The FBI has decided not to pursue
a full blown investigation into two other allegations of excessive force filed
against the Troy Police Department.
According to Police Benevolent
Association President Bob Fitzgerald, the request to look into the actions of Officer
Kyle Jones during two 2012 arrests will not result in anything more than a
cursory look. This comes on the heels of the FBI determining the Kokopellis
melee of Jan. 25 did not warrant a full blown investigation either.
In June, 2012, Jones was accused
of using excessive force while arresting freelance photographer Brian Houle.
Days prior to the arrest in front of Houle’s South Troy home, Jones and Houle
got into an argument on Facebook over the definition of “hero.” Houle called
himself such after putting a car fire out, Jones took exception and called
Houle to tell him as much. Houle, of course recorded the conversation and while
Jones didn’t outright threaten him, it was close.
Days later, Houle, Jones was on
patrol in South Troy, attempted to arrest Houle for some petty crime, Houle
allegedly resisted and got beat up pretty good.
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Houle currently has a $3 million
lawsuit filed against the city. Jones was found to have violated the department’s
internet policy and standards of impartiality. I don’t think there is such
thing as “violating good judgment” or “thumbing your nose at common sense” in
the police officer manual but if there were he would be guilty of those too.
Anyway, in December, Jones tried
to arrest Frank Fogarty in downtown for disorderly conduct and Fogarty and his
wife allegedly resisted. An Internal Affairs investigation found that Jones did
use excessive force, but the PBA claimed Chief John Tedesco released the letter
to Fogarty too soon and filed a complaint against the chief for doing so.
Along with allegations of
excessive force after the Jan. 25 Kokopellis melee, the two complaints were
sent along to the Justice Department by the Troy African American Pastoral
Alliance. The FBI took a look at all
three and decided not to conduct a full blown investigation into any of them.
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In addition to Houle’s civil suit,
Fogarty filed one too, Kokopellis has already filed a notice of claim and I’d
be willing to bet it’s only a matter of time before Roshwon Donley, the man
captured on cell phone and surveillance videos getting hit by police with nightsticks,
files one as well.
Some good did come out of the allegations,
however. The Police Department has revamped how it takes complaints – in that
they are actually taking them seriously – the Police Objective Review Committee
is taking a more active role and there is a separate entity, the Troy Citizens Complaint
Board, to assist residents file complaints and see the police follow through
with the investigation.
In the end the allegations did
have some lasting impact:
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-Tedesco came out on top by forwarding
everything to the FBI – whether he knew the outcome or not – and got control of
the TPD’s day-to-day operations back.
-Not that the TPD didn’t take the
more serious complaints seriously, but now officers know the minor ones will
-Kokopellis brought to a head what
citizens called a systematic, longtime abuse at the hands of police officers. I’m
not sure how widespread it was – or if it was institutional racism as indicated
by a number of residents – but obviously there was something there based on the
number who showed up at the Public Safety Committee meetings to complain and by
Tedesco’s own words.
-Despite the FBI, the nation's lead investigatory agency, opting not to pursue the complaints, Councilman Bob Doherty, D-District 4, still wants a district attorney to take a look at possible criminality. I just don't see that happening.
AG Schneiderman is heading up the NY Corruption task force that may be taking a look at the City of Troy administration which is run by the democrats. How in the hell can Schneiderman be the speaker at a Rensselaer County Democrat fund raiser. Must be some investigation.
ReplyDeleteAG Spiderman is hooking up with Bruce Wanes butler Bob Doherty to bring all the bad Troy Coppers to justice unfortunately there true leader Rodney Half-N-Half Man is down on the canvas with a bad knee. Rodney Half-N-Half Man will be back patrolling 4th street with his bullet proof number 16 Jim Plunkett jersey in his solar powered 76 Ford Granada with the disco ball in the car. Rodney Half-N-Half surgery was a miraculous success performed by Kevin "I sleep in a Halliday Inn last night" McGrath who fortunately National Gid allowed him some time off from his new grueling schedule. Clem "the Cryer" Campana and his little twin brother Underdog will be helping out by watching all the Troy Housing Property's while Rodney Half-N-Half is down with a bad peg. More to come later......................oh and by the way for all you racist out there Half-N-Half refers to half the time he's a republican and half the time a democrat so say 10 Hail Willys leave $50 cash only on 101st and 5th ave and real free to take 1 package of toilet paper and I mean 1.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't going to publish the comment until the last sentence.
