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The current police commissioner, Tony Magnetto, is expected
to step aside early next year and while the city is under no obligation to hire
another, it appears they are leaning towards that end. Another name considered,
according to sources, is former Asst. Chief Ralph Iler.
Magnetto’s appointment, and subsequent control of day-to-day
operations, caused a ruckus because it was driven, in part, by Chief John Tedesco’s
attempts shake up the department and make it run more efficiently which upset
the Police Benevolent Association.
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The chief didn’t appreciate being sidelined, however, and is
now threatening a lawsuit against the city challenging the legality of
appointing a police commissioner without first having a public safety
commissioner in place as the city charter requires. He retained attorney Brian
Premo who, as is his MO, wrote a series of letters peeling back the onion, so
to speak, of all that is wrong with the appointment, the PBA, the Council and
the administration. In turn – or was it first – the PBA requested and was
granted an Internal Affairs investigation into Tedesco’s decision to release a
letter to Cohoes resident Frank Fogarty affirming his claim that Officer Kyle
Jones used excessive force during an arrest last year. As a kicker, the FBI
interviewed some of the department brass and took a number of files. Where that
investigation goes is anyone’s guess.
Either way, Magnetto’s appointment riled up the troops on both
sides and while there are some simple, clear cut ways to defuse the situation,
appointing another police commissioner is not one of them.

It’s unclear if he would even accept the position if it were
offered, but what is clear is that if Tedesco (pictured left)doesn’t get his old job back –
and that means the job’s responsibilities instead of just the title – he will
proceed with his lawsuit.
I don’t get why the administration is even considering
another commissioner. As I wrote, the mayor has the authority to tell the chief
how he wants the department run. True he’s a college professor by trade and not
a cop, but winning the election gives him that right.

And, given the new dynamic on the Council that may not see
eye-to-eye with the administration, there is no guarantee it would even approve
the commissioner’s salary so I don’t understand the logic behind wasting political
clout on something that will only cause more angst in the long run.
Fitzy and his new lawn jockey Willie. Don't hold it up barn nelson
ReplyDeleteDr Death has lost some weight I see
ReplyDeleteHe's on the new Oprah diet that he saw on Dr. Phil. DD is dreamy
DeleteIts funny when Whitman was Commissioner Magnetto, IIler, and Reigart all thought it was bad for the dept. Now they are all part of this political game. IIler wont take it because of the manner he purchased a building in Troy after the owner filed a complaint with the TPD.
ReplyDeleteNeither man lives in the city of Troy......are they willing to move their family to Troy for $30,000.
What a nightmare and totally uncalled for, it just gets worse every minute. They couldn't wait until the new council took over and a clean slate, now they have given a new council this snakepit to inherit. What a clusterfark!
ReplyDeleteIf these new council people think us tax payers are going to stand for round two of this comedy they are sorely mistaken. taxpayers in Troy will remember whoever votes yes on another salary in the police dept.We have enough administration already.
ReplyDeleteGood riddance with Bob Fitzgerald. Without doubt one of biggest clowns in Troy's history. Little mans disease. Enjoy Virginia Little Bobby.
ReplyDeleteThe only thing keeping fitzy from his new lawn jockey is the electric car starters the city had asked Stewarts for. Let them build the store give fitzy willie let them go south. Halhelulia
ReplyDeleteCity hall employee holiday recognition luncheon was Wednesday Thursday ringside seats to reeves versus dunne Friday smile Friday especially for Riegert will will accept the job.
ReplyDeleteWow finally Lou did something like harry and actually recognized his employees with a luncheon Maybe moral will rise maybe the assessors office will be more friendly. Maybe Sheeran will be more customer friendly. Maybe Monica will convince sliders all american fare to stay. Harry did it so Lou did it. Not so bad right guys?
ReplyDeleteWhen harry was mayor there was never fist fights among department heads. No city hall bralls. Did fish sheriff of fith floor stop the fight
ReplyDeleteJim, I know you want chatter on your blog but this is way too outrageous. Both Riegert and Iiler are way too classy to get involved with this administration. Case in point, would either take orders from Fitzy or Millington? I know one of them thinks they shouldn't even be on the job. Then dealing with Clueless Lou, Loushbag Pete and a council lead by a "I'm sometimes a black man"? Gary Gordon or Kevin McGrath have a better chance at commissioner.
