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Petitions are filed and, as
expected, there is a battle for control of the Rensselaer County Democratic
Party Committee.
Less expected, is the primary in
Election District No. 8. Council President Rodney Wiltshire is going
head-to-head against county Chairman Tom Wade. Their running mates are Rev. Tim
Sherman and Rebecca Sweeney, respectively.
In all, the anti-Wade faction
filed petitions in 25 of the 30 Election Districts in Troy with two committee seats
in each district. It’s hard to say how many will stand up to scrutiny since
there are all sorts of ways to get signatures bounced. As I’ve written before,
collecting them is not rocket science but to do it right is a time consuming
process and there are specific rules that must be followed. As such, corners
are always cut, petitions are routinely bounced and so does a candidates’
But, even if the anti-Wade faction
were fast and loose with some of the petition signatures, you can bet they
crossed all the I’s and dotted all the T’s on Wiltshire’s. That means Wade and
Wiltshire will square off on Sept. 9 in ED No. 8 – which is roughly 102nd
Street to 107th Street (see map.)
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On the one hand you have to give
Wiltshire credit because he is taking on Wade head on rather than putting up a
lesser known candidate. It was intentional too. A committee candidate can run
in any Election District so long as the ED is in the Assembly District where
the candidate lives. But, a member of Wiltshire’s camp said “we guessed right,”
meaning they wanted the show down.
It’s a gutsy move, but Wade has
more to lose than Wiltshire because not many pay attention to committee races
and if Wiltshire gets beat he can still run for his Council seat or any other
seat he wants – i.e. mayor. While Wade can still be chair without being on the
committee, wanting to be the titular head of the county committee is a harder
sell if he can’t hold onto a lowly committee seat.
On the flip side, I know of maybe
two other people in Rensselaer County who can count weighted votes – each committee
seat is weighted based on the number of Democrats within that Election District
so it can get kind of confusing – as well as Wade. I don’t know of anyone who
can do it better. He also knows how to line up committee members when it comes
time to vote.
And, Wade has said he would
consider bouncing Wiltshire and Councilman Ken Zalewski out of the party
because of disloyalty if they fought his decision to not have his soldiers
carry their committee petitions. Obviously, they are not only fighting that
decision, they are throwing it back in Wade’s face so if Wade follows through,
there is a chance the two Democrats won’t be Democrats any longer.
Obviously, Wiltshire is going for
the jugular but the bottom line is if you’re going to shoot at the king you
better kill him.
Some background on committee
-They generally go uncontested and
often times the seats are filled with the bodies of party loyalist’s relatives,
who then obediently turn over their votes by proxy.
-There are two committee seats in each Election District so technically the Wiltshire camp is attempting to wage 50 primaries. How many will be on the ballot come Election Day is anyone's guess.
-There are two committee seats in each Election District so technically the Wiltshire camp is attempting to wage 50 primaries. How many will be on the ballot come Election Day is anyone's guess.
-I mentioned that the Wade camp will be challenging some of the Wiltshire camp's signatures but Wiltshire could also challenge the Wade camp's. I'll know more about what petitions will stand and which ones get bounced next week.
-Not many pay attention to
committee races but a political party is built from ground up and coups always
start in the street. Committees, too, are important because they in turn elect
an executive committee and a chairman and ultimately nominate candidates.
-The first test of a petitions’
validity is the county Board of Elections. If both commissioners opt to bounce
the petition, it’s bounced. If they both agree it’s good, it’s good. If there
are objections to the petitions by a vested party and the commissioners split,
it’s still good but will end up in court.
-The committee is, obviously,
county wide and I will post more on town committees as I find out what is going
on, if anything.
-There are some questions about
where Wade lives, on Fifth Avenue or in High Pointe, but residency requirements
are far from cut in stone – just ask former Councilman Michael LoPorto who
summered above his restaurant on Fourth Street spent his winters in Brunswick.
Or was it the other way around?
Good night, Tom.
ReplyDeleteRodney is in over his head here. He only has two months to decide how much of Tom's record of crime and scumbaggery he's going to subject the voters to, and with someone as clinically sociopathic as Tom, you're going to have a hard time getting the voters to accept that even half of it is possible. Maybe Rodney should just send the voters in the district a picture of all the smiling Republicans who Tom has let run unopposed since he knifed Lynne and insisted he could do a better job himself. It's a shame the primary has to be before the general, because we won't be able to see what a great job Tom does delivering 37% of the vote for our Eldridge-Howard-Malone dream team. After we're done talking about Tom, can we figure out which of his rising stars drags down the ticket the most for us here in the towns?
