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Now that Jim Gordon has stepped down as the Republican city
chairman, which occurred prior to him winning a seat on the Troy Council
representing District 1, the question remains who will take his place in what
is one of the most difficult and thankless jobs in the county.
Many people are pointing to Kevin McCashion, the staunch
Libertarian who unabashedly, and vigorously, promotes the party’s anti-big
government and pro-civil liberties at all cost platform on social media.
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The thing about McCashion is his take no prisoners’ attitude
scares some in the GOP because he won’t take them prisoners either. He’d just
as soon as rip his own party as the Democrats if they are too passive, dull or
otherwise not running the campaign he thinks they should. Or at least that’s
what some in the GOP are scared of.
While some may have reservations about McCashion, I don’t
know who else the GOP has. Mark Wojcik? Maybe? He was vice chair and is
currently serving as interim chair but I don’t think he wants the commitment
being a successful chairman would require.
Regardless of who it is, the chairman has a catchy title but
really answers to the powers that be at the county level including Rich Crist,
liaison for the GOP county legislators, County Executive Kathy Jimino and
County Clerk Frank Merola. At least that’s how it’s been for more than 15 years
and is another reason McCashion might not get the nod – I don’t see him
deferring to anyone without good reason.

The Dems city chair is Jack McCann but he answers to the
county chair. It will be interesting to see if McCann gets re-appointed to his
city marshal spot by Wiltshire and company. It’s already a given, since they
are Wade’s people, most of the current appointees to clerk, deputy clerk,
auditor, bingo inspector and city marshals will not have a job come Jan. 1.
But, if they go after McCann, consider it all-out war.
I've known Rodney for a few years, and I'm baffled as to why he's aligned himself with the Misfit Manory's Mafia. Delusional isn't a strong enough word for these political hack. They have no clue on how to improve the city, and are only in it cause of some political vendetta. Rodney should have stayed on course, and he would have become a fine representative --instead he's chosen to visit the dark, seedy side of Troy politics. Too bad --I had high hopes for him.
ReplyDeleteDO AS I SAY AND NOT AS I DO, is the mantra of the Wade clan. They are all sheep and their butchers are waiting in the wings. Time to get rid of Galuski, as he is another do nothing politician from what is described as South Troy.
DeleteThe city is doing well under the control of Wade...........the next two years the council will be worse than the Arlene Cahill council. Time to get out of Troy.
ReplyDeleteControl of Tome Wade... exactly!
ReplyDeleteTom Wade may not be perfect, but he's far superior to anyone in the delusional bunch. And is it really news that a party chair exerts some control over party members?? Wow. In other news, water is wet.
ReplyDeleteWade doesn't run candidates in many county-wide elections, can't raise any money, and has a very fractured party. Thinking that is good leadership is delusional.
DeleteRead the post again, carefully. It's not about whether Wade is a perfect leader, it's about whether these short bus riding misfits have anyone better to replace him. These are people who don't shower regularly or speak in coherent sentences.
DeleteWade wins city elections --pure & simple. Problem is, we're dealing with some very simple people here. Misfit Mafia --funny!
DeleteIf Repubs had any smarts they would go to Crawley on their knees....he WOULD get something done.
ReplyDeleteAmen brother --time for the Carmella's of the world to go away.
DeleteI'll give that a third & a fourth brother!
Deletelets look at the whole picture. the GOP run the county. the DEMS run the city. the way the numbers play out that will not change in the near future. smart people see this so they do not care to get involved. the chairman of both parties will stay on because no one cares.its like their own little kingdom.
ReplyDeleteI wrote kind of the same thing: http://troyspin.blogspot.com/2013/11/jiminos-sneaky-raise.html
DeleteIs that why rabbits daughter or girlfriend is allowed to walk into city hall at 9am each day wok starts at 830
ReplyDeleteCan't interupt her doughnut time
DeleteDoes she really need the doughnuts and does boss wade know she's working in city hall after the rabbit issue
DeleteShe was moved out of city hall after being caught falsifying a personnel record for a family member. After the change in administrations, she took a CS test and got her old job back. Kinda flew under the radar
DeleteCarolin collier will be the next chair. She already interviewed with Johnny Rustin and has the nod from bill dunne her supervisor
ReplyDeleteand the dems wonder why they lost to another loser like Jim Gordon. The only good person on the council is Lynn Kopka, at least she has a working brain and is not a member of the Irish Mafia.
ReplyDeleteBe nice, Jim Gordon got the pity vote after getting thrashed twice. And he does have a new mouth to feed.
DeleteKopka the only one with a brain? She didn't use it she sent the SafeAct letter out to Cuomo. Don't worry Wade's newest puppets (Teta and Robertson) on the council will vote whichever way those pulling the strings want them too. One can barely speak in a public forum and the other has an operative speak for her. Going to be an interesting 2 years.
DeleteMcCann denied Mason reappointed
ReplyDeleteThe question is: who looks better in a skirt
DeleteAs I sit here sipping my favorite drink, Stewarts Orange N Creme soda I was thinking it prolly would make sense to make my friend Harry the chairman. I know I obsess alot about him and pic k on him while I post my favorite songs and family pics on facebook but he'll do good. Well, gotta go and post some pics of me golfing, hugging bob cox, and my favoritest 80's song of all times. Love my kids lots. RC
ReplyDeleteWhen Vito confronts this man at the high school he puts his tail between his legs looks behind him and scatters into the parking lot He learned from bobby cox who sits like a puppy when he is told to sit by zba
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteRobert --that red line under the word means you've spelled it wrong again. You're a terrible representative product of the Troy school system. And why are you on the computer when you should be shining Rodney's shoes?
