak spot on so many different levels that there is no
way he runs again.
And if it’s not the mayor, then
who from the camp of Chairman Tom Wade is left?
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Kopka considered running when the
nod went to Clement “Chappy” Campana more than two years ago and she is the next
logical choice. But, she isn’t doing herself any favors by opposing the Council
investigation into what is widely seen as a couple pretty big screw ups by
members of the administration.
Then there is President Rodney Wiltshire.
It’s no secret he has political ambitions and is thus far looking pretty good
in what is a dicey situation. Thing is, he alienated the Wade crew by taking
the Independence Party line from the Republicans and that helped knock Kopka, a
Wade loyalist, out of the presidency last year.
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So long as Wade is around, I don’t
see Wiltshire getting the nod without a primary and he’s said he won’t primary
Rosamilia. That was a while ago and things could change. If it comes down to a
primary between Kopka and Wiltshire, the early money is on Wiltshire.
Obstructing a Council investigation into what has been the most ineffective
borderline corrupt administration in nearly two decades is not something to put
on a palm card.
And then what happens to Wade?
I guess there are other Democrats
who would made decent candidates like Legislator Peter Grimm, Legislator Cindy
Doran, a registered Conservative, or even someone from a while ago like former
Deputy Mayor Jim Conroy.
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But, Troy voters, the majority of
which are Democrats, have proven they will toss entire slates of either party
if they don’t like what’s going on and I don’t see how anyone could like what’s
going on right now. There are no less than three federal agencies and a state
agency snooping around the Collar City.
At this point he only thing the
Democrats have going for them is the Republican Party. They have nobody, and
there are some who would just as soon cross endorse Wiltshire instead of taking
a pounding at the polls in November 2015.
Anyway, the vote to issue
subpoenas passed by a 7-2 count and the method of issuing them passed 6-3 with
Councilman Bob Doherty, D-District 4, voting against. Doherty may have a point
in that a document signed by the majority of Council members as opposed to a
formal public vote might not hold up to legal scrutiny. I honestly don’t know,
and I don’t think anyone does until a judge rules, or if it will even goes that
far. While I applaud Wiltshire for doing what he is doing, he is making it more
complicated than it has to be. That said, he is plugging along.
I'm tickled pink she aborted on Wade and voted for subpoenas. Let's not get crazy though, if there was a little bus for council members she would be on it.
ReplyDeleteYou can't shine shit, even a broken watch is right twice a day.
Jim Gordon rides the short bus down from Lansingburgh.
DeleteMuch more nice ride than the prison bus you ride on.
DeleteNice swipe, but I'm not a McGrath. Don't think there aren't hundreds of others who know Jim Gordon is a sackless one-term wonder, and more and more voters are seeing it every day.
DeleteReally? I'm actually finding Jim Gordon to be pretty responsive when I contacted him about something a few weeks ago. The other two that sit next to him, well they are just there to fill the seats. Fluff and Filler wasting CO2 and tax monies.
DeleteFirst rule of Blog Club is never admit your not kevin McGrath
DeleteWhy bother hating on Kevin McGrath? He's gone. Finished in politics and never to be heard from again. It's over. Why waste space talking about him..
DeleteDanielle Sanzone violated sharia law when posting video of her hair being cut in The Record today. She gives new meaning to fatwa.
ReplyDeleteI heard Boko Haram is going to bolt a machine gun to Dire Wolfs hatch back and open up a can of whoop ass on you infidels.
DeleteShe opens her mouth and her brother comes out--said it all along.
ReplyDeleteHow much clearer can it be that Wade is done. Between the incompetence of Lou and Pete, the investigations into Wade's #1 guy Dunne and the shiftiness and bizarre behavior of once respected Kopka who does he have? The five names listed are the sole reason for the rise of Rodney. There is absolutely no denying it.
ReplyDeleteSo Teta can't form an opinion without Kopka (in the past), can't without her brother (maybe he should move back to Troy and take over for her). City is not getting any favors from this council member. She never asks questions, never voices an opinion. Just sits in council chambers generating CO2. A complete waste of tax payer dollars.
ReplyDeleteMAYBE just maybe Teta was just trying to learn this whole mascarade on her own but reached out to her brother for his opinion and actually got some actual words of wisdom from her brother..there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. No one knows anymore on how to LAWFULLY run things in City Hall...Tom Matthews and Jim Conroy and actually even Pattison did everything by the book, is Tom Matthews even still involved with Troy?
