“Mr. Reid’s actions tonight reinforce why we
are calling for his resignation immediately,” said Legislator Len Welcome,
D-Troy, one of six Democrats on the 19-member body in a press release. “We had planned to ask Mr.
Reid to do the right thing and step down as chairman.”
Reid came under fire after a state
Department of Labor administrative law judge found he had “willfully and
intentionally misrepresented the facts” in order to collect some $15,300 in
unemployment benefits. Reid began collecting after he was let go from a nearly
$80,000 job at the state School Boards Association. He failed, however, to tell
the DOL he was working as chairman of the Legislature at an annual salary of

The Department of Labor has
referred the case to District Attorney Joel Abelove to investigate and possibly
prosecute. Abelove has not yet said if he intends to follow through.
“Since that time, numerous
constituents have contacted me to express outrage at these findings, which
involve the wrongful taking of taxpayer funds and a violation of the public
trust,” said Legislator Cindy Doran, D-Troy, in a statement she was prepared to
read before Reid cut the meeting short. “I am calling for Chairman Reid to
resign his chairmanship post immediately so that the Legislature may move
forward under new, unblemished leadership.”

“What galls me is the fact that he has not
repaid the $15,335 which he obtained by dishonesty and deceit,” said Legislator
Mark Fleming, D-Troy.
The "Legislator's Privilege" is on the Feb. 10 agenda and is slated or the last item of business before the meeting is adjourned.
Reid, and the majority’s spokesman
Rich Crist, could not be reached for comment.
(As an aside, this is the first time
the Democratic minority has done or said anything of significance in more than
a decade.)
what about Garry G?
ReplyDeleteCooking bean over an open fire in an alley somewhere
DeleteChoot em
DeleteOh please Gary, spare me the outrage. Your buddy shoots a guy in the leg and it's no biggie--then Reid makes a mistake, albeit a big one and you're ready to chop him off at the knees. You disappoint me Gary, Pot calling the kettle black. DISGUSTING.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to make an outraged comment about that low, partisan, pointless blow at the end, so I started wracking my brain for recent accomplishments. Didn't work out too well. Seriously, what on earth does the legislature ever do. I can see how he forgot about that job.
ReplyDeleteAnd the majority does soooo much. Yea okay.
DeleteWhat about the newly elected committee members. More puppets. No balls.
DeleteThen he won't mind losing that $30,000 paycheck for a job he forgets about, right? Dumbass.
DeleteCan we assume there outrage is all with Gary Galusky aswell?
ReplyDeleteYes. Throw them both out!
DeleteMr. Reid did not make a mistake! He deliberately lied on a government document. I want to know who cut the deal with him @DOL. whoever that person is they should be fired! Reid essentially has a no interest, no term loan from the citizens of NYS. He may never file for unemployment again, thus they don't get to withold anything, what a deal. He stole the $, got caught, gets away with it and says he just made a mistake...duh.
DeleteIf when Willie Sutton, notorious bankrobber got caught could he just give the bank the money back, say he made a mistake and get off? No way.
I made a mistake to, (not my first) I voted for Joel abelove, thought he was a straight shooter, wrong, another hack.
If there is an Attorney General in NYS, where the hell is he, downstate?
Legislative privileged is equivalent to freedom of speech. It affords every elected official in a body to address the body in its public forum on any issue, whether on the agenda or not. We have paid a high price in this country for the right to speak freely and Mr. Reid has demonstrated that his personal well being means far more to him than the rights of free speech. A disgrace topped only by the District Attorney, who sat in the audience for this meeting, after inditing two citizens for unemployment insurance fraud while continuing to look the other way at his Republican colleague, Mr. Reid. That's called "equal justice under the law" in Rensselaer County.
ReplyDeleteTruer words were never spoken!
DeleteMr. Galuski and Mr. Reid knowingly and willfully took benefits they were not entitled to. Two resignations are appropriate. Let's do the right thing here and not get caught up in the finger pointing that accomplishes nothing. The fact that both were cashing a pay check and received W2 Forms should be the first clue. The W2 Form and the paycheck should have said you don't qualify for unemployment benefits. End of story. If they do not resign, do not pay back the benefits received , then they should be prosecuted.
ReplyDeleteTwo resignations sounds just fine! They're both crooks.
DeleteAcross the board through Rensselaer County audit.