ReplyDeleteYes, bring back Kevin. Because he hasnt ruined enough lives!
DeleteHe does it for the kids
DeleteIt's almost 7am has McCasion posted anything stupid yet?
ReplyDeleteIt's Friday. Will Lou take the council to bombers for drinks. Take pics peg. I wanna see kenny eat a burrito and I wanna see the old prom dress you have that doubles as a Victorian stroll costume. Yeah for all working together. Meanwhile at the police dept
ReplyDeleteIf Lou is taking his inner circle to Bombers he better do it quick, they won't be open much longer.
DeleteAnd ray citizen Vito vandenburgh chamberlain all bring city down I grew up here sonny doin Kip mcquer I work in kitchen weld up wards went to autobody class we have now finally brass ball council president troy need. I go all councilman meetings and even bring chocolate and have good talk they now I watch good guy jack leg like harry mirch take city bad way not like when I grew up dog eat dog and I was chef and mechanic up for sonny doin and wards was open and they take jack jr business away and ego vandenburgh snarl and say no and I push him and lug nut et caught in video and Vito call police hen he see old small red pickup around house I not busy. No Chet demers and sold business to jack jr so he smart he always grown up reading head in book ad jack sr always good citizen and randy coop and Eddie and my friends and see crist and run cuz no computer to fight and I sit when vandenburgh tell me to that's a fact jack
ReplyDeleteStated simply: this is brilliant satire.
Deleteyou're prolly right, but why waste time even writing about an insignificant moronic parasitic political wannabe?
DeleteParasites & Prostitutes Suck the Life out of 12180 & 12182
DeleteSuck Suck Suck suck Suck
Russ reeves was reported as saying there was nothing physical we both shared words. That's all. It's all part of municipal government. Why is this news?
ReplyDeleteBoys you should not have fought wen outgoing councilman McGrath was in the building. He has a lifeline to harry.
ReplyDeleteGeico is in da house
DeleteHeard McGrath has asked Lou for a job, these guys never go away.
DeleteI'm hiring him to give customers safe rides to lansingburgh
DeleteAnother day another screw up by this joke of an administration. After a fight yesterday at city floor city engineer and class guy Russ Reeves will leave the city's employ. Political hatchet man Bully Dunne will tell clueless Lou and lousbag Pete that he can handle the job. Pete Ryan will agree cause Russ has the goods on him over the King Street demolition. One little problem under law the city needs a P.E. professional engineer, they don't have one. But, it's only the law and as they say laws don't apply to these clowns.
ReplyDeleteJohn Cubit is reporting on Facebook he was appointed to the Ethics Board. His appointment is in violation of the Ethics law. It would be nice to have Lou and Pete read the laws and city charter before they do things.
ReplyDeleteNo one in city hall has ever read the charter!
DeleteSo Cubit was brave enough to fight in Afghanistan, but not good enough to serve on the F-in Troy Ethics (that's a laugh putting Troy and Ethics in the same sentence) Board??? But it's not a violation of Ethics law when Nina serves on the council and works for Unity House? Gee --how did that happen???
DeleteHow did cubits wife get bit by bees in the middle of winter he just posted pics if it. Who is he and why are they relevant?
DeleteShe wasn't bit. That's just her
DeleteHow is his appointment an ethics violation? The whole city council is in violation as well as the Mayor for not enforcing the laws on the books and requiring them to meet. Anyway what the hell does this have to do with this TSpin?
ReplyDeleteThe only one looking like a bumbling fool is Mayor Lou!
DeleteYou don't have to fact check if it's only a blog, it's not a newspaper. makes for good entertainment but it's not really news. just opinion and rumors.
DeleteKing Rodney is making deals. Kopka gets demoted to chair of Public Utilities, Gordon chair of Law, Bodner chair of planning, and $15,000 for a minority lawyer. In return Bodner and Gordon vote for Zalewski for pro tem.
ReplyDeleteWow --A Festivus miracle. Will they all get a chance to fly the fish? Maybe a verse of 'We are the World' while holding hands.
DeleteThere are two guarantee predictions for 2014. 1 Vito will still be an employee working for the city of Troy and Kevin McGrath will sell his house to pay the all the bills from his failed attempt at trying to be a real McGrath.
ReplyDeleteyou're killing me
DeleteYes they are kevin mcgrathp
DeletePathetic. Kevin would have crushed you Vito and you know it.