Delete$27,000 by the book for Jim Conroy!
DeleteDoherty now going after code enforcement? Last I heard he along with Wiltshire and Pavlic had convicted the TPD of all accusations concerning Kokopellis. Now they'll turn their venom on code. In the article in the record one name seems to jump out, maybe it's that name that has their Ukuleles out of tune.
ReplyDeleteOh please on the TPD. THEY are still be investigated on other issues. THE council has every right to look into things. It's their JOB.
DeleteThis whole subpoena process is nothing more than a political coup against Mayor Lou. Ms. Teta-Sullivan has evidently been convinced that the mayor is so weak he will either resign or will not seek re-election. Ironically both Wiltshire and Doherty both stated they had looked into the King Street demolition and found no wrong doing. The fact that it's Doherty's district and he was invisible during the demo speaks volumes. Now he's front and center. Poor Lou is standing right in the middle of a snake pit.
DeleteThe real Democrats feel secure with Chairman Wade's ability to attract winning candidates. He has been terrific recruiting, screening and electing political unknowns. Consider these names: Elliott, McNally, Fleming, Fasoldt, Zweig, Kopka, Nichols, Wiltshire, Robertson, Rosamilia, Ryan, Doran, Pavlic, Manny, Galuski, Teta, Doherty and Judge McGrath. Only the self serving opportunist Democrats are promoting the demise of Mayor Rosamilia. If he chooses to run for reelection, Lou will prevail over the band of out of towners, felons, and undesirables surrounding the new counsel president.
ReplyDeleteHalf the names you just mentioned have turned on Wade and some of the others (Kopka, Ryan) are an embarrassment to him. Nichols last seen holding hands downtown with a small lumberjack.
DeleteRiiiiiiiight and none of Rodney's supporters are embarrassing. They're all fine upstanding citizens.
DeleteFreaks and Felons for Rodney!
DeleteYou forgot John Brown, Tony Defiglio, Tony Renna , and Bill Mcinenery all creatures of Mr Wade and convicted felons. And by the end of Lou's term we may have several more felons.
DeleteKeep up the good work Rodney you are on the right track.
Priceless! In case you missed it, wade booted these miscreants out. And they ran to your Crown Prince Rodney, and he WELCOMED them with open arms. If they're such an embarrassment then how does this not reflect on Rodney? Even if he's just using them as seat fillers for his Taco Tequila fundraisers, it doesn't look promising.
DeleteCreeps N Criminals for Rodney!
DeleteNothing but facts......... Wade's closest allies and political operatives indicted or found guilty of voter fraud- Mcinerney, Defiglio, Galuski, Johnny Brown, Renna. Wade's candidates lose EVERY race in Renselear county outside of Troy (where a monkey with a "D" could get elected). Even in Troy, Wade's picks all reduced to footnotes- Kopka loses presidency and almost loses seat. Nichols travels to the island of lesbos and gets defrockd. Scales loses to Flash-in-the-pan Gordon. Boy Delair loses in a solid "D" district. Galuski almost loses to a nobody second time in a row. Rodney and Kenny get elected handily despite Wade's best efforts to take them out. Doherty turns agianst Wade, the PBA and the administration. Wade's hand picked mayor appointees- Ryan & Dunne- being investigated by FBI. Wade's hand picked mayor Lou asleep at the wheel, literally. Erin Teta- Wade's hand picked replacement for Naughty Nina- unable to vote/speak/think without direction from Kopka & her cat minions. Welcome to the Boss Wade freak show. The only DELUSIONAL BUNCH are those that think Wade is worth anything more then the paper on which those fraudulent ballots were printed.
DeleteSuch an imagination these delusional people project but never based on fact. Delusional ramblings of 9:41 omit the fact Wade denied Kevin McGrath a nomination after his criminal record was revealed and that Wiltshire and Zalooski both SOLD OUT to the Republicans for an extra party line thereby qualifying them for membership in PHA (political whores anonymous). Also, McNerney, Defiglio and Renna were involved long before Wade became chairman.
DeleteKeep in mind, when Wade became party chairman the Republicans held the mayor's office and 7 of 9 council seats. Now both are reversed in the Dems' favor. Think about that before writing your next delusional outburst.