Deletehe cleared 13k
ReplyDeleteIt is pretty obvious that someone else wrote the canned comments for these democratic legislator idiots. Really guys, try to form some complete and coherent sentences on your own.
ReplyDeleteJealous? Don't hate because you're stuck with Rich Crist.
DeleteCan Len even talk that long without clearing his throat
Delete7:21 -- I see that you are not denying that they are not the authors of their own comments.
DeleteNo I just think its funny you're jealous.
DeleteOur ethically challenged DA is digging a hole for himself. He will be censured by the ethics committee soon enough and we will be rid of him. Adios Joel!
ReplyDeleteRight? He's made so many errors already, it's like he's sabotaging himself.
DeleteThe arrogance of these GOP majority legislators is unparalleled. They think nothing of committing fraud, breaking rules, ignoring conflicts of interest, and suppressing the free speech of Troy residents. We ALL pay taxes to support this legislative body and pay their salaries and they refuse us adequate representation. And laugh in our faces. Time for a full cleanse of the county government. One party rule is ruining Rensselaer County.
ReplyDeleteDunne. Look at your cohoerts or should I say co defendants
DeleteDamn Democrats!!
DeleteAre you saying that anyone who has defrauded the unemployment system should be removed from office?
Deleteone party rule is working well in the city
DeleteWhaaaaat? Fraud, breaking rules-laws? Republicans? Clean up your own filthy house and then point the finger.
DeleteHey 6:48 I am sure you think the City of Troy is doing great under one party rule? I love the press release nothing from their Leader or his Deputy. Wonder how many drinks those 4 had before they got the release right. Move on and find a real issue.
ReplyDeleterich crist could not be reached for comment? what a joke.
ReplyDeleteTime to call the Feds
ReplyDeleteDon't worry, Kathy Jimino will address this travesty by giving Harry Tutunjian a raise.
ReplyDeleteSo interested huh commissioner dunne?
DeleteBill dunne. Seriuy get over your obsession with harry. Itsscary
DeleteHarry was and is just a puppet
DeleteI am ashamed of my Republican Legislators who said nothing and just went right along and did as they are told to do, kept quiet
ReplyDeleteIf the new DA does not send this case to the grand jury he needs to go. Just last week two men were indicted by the RensselaerCounty Grand Jury for unemployment fraud, that was for $3000.00, While Mr Reid's fraud was for over 12,000 dollars. Why is it he has not been indicted? If the Republican Legislators had the courage to speak up and demand Mr Reid step down, I would have some respect for them. As it stands they are just puppets on a political corrupt string by keeping quiet on this matter.
Cindy Doran and Pavlic said nothing as Gary Galuski sat on the Council...they did nothing as his story broke. It sickens me that they only care if you have an R next to your name. these two disgust me and Im a damn democrat!
ReplyDeleteSelective outrage.
DeleteQuick question: Did they take unemployment insurance out of both of his paychecks? The way I see it if a guy has two jobs and two paychecks and they take from each check. If he loses one job he should be able to collect, perhaps at a reduced rate but he paid into the system and is entitled to get back what he paid.
ReplyDeleteThat's not the law, you idiot.
DeleteI believe the individual is allowed some type of unemployment benefits. The oversight was that he failed to disclose he had an income. He still would have been able to collect some unemployment but it would have been at a reduced rate due to his income. You fucking moron
Delete318 isn't stupid, just probably doesn't know how unemployment works. We do not pay for unemployment insurance through our paychecks at all, the employers do. Therefore you need to report the monies received from NYSUI. The best investment anyone can do is invest in AFLAC.
Delete3:18 is probably Martin Reid. Give it up Marty. We know you weren't confused!
Delete1:57, he made too much to collect anything. ANYTHING. Math may not be your strong suit, but 577.00 is more than 405.00. He is not eligible. He needs to pay it back out of his salary, or the court imposed retribution once he is prosecuted. Anything else is the DA playing favorites. And the DA knows this.
DeleteThe way you stooges are flapping away I wouldn't count on the DA knowing anything. Listening to you oxygen thiefs I'd be surprised if he could spell his own name.
DeleteI saw Marty and Joel having breakfast together bright and early this morning. Wonder what brought them together?
ReplyDeleteI know one thing! Joel didn't buy breakfast! He still has his Bar Mitsvah money!
ReplyDeleteIs Abelove really going to let Reid order him around? Spineless
ReplyDeleteits crist not reid
Deleteyou want this all to end? the feds should investigate Crist...he's the puppet master pulling all the strings and making all the calls with Rensselaer County elected officials.
