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On the one hand, Fitzgerald’s fights with the city provided
me with a ton of fodder. On the other, when animosity between a union and
management crosses the line from professional to personal, it’s just not good
for the city.
That said, Fitzgerald’s main objective is to look out for
his guys and nobody can say he didn’t do that. He does leave office, however,
at a difficult time for the PBA.
While the high profile drama involving the police
commissioner/police chief is getting the most public attention, the touchiest
subject among the PBA members is the fact they have not had a contract since
Dec. 31, 2010.

To the mayor’s credit, he did not. The last offer on the table
was a 0 percent raise in 2011 through 2013 and a 2 percent bump in 2014. While
Fitzgerald did attempt to include some issues like reinstating the ERT, SOS and
other overtime boosting programs, the 124 or so PBA members shot down the idea for
lack of retroactive raises across the board rather than OT for a select few.
On a personal/professional front, Fitzgerald also has a
lawsuit pending against Tutunjian, Tedesco and the city. A few years back an
officer claimed Fitzgerald threatened him with physical harm. The mayor and
chief suspended Fitzgerald and subjected him to a psychological evaluation.
Fitzgerald, in turn, sued.
Sources tell me attorneys for both sides – Fitzgerald is
represented by PBA attorney Mark Walsh and while rumors abound, I’m sure if the
PBA or Fitzgerald is picking up legal fees – agreed to settle the entire thing
for $75,000 but the city shot it down. Should a settlement remain elusive, a
court date set for Feb. 24, according to sources.

Briefly, if you remember, when Tutunjian appointed John
Tedesco (pictured left) chief, Fitzgerald called the media and “revealed’ that Tedesco was
chosen because he buried an investigation into drug dealing by members of
Tutunjian’s administration. It was an absurd allegation that did nothing but
widen the rift between the PBA and the administration. It's nothing new, really, if you remember, then City Manager David Grandeau harbored such ill will with then PBA President Jack Rogers, the former named a sand trap after the latter.

Tedesco did not lay down on the job and he didn’t
retire. Rather, he hired an attorney and is now threatening a lawsuit. The PBA
in turn - or was it first? - filed a complaint on behalf of an officer who
claims the chief inappropriately released the results of an Internal Affairs
investigation that found the officer did use excessive force during a 2012
arrest. The chief asked the FBI to take a look at the entire situation and an agent did pay a visit to the TPD.
In other words, it’s a mess.
Officially, Fitzgerald said he is moving his family to
Virginia where his children will have more opportunities. I don’t doubt that.
The unofficial talk is that he announced his retirement
without a firm date to leave the door open should the FBI or anything else turn
up the heat beyond the comfort zone.
I’m guessing the truth is somewhere in the middle.
your love and admiration for teddy is overflowing
ReplyDeletebiggest drug bust in the departments history and Magnetto will have been the leader and Fitzie in charge of the PBA. Throws a wrench in your writing Jim. And the city hall investigation was far from an absurd allegation. It was a cover up through and through.
ReplyDeleteSorry fitzie...this is only in your pumpkin sized head...you wont be remembered at all and if you do if will all be negative
DeleteTPD "stumbled onto the biggest drug seizure in the city's history" while investigating a burglary and you want to credit Magnetto and Fitzgerald? Yeahhhhh, that makes sense....
Delete"Biggest drug bust in department history" were there any arrests? NOOOO....... They are so incompetent.
DeleteInformation about the drug bust starting to emerge and the posting from 10:20 AM sounds sort of familiar. A gun and huge amount of crack cocaine. No arrests....and no cash? Those Xmas credit card bills will be paid off quicker than you thought. Isn't this why the "retirement" group went out so quickly?
DeleteLook --maybe the 2 pancakes of crack were for personal use? Or maybe there was no cash cause they spent it all on Christmas gifts? Or maybe the cash was put into the basket in church at collection time during midnight mass? Why would you think there would be a large amount of cash associated in a household having an IHOP large stack on the premises? Please elaborate.
DeleteMaybe Santa took it? And shared it with the Easter Bunny too. No Cash Hmmmmmmmmm. And Denzel Washington was a good guy in Rookie.
DeleteGo pack McNally's lunchpail Gary.