Well, Sue or one of the other only 3 known-to-exist truly Delusional and dishonest supporters of Wade let's talk about the real facts. Wade knew all about Kevin McGrath's unreported past problems. McInerney went to Wade after being fired from the state legislature where he worked with Renna. Renna connected him with Wade. McInerney then committed more forgery to help the Dems win the City Council than Bruno could ever take in "consulting fees" to line his own pockets. Wade rewarded McInerney with the higest paying job he controlled and had to give out. Wade is tight with Jim Conroy who had his own problems with the line between right and wrong and left office in shame and disgrace. Wade hand-picked Nina Nichols who left office in disgrace. Wade hand-picked Peter Ryan and Lou Rosamilia and still beds with them while they bask in the disgrace and shame of being the most incompetnent and corrupt administration in city history. Wade put them and others in office so he can control city appointments but also city business and policy which is against the law. Best of all Wade and Dunne are one in the same. When one talks the others mouth moves behind the curtain of smoke, deception and bullying. So, again, look at all Wade has to offer which just so happens to be all he can offer: Clueless, spinless, unintelligent yes puppets who will do his bidding or else. Now he is tied directly to Casale through his good buddies Dunne and Ryan. Let's not forget to mention Fitzy and Millington becoming good buddies with McGrath and Wade to take out a chief because they wanted to control the police depatment also. And on and on and on it goes. Fact is, Wade has no ability to recruit good and honest let alone quality and competenet candidates. And look how well Wade has done giving us Kopka and Galuski ! It can't get much better. So, Sue or one of you four, just keep drinking the cool aid and let the rest of us do the math and deal with the truth.
Delete12:49....who is this Sue you are addressing?? Fire all that Wade hired that aren't civil service
Delete12:49 must be Premo. You're delusional but you get an A for effort Brian!
DeleteHell, I'm just glad to know she's alive and can speak. If she can make a sandwich on top of that, she's qualified to get a patronage job working for Kathy Jimino.
ReplyDeleteLOL now that's a good one.
DeleteIf I stop paying my taxes, can I get a job with Kathy Jimino too?
DeleteWhen does Frank LaPosta start?
DeleteFrank LaPosta needs to live in Troy Fulltime before he should have any say in Troy. Employees and Councilmen should all live in Troy. If they don't want to live in Troy then don't get involved in our politics and get off our payroll
DeleteFrank LaPosta makes a mean sandwich. Therefore highly qualified for a county job .
DeleteGood think Lou stopped the bickering. Things could have been much worse if he didnt stop it.
ReplyDeleteWhat a bunch of wasters... there seems to be no system of checks and balances with this motley crew of misfits that we call the City Council. And Teta getting the election nod from the Dems over someone like Debra Lockrow who is much more qualified and would actually take a real position -- and support it with factual info, it just bewilders me and many others.
ReplyDeleteDebra Lockrow ran on the R line, what does she expect, a warm embrace? If she wants to be backed by the Democratic party, I'm stymied why she goes around trashing Wade and the rest of the Dems. Talk about an entitled personality. If you deliberately alienate the people you courted for an endorsement, you can't really bitch when they don't like you.
DeleteThe checks and balances have been out of whack for a long time just more so with Lou because he's getting persuaded by old time friends who are bullying him and he doesn't even know it because he's just too nice to see it
DeleteLou is not nice. Behind that feeble and confused persona is a cunning politico more savvy than Dunne. When Dunne and Ryan are in handcuffs, Lou will still be claiming ignorance but laughing at us all. Such is the mask of the demon. Loucifer will prevail!
DeleteThe Dems screwed around with Deb. Wade is manipulative and he couldn't manipulate her. So now she's on the s**t list. Too bad for Troy. Doherty is his puppet. He pretends to know what he's doing, but he doesn't make a move without checking in with Mussolini, 'er um, Wade.
DeleteI feel Yoko Ono must be around. The Wade Trio will now become the Wade duo, though they are still singing the same lame song!
ReplyDeleteHow much chap stick will dunne go thru this week?
ReplyDeleteAMBER ALERT: The Roz has been spotted in South Glens Falls with a huge net plucking kids out of the sky.
ReplyDeleteDo you mean Tiger Pat? The unregistered supposed to be registered sex offender Troy cop?
DeleteWhat is Sheriff Jack Mahar doing about this unregistered sex offender in RENSCO?
DeleteWhere are you Jack?
Gary 2015!
DeleteWhat about the shooting at the airport he covered up for his favorite Sgt? HIPPA? Will anything ever happen to this guy?