DeleteZba said no. Now time for robert to go back to where he came from isnt the only reason he is here is to help his family start their perfect for troy business. No gonna happen. 5 times shot down under 2 administrations should be a clear indication. Troy is evolving. Now go home bobby. Vito runs the burgh and zba chairman
DeleteHey Vito was Mirches Lacky Riding Shot Gun collecting Fraudulent Absentee ballots for years.
DeleteFriends told me plenty Vandenburgh is another product of some one on the tit and is Rich Christs Lacky too.
So the world will be better when all these sh&t for brains finally burn there bridges.
And they just go away and dry up like Dog Sh&t.
Also what the City Don't need rite now is another loud mouth like this troll McCashion what a joke this Bridge Troll is.
DeleteAs Lou humbug casts his winter tyranny of doing everything opposite of harry the great he will move the tree to a smaller one in the bedrock riverfront park. For what Lou humbug didn't know was how many people journey to monument square to shop and see the tree. But humbug has promised a great tree lighting. As Zuul is perched in the tree enemizer Pete will flip the light switch while a sleigh carrying Lou Claus will come in from the north a sleigh driven by little Lynn Monica of troy the cabbage patch rodney hockey star kenny zzzz all lead by a red nosed bill dunne. They will land and party with the north greenbush resident who oversees the park and design work while from the old city hall site harry buell mirch pirro and crawly look on with disgust. For Christmas will never be the same in troy. After they will gather and sing kumbaya eat granola speak of cat snipping compost smoking and a police commissioner. They will take the party to the Irish ale where Eddie will join in conversation and when Randall and bobby stop kissing under te mistletoe they too will join in the fun Johnny right of way will be there let's hope his wife drives him and Monica what out the soup is hot
ReplyDeleteyour doctor should do that adjustment to your meds soon
DeleteI agree with you bill dunne
DeleteAt least john wrights not driving the sleigh
DeleteI am welder work in resturant move to Florida and have million dollar accounts cutting trees but still drive 1988 s 10 then I weld cut more trees became treeman then boatman the I be with BFF randy boy and help my family open wards million dollar business I push zba chair I have my muscles on when at my commeford computer but I see my foes in public I run to my car fort while Johnny is security and Randall is our leader. It's a great world stop by drink with me at Irish bar Eddie and randy drink his cream soda and delete Sam wilson frompage
ReplyDeleteI just cant get over how goofy this McCashion guy looks where do they get these losers from a Dumpster Divers Convention.
DeleteCommissioner Mark Mcgrath........how does that sound! Rumor has it Mcgrath has approached Mayor Lou and offered to replace Magnetto at the same
Commissoner vandenburgh of Dpw how does that sound. Lou says u got the job if you wear a skirt
DeleteOnce the sleigh has landed Lynn the elf hears that Franco is going to be on the radio she signals for the elf of public information to have the king of codes drive them to stop franco from being in the radio. Rodney suggests they take his Eco friendly SUV with its huge enhgine and great top speed for he does not want the public to learn of his plans to eliminate clerk Karla Kevin McGrath is too busy playing in snow so Zuul swoops down from her perch in the tree to take a back seat for she does not want anyone to see the picture of her peepers malfunctioning at the wine bar or the elf of public information and her stint at the wine bar. As they gather ebonizer Pete says I have not flipped the switch can you all wait. A red nose bill dunne agrees and uses the sleigh to block the exit. Lou Claus gives the ok and Pete flips the switch. Out pops Magnetto who was napping in the tree Monica also popped out of the tree she heard it was a money tree and was hoping for more income into downtown. Still harry Buell mirch crawley pirro and Sheeran watch from the old city hall site when what appears but Randall and Eddie and bobby cox in a rusted pickup. They at here to cheer on Lou clause and were hoping to be acknowledged for helping them win the election. Mrs pavlic clause comes out of no where and tells Lou Claus not to play with these misfit boys She instead asks that they play with boy wonder Adam a very special friend of mrs pavlic clause
ReplyDeleteThis is good stuff franco
DeleteFranco who is the county republican chair and what republicans are still At city hall other than all of code enforcement still run by crawley
DeleteThe Republican county chair is John Rustin but he's pretty much in name alone. Rich Crist runs the day-to-day operation of the GOP while Kathy Jimino carries some obvious weight because that's where the jobs are and so does Merolla for the same reason and because he is popular among Dems and Republicans.
As far as Republicans left in City Hall ... I heard the bingo inspector is related to a Republican through marriage but I'm not sure. After that, I don't know. I'm sure there are some but they are civil service protected.
@Mister McGrath.....Karla was fired yesterday. That's no secret.
DeleteWhy does a certain someone, with an extremely bloated salary to be a political hack on the tax payers dime, run anything? Why does the minority and majority have a staff? Why are we paying for it? To honor boy scouts and people who make it to 100?For the kind of money he makes, he could at least buy a pair of pants that fit -- and maybe a real haircut
DeleteCheck out todays NY Post, feature article is about our own Tom Connolly.
ReplyDeleteRich Crist and the Molesters is the new County Legislature with Harry at the helm !~~!