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Brian Houle/IPA photo |
Three men and two women were shot
about 12:30 a.m. in the area of 121 Fourth St. None of the injuries are
believed to be life threatening, according to media reports.
The shooter fled on foot. There is no description available at this time. Police are not releasing a motive or any information on if the shooter was acting alone, according to media reports.
As one business owner in the area, with concern and bit of outrage, called for more foot patrols, another person said, albeit facetiously,
“Troy needs a police commissioner.”
How's that SAFE Act working out? Disarm and regulate the bejesus out of the law-abiding populace so they live in fear of the "Gangsta" types that run the streets. Simply put, f*@£ Cuomo and Rosamilia. Scumbags.
ReplyDeleteYeah, sh?t for brains, allowing more guns on the street is the solution.
DeleteYour clouded thinking looks like you had some Jack Daniels or couple of joints for breakfast.
" Yeah, sh?t for brains, allowing more guns on the street is the solution"
DeleteWho let more guns on the street Douc*e bag? The draconian knee jerk reaction to sandy hook and the continuous attack on legal and lawful gun owners has done nothing for public safety.
Guns on the street is good, as long as the right people have them. People that have gone through extensive back ground checks for mental history, domestic violence, criminal past and or any other flag indicating a possibility they present a danger. NY especially in this area has licenses issued only after a Judge that has seen an FBI background check approve of the issuance. Perhaps if a law abiding citizen were there with a gun, less people would have been shot and perhaps the culprit wouldn't be walking freely amongst us to shoot someone else!
DeleteWhat are the chances this occurred around the area of the infamous "Kokopellas" ?
ReplyDeleteKopapellis is a great addition to troy. Not the problem. Look elsewhere still open and no chance of being closed. No wrongdoing
DeleteYes --it ranks right up there with Elda's
DeleteThe SLA hearing are set for the demise of this repeat problem. Some police have been asked to stop by at the hearing and tell us what you think. The end is near for kokos.
DeleteNo way, Bob Dorethy and Rodney will state their case.
DeleteWord is bill dunne has commissioned chef paul purdhommes to create a pedestrian alley behind his house. Chef paul is very good with computers we hear. Too bad he wasn't involved in the franklin alley project. It would have come to fruition
ReplyDeleteWord is that your comment has ZERO bearing on the topic at hand. Anyway, let these pants-sagging pukes come near me or mine. I've got something that'll trump their stolen peashooters anyday. Troy needs vigilante justice. Enough is enough. King Louie, if you're reading this, take heed; the populace isn't having it anymore.
DeleteI Love paul purdhommes
DeleteHeard the shots last night thought it was fireworks.Glad no one was killed. I for one would like to encourage the police to patrol 4th Street.I must be Troy Crazy still love this city ,just not the behavior of some people in it. Bob where are you???
ReplyDeleteBob is sleeping. Wen he wakes he's getting in the Munster mobile ad he will be down. Heard he will wear his ear flaps he wore to manorys 100 birthday party. Will he bring a campaign sign. Did he take his meds? He will encourage the cops to take it easy on te investigation till he can talk to the shooter and see if he's a good guy and all the facts
DeleteHeard them from your home in wynantskill. Wow
DeleteBob Doherty wishes that everyone address this situation in a calm and respectful manner. It is clear that there is a disagreement between some individuals. They need to be heard, and problems mediated in a thoughtful and holistic approach.
ReplyDeleteShots fired Thursday nite at Jacob and Fifth. My shot gun is loaded.
ReplyDeleteIt's simple. Markformayor.com
ReplyDeleteno we had enough of pattison.......8 yrs was enough
DeleteWho's a better leader Mark or Lou? Who makes you feel safe, Mark or Lou? Who would physically drag Bill Dunne out into the street, Mark or Lou?
DeleteLet's have the auditor do it. Poor girl
DeleteFunny You Downtown people have a few gun shots and you all go bananas.
ReplyDeleteTry Living @ 102 nd Street and River Full Automatic Weapons Fire almost every weekend.
Your all a bunch of Daises or Pansy's.
Thanks Nora McDowell want a playground to go with that?
DeleteThanks "Rev"Tim Sherman for yet another inaccurate description of your neighborhood.
Delete102nd St. doesn't meet River St. It meets 2nd Ave. Are you a Troy Record reporter ?
DeleteBill Dunne has it all under control. He's going to demo 4th St. from Ferry to Broadway
ReplyDeleteWill he construct dumpsters and alley atmosphere to dine in
DeleteThe city has hired chef paul purdhommes to increase the viability and marketing of our many eateries.monicajust doesn't cut it We also hear Lou is in talks with Erik Estrada to become new police commish. What we really need according to dart lady is dpw commish. Any names being throw out there? Bruno the trash man?