DeleteDoes anyone care?
What shooting and what sgts? I care. Explain.
DeleteGary Gordon told me so it's true.
Delete6:45 Half the names you put up were not backed by Wade. That's why they won.
ReplyDeleteThey were all backed by Wade, you idiot. When you get the RCDC endorsement, you're backed by Wade.
DeleteBlah Blah Blah
ReplyDeleteWell Erin will see the lite.
ReplyDeleteShe might just be a late Bloomer.
She is not stupid maybe just a little Shy
There's an endorsement.
DeleteOh Lord, she's endorsed by Cox! If that doesn't tell you something. Teta word of advice about Cox-- RUN!!
DeleteWell Ruthie Teta & Jim Sullivan are friends of mine.
ReplyDeleteJim used to play Foos Ball in Thomas's Tavern with Tommy Thomas and lots of Guys from the Burgh Frequented that establishment.
The Good old days were a lot different not so much back biting and the economy was good.
First off Jim Sullivan is no relation to the Teta/Sullivan family's second Jim's sport was basketball. So I guess we can add Jock sniffing hanger on to your list of accomplishments. Back to you hole from the 70's.
DeleteFools Ball
ReplyDeleteMore like pocketball
DeleteVito is a Jock too I see Throwing T shirts like a sissy.
ReplyDeleteBob you dress like the guy from West Coast Customs only he's much taller and has a function in life.
DeleteYou need to get a life. Try posting a picture of you or a car that's not 30 years old. How's thy battery in that sweet s10
DeleteLeave Bob alone. He's a man of the people and not on the tit like Vito and Harry.
DeletePlease "he's a man of the people". What people? Not my people. We are lucky to have such a man like Vito. Vito is all about this city of ours. He lives and breath this city. Look at the people that have come and gone since Vito took things over. He's a rock in his position and if the city was to tell him tomorrow they didn't have the ability to pay him he would still do his job. That's why Peter and Lou keep him around.
DeleteVito wouldn't stay in his position out of love for Troy, he'd stay in the position out of hatred for the current administration. All he does is spy and leak information. We SHOULD stop paying him, he's incompetent and disloyal.
DeleteVito is a pathetic wannabe player. Always has been, always will be.
Jim, your giving Erin way too much credit. She didn't realize what she was voting on.
ReplyDeletePerfect name clueless because that is what you. Why don't some of you idiots step up and run for office. You won't you'll just sit here and snipe at those who do. She isn't clueless and her brother will forget more than you dimwits will ever know about politics.
Delete8:44-- when you step up and run for office you have to do more than just sit in a chair and check off each agenda item. Saying nothing + Questioning nothing = Doing nothing.
DeleteI wouldn't want to run for office but I'd love to be a municipal auditor right now
DeleteSeriously, I'm related by marriage to Erin. She's a stone cold dope, spend five minutes with her to find out for yourself.
DeleteHarry's little Boo Boo with my neighbor will be exposed to the TU if he runs for any thing in the political arena.
ReplyDeleteIt Happened at the Renns County Jr Museum Remember That Boo Boo Harry.
You don't have a band aid big enough to cover that one up.
That to me sounds like a threat. Resorting to threats now are you?
DeleteIf someone's life was endangered you really shouldn't withhold information. It's the right thing to do to just let it all out,you will feel better knowing you put it out there, if nothing comes of it spend your councilman or woman a note on it
DeleteI am saving harry s Boo Boo just in case why squander it now
DeleteI am waiting to see if he runs for something political and just when he spends a bunch of cash on his campaign then rite near the end I will have her come forward
Why waist a good thing I must get the most bang for my buck
There is an old saying you cant fool an old fooler
County is borrowing 24 MILLION DOLLARS on the backs of taxpayers to upgrade the nursing home. Aren't our taxes high enough? Oh wait, that's right. We have to pay for all those Republican patronage jobs. All these barely educated hacks making $90K a year plus benefits.... YOU PAY FOR IT taxpayers!
ReplyDeleteKathy, is that an unfunded mandate?
Franco you piss ant
ReplyDeleteI would like to thank the person who said I make a good sandwich but must add that I am not looking for employment. I would like to add that I was city democratic chairman when the council returned to a democratic majority several years ago.Sadly I was ushered out soon after and the rest will remain history.It does disappoint me to see what has happened to our city since. Hopefully things will change.
ReplyDeleteNow that's a Vlasic pickle....