DeleteRodney wants all councilmen to have flying fish that way if they can't agree they can fight it out in an ole fish race. He's gonna buy a cheap tv old furnature and clutter to give the chambers a ambiance of the wiltshire residence when he races
ReplyDeleteErin Teta Sullivan's bake bean teeth will be replaced in 12 days with a set if new chompers much like Zuul of the broom closet next to Pete's office and her new peepers of. 2011. Don't forget hightops new foot cover of choice.
ReplyDeleteHightop is going back to his roots -PF Flyers
DeleteSanta is getting Hightops back to his roots --PF Flyers
DeleteHightops was dancin with
DeleteMary Jane wearing hightops
Leave him alone he Is the soul person doing anything to move this city foward
DeleteHerman Munster will chair public safety. He'll fit right in with uncle Fester and Gordon does have the look of an Eddie Munster.
ReplyDeleteYou could say it's going to be a 'Spooky ' council.
DeleteCan anyone tell me a world famous harp player? Sounds like Fitz is strumming on a good old fashion beat feat before the heat.
ReplyDeleteBest moment of 2013. Vandenburgh tells bobby cox to sit down and shut up an he did like a little puppy. Better yet the world got to see it when bobby himself post the video.
ReplyDeleteBest moment of 2013 is right now .......Carmella still thinks she has a chance to win. If only they counted the paper correctly, but they didn't....they screwed her.
DeleteThanks for your view bill dunne
DeleteBest moment of 2013 is when Rodney got elected council president. We finally have someone in city hall that's not afraid to lead. Rod and Jolene, don't listen to the Wade, Rosimmilia and repubs out here trying to bring you down. They're afraid of you and your vision. With good reason.
DeleteGot give BIG hand to Vito. Several years ago Clem went so far as to try and run him over to get him out of Troy and end his employment at city hall. Clem is gone and Vito still there. Then along come the self proclaimed narcissistic massia Kevin McGrath who would proclaim "first order of business get rid of Vito". We all know now that several trials a cooperation agreement and many ruined marriages and the shamed Kevin McGrath is gone and Vito not only servived but thrived threw his two term. Many would say that the fear of Viro running against him is what was the catalyst for the shamed McGrath to put his tail between his legs and run to his bunker on Red Rock and not to run again. Even Tom Wade was heard to say "Vito will crush him". The Cox family are another group that is well aware of the wrath of Vito. Vito drove them out of the Burgh like a certain other Saint did in Ireland. This ass kicking the Cox family took from Vito made him the hands down citizen of the year choice. We can all look forward to this new year and all the wonderful events that Vito will be handling for us the citizens of Troy. George Rodgers must be the luckiest man in Troy to have a work partner like Vito. So Vito we pray for you and we are blessed to have you Vito.
ReplyDeleteVito is as amazing as Bruce Jenner. Some would say he is the Bruce Jenner of langsingburgh
DeleteVito is pathetic and could never have beat Kevin McGrath. Sad he's still so jealous he has to hate on Kevin to feel important.
DeleteI'll be back to BRING BACK THE BURGH
Energizer bunny baby, VITO just keeps going and going and ...
Deletelets not forget the beautiful light display at the park he brought us. aren't these the things the councilperson should be doing? All hail Vito
DeleteThe councilperson has brought us other displays.
DeleteBed moment of 2013. Russ reeves telling bill dunne I'm gonna throw u thru the wAll. Engineer wins again
ReplyDeleteThat's 2 for 2. He won the epic battle against Sheeran out of the office.
DeleteI don't think anyone can throw Bill Dunne anywhere.
DeleteAsk Monica
DeleteOh you can
DeleteOh contraire, Vic went after him like a pit bull, well maybe a poodle.
DeleteZuul should take a look at Lenn Welcome. He wins and quits a job not win and look for 2 more jobs. Way to go Lenn
ReplyDeleteMr personality. Len welcome
DeleteWill Sheeran take over for Len or will reeves banish him to the corner again?
DeleteThe Nike hightops are a wild hair in Russ's arse. He has already reprimanded Sheeran about his choice of footwear but the code man insists he can run faster and jump higher. It's also a plus if Dunne takes a swing at him he will display his footwork like at the bachelor party. I once heard him say "float like a butterfly, sting like a bee".
