Mayor Lou Rosamilia is expected to
announce he will not run for a second term during his State of the City address
on Thursday, according to sources close to the mayor.
Rosamilia was elected in 2011 by a
comfortable margin over Republican Carmella Mantello, who is likely to take
another shot at Troy’s top spot.
The former Hudson Valley Community
College accounting professor and former Rensselaer County legislator has had a
tough three-plus years in office and the next four, for whoever is mayor, will
be all the more difficult.
This year’s budget contains two huge one-shots: A $1.9 million deferral of a mandated pension payment and the $650,000 sale of the former City Hall site. Plus, all six unions are without a contract, emergency dispatch service is expected to increase by at least $250,000, the city is mandated to build a new courthouse and bonded $1.5 million for the project and has bonded millions more for capital improvements. In other words, the city is broke – worse than broke.
Over the past three years,
Rosamilia has had to suspend the head of his Planning Department, Bill Dunne,
for installing sidewalks outside the scope of the federal Community Development
Block Grant funds, appointed a police commissioner that threw department leadership into chaos, has had to deal with a hostile Council – the majority of
which are of his own party - that conducted an investigation into he and his
administration for the first time in 36 years. Federal and state agencies are also looking into the controversial demolition projects on King Street and the King Fuels site.
He just never seemed comfortable in the job. He ran almost reluctantly after taking over the party's first candidate, Clement "Chappy" Campana, who ran into issues of his own.
This year’s budget contains two huge one-shots: A $1.9 million deferral of a mandated pension payment and the $650,000 sale of the former City Hall site. Plus, all six unions are without a contract, emergency dispatch service is expected to increase by at least $250,000, the city is mandated to build a new courthouse and bonded $1.5 million for the project and has bonded millions more for capital improvements. In other words, the city is broke – worse than broke.
Recently, the state Comptroller
said the city spend $5.9 million more than it took in from 2011 through 2013
and Moody’s gave the city’s finances a “negative outlook.”

He just never seemed comfortable in the job. He ran almost reluctantly after taking over the party's first candidate, Clement "Chappy" Campana, who ran into issues of his own.
The mayor’s expected decision will
open up the slot of a host of possible Democratic Party candidates. Council
President Rodney Wiltshire, an enrolled Democrat, said he won’t primary
Rosmailia but since his relationship with the party proper is strained – to put
it nicely – he may be forced to primary whoever the party picks if he wants the
job. More on potential Democratic Party candidates later.
Mantello clearly wants to run for
the Republicans and Councilman Jim Gordon, R-District 1, also is maneuvering
for the party’s endorsement.
Yeah but what about Jack Mahar?
ReplyDeleteWade has been talking to former Mayor Bob Conway about running for Mayor.
ReplyDeleteConway and Patterson tag team. Corp counsel Richard Hanft.
DeleteHe's still alive?
DeleteThats it recycle an old guy, go away Wade your done!
DeleteSometimes nice guys finish last, Mr. Mayor. Jim Gordon would have to be a moron to run. Who would he have left to blame? Always pointing the finger here and there. Its annoying.
ReplyDeleteWhy don't you try running for mayor, Superhero. let's make it a real circus.
DeleteWhat we need is for the recycling of these politicians to end and elect a new face who is here to represent the city of Troy. Not for themselves. Ernest for mayor.
DeleteCarmella has her connections too, so it would be more of the same. Eliminate anyone who has any family or friends that work for the City already. No insiders.
ReplyDeleteWhat exactly do we mean by Eliminate ?
DeleteNo endorsements
DeleteOur great city is screwed there is nobody from either party who doesn't have an agenda for the city only themselves and their friends. May God help the great city of Troy NY
ReplyDeleteAll Lackeys of a higher power Great Googely Moogely
DeleteSo true
DeleteJim, wake up, you're having a wet dream!
ReplyDeleteGee he's such a nice guy in way over his head.
DeleteThank god
ReplyDeleteNow Bill Dunne is a lame duck who wants you to address him by bill
ReplyDeleteBilly can't leave fast enough
DeleteThat's because he parks his car every night in the 5th ave garage
DeleteGood news, bad news. Lou is a good man but a horrific administrator and leader. Hopefully he can somehow put this disaster behind him but there will be long lasting ramifications. That's the good news. The bad news is Rodney, Gordon, Ryan, Mantello or Kopka. As inept as Lou is he's not a crook and honestly meant well. Can you say that about the others? Bad news.
ReplyDeleteHope all the gals the were appointed or slipped into the mayor's office are prepared to be jobless December 31,2015--get Harry's administrative staff back in there-they were all great.
DeleteSure Eddie Mcdonough, Jimmy Germano, Jr Casale, Sheldon Silver, John Brown, Marty Reid, Gary Galuski, Lynn Kopka.