ReplyDeleteprediction: Magnetto goes in 2014........so does Tedesco
ReplyDeleteYou hit the nail on the head Franco, Fitzgerald vs. Tedesco is all personal not professional. All this time the officers are waiting for a contract all the while thinking Fitzgerald has their backs, and in reality its all about himself. So here they sit without a raise for 3 years while he puffs up and brawls, so stupid.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile crime runs ramped in the Burgh. Ed Doin was robbed leaving his bar on 112th street of $4,000.00. Lets see the PBA and city hall sweep this under the carpet. It's not been in the paper or police blotter. Can't wait for Flash Gordon to come out with a plan to stop crime in the Burgh.
ReplyDeleteThere was probably a legitimate reason it wasn't in the papers, way to go Barney Fife.
Delete4:24 --So it's under investigation then, and you're worried that the crack head who did this, is also a fan of Franco's Blog? Burgh's a small community, with many of us having a scanner app on our phone --and nobody is going to pick up on this? Obviously, the owners routine was being watched --so how do Tedesco, Magnetto, Serpico, Dirty Harry, or the Lone Ranger stop that crime in progress? Talking like a political nitwit. Face it --Troy has really gone to shit because of all the dead-weight moving in. Sell your houses and get out before you can't.
DeleteSomeone?anyone? What the F#£k does this mean? 4:43 please explain.
DeleteYou answered quick you must be glued to the blog. Routine being watched, highly unlikely its a crackhead. But you might have other robberies which are connected. You never know who reads these blogs and obviously if it wasn't in the papers there was a reason. Most of the local politicians read this blog and we all know some of them have mug shots too. Plus, the blotter is in The Record--you won't read about it for 3 months after the fact.
DeleteAnd I thought Turtle passed away.
DeleteBiggest drug bust in Troy history. And it all fit on a sheet of paper the same size as my kids Christmas art project. Troy PBA is double jointed today.
ReplyDeleteRumor has it that The story is not quite true. Someone is having a bad case of the shorts ($). Looking to buy a little time with a bill collector. He a less than honest man.
DeleteRumor has it that The story is not quite true. Someone is having a bad case of the shorts ($). Looking to buy a little time with a bill collector. He a less than honest man.
DeleteAgain with the missing money. Is everyone's Kevlar still in place?
DeleteHow do loushbag celebrate the holidays. Send troy farther to hell in a handbag.
ReplyDeleteWhere was Kevin Mcgrath when the bust went down!
ReplyDeleteHe was already off signing another cooperation agreement.
Delete4th St. never made it to the papers either. Hmmmmmm
ReplyDeleteHe was on 112th near the bar a block from the car wash.
ReplyDeleteEast Greenbush is Number too on this list this pretty close to home people !~~!
Who cares about this unless information. Question is why are you still in troy. Zba said no to your family now go home
DeleteHarry got his ass kicked and the voters said no.
DeleteHe is a political pariah now Vito's Rat Citizenship will be over soon also.
The people in the Burgh have had enough of these two. Vandenburgh will wear his welcome out too just a matter of time
Eventually new people will run the City and all these losers will be forgotten
Bobby. The parties have changed and you voted these fools in and the answer is still no. No your family can't have a junkyard in the middle of the city. Go back to Florida. Even jack has turned a blind eye to you zba says no. 6 times. Get it thru the head lug nutt
DeleteWow! Thanks for that info. They say you learn something new every day unless you're either dead or totally oblivious. I never knew that 113th St was in the downtown section!
DeleteAre TPD Officers trained to hit victim's in the mouth with an Asp? Hmm
ReplyDeleteFile a report instead of gossiping about it on a blog.
DeleteLooks like Willie's arrived with his false accusations!
DeleteNot false if on video? Dumb ass. Why file a report? When you can serve notice of claim! And I believe Assault 2nd TPD is out of control.
DeleteThen file the notice of claim and have it taken care of the right way instead of on the internet. Your words mean nothing until there is a claim, until then its just gossip from the mouth of a criminal.
DeleteWhat about the fellas from bootleggers getting jumped last week for cash in bill dunnes alley to eat in. That was covered up to don't want to scare the diners away from the franklin alley of bill dunne or relinquish the fact it's the 7 th robbery in downtown in two weeks. Loudhbag and lard Magnetto sweep under the carpet while spokeswoman says all is good and releases the twins at the the wine bar.