DeleteSting like a dd. heard he got Russ a pair of hightops for xmas
DeleteScrooge rosamilia couldn't part with some of his 200 thousand plus annual taxpayer fused income to throw city floor a party for Christmas. I can see why the hard working employees of the city and city as a whole have no respect for this clown. Harry always respected those he counted on. Lou he's sinking this ship all by himself. One term Lou.
ReplyDeleteHe doesn't respect anyone working for the city I contracts no care. Loushbag
DeleteNo one owes anyone a Christmas party. Some of the shitbags in city hall are lucky they still have a job. Folks ought to start being a little more respectful and stop with the abuse.
Delete9:34 Amen to that.
DeleteYeah he's a real nut bag
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments and support. I will be purchasing the house on red rock and turn it into dr McGrath house for unprivileged children so they don't go to the car wash sell drugs steal votes and lay claim to lb grocery
ReplyDeleteDon't forget water slide world burgh up on gurley that Pete and bill also pushed for. Novemeber 2015 can't come soon enoug
DeleteLeave him alone. Loser
DeleteOk kevin
Deleteyou're killing me dd
DeleteCan anyone tell me why Zuul didn't run for reelection? Is being in the coat closet next to Pete enough for her. Prudence didn't have her own office. Harry didn't Lou did.
ReplyDeleteHer peepers malfunctioned at the wine bar. Passed out drunk and someone snapped a picture. Much like the spokeswoman. Why does Lou surround himself with such woman. Hmmm. He's a lady's man chasing the ladies. That's why
DeleteDoes she flash him at city floor to keep his blood pumping.
DeleteRemember when he took a dive into the Cheerios or dropped at the council meeting
DeleteLou Is a great leader and man and peg has been like a great grandmother to me since I became part if this administration
ReplyDeletePlease if it's not your husband on here posting to your rescue you are trying to rescue the administration you work for. I believe in the budget you are not an appointed position. At least vic though for himself and wasn't so far up the admins arse time to fire her Lou.
DeleteDon say fire and Monica in the same sentence.
DeleteMonica is the apple of Pete's eyes. When they cross paths in the hall there is a sweet and gentle smile, little touch of the hand. Maybe it's a father daughter thing. Naaa!
DeleteSpeaking of some one up some ones arse How About Mark and Pete
DeleteWhats doughnut queen drodz up to tonight. Collecting a rabbit pass for Monday morning while chuck researches On the computer?
ReplyDeleteChuck why don't u work at city hall anymore. Rabbit how old are you. Sick
DeleteI really wish people knew the whole story. Most of us TPD officers just want to put in a fair 8 hours of work and go home in one piece at the end of the shift. We want to be represented fairly by our PBA and we want a fair wage from the city. However, due to a political s***storm of unprecedented magnitude, we are getting hit from all sides and it is absolutely DESTROYING departmental morale. The press (and you too, Franco) is making Tedesco look like a hard-working hero, being attacked by the evil democrats. This is not accurate. Tedesco thinks the answer to all crime-related problems is more cops walking the beat. Don't get me wrong - beat cops have their purpose and we should have more, but they are not the end-all, be-all to every problem. It seems everyone has a short memory, because I remember several calls a few years ago where patrol officers were handed helmets and shields, and told to march into extremely dangerous situations after Tedesco had disbanded our SWAT team. There was a boost in morale when Magnetto came back. He improved many aspects of the day-to-day, and he made his cops want to come to work and want to fight crime. Now with all this political crossfire, the message being sent to the cops is "lay low, under the radar. If you are proactive, you will get in trouble."
ReplyDeleteIt's absolutely infuriating. The press doesn't have half the story, and there is so much going on I wish I could tell. However, I will not stoop to Tedesco's level and air my dirty laundry in public.
Please tell me this moron doesn't have a gun and a badge. Get your asses out of the station and on the streets that is the answer. We need more cops with an education not like this idiot.
DeleteLoushbag has done the same with city floor employees. He doesn't respect them there is no morale. He and his elite club of Pete Lou Monica bill Ian and Kathleen are the only happy people in the building. He reads this religiously but still will not I out of his way to even make eye contact with his workers. Try being in am elevator with the old nut basket. Awkward.
