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As one prominent Troy Democrat
said: “Hey, if we don’t have any decent Republicans to fight … we may as well
fight with each other.”
And there is no doubt a fight brewing within the Democratic ranks.
Chairman Tom Wade is looking to oust Council President Rodney, his wife Jolene and Councilman Ken Zalewski,
D-District 5 from the Democratic Party Committee. He strongly hinted that if
they don’t walk away from the seats quietly, and instead challenge his picks by
waging primaries, he would look to have them removed from the party for
Safe to say, the three are not
going quietly.
“As a proud registrant and
committeeman of the Democratic Party, I have consistently proven my loyalty to
the party leadership, elected Democratic officials, voters and constituents,” said
Wiltshire, a former president of the Rensselaer County Young Democrats, in a
statement. “If the chairman wishes to proceed down this path I, along with my
attorney Kathleen O’Keefe, will pursue this in court.
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“I am a Democrat through and
through. I have never supported nor given money to a non-Democratically
endorsed candidate. I take these allegations seriously and I am prepared to
take this as far as it needs to go.”
O’Keefe worked for Sen. Cecelia
Tkazyk in her nail-bitter recount win over Assemblyman George Amadore and has
long been counsel to the state Assembly majority. In other words, she knows
Election Law and if Wade does try to bounce the three from the party it could
ultimately end up in court.
The disloyalty, Wade claims,
started when Wiltshire accepted the Independence Party endorsement in exchange
for giving the Republicans committee chairs and other appointments. Zalewski’s
disloyalty, according to Wade, was when he backed incumbent Republican Councilman
Dean Bodnar over his Democratic challenger Michelle DeLair during the District
5 race last year.
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Both sides are coy about their
strategy too. The way it works is a committee representative can run in any
Election District within the Assembly District where they reside. So few
signatures are needed to get on the ballot that they can wait until the last
minute to show their hands and disclose who is running where. In other words, we likely won't know who is running where and against who until petitions are filed next month. It really doesn't get more down and dirty than a good committee fight.
The brewing battle became public
when Wade handed out committee petitions for the “solid” committee members. I
say “solid” because there are 30 Election Districts in the city, and with each having
two committee members it’s not easy to fill the entire slate and there are
always vacancies. There are those party loyalists, however, who have served for
years and who run without question every two years. The Wiltshires and Zalewski
were once considered “solid” committee members.
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That started to change when
Wiltshire accepted the Independence Party line, which helped him knock Lynn
Kopka, D-At Large, out of the presidency she held for two years. Kokpa is a
tried and true Wade loyalist.
Add that to the ongoing investigation
the Council is conducting into two controversial demolition projects headed up –
or ordered by – members of the administration of Mayor Lou Rosamilia, another
Wade loyalist, and Wiltshire’s well known ambitions for higher office and …
well … we have a war.
The winner of the war, should the two sides continue with the game of chicken and actually bang heads when petitions are due next month, will likely have control of not only the Democratic nod for mayor but the Rensselaer County Democratic Party.
Please Enough
ReplyDeleteIf there was a real leader to begin with none of this would have happened. If you don't bow to Wade you are a traitor. Get some leadership that can bring the party together and not continue to pry it apart.
ReplyDeleteIf the two self centered councilmen had any resemblance of loyalty in their ego driven heads, they would not have cut deals and sided with Republicans in exchange for jobs and appointments. They gave Wade the ammunition to oust them. Can't wait to see if they both cry like little girls if they lose.
DeleteRodney or Ken are leaders? Their bizarre behavior the other night at the meeting shows what phonies they are. I know it's futile to reason with people who are so self centered they cannot see the "FACTS" for what they are but even Dean Bodnar looked like a leader. Also caught the Bob Dorehty act for the first time. WOW He should join the crew in the front row (Cox, Cox, Mccashen, Hart and Aldredge) for some serious mental health therapy. OMG
DeleteHart is crooked too
DeleteHarry there just trying to clean up the mess you left behind with all of your drug rehab rejects you brought on board to put hits on unsuspecting tax payers.
DeleteNow sheerans job is in serious question there is a good chance him and McGrath will be gone.
Dave really had me in tears about his family and kids in collage the problem dave is its not all about you
Pearlmans was a threat to all the kick backs three job bob was getting to the tune of 25 grand and then some
Mr Pearlman told me eye ball to eye ball dave first code was there attacking them on a daily base writing paper on them
Then they were taken off the list for being a vendor who ever was the one who did that is dirty vary dirty
Cost to pearlman family 100,000 and then some
Cost to tax payers 125,000 and then some from lost tax revenue
Investigators use the term victims
so the victims here are first the pearlmans then second the citizens of troy
there are people who are keeping track harry
Tis the reason Troy politics is called a bloodsport, survival of the fittest. Disgusting, yet, like a train wreck we keep rubbernecking to see who was caught in the wreckage. *Pops popcorn*
ReplyDeleteWow this also sux ballz
ReplyDeleteApparently minorities and LBGT are not welcome in the Democrat party under the leadership of Mr Wade.
ReplyDeleteHopefully neither is some chubby, creepy, dirty self anointed 'pasture'.