ReplyDeleteThe twins were out at the browns this weekend. She showed them at Dino too
DeleteSo the woman has boobs, get over it you guys sound like juvenile boys. Grow up, seriously.
DeleteOk sibley. Unless they speak of frasier
DeleteFrasier has boobs? In his dreams.
DeleteWe like boobies!!!
DeleteFraser needed a mansiere.
DeleteDoes she show one or both? Vic?
DeleteFrasier likes beans and franks
DeleteWill Rodney's tongue make an appearance at Vic's?
DeleteCouncilman McGrath sold his house on redrock and moved to eighth street. Didn't take long for the fuzz to fund out
ReplyDeleteRodney Lou fitz all doing a commercial for scmiddts gay
ReplyDeleteI like Stevie Nicks.I like making new friends — drinking dunkin donuts coffee. I like Robert Charles. I like posting songs and videos. Sometimes I'm proud, sometimes I'm smitten. Right now I'm out getting my drunky on. Find me.
ReplyDelete87 fourth street stabbing.
ReplyDeleteThe place is a rat hole that was supposed to be cleaned up and have new tenants but it's still dodge city.
DeleteBig notice of claim and charges coming soon to Troy P.D. Exactly 60 days from incident. Another Police brutality claim??? Start looking for a new job you know who you are?
ReplyDeleteLoushbag didn't promise them jobs he promised cox would get his business If he quit his 3 rd party bid for mayor. Cox trusted him and loushbag still instructs zba to deny. How's it feel to be lie to by these backstabbers cox family? They say one thing to your face and do the opposite. In troy it's called a Pete or a Lou if this happens to you.
ReplyDeleteWhat about the Christmas party Lou promised the police fire and city hall employees and never did. Is that called a Lou too never happens. Harry always did. Lou could care less. That's why no one has a contract except his elite.
ReplyDeleteThat's like giving your dog a treat for biting a child!
DeleteThat's like being a real loushbag. Harry respected his workers. Harry looked his people in the eye when he spoke to them harry was a man of the people.
DeleteTroy and Rensselaer County need Alice Green and Her nostrils.
ReplyDeleteEnough with the Christmas party and the trip to Syracuse there are better things to talk about like did anyone listen to mark on the radio?
ReplyDeleteEnough with cox and the brothers who own the pips bar and not pay taxes and say no to cox on zba
ReplyDeleteIRS will be making pips bar a visit just wait and see
ReplyDeletePips has been gone for several years now.
ReplyDeleteIs there a new PiPs? I thought it was the AOH hall.
ReplyDeleteI get it! Even without my tin foil hat
DeleteNew pips openng avd mustang BBQ gonna put doin outta business
DeleteI listened to Mark yesterday. He was delightful. He's soooo hunky -even on the radio
ReplyDeleteI agree. He in district two he I nicknamed the michael buble of lansingburgh. He pronunciation is second to none. Jim why hasn't Lou been on the show? I'm not sure I ever heard him speak?
ReplyDeleteI sure hope mark gets a job with the administration. Maybe he can follow the spokesperson around ad make sure the shirt says down. Or perhaps keep Monica from open flame or keep bill from saying the wrong thing to an auditor or hold Lou up like weekend at Bernie's Some say Lou is the Bernie lomax of troy. Help up by Pete ad bill made to look like he's alive
ReplyDeleteFunny Mark gets one Visit From Mirch and he is Star Struck
DeleteMirch says to Mark well the the Conservative Party needs some help here in Troy So Mark obeys his master and Jumps at the Chance.
Mark wants to get back on the Tit but he is trying too hard.
Peter will have to Fire some poor SOB to get Mark back on the tit.
Mark there is an old Japanese saying that The Young Japanese Samurais Run in there and get Slaughtered.
But the older wiser Japanese Samurais wait till the end and go in a live to fight another day.
