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Petitions don’t hit the streets
for more than another year, but I did heard back from my friends in Vegas and
got the lowdown on some potential mayoral candidates. I’m surprised they are
still working with me since I am just a lowly blogger rather than a high brow
newspaper columnist, but after some arm twisting they did give me a peak. While
the odds do come straight from Vegas, the commentary is my interpretation of
what they mean.
I’ll start
with the Democrats since the boys in Vegas are having a tough time finding any Republicans to even wager on. The odds reflect the chance they will run, not that they will win. Without further ado:
-Mayor Lou Rosamilia, 8-1: I think
the incumbent will be the first one-term mayor since the city went to that form
of government nearly 20 years ago. While I do think he likes the mayoral duties
of cutting ribbons and reading Dr. Seuss to grade schoolers, I don’t think he
likes the day-to-day, nuts and bolts duties and that’s evidenced by the way his
administration has stumbled through the last two years. Sure, there are some
good things going on in the Collar City but they are overshadowed by things
like the King Street demolition, the Scolite debacle and well, not every mayor
has the FBI asking questions about what’s going on in his administration.
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-Rodney Wiltshire, 3-1: I don’t
think it’s any secret the Council president wants to run and his play on
Scolite did nothing but reinforce that notion. Bucking the Democratic Party,
though, is a risky game. He got the Independence Party line from the GOP and
the Working Families Party coordinated his last Council campaign but neither
one of those groups will help much in a Democratic Party primary. And it’s all
but certain Chairman Tom Wade and company won’t support him. (As an aside, if
he gets in a Dem. primary he will likely have the WFP and remain on the ballot
regardless of the outcome.)
-Pete Ryan, 12-1: As Rosamilia’s
deputy mayor, Ryan has been less than spectacular, I think the party knows that
and realizes he would probably be a worse mayor than Rosamilia. The No. 2 guy
should make sure the nuts and bolts gets done and well, for the past two years
they really haven’t with any semblance of common sense of efficiency. Unlike
Wiltshire, there is no way Ryan could wage an independent campaign for anything
and I don’t see the party backing him.
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-Lynn Kopka, 6-1: The councilwoman
wanted to run three years ago but was bested by then Councilman Clement “Chappy”
Campana. She has a strong base in Washington Park and is a party loyalist to
the extreme – and I don’t mean that in necessarily a bad way. It’s a Democratic
town and as such it doesn’t hurt to be a loyal Democrat. That said, she has
done little establish herself as a true leader, be it in the party or legislatively,
and while president she seemed more focused on corralling cats than political
-Cindy Doran, 5-1: The county
legislator could be the party’s sleeper candidate. She has strong ties to the
school district, is a proven vote getter and has great name recognition thanks
to her ex-husband, Dan Doran, who had his own political career going for a
while. She is a relative newcomer and as such really is not defined by any
stellar legislative initiatives