DeleteYou're a coward, Reid!
ReplyDeleteNo more fruit snacks Marty party is over!
DeleteAs a resident of Troy I am appalled at our city legislators. Five years ago the democrats ran on opposing the raise the GOP had voted themselves. The dems got elected slammin the GOP and then went silent until now WHILE STILL TAKING THE $5000 RAISE. They can't be serious.
ReplyDeleteYou must be a resident of the planet Mars if you equate that with unemployment fraud
DeleteMartin Reid committed a crime , one that rises to a felony. This has already been determined via a hearing held by the NYS Unemployment Division . They found his testimony that he was unaware of the rules for obtaining unemployment incredulous.The case was then referred to Joel Abelove for prosecution. WHAT MORE IS NEEDED !
ReplyDeleteDoes the same analysis and conclusions apply to councilman galuski? If not, why not?
DeleteSure, throw Galuski in there.
DeleteI bet Abelove STILL won't do anything. He's an idiot!
DeleteApparently, it's only a felony if a Democrat does something like this while Republicans get awarded and rewarded for their criminal activities. It's a game with them, see who can rip off the most from the public teat for the longest period of time without getting their wrist slapped.
ReplyDeleteAnd Republicans think they're above conflicts of interest and appearances of impropriety, too. That's why we got a DA who, as one of his first acts in office, dismissed criminal charges against his party leader and campaign coordinator.
DeleteNot just corruption... arrogance. Rubbing their corruption and disdain for the taxpayer right in their faces.
Why doesn't the DA simply bring two names for indictment to the grand jury ?
ReplyDeleteMr. Galuski and Mr. Reid.
Put an end to this arrogance and false claims once and for all.
It is interesting to note that the indignation verbalized by Dem County Legislators was very quiet as per Mr. Galuski by the same people.
Important work we were elected to do? Really? Bottom line though --If Reid goes down (which he should), then what's the difference between him & Guluski?
ReplyDeleteAbsolve is lying when he says he never got a referral from The Labor Department. Read the TU article. He says the prior administration had the file. Does that mean he won't prosecute any file the prior administration had? He is stumbling over his words trying to talk his way out of his own corruption. The Ethics Committee is going to have its hands full with this guy!
ReplyDeleteNo kidding. Is this a joke? Guess what, you dumbass, if the Department of Labor refers a case, they refer it to the DA's OFFICE. They don't refer it to a particular person. That case has been referred TO YOUR OFFICE. You don't get to drop everything that was pending when you took office and just start with fresh crimes. Seriously, does he not know this?
DeletePick up the file and do some work!
ABeloved lied to get elected and his lies will get him removed from office.
ReplyDeleteIt's been hilarious, these past 44 days watching bald bozo the knucklehead worm his way out of all of these ethical challenges.
ReplyDeleteOk, so all of the pending murder cases that were from the "previous administration" cannot be prosecuted? If you agree with abeloves comments in the TU today, then you would agree with this logic.
ReplyDeleteNo kidding! It's RIDICULOUS. This guy is a freaking clown. Get him out.
DeletePRECISELY !! Another example of Crist making decisions for the benefit of his party by electing a chump DA.
DeleteAnd now the new DA blames the past administration! That's a new one!
ReplyDeleteThe knucklehead is circling the drain! Stupidity, arrogance and dirty politics got him there.
ReplyDelete"repaying the $15,300 out of any future unemployment benefits he receives" = never. So he essentially steals $15k and gets away with it? What about the poor schmucks the TU says are being prosecuted for smaller amounts?
ReplyDeleteBlack woman, face plastered all over facebook, not a word about the white guys - cause they are protected by being public office holders. Really, what is the difference with this woman and this gentleman, other than he stole more? What is the DA going to do about it? We know Jack won't arrest him. http://cbs6albany.com/news/features/top-story/stories/-sheriff-woman-stole-over-10k-unemployment-benefits-23220.shtml
DeleteA judge found Martin Reid willfully and intentionally lied to steal benefits. The DOL referred the case to the DA's office for criminal charges. What else do we need to know? Mr. Reid refuses to provide the taxpayers with any explanation or to even comment on his proven theft.
ReplyDeleteHe should resign as Chairman at the very least.
Knucklehead! Fitting!