District 2 rep McGrath is dreamy but how about dr death? Ooh la la now he's a looker
ReplyDeleteI agree with you. DD is a big hit on 'Bear Night'
DeleteHe really fills out a pair if carhart jeans
DeleteEver see him in a skirt
DeleteWhere was Monica when Dunkin donuts closed. What about sliders all american fare? What about pebbles looking to vacate after being robbed 4 times in a single month. Monica where are you. Do your job. Vic would not have let this happen
ReplyDeleteDunkin just moved their employee's a few blocks over. Your grasping here
DeleteOk monica
DeleteThey must serve hot tea so she don't care
DeleteCmon guys & gals. What's with the Monica thing? Sliders? Nothing survives in that spot. Nice try -but no door prize once again. The move to Congress St.from 4th, was no secret. And a dept store up there on the hill --crazy notion right from the start. Some of those locals act like animals --all races included. Not a big fan of the lady - can't fault a person for trying though. Going to be some fallout if Bombers goes down, being it's on a busy block, and it should have thrived. City hall should be pulling out the stops to get them through this bump in the road.
DeleteBombers needs to think outside the box, starting with Glenn actually using some marketing smarts instead of being out partying with his friends.
DeleteIt's either Monica or wAlter
DeleteMayor rosa ilia made a great choice appointing g Monica. She has done more than the last 3 Eco dev directors in a quarter of the time. She is a true asset to the city
DeleteFrom flying fish to stretching tongues council president ceases to impress the ladies.
ReplyDeleteI'm waiting for the twerk video.
DeleteI think the flying fish twerked
DeleteThank you
ReplyDeleteFitzie been awfully quiet lately. Whats wrong big guy not such a big shot when the FBI comes around. Cant wait for him to be exposed for the clown that he is.
ReplyDeleteok Joe
DeleteIf anyone should run into Vito today please I beg you DON'T wish him a happy new year! Lou and Peter will threaten to fire him. So please put your head down and don't make eye contact. He may wet himself.
ReplyDeleteDD is in da house
DeleteLou and peter will theaten to fire him because he is a threat. He is citizen of the year and the burgh loves their son vito
DeleteDiamond dave?
DeleteHey Vito your days are numbered trust me When Mirch gets put in a Van and taken back to Troy as a Fugitive From Justice he will sing like a canary on U and Laposta too.
DeleteI warned every one too Vito accept you to Rat Mirch out first before he Rats on you.
Remember the one who Rats first gets the best deal.
One pill makes you larger & one pill makes you small. And the one's that, mother gives you, don't do anything at all. Go ask Alice --when she's ten feet tall.
DeleteThat makes more sense than anything cox ever has said
DeleteVito's Buddy up in the Veterans stepped down as soon as he found out that Mirches and Vito's Fraudulent Absentee ballots were handed in up at Lansing Burgh High Just go Count them all up on Harry's Troy City Council Win and also McNallys Win Both Wins by Absentee Ballots ?
DeleteUnbelievable, Franco. Pander to Rodney supporters much? Hey I've decided that the word "loushbag" is a caucasian racial slur. I'm deeply offended, Jim! I demand you remove all posts with "loushbag" in them right now... or we'll have to send you to the Dunne school of sensitivity training.
ReplyDeletePander to Rodney supporters? No, he did the right thing by not allowing racism in any form on his blog. I commend him for taking that stand and not allowing it here.
DeleteRodney and his tongue. Gross now I can't sleep at night.
DeleteOk rod and jolene
Deleteu mad? on the count of three, 1, 2, 3, Awwwwwwww.
DeleteSL338: Hey genius, the point is that you can't just pick a random word and decide it's a racist slur. Your buddy Rodney is catching heat because of his pompous antics, not because of his race. Too bad your reading comprehension isn't as strong as his Frankentongue
DeleteNo, I read it appropriately and it wasn't just pointed at Rodney, it was directed at Anastasia too. Rodney was wrong for using the term in his email. Racism is wrong regardless, and its obvious that you are just pissed because people caught onto the racial slur. It also sickens me that you are most likely working within our city government as a racist, its people like you that gives credence to false accusations of racism. Its wrong and I am not going to sit by and listen to racist drivel or let people be abused even verbally simply because of the color of their skin.
DeleteJim did the right thing by removing your racists comments..
Racism is wrong, period.
Ok Jolene
DeleteAnd I work for the local paper so you are wrong yet again
DeleteHey genius, I don't work in city government, I wasn't the one using the supposed "slur" you're offended by, and I'm not racist. Rodney is, though. You're sickened? Gee, that's too bad. The rest of us are outright disgusted that people like you and your buddy Rod think it's ok to use vile slurs to accuse white people of racism any time you don't agree with them. And if you play the race card, don't run away crying when race enters the discussion. Grow up.