ReplyDeleteKevin McGrath is involved that's enough for me to tell this is dirty. Who n the hell would ask him to carry petitions? Even better why is Peter Ryan having lunch with him at Browns(who knows who paid that bill) and why is Peter Ryan putting the screws to his own cooperation Council as well as candidate for city court judge Ian Silverman?
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely ...what honest and respectable candidate would have Kevin(felon, and ringleader of voter fraud) McGrath carry their petitions..Maybe he is doing it for the kids.. Someone better check those signatures carefully...and Pete Ryan...those footsteps you hear are the feds..
DeleteWell, let's ask Brian Premo. Why would Premo ask Kevin McGrath, someone he's accusing of voter fraud, to carry petitions for him? He wouldn't, unless he knew Kevin didn't do anything wrong.
DeleteKevin admitted, under oath, to committing voter fraud as part of his (second) plea deal. Who get's two deal?
DeleteBr, i wonder how that's going to help Eddie McDonough's lawsuit case. Hmmm mm tic tick tic tovk
Deletewe have swampland in Florida for sale for anyone who believes 1:18 PM. There is also a bridge in Brooklyn for sale. The answer to the question presented is Premo has no morals and no principles. He is as arrogant as McGrath and, frankly, they deserve each other.
DeleteThey may have filed 25, but only about half that are good. What else do you expect from these morons? They may gain a couple seats, but they won't get Tom's and they won't get anywhere near enough to be influential.
ReplyDeleteYawn. Move along folks, nothing to see here.
Rodney is sinking. He is an egomaniac and will never survive the fight. Good bye Rodney and take all of the rest of the delusional idiots with you.
ReplyDeleteGoing on a month since the last "hearing" (circle jerk). Backed yourself into a corner, didn't you? Gotta do something.
DeleteThat's what you all said last time, and he won the presidency. Just Saying.
DeleteOld fat Irish mick VS young firm collage educated stud muffin
ReplyDeleteits time the Tax payers in Troy get a transfusion to get some of these political bone heads sent packing
also its time people who come to troy are welcomed with open arms & not buy a pack of wolves in sheep's clothing
many business people who came here and many who lived here all there lives have got the bums rush buy the last three administrations
any one can see the deterioration of the moral equation of these last 16 years and then some
please do it for you and not for me vote Rodney all the way
Yes, vote for a arrogant racist poseur who caucuses with Republicans and makes an ass of himself on social media. That's definitely the way to go.
DeleteI'll vote for the stud muffin when he starts doing his job for Troy as City Councilman. I guess satisfying his ego with intra-party fights comes before passing legislation. Again, Troy loses with Rodney.
DeleteTom has antagonized and disenfranchised so many democrats, it will be hard for him to find a few that will work for him.
ReplyDeleteThere are plenty of people ready willing and able to get rid of Rodney, whether they like Wade or not. Little Rodster is about to find that out. He might be too busy shopping for muscle shirts, flying fish, eating tacos and lovin the ladies to notice, but it will happen.
DeleteRodney's done nothing to deserve a Democrat's vote. He's made deals with Republicans to take care of himself. Republicans would love to have Wade out and Rodney in.
DeleteYou are so right on, Wade needs to go. He is an absolute jerk and has been for years. Politics suck but he brings it to the lowest level. Go away Tom, your hated.
DeleteAt 153...I'm ready to wipe out a shitload of you freeloaders with information I've gathered so watch your step..a true honest government is forthcoming and it all starts from within because no one is going to have justifiable answers to the questions that are going to come ...whether it's Rodney or someone elder transparency is about to come to a head
DeleteYou know someone could publish board of election records of where people voted last and where they are receiving their star tax exemptions. I'm tired of double standards and being lied to. Residents should know the facts.
ReplyDeleteYou know, if you're so sure you're being lied to, instead of bitching and pissing on blogs you could get off your fat ass and look this information up yourself. It's public and easy to access.
DeleteI have and it's in the process...hope you have your resume updated
DeleteTax records, board of election records, IRS records all reveal where individuals live and if an individual is found lying on their residency that's fraud and I say fire the bastard and sue them to boot and kick them off the ball field
ReplyDeleteGo for it. While you're at it, can you find out whether the Tutunjians paid their back taxes? Why the GOP lets felons serve on the County Legislature and then creates big money jobs for them by changing the required credentials? Why judges thrown off the bench are allowed to run for public office? Where $200,000 in taxpayer money goes when it's "embezzled" by a Jimino employee?
DeleteLet us know what you find out. We're curious.
That sounds like your personal fight...i say go for it...I got bigger fish to fry...more than enough on my plate believe me but I'm doing it but I say all the power to you on your quest for what you are seeking
DeleteThe Democratic Party in Troy is not a party for people but team design to provide employment for their support.