DeleteThank you record room seney. How's the midget hairdresser
DeleteThanks or posting fitzy. Bill dunne is forcing the approval of Stewarts and demolition of willies property so you can have your boy as rodney puts it
DeleteThe midget hairdresser lol
Delete"Political crossfire"? Captain and officer, you 2 laid in bed with Nichols and McGrath and now YOU complain about morale? Clueless Lou is our leader, you wanted it and we got it. Whoever made the post about backing the wrong horse is absolutely right. The captain (Sprague) and officer (Fitzgerald) laid down with dogs, now we all have fleas. Go scratch boys for the rest of us haven't seen a raise in 3 years.
DeleteYou call Fitzy filing a complaint on behalf of an officer without their knowledge fair representation? I call that being underhanded and sneaky. Now your fellow officer could lose his job and maybe go to jail, that could be you one day.
DeleteI'm at a loss for words over this post. Basically what's being said is that Tedesco made all the cops go back to work, and they didn't like it. 7:56 is right though. you get in bed with a three time felon, and his shameful sidekick, and this is what you get. Fitz & his big mouth is what really got this snowball running downhill. Bye ya'll!
Deletemorale is really bad in the TPD as evidence by the number of cops quitting and going to other departments.........oh wait ......no cops have quit! Time to get the whiners out!
DeleteWhat's funny is that Tedesco disciplined a cop for exercising his right to free speech. Now Tedesco is using that same constituional right of Free Speech to openly criticize his two bosses.
DeleteDo as I say, not as I do ! That pretty much sums up Tedesco's leadership.
Let the beatings continue until morale improves boys...
Let's see how clean everyone comes out once the Fitzy lawsuit trial starts.
The building that houses the PD is too small. There needs to be twice as many detectives and there needs to be more flexibility in assigning personnel to key positions. Just because someone has seniority does not make them the best choice for the duties.
DeleteThe face of crime changes and the police are always a half step behind. By kicking the chief in the nuts you certainly are not helping anyone except the criminals.
Thank you Captain Sprague but unfortunately you backed the wrong horse.
ReplyDeleteThe horse is running away from the stable towards Virginia, seems the barn got a little too warm and the hay starting to run scared, I mean scarce.
DeleteMust be Barbara Nelson and the car charges. Lou put this woman in check. Developers think troy is a joke with this woman and her demands.
DeleteHey Kevin 4:37 shouldn't you be on your way to your job as a bouncer? Must be nice hitting on your daughters friends.
ReplyDeleteHe's a clerk at lb grocery
DeleteHe's going to be a bouncer at Vics and give safe rides home to lansingburgh.
DeleteWhat ever he is, it must bother people. He still is on peoples mind
DeleteHey kev how's the doctor?
DeleteSo us Sheeran. Does that mean ppl like him as well
DeleteIs Scrooge rosamilia counting his money this blessed week before Christmas. Did hero anything to appreciate the fire police or city floor workers. How bout dpw. Utilities. Harry did. Will Lou ? Cheep sob
ReplyDeleteHarry was a good leader respected the worker. Was one of them. Plowed te streets gbe back. Lou works for dewy srewem and how
DeletePeople liked harry people are nice to the old cenial man but no one wants to be in same room as him
DeleteHe he only mayor to drive around a car and use had that's taxpayer funded. Harry didn't. Pete doesn't. King Lou in the brown car to and from work errands fundraisers and to a Syracuse game last week.
ReplyDeleteHe took Monica and the grant writer to a game in a city vehicle. Look into this beam
DeleteLou took city car to Syracuse with 2 elite employees. Did Walter go too? What a hack. Harry drive his own car so did dan and Pete. One term Lou. Hope the record picks up on this andrew beam you out there?
DeleteWill rodney throw his garbage in the streets to so it's not on his property. We seen what you did with the snow. Maybe when thy ever get around to cleaning that home the stuff will make it to the curb and beyond. The flying fish stay. They are so silly.
ReplyDeleteRodney without. A shirt looks likes he's melting. They say when your married for a while you begin to look alike. That's true.
ReplyDeleteWho do you have cheering for you now, Kev?
ReplyDeleteThey troy hot shot couple. Not. Your it council president boy. So was chappy no biggie check yourself loser
ReplyDeleteMost of these comments are so pathetic and childish! Its an embarrassment to know many of you are either elected officials, work in Troy's government or businesses and/or are friends of some of these people. You wonder why Troy is called Troylet, look at some of these comments and outright insults, its filthy and smells worse than the sewers. Grow up people.