DeleteHere's something you need to internalize, even though you don't like it. People don't dislike Rodney because of his race. They dislike him because he's a duplicitous pompous ass. Next time you get your briefs in a twist over blog comments, take three deep breaths and repeat that to yourself. Spare us the self-righteous indignation.
Here is something we agree on, using the race card inappropriately is wrong too. I too get outright disgusted when it happens and if you read me right I said Rodney was wrong to use it. When Willie does it I want to vomit. Truth be told I'm not siding or defending Rodney, in all actuality I agree that he is duplicitous pompous ass, I've seen it with my own two eyes and ears, in fact I could probably elaborate on your description.
DeleteWhomever was using the racial slur wasn't just pointing it at Rodney, he or she was directing it at Anastasia too and it had nothing to do with Rodney using it in his email. I'm standing up for what is right and I don't feel bad in the least for doing so.
Have a nice night!
I'm not sure if the above commenter actually works for the local paper, which paper he/she is referring to or what I got wrong "again." I give the local papers credit when I use their information but most of what I write is through my own reporting. Since I wrote this post two things may need clarification: One the raise package may be reversed in that it was 2, percent in 2011 and zeros for '12, 13 and '14. Also, it may not have been officially voted on but Fitzgerald can read tea leaves better than anyone I know so if they didn't vote on it as a whole it's because he knew it would fail. I didn't see any mention of either in either paper, but then again, it may have been buried beneath the scintillating story about the gift shop at the Arts Center.
DeleteLoushbag is a slur for a worthless city figurehead that has no respect for anyone
ReplyDeleteSo Lou is a loushbag ?
DeleteSnow is on the way watch for loushbag to do nothing. City will be cripple for weeks until the next rain.
ReplyDeleteLoushbag is slang for useless mayor
ReplyDeleteCats sigh a sign of relief as fräulein kopka is no longer council prez. Parents hide your kids cabbage patch dolls as Wiltshire takes the helm don't tell him it's only a title. He will be sad
ReplyDeleteCity officials hoping for heat wave and periods of rain to assist with snow removal. Will Lou drive a truck. Harry did. One thing you can't bet Balkan will be clean enough to eat off of. Looks out for himself and cronies only #
ReplyDeleteBalina street I assume you mean
DeleteWell it's obvious that Mark McGrath is no longer on the Troy city council any more. Rodney Plunkett Wiltshire showed up 20 min late for the swearing in ceremony. Mark spanked his ass for always being late for council meetings. So get ready to wait Troy he likes to make a grand entrance
ReplyDeleteHe had to brush his tongue
Deletehe wasn't late...omg you people are ridiculous. He showed up at 1120, ceremony started at 1130. Kopka and company arrived at 1140...just saying.
DeleteToday feral cats are allowed to smoke in parks while composting. They can't however smoke within 500 feet of a solar panel.
ReplyDeleteOh no snow is on the way... Too bad Mirch has retired, he knew how to run the DPW and get the streets plowed and salted.
ReplyDeleteWill someone please pretty please inform Wiltshire that Council President is a title only and he is not king of troy. can't believe that this guy and his oblivious, arrogant wife are making me miss Campana.
ReplyDeletesomeone should inform dictator kopka that her rein is over...and her iron fist has turned into a wet napkin. get over yourself. no one thinks he king but wade...and fortunately his minions are dwindling fast.
DeleteThank you Jolene.
DeleteHe doesn't understand if he did he could cry
ReplyDeleteFront Page News Vito finally did wet himself after he left Chamberlains office with the bad news.
ReplyDeleteHe had to tell Bill of how he got on the PA at the GE plant and got fired for saying that GE was polluting the Hudson River.
Than he abruptly fell and became disabled and tried to collect a big payout from GE.
Then he moved in with his mother and hasn't left since he is a real mom mas boy through and through.
Now he has an old photo of himself left over from when he ran for office and got trounced.
This photo is 20 years old but its his flash in the pan 15 minute's of fame and he can dream and have visions of grandeur what the hell this is Troy and he has ambitions.
File a report about police brutality instead of complaining about it online. What so the internal circus and clones can bury that report too. The FBI is in cahoots with the Troy Police as well. Them seizing records of misconduct is a big fricken joke as well. Just watch wsit and see what ? I mean.