ReplyDeleteRobney has independent mind, so he is not good fit.
Get with the program Rod. Stop being a hotrod hotshot.
Be like Lou & keep you head down for 50 years and meybe one day you be appointed mayor by group that pull your stings like a marionete puppet
you're right, Rod "is not a good fit". In fact, he doesn't fit in anywhere with any group---kinda like Zalewski.
DeleteAt 500 your just jealous because you can't get a job elsewhere , you rely on other people to get a job for you...do yourself a favor and lay off the tanning beds, spray tans and jet black hair color...I think those chemicals are frying your brain from seeing how things work in the real world...Troy is WAY behind on being in compliance but just wait your time is gonna come
DeleteGood by Jack. I hear your petitions are all f'ed up.
ReplyDeleteWade has to realize that this is no longer the era of political bosses.To be a leader you have to be inclusive not be throwing people out of the party who have different views.It should be a political party not a political club.
It should be a political party not a political club.
DeleteBravo my good man
The fact is they want control of all the tax monies that we pay and they actually consider it there money to dole out who they want to with no regard for the public at large
its time the tax payers take Troy back and throw these bums out and keep them out
If "different views" means working against the Dems and with the Republicans, then you're absolutely right, "different views" will get you bounced out on your ass. You should know that better than anyone Frank.
DeleteFrank when you were on the Civil Service Commission how often did you follow the rule of three? Not often was it? As Tootie would say from Facts of Life "ooooh you guys are in troooooubbble !"
DeleteThe only different views are...money ....money that passes hands is what currently makes certain things work in the City...I know a couple contractors that are related to city employees and there is definitely conflicts of interest.
DeleteAs I sit here and read the blogs, comments and replies, I can't help thinking is it really adults who are writing these. If it is, most of you should be embarrassed. I can't imagine the role model you are portraying at home. It is time to grow up. Everybody seems to be afraid of Wade...why? If he is that intimidating and has that much power, he should not be in the position he is in. No one should carry that much power. Let's remember, Wade does not sign your paycheck. Maybe you should stand up and be men and women rather than little dependents. Believe me when I say, life goes on without Mr. Wade! Hey...I am living proof. If anyone had the misfortune to attend the City Council meeting the other night, it was a circus. Where is the professionalism and concern for the city that the residents deserve. You had Ian Silverman's child running up and down the isles while business (and I use that term loosely) was trying to be conducted. Ian spent his time attending to his child and not the business on hand. This was no place for a child. If he can't manage his child, how do you expect him to manage a court room? To me, it looked like a large play date for the "grown-ups". Look, this is my city and your city. We are the people who put these representatives in these jobs. If they can't handle the job, if they do not have the experience needed for the position or if they have abused their position by intimidating others, we need to relieve them of their responsibilities. Remember people, we put them in there and we can take them out of there. When it comes primary time, please...use your vote for the person who has the experience and the maturity to use that experience wisely. It doesn't matter where in Troy you live, if you are rich, poor or in between, if you live in Troy, your vote counts. And remember this important thing...your vote IS private. I can guarantee you 100%, no one can tell how you voted. Let's get some experienced, responsible people in office. It is time. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteWell said! It is time to get experienced people in these positions. Recently, Keith Gorman rang my bell, actually came into my house and talked to me and my wife about his plan to run for City Court Judge. I learned a lot. He didn't judge us because of the neighborhood we lived in, he talked to us with respect. He has the experience and knowledge we need in a City Court Judge and I believe he is fair. No one has ever come to our neighborhood to talk to us before. Keith Gorman has my vote and I know a lot of others feel the same way.
DeleteLong post = Kenny Z. Just can't help himself.
DeleteThanks Jolene.
Deleteor if they have abused their position by intimidating others, we need to relieve them of their responsibilities. Remember people, we put them in there and we can take them out of there.
Deletewho ever this man/women is you hit the nail on the head the Council is a circus I will attest to that point and also we have a chance here to get these bums out of power once and for all lets just keep the public at large informed of whats going on in the whole city and the most important thing is just the fact that the FBI came here and also removed the city engineer a crucial employee of the city and has been here for 10 years yes ten years of misery under this political crook he left with his pockets full padding over time for his side kick
I actually hope that this ends in cleaned out of corrupt ungrateful scammers who have sucked the blood and treasure of our fare city
@4:02 Thanks Kathy. You might try varying the "Keith Gorman came to my door" posts so its not quite so obvious.
DeleteUnfortunately 1233 it is NOT our City....the spirit of the City is gone..