ReplyDeleteLou can type on a computer
DeleteYou should look for a nice place in cohoes or arbor hill
DeleteProbably a canadian complaint
DeleteHow many current and future city payroll checks will be at Pete's dining room table on Christmas Day? For Christ sakes there's a 40 year old village idiot there dressed as a rookie fireman. He is going past family members and is bringing in soon to be married relatives to the city payroll. Lets look at Lou and his 200k pay day and start adding up Peter family. The greedy bunch is down to 2 people Peter and Lou. The Troy cops will get nothing. I'm heading to Virginia with Fitzy and Willie
DeleteNothing worse than infamous mahoney family
DeleteWhere is that retard McCasion?must have meet up with a chick with dick on king street tonight he's not on twitter or the blog for a few hours
ReplyDeleteSeriously hope McCasion did run into Peters future in law the white rapper down on king street
DeleteNu I'm busy bashing Lou and Pete and at the wine bar and tubas wake. One day I'll get a real job and afford to move off king street and stop complaining because I live in the poor side of town
DeleteNot a nice way to speak of Carla
DeleteAs many have posted out here about Vito, some pro Vito some anti Vito the half page article in the Record today seems to set the record straight. Troy overwhelmingly loves Vito.
ReplyDeleteVitos Whole life is a lie
DeleteHere's what a lie is, when Cox and Coop put Lou in the mayors seat and were promised rewards (jobs) and are now treated like they have the plague. That's a lie.
DeleteTroy is very fortunate to have Vito
ReplyDeleteYes hopefully he takes over for nut bag Lou. City going down and fast.
DeleteVito is sexy. Cowboy boots low cut shorts and hipster jeans. My seat is wet
DeleteLou's is as well his diaper exploded
DeleteHappens in Lou's office when Zuul doesn't change the diaper or Monica comes in
DeleteHe's into the burned chest?
DeleteDo as I say. Not as i do...
ReplyDeleteThat sums up Tedesco and his leadership ability (or lack thereof).
Let the beatings continue until morale improves boys.
Whatever you say steve seney. There is a reason your in the record room. Learn from your mistakes and nice haircut bud. Did she use a ladder to give you a trim
DeleteThey are paid to stop the criminals not to worry about morale.
DeleteSo I gather this Steve Seney is the officer involved in the Fitzgerald lawsuit? "Learn from your mistakes"? So now Fitzgerald, Millington and Peter Ryan are going after him? And the FBI is sniffing around? The arrogance will surely take all three down. Keep up the threats, it's already in writing and on file. We need Guido Gabriel back!
DeleteLou thinks there there for his merry godness
DeleteSeney was banished to the records room. Like Hightop was banished to the coner of Hedley city floor.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the tree in the park Lou. Vito's was better and he paid for it out of his own pocket. Cheap sob
ReplyDeleteLou's plan for all natural snow removal has worked. One week after the storm we are clear
ReplyDeleteZuul says she wasn't passed out drunk at the wine bar she was tired. She couldn't relax at work with the death rattle that comes from Lou's office all day. Many city hal employees also complain of this Welll the cans if coors light opening too
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to colar city brownstain?
ReplyDeleteWhat buildings will one down this week. Russ is away on vacation. Who will billy fight with. Who will keep Sheeran in check
ReplyDeleteAndrew beam do a story Asti why the mayor was allowed to take a city car to a Syracuse game with and elite employee and her husband. As a taxpayer I Demond
DeleteAs a taxpayer I demand (notice spelling) a full accounting of all your activities, including cash in and cash out. It goes both ways.
Vito Rat Citizen of Troy he got run offed from South Troy then he fled to Albia told every one Hey I am ( Rat Vito Citizen ) I am from the burgh can you spare a dime.
DeleteOr I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.
What a PIG
Vito must be renting space in a few heads these days
DeleteMonday am what time will doughnut queen drozd walk in. Does she really need doughnuts. What next a man in his 80s gonna tickle her fancy?
ReplyDeleteRabbit pass allows you to arrive at city floor at 915 must be all the donuts he brings in for Lou and Pete and the human resource department
ReplyDeleteFirst Lou call the record to say stop making fun of me. Tommorrow after his weekly breakfast for the elite he will call franco and say the same. Got to be the oldest baby ever
ReplyDeleteGoodnight mayor fool. I mean mayor Lou.