DeleteAnything involving a disco ball and you know Gary Pavlic is close by.
DeleteAG Schneiderman is coming for you Harry and that crack head deputy mayor and all the stolen scrap metals from the Mirch Clan also all the kick backs for towing.
ReplyDeleteGod bless dems they are creative!
DeleteYou are RIGHT! The Scolite deal stinks like dead fish, a contractor pays a major bill for the current deputy mayor, the planning commissioner continues to steer city work to the same contractor who was also in the Scolite deal, questionable building demolition, all under the direction of the democrats. NOW AG SCHNEIDERMAN WILL SPEAK TO THE VERY DEMOCRATS HE IS INVESTIGATING!
DeleteYou're right he's probably looking at Harry.
Who are you kidding, Harry would love the attention. He'd finally feel important.
DeleteAnother lunatic comment brought to you by Hopeless Harry and the Wailers.
DeleteThe Attorney General is not investigating the Democrats. Keep calm and take your meds.
Come on people we all know this is the delusional rant of one of the biggest pusses the city of Troy has ever seen. The same man who has to wear the Tony Saragossa depends inside his Spider-Man boys age 7 to 9 underwear. This man can really fill them depends up quick and he can fill them real quick if Rich Crist is around and walks towards him. This is also Bob Coxs favorite day of the year you see when your that big a puss and you sit around with the other pant loads from the voter fraud days you tend to be alone and Bob Coxs is alone a lot. So here's to you Bob and all the other shut ins that don't enjoy the company of a good women. Happy Palm Sunday Bob it's your and you can wash it as hard as you want.
DeleteThe fly in the ointment may be that Schneiderman is a political hack that owes Wade a favor but the FBI (federal) is running the show. If Schneiderman balks they may look at him, which he has no control over.
ReplyDeleteAs opposed to the FBI (state).
DeleteFBI = Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Another clever comment brought to you by an uneducated Troy Republican. (Yes I'm aware of the redundancy.)
Duhhh, I guess it's not really happening. City's on an upswing, streets are clean and crime is non existent. You want "redundancy" keep voting democrat and they will line their pockets before you can say Scolite. BOOM!
DeleteYes, let's go back to the Tutunjian years, the years of turning down $750,000 in federal grant money out of spite, and costing the city 250,000 to settle lawsuits. Heckuva job Harry.
DeleteOh wait... we can't go back to those years, because the public keeps rejecting these fools at the polls. BOOM!
I don't want to argue Harry or Lou, republican or democrat, but the suit with Houle and others seem to double the $250,000. And in fairness this is under Lou's watch. Just saying.
DeleteLou's watch with Harry's grandfathered staffers. Houle happened before Magnetto came on. Just saying.
DeleteMagnetto did absolutely nothing.. Hence, we really don't even notice his absence!
DeleteHas anyone heard anything about Germano's case
ReplyDeleteYes the charges where reduced to assault with a dead weapon
DeleteIt took Schneiderman 4 years to do something about THA.
ReplyDeleteI see Kevin McCashion has turned the corner. Fish Gods? Anti Catholic? His religion is more righteous than others? Kevin, Harry and Jim must pray at Francescas as Lou, Fitzy and Willie do at city floor.
ReplyDeleteThe headline of this thread is the FBI and TPD, the city has an open double homicide where a 9 month pregnant women and child were killed. We get nothing from the press or police. I don't have much confidence in the Troy detectives. This is a sick crime and these boobs are clueless.
ReplyDeleteChamberlain? Is that you?
DeleteThat was most likely a drug related crime and it did get press. Not all crimes are solved in 24 hours. But by all means keep whining.