DeleteSeveral things need to happen:
ReplyDelete1. an objection needs to be filed based on the fact Wade does not live in Highpointe, he lives at 108th & 5th. (VOTER FRAUD)
2. the DA should launch an investigation.
3. Wade should hold a press conference and answer questions about his residency and why he as political chairman is inserting himself in a city council investigation. The last time a dem chairman was involved in government business was Chairman Mcdonough selling the county insurance. We all know how that worked out.
Wrong, wrong and wrong again. Get a grip.
DeleteSo what do you call it when city employees that are required to live in Troy as a contingency of employment ...board of elections records indicate returned mail due to living in Schenectady and inactive voting records but yet are receiving healthy salary from the city and payroll records indicate out of city....fraud or no? Oh and in a position others paid to take exams for and they aren't on the list ...... Someone explain this please
Delete**Cues Circus music** Ladies and Gentlemen (using these terms loosely) today's installment of Puppets and Idiots has been brought to you by the Rensselaer County Democratic Committee. Please feel free to run as fast as you can to the nearest BOE to ensure you aren't associated with any of the Puppets and Idiots. Also, please be advised-- Troy politics is a blood-sport, it's going to get ugly so we've left complimentary splash protectors underneath your seats. Please understand we cannot be held responsible for the smell of complete and utter bullshit you are guaranteed to experience! See you at the polls in November, sure to be an upsetting experience for Row B.
ReplyDeleteGo Away harry and keep on collecting your do nothing for cash jack pot you hit and the go for broke
ReplyDeleteOK Jim Gordon makes 70K on his day job 15K AS councilmen plus what ever what his wife makes
ReplyDeleteOk Jim how many of your constituents make that kind of cash what 2%
OK Jim here is where the rubber meets the road you & Gary voted down the Solar discounts You voted down a constituents try to buy property in North central along with Lynn,Gary,Mrs Teta then you go on Face Book concerned about a building collapsing in North central
Would the real Jim Gordon please stand up Either the one who is for the people or the one who is just for some of the people
So Wades residency is in question but not LoPorto's?
ReplyDeleteLoPorto running for something? When he did run in Troy and lived in Brunswick Wade condoned it.
DeleteLoPorto is a made guy, Tom is a Wade Guy! What the f is a wade, when you can't swim? You Wade! He is definately not swimming!
DeleteCompared to the GOP county chair, Tom Wade's looking pretty good. At least he doesn't beat the crap out of his kids in public parking lots.
Deletethat we know of.
So wade if I know I shotload of people that got their jobs in Troy the wrong way what will you do about it
DeleteFat Ed use to spank him in public!
DeleteRich Crist is charged with two counts of misdemeanor endangering the welfare of a child and one count of harassment, a violation.
ReplyDeleteLooks like he wont be helping to many people any more in the GOP no one likes a child beater or a women beater
How many women voters will see this kook for what he really is
Endangering the welfare of a child and one count of harassment
Endangering the welfare of a child Endangering the welfare of a child Endangering the welfare of a child Endangering the welfare of a child
one thing for certain, politics in rensselaer county will keep you amused, flabbergasted, appalled, but not shocked. the whole political playground is a mud hole.
ReplyDeleteRich Crist is the filthiest of them all. And I'm not just talking about his pants.
DeleteWade has to go!
ReplyDeleteWade has to go!
ReplyDeleteHow's that demolition investigating going? I heard on the county dispatch stuff being stolen at the sight of Kings and police all over,there are shootings going on and more focus is put on that? Waste of county tax payer money if you ask me.
ReplyDeleteRodneys floundering around, investigation headed nowhere. FBI wasn't interested, so Rod called the EPA and begged them to pretend investigate. They won't be interested either. As predicted Rodney's plan to embarrass the administration backfired. He looks like a fool
DeleteOr the deputy mayor has a conflict of interest being involved with the construction company....I didn't know the deputy mayor had the authority to just hire anyone and put them on the City payroll...ask him who he just recently hired and if they are in a position that was approved by the,CSEA AND it's members and if the City council approved it and also where the minutes are from civil service commission approving such a sneaky hire...oh and prove this employee is a City resident as well
DeleteMore delusional blabbering
DeleteHey , 8:30 pm. Ask Russ Reeves what the FBI is investigating in Troy. Get your facts straight!
Delete6:26 FBI investigation is dead. Sorry to burst your bubble.
DeleteWill or are you running for anything ? You really should because you have honesty and the integrity that I miss seeing with my local goverent
ReplyDeleteAt 512....you know where I am...come at me ...I dare you...i know you won't because I'll kick your ass to the curb just like your own father did.. Like the garbage you are
ReplyDeleteNow that's a mean thing to say to the adopted bill dunne
DeleteGood luck with that.