ReplyDeleteWas harry ever mayor harry. Don't think so. Mayor Lou. Bahahahha
Lou reeds this then has special meeting each Tuesday morning to discuss content. What a tool
ReplyDeleteHunchback of city floor mayor Lou to reattach the ribbon he cut at sliders 4 months ago. Business already closed. Cited the lack if response form mayors office.
ReplyDeleteThat's just too crazy
DeleteMerry Christmas you AZZ Hole
Jack, you married your best friends wife. What a man you are.
ReplyDeleteOur 2 former mayors, and current mayor had and have their strong-points, along with each having soft spots. The position of mayor is a tough one I would imagine. Having the fate of the city in your hands. I didn't always agree with Pattison, but I respected the fact that he was solidly elected by the people who take the time and get out and vote. Same for Tutunjian, who also did an excellent job in my opinion. Different mayors, different styles. The roads still get plowed, the garbage picked up, fires get put out, and criminals get arrested, regardless of who's in charge. Mayor Rosamilia has done some good things since being elected, and has made some questionable decisions also. So run him down, as a few of you do to his predecessors, but respect the man, and the job he has to do. You should all spend less time ragging on people, and maybe lift a finger or two, to make thing better. The past couple of city councils though, were a complete disgrace. Between that Campana, Kevin McGrath, Nina Nichols, Guluski (complete clown), and a few others, they've done nothing to better the city. It seems their only goal is to run the other party down, and re-write the Charter. It's a wonderful city. It's just too damn bad that these political jokers seem to do anything they can to set us backward again. I do have some hope for a couple of the new people --but I'm not holding my breath either. Merry Christmas Trojans
ReplyDeleteThanks Rodney for your assessment just wonder how GG feels that you feel he is a clown and Dem party feel you running down "real democrats".
DeleteRumor has it that Kevin is not happy with the "love" that Vito is receiving. Kevin you need to come to grips with a few things. Vito would have crushed you first and foremost. Tom Wade and crew worked against you on both sides and Wade is thrilled that your gone and he's fine with Gordon. You beat feet and placed your tail (reminiscent of the same way your big and getting bigger brother Ed skunked his way out of "raised in the Burgh" for his vote on term limits) between your legs and got out. The most important thing is that Vito will be on the payroll next week with Jim Gordon and you will not. So that means you left on empty promises just like you started. Remember "Vito is the first to go". Good bye disgraced council man you belong with Ed and the way you both pussed out in the end.
ReplyDeleteWhy did McGrath want Vito to go?
ReplyDelete@December 22, 2013 at 10:51 AM
ReplyDeleteI've heard that you're right from some of the several Officers who were basically treated like dogs by JT in effect forcing them to either take early retirement or just outright quit. Can we say "mission accomplished" with the dismantleing of SCU and an investigation squashed? Then when Tony is brought back JT, throws a temper tantrum, becomes that boy everyone knew as a child who said we either play by my rules or I take my ball and bat and go home.
McGrath was always second fiddle to Vito. From the beginning of the Better Burgh Club to the entertainment to Vito's community involvement. It always made Kevin look bad. So bad Kevin even aligned himself with Cox and created the mess on 5th. and 114 th street, just to get back at Vito. Bringing back the Burgh indeed.
ReplyDeleteYou're wrong, Kevin brought dignity and class to the burgh. Hes a real statesman
DeleteSo it's just a jealousy thing? Foolish for a grown man to act like that. Kevin should have worked with him.
DeleteVito threw Kevin's brother Ed out of the better Burgh club that's when the club changed for the better. Enrollment and moral changed instantly once Vito took it over. Just another notch in Vito's belt of accomplishment he has over Kevin and Ed McGrath
DeleteYou got it backwards. Vito is jealous of the McGraths.
Deleteyes --that must be it
DeleteIs that why Vito is still there and the McGraths have slithered away? Keep telling yourselves that. Merry Christmas Vito
DeleteThanks kevin for the lb grocery and Harlem swagga. Say hi to the good doctor
DeleteDream on, Vito. If you're so sure the burgh loves you, why don't you run? Because you know you'd get your ass kicked, that's why. Better to keep your little Disney princess burgh savior fairy tale alive. Right?
DeleteSad. Wow
DeleteAnd the best news is...........both Mcgraths are now off the council...the board is felon free as far as we know!
DeleteRat Citizen Vito was riding shotgun with Mirch collecting absentee ballots I have the proof.
DeleteAlso Harry Got in by ( You Guessed it Absentee Ballots )