DeleteWell thank you for explaining "it did get press". There is a cold blooded killer who slayed a young women and a baby a week away from being born. Yet no arrest, and I'm whining? Whining is when the chief puts in place a new structure and you run to Lou and he puts an end to it because he's your bitch. Why not put Captain Sprague on it, he knows everything. You're an embarrassment to the entire police community.
DeleteLoudmouth Chamberlain should go away.
ReplyDeleteThe city cannot run without Chamberlain!
DeleteChamberlin and Garrett run this city. Deal with it.
DeleteJim. Do a story about b dunnes employee who hasn't been seen or heard of in days and no one seems to care. Dysfunction
ReplyDeleteJust figured it out. Dunne wants to be like crawly but never will be able to.
ReplyDeleteThe FBI will not come looking for dunne. He made many friends and contacts when he called them in on the great ice cream scandal of 2013. You know the one where peter looked at him like he completely lost it as he told the story of the ice cream caper.
ReplyDeleteFBI questioned Sheeran this week but only out of curiosity. The only questions asked where where do you get hightops in the year 2014? And how can we join the Bon jovi fan club?
ReplyDeleteWhen Sheeran talks the talk he walks the walk Only difference is he makes that walk in hightops
ReplyDeleteI ponder. Will fane supply the concrete for the 3 poorly built homes in troy. And will he live in one. If not why? Why should others be crammed but not the doctor or mr fane
ReplyDeleteYou bet your ass he will.
DeleteDoes Donny have to live in every house he supplies concrete to? They made that lot a lot nicer than what it was. You seem to be obsessed with Donny and Kevin over this lot that has taken a step toward making the burgh a nicer place to live.
DeleteI ponder this. 3 poorly built homes will be constructed on tiny lots in north troy. The builder a rather large fellow was allowed to do this by his brother. Unethical to say the least.
ReplyDeleteWell Bill you may be onto something with this large figure builder. I just went by the small lots on 112th street and seen this "large fellow" and he was bent over and I saw at least 200lbs of crack in his pants.
DeleteSeems this rather large fellow is starting his own "landbank". Call them poorly built but they're new, built with private (no IDA-LDC) money and look a lot nicer than those wonderful shells that are about to crumble. If that crack in his ass bothers you stop and tell him to pull his pants up. Have Bill send code or Garrett or Bob Cox or....
DeleteBill is a computer tough guy. He sticks with his delusional rants about Donny and Kevin, but I wonder..... Does he have the kahunas to say this to their face, let alone under a non-anonymous name? My guess is no.
DeletePerhaps someone needs to look into who leaves the tha board and gets a no show job and who allows a sub par builder who happens to be kin to construct on small lots
ReplyDeleteI'd rather see a family move into a newly constructed home than Land Bank it to TRIP for more Section 8 bullshit
ReplyDeleteYesterdays press conference was comical. Here's Shumer touting the importance of the seawall repair as a way of attracting people to the community. Meanwhile at City Floor, they're trying to figure out a way for Valente to haul garbage to the shores of Troy. THAT will definitely attract people to our waterfront, looking to invest.
ReplyDeleteNew booming business in Troy needs to expand will create new jobs and will renovate office space and will need a building as well. That business is crime and it's on the upswing.
DeleteAnother blow to Troy, Albany announces the great Paul McCartney and Vito announces Al Bruno again, and again and again.
ReplyDeleteVito has privately told Lou and Pete he is in negotiations with John Lennon's people. Spokesman Morris the Cat thinks something is amiss. Although excited about the prospects of Lennon playing Powers Park Lou has ordered Vito to land Lawrence Welk for a summer's eve in Prospect Park.
DeleteToo funny!
DeleteRight about now Silly has half a load on and his paranoid rants will start.
ReplyDeleteMayor Lou and I quote "Vito did a great job". Front page of today's Troy Record. That's great to see on the front page of the paper and web site as compared to the past with laughing councilmen leaving the grand jury room. It's great to have Vito as a city employee hope he has a great Easter with his wife and family.