DeleteThe "I'm never wrong and never will be wrong" Kenny is already resorting to use of the gay card to save himself. Casting accusations against a progressive thinking, fair minded chairman is not the way to go Ken and Rodney. I think you're both cooked and you're showing it.
DeleteYes, all disgruntled minorities and LBGT should hop on over to the GOP side. They're so incredibly welcoming of gays and African Americans.
DeleteYes they are, but the left wants to use race when it suits them.
DeleteI am ashamed of Wade and Rosamilia ....I thought you had the City and Counties best interest at heart and you both have proved me wrong...I'm switching parties
ReplyDeleteDon't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out
DeleteI have not worries, it won't because you took it off the hinges.True Dems don't lie cheat and steal and make deals behind closed doors. True Dems don't allow other dems to be harassed by city employees.True Dems stick to the rules because they are for the people and not for profit.Their dems don't threaten to cast aside dems because Republican City employees made poor decisions in regards to the City of Troy residents safety.
DeleteThis is the under statement of the century
Deletebecause Republican City employees made poor decisions in regards to the City of Troy residents safety
not only to the safety of citizens but for there own selfish agenda and power trips
its plane to see just how these patterns just keep going on over and over
its time to get back to just being a city again and stop pandering to party bosses and using propaganda to stay in power
Meanwhile crime is on the rise, vacant buildings and for sale signs are popping up all over the city, property taxes are on the rise and Troy still doesn't own it's own city hall. Sad.
ReplyDeleteApparently the City has outsourced a developer to come in and help reorganize the City...go to the City of Troy website..
DeleteWade is taking our party down for his own self promotion, been a lackey since Eddie had him polishing his shoes at the bar with C B Smith and all the other kiss asses.
ReplyDeleteThis should split the party and assure the next Republican gets in, hopefully its a cross endorsed Rodney and the Dems wake up and get rid of Wade, he is delusional.
ReplyDeleteDo you live under a rock? Pigs will fly before Rodney gets cross endorsed.
DeleteI see Flash Gordon got his name in the paper again by pretending St. John's cemetery got vandalized. Even the diocese said it wasn't vandalism but that doesn't stop Jim from waving his arms and shouting LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME! Shameful to exploit people's grief to score political points. He has no respect.
ReplyDeleteJim Gordon is dreamy, I want to have his baby.
DeleteGet in line
Delete"I see Flash Gordon got his name in the paper again by pretending St. John's cemetery got vandalized. Even the diocese said it wasn't vandalism but that doesn't stop Jim from waving his arms and shouting LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME! Shameful to exploit people's grief to score political points. He has no respect."
DeletePossibly some of the stones were toppled due to vandalism, but some of them have been down for years. No response from Dan Levy or Jim Gordon to the below e-mail, excerpted because of 4,096 character limit for comments here.
Subject: St. John's Cemetery
Date: June 22, 2014 at 1:02:24 AM EDT
To: Dan Levy, Jim Gordon
Rose M. Ingram (1876-1953)
photo posted February 6, 2012 shows stone flat on the ground
Godfrey Kloppe (1827-1902)
photo posted February 6, 2012 shows stone flat on the ground
How come Jim isn't screaming about the chief not preventin the current violence in Lansingburgh.
DeleteJim Gordon is all talk no action. Unless he's calling on someone to resign strutting in front of cameras.
DeleteHe is a total phony and there are a number of residents and I mean most of them who want him gone and don't want him using north central as his stepping stone
Deletejust go have your secret meetings with Mirch Jim we know all about who your daddy is
you couldn't wipe a smile off me with fifty undertakers if wade goes away
ReplyDeleteIf someone comes to your door and asks you to sign a petition for Keith Gorman, listen to what they have to say. I think you will like it. Keith Gorman is a long time Troy resident and believes in honesty and fair play. He is looking to run for City Court Judge in November. Not only is he honest and fair, he has over 30 years experience which is what Troy needs. I signed...you should too.
ReplyDeleteThanks Keith. Maybe the next time you have a supporter meeting you can get more than six people to show up.
DeleteKeith Gorman can be honist thats what we all need in Troy not judges who pander and screw long term residents for political retribution
DeleteThis is not Keith and your facts are wrong. You need to check your counting skills. You obviously don't know Keith if you think he'd write a blog promoting himself.
Delete7:04 you got it right. Nobody knows Keith which is the reason he has no chance winning a race for any office.
DeleteKeith teamed up with the misfit mafia, forever destroying whatever credibility he might have had
DeleteWhoa....sounds like a few people are scared. From what I hear, Keith is very credible and has a real shot at this. By the way...who is the "misfit mafia"? Do they know you call them that? How adult of you.
DeleteIf you have to ask, you're worse off than we thought.
DeleteFranco is watching you so get your shi$ together
ReplyDeleteI got my shit together ...come at me...I'm ready
ReplyDeletewait and see how many people run for mayor this go round the economy is bad and getting worse so the vultures are going to be coming in for the last little bit of road kill thy can find
ReplyDeletethe taxes will have to go up and up and up and up till the last man/women standing with three jobs can survive here