ReplyDeleteBetween Joel Abelove and his chief assistant the hilarity will continue on indefinitely! Sit back, get some popcorn and a few beers and enjoy the show. What's coming next is gonna blow you away! Ain't that right Joel?
ReplyDeleteHey Jess Hall, right another email. Tell the office to discard all files left over from the previous administration! Hahahaha
ReplyDeleteJess hall she is a nice woman how dare you say such rude things
DeleteThat'll be enough out of you Jessica!
DeleteC'mon Abe, just admit it. Reid and Crist did you favors and now you're just returning them. They're gonna cost you though.
ReplyDeleteTrish is coming in to show Joel how to run an office!
ReplyDeletePack it up Abelove, you're out of your league
ReplyDeleteLove the smoke and mirrors that Rich Crist threw out there, another talking head speaks and yet says nothing. Hey Rich your BS is getting old, address the Reid issue not how much Republicans saved that is their job, lying and fraud is not. And what did they do with the money they saved??? big raises and big paying jobs handed out to the new DA's office.
ReplyDeleteYou people are supposed to be adults. Pathetic.
ReplyDeleteDo yourself a favor Joel, admit you are a screw up and walk away now before you get disbarred.
ReplyDeleteThe DA ship is sinking. All the Assistant DA's are leaving and he can't fill the vacancies with anyone from around here because everybody knows he is an arrogant clown.
ReplyDeleteThanks guys, this county is now even more of a laughing stock than it was before. Well done, you greedy self centered dullards ...Calvin Spaulding.
ReplyDeleteOne loser is writing 90% of these comments. Get a job garbage pail!
ReplyDeleteYou be nice Hubba
DeleteYou wish. Keep dreaming Crist. Better stock up on those cheap ass pants because soon you'll be filing for unemployment yourself.
DeleteCheap ass pants lol
DeleteThe Department of Labor didn't just "refer" the case, they asked the District Attorney's Office to prosecute the case! Joel Abelove is completely aware of this. He asked the previous District Attorney to "close the case" prior to Abelove taking over. Thank goodness, the previous DA refused. Abeloves comments in the TU are false!
ReplyDeleteIf he's lying about this, what else is he lying about?
ReplyDeletePeter Ryan?
DeleteEveryone, go to the Appellate Division Third Department website and file an ethics complaint. Nothing else will stop this clown.
ReplyDeleteCindy Dorin it's refreshing to see you're out rage so palpable and the discuss you display for Martin Reid for his efforts at scamming unemployment insurance benefits. However if you could please answer a few questions.
ReplyDelete1.) how was your husband Dan Doran allowed to collect unemployment insurance benefits while sitting as an elected member of the Troy city Council?
2.) was this legal?
3.) how much did he collected and for how long?
4.)how was your husband Dan collecting unemployment insurance benefits while being paid by the city of Troy different than what these two gentlemen did?
5.)you had to be aware of this happening right?
I can't speak for everyone on this blog but I would certainly love to hear your response to your husbands collecting unemployment insurance benefits while being gainfully employed by the city of Troy the same way Gerry Galuski was. Come on Cindy show us all how disgusted you are with Dan.
I'm thinking by now, dishonest Abe is curled up in the fetal position pondering what he got himself into.
ReplyDeleteCome on, Ms. Jimino, don't you have anything to say about the Chairman flipping off the taxpayers and tarnishing your entire office? You're gonna have your hands full with Jimbo if he runs for mayor.
ReplyDeleteJimbo Will never be mayor of Troy NY 12108
Deletenever never never never
But he's stupid enough to go down in flames trying
DeleteJim Gordon would set himself on fire in the middle of Powers Park if it got him camera time.
Deletejimino's silence on this criminal matter is deafening.
DeleteCindy's on the phone right now telling Lou the city council minority not having a lawyer is just unfair. And also it not fair that Lou only hires her son and other democrat loyalists like the county hires just republicans. It's just not fair. And although Galuski stole more than double what Reid did, it's not the same? What a whiney self serving mess.
ReplyDeleteThe minority has an attorney.
DeleteA paid attorney guaranteed under local law ? Look again Hot Rod.
DeleteJust got back from Pheonix and Oaklahoma. Reading all this crazy stuff about the county and the city council. So sad to see my apartment destroyed by my daughter. She had partys with booze and god knows what while I was gone making rent moneys. I drive cross the country in blizzarrds to see my place a mess. Boys and beer pongs games were in my cool padd, At leas tI don't scam the unemployedmet. Need rest good night.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back coop
DeleteWho cares ?