DeleteI hear heino is running for mayor. Markformayor.com. Show your support and get a free pair if sunglasses
DeleteFranco. Remember the good old days. The days when troy leadership and code was effective. You know under the reign of harry and dan. This place would have been locked up pad locked regardless of abatement hearing. Where is this administration on this issue? Why has nothing been done. Why does one business ruin it for the rest. We need dan and harry back. This would not have been tolerated
ReplyDeleteIt was worse under those clowns. Get your head out of your ass
DeleteWhatever helps you sleep at night mr dunne. I think record speak for themselves and FBI wasn't in troy until you
DeleteEveryone gets nervousness when city is in upswing. They aren't used
DeleteTo it under the tyranny of harry and company remember the north central boat launch. Oh yah that's right.
This city is going downhill & fast.. cant wait till summer.
DeleteWill mark make Sheeran head of codes when he is mayor? Wait till you see the new uniforms. Skinny ties shirt sleeve dress shirts skin tight Levi's and a slick new pair of hightops for all. He may even hire reeves as a consultant
ReplyDeleteNever. He will make his son top guy over there. First he's dreamy. Second he's a shining star at code enforcement. I have never seen a ticket with sheerans name posted on ken youngs facebook wall
DeleteAnything would b better than what most of the city hall workers wear each day.. family dollar flip flops or baseball caps anyone?
DeleteSaw screech powers over at the max having lunch with Lou. Lunch at Francesca's would have been so much better
ReplyDeleteWas dunne at the peach pit with Napier?
DeleteBob....really...shots fired on 4th. oh my.....
ReplyDeleteWhere the Rev. Willie and Alice Green. I am just assuming the shooter was black. If the mean police go after them they are racist cops. Wait till an innocent bistander gets killed.
DeleteThey wont show their faces when a black person is the shooter !
DeleteThree innocent victims were shot. Cooney says "not life threatening" one of the girls had her lag shattered and will need metal rods implanted. Lou and Cooney evidently don't think this is a big deal. Great leadership.
DeleteNo body no Willie.
DeleteInnocent victims where white. Who will lead the protest? Lou, Dorhety, Rodney,Willie?, Pavlick? Sherman? Six hypocrites.
Deletewillie and alice where r u troy pols suck!!!
DeleteI miss the days of Tut and Pattison this administration is the worst in the history of Troy Politics.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Tut and his wife could pay their taxes, now that they both have do-nothing patronage jobs thanks to Kathy Jimino. That's a great message for Rensselaer County taxpayers. Republican tax cheats get hack jobs on our dime!!
Deletewho is franny working for?
DeleteThe county. They created a job for her. "Public health technician" at $40K. Wtf? No shame
DeleteI heard the Tutunjian dog has been appointed to the newly created position of county fire hydrant urination inspector.
DeleteOnly today at Markformayor.com. Put your name in a hat for a chance to be next planning director. Isn't that how Lou picked dunne. Out of a hat?
ReplyDeleteMarkformayor.com. Show your support for real leadership and an effective troy and recieve a bottle of ensure compliments of Lou's fridge
ReplyDeleteMarkformayor.com. Vote for a workplace safe for interns and auditors alike Plenty of chips to pass around and we mean BBQ ruffles
ReplyDeleteHere is the long and short of this. Lou and his flac-hack Morris put out press releases that Troy is on the upswing and their main concern is public safety. 5 people shot with 3 innocent bystanders being hit with serious injuries. They weren't with the intended victim just out trying to have a good time. (where's Bob Dorehty) yet Lou hasn't a clue on what to do. Just another look into Lou's failure is 2 good young cops being hung out to dry and spokesperson Fitzgerald blames Willie Bacote. Now there's 2 the FBI should pounce on but they're both in Lou's inner prayer circle., 2 peas in a pod.
ReplyDeleteHey Franco
ReplyDeleteHow come you took me Snobby Junkies blog off what the matter did I hit a nerve?
Hey Franco when getting a root canal you have to be a real man pal.
Can't blame Magnetto here. Teddy, spend your OT.
ReplyDeleteDidn't realize "Teddy" was in charge. Does Mayor Lou and Dep. Mayor Pete know this?
Deletehuge increase in crime since Teddy took over earlier this year. can't dispute that fact.
DeleteHuge increase in crime with murders last year tripling when Lou and Pete took over. Can't dispute that fact.
DeleteActually, you can dispute that. 8 murders in 2012 under teddy. Then 0 murders in 2013 in troy when teddy was no longer in control. Then, teddy is back in control as of february this year and already we have 3 murders since february. I heard the council might actually look into this, considering all the concern over public safety.
DeleteHahaha. There wasnt a single homicide last year in troy. Who is the clown saying murders tripled last year?!
Deletewhere is the wife working?
ReplyDeleteThey created a job for her with the county. Despite her business being tax delinquent. Your tax dollars at work. And Dems are supposed to be the party of spending? Yeah right.