DeleteJack Mahar, Rich Crist, Marty Reid, Joe Bruno
DeleteNot all the gals were appointed their are civil service positions in the nauors office.
DeleteOuch, so true.
DeleteYour right not all are appointed but a couple are illegally hired in there but that's because of a favor or two being done.
DeleteI voted for Lou, but like everyone else, am disappointed with the overall performance of his administration. Even with all this, I'd still rather have him at the helm than his opponant. The R's couldn't possibly be this stupid to run her again? Or are they! We hope so.
ReplyDeleteGary Gordon met with Wade last week. He offered to run for sheriff again. Wade did not commit to him. Gary then offered to move to Troy and run for mayor.
ReplyDeleteGod speed Mayor Lou and all my best. Gordon would be crazy to run, he would lose his safe council seat and have nothing. He can't raise $$$$ just look at his time as Chairman of GOP. Jimino will ultimately not let him run because that would bring the race to her doorstep and all the craziness that is Troy politics. Plus Jim can't afford to take a leave. Wade vs. Rodney will be a good show.
DeleteSteve Bouchey for Mayor!
ReplyDeleteNo Mayors who wear pink shirts sorry
DeleteThe only reason Louie was pushed into the Mayoral race was because of Chappy's issues with voter fraud and his father illegally moving into one of THA's apartments. What ever happened to the THA worker who knowingly moved Chappy's father illegally in? Were they fired...charged with a crime?
ReplyDeletewho cares
DeleteAre any of them ever fired? No. That's the problem with the City.
DeleteYou should worry about where your going to work in a year Bill
DeleteGrow a set Franco print the truth you know what it is otherwise this blog is a farce and so are you
DeleteTroy needs a leader who has common sense and the courage to say no to spending. A fresh face who has no connections to party shenanigans...someone who desires to see the lives of Troy residents improve. Maybe then the exodus of Troy's population to nearby municipalities will reverse.
ReplyDeleteI think you're asking for miracles now.
DeleteThe Mayor might miss his own press conference, he has to do a ribbon-cutting at a new tattoo shop.
ReplyDeleteConway and Pattison would be just what Troy needs! I support that 100%! And so does my entire family......Please run
ReplyDeletePattison & Conway would be like the Train robbers of the old west being paroled and back on the prowl
DeleteWhy do you say that?
DeleteLous is a good man and a friend. Administration was lacking on several fronts including people he had around him. Rodney and his dimwits are not the answer. carmella how many times can we say no, jeez get on with your life. Gordon is dumb as a rock and Jimino isnt gonna allow it. Gotta be someone else. Might be someone living in the Burgh now.Knows what he's doing and is actually liked by all sides in the Dem party..Lou shoulda taken him as his Deputy, all this crap would not have gone on.. Stay tuned..
ReplyDeleteAre you speaking of the back-slappin Eddie Bear? Name no longer carries any weight thanks to their Freido.
Delete"Troy needs a leader who has common sense and the courage to say no to spending. A fresh face who has no connections to party shenanigans...someone who desires to see the lives of Troy residents improve."
ReplyDeleteTom Garrett for Mayor!!!!
He would have to take a pay cut.....NOT
DeleteGarrett does not live in Troy.
DeleteWord is Chamberlains secretary found the speech on the copier and gave it to the wrong people
ReplyDeleteMaybe she needed to buy some appropriate cloths for work.
DeleteCan city employees date one another. Just a question
ReplyDeleteDont know if they can but Dunne has hit on every one of them.
DeleteA lot of city employees are married no reason they can't date someone's jealous
DeleteNo ones business and no employees are dating.
Delete642-ever hear of nepotism?
DeleteNo to spending.
ReplyDeleteYes to layoffs.
Yes to residency requirements.
No to bonding - cancel if possible.
Bring in NYS for oversight.
Now you are talking
DeleteI say give Carmella a shot she is the best candidate.
ReplyDeleteThanks Carm. You're good peeps.
DeleteHey Brother! Let's have coffee. ABC
DeleteBest candidate for what? Can't wait for the first presser!
DeleteWhy did our mayor lie to us last month and say he would reveal his plans to run at tonight's sotc
ReplyDeleteIt must have been to soon to say hey I failed I obviously can't do this. Rodney take the wheel
ReplyDeleteAre you serious? The blind leading the blind.
DeleteThe one way Rodney is going to take the wheel is if he drives to Florida. You'd have to be incredibly stupid to vote for him. What political favor did he promise you to write that?
DeleteTU reports the Mayor is not announcing plans to run for re-election in his speech.
ReplyDeleteHow about Al Bruno for mayor! For decades he has SUNG his way into our hearts (a great uniter). By the way, does Al still live in Troy?