DeleteBring in a special prosecutor to take Galuski and Reid to the grand jury for indictment.
ReplyDeleteHeard the AG is now handling the Reid case. Thanks for nothing Abelove! The responsibility was yours and you showed your true colors. You are a disgrace.
ReplyDeleteTo 5:54 AM : What are the details ? When does it go down ?
DeleteIs Mr. Galuski a part of it also?
Well put.....Spaulding
DeleteThis scandal will be far reaching. Reid is finished. Crist is finished. Abelove is finished. Russo won't win, and I hear there is a very promising candidate for sheriff waiting in the wings.
ReplyDeleteSaw Big Ang in todays Record. When does Carmella's coffee tour make a stop there?
ReplyDeleteDon't start messing around with civil service laws Joel. It will bite you in the as$
ReplyDeleteDo the right thing, Joel. Stop hiding from what is right!
ReplyDeleteRusso will have to answer to the law suits
ReplyDelete"this is the first time the Democratic minority has done or said anything of significance in more than a decade" Say what you will about Steve Dworsky, but when he was minority leader of the legislature, he kept the county exec on his toes.
ReplyDeleteMaybe that is because these latest actions by a group of bad intentioned individuals is so egregious that finally, something has to be done about it. The people of Rensselaer County have been sheep to the Republican Party for far too long. Wake up people! Grab the elephants by the horns and make these criminals accountable! Stop accepting their behavior as normal.
DeleteVery well put!....Raoul Duke
DeleteJim Gordon has stood out among Troy's sad group of elected officials. We finally have some representation up here in the Burgh.
ReplyDeleteLOL thanks Jim
DeleteIf Gordon was to stand out, he would make a statement about Reid and demand he resign He won't. Kathy controls those strings, the puppet can't speak without her. Stop DWI coordinator, 50k a year, retirement, benefits, all for being a lapdog. Keep drinking that Kool aid nlnw, you look like a bunch of teenage girls on a Jonas brothers fan page.
DeleteWhy isn't Gordon calling for Reid to resign? He calls for everyone else to resign! Come on, Jimbo, be a man. Take a stand!
DeleteJim isn't a man, he's a Republican wind-up toy.
DeleteHonest Abe is silently hoping this goes away. Not gonna happen Joel.
ReplyDeleteThe next scandal is just days away! What makes this fun is knowing that Abelove knows its coming!
ReplyDeleteOk Gary! Did you get a job yet?
DeleteGary Is back working at Red Front flipping burgers.
DeleteGeez you can't write stuff like this! This whole county needs an enema. Time to throw everything and everyone out and start fresh, not unlike a good douching.....careful there, Joel......Newbaum Turk
ReplyDeleteYou got that right Gary G.
ReplyDeleteTU editorial slamming Joel. The walls are closing in for UnAbelove.... less than two months in office he's getting blasted from all sides. Will go statewide soon. RESIGN NOW!
ReplyDeleteResign knucklehead
ReplyDeleteThe TU has finally slammed this DA's judgement. Here's the editorial:
tu - martin reid no longer on mclaughlin payroll
ReplyDeletethanks steve for doing the right thing
What are the chances he files for unemployment for the loss of this job as well? Got to go Marty.
DeleteSteve McLaughlin is the biggest loudmouth around when it comes to calling out Democrats for ethics violations. Where's his outrage here? Come on, Steve! You fired Reid to get his stink away from you, but are you man enough to say what needs to be said, which is that he LIED and STOLE from taxpayers and he needs to resign?
DeleteHello? Hello?
Steve just bailed on Reid to save his own reputation.
ReplyDeleteYup. Scaredy cat hypocrite. Such a big shot calling people out, until the stench is in his own backyard. Pussed right out.
DeleteYou guys fucking kill me. Guluski with Voter Fraud & stealing 35k. Campana, McGrath, Brown, and Topogigio ass deep in the VF. Dunne and his bag of shit. Nice Guy Lou & Ryan playing stupid while the FBI sniffs around. Yes, Reid should resign - he obviously knew what he was doing, and is a crook in my opinion. But apparently it's fine for guluski to keep his job at the BOE, and his council seat with all the shit this wannabe has done? Take a reality check people.
ReplyDeleteMcLaughlin's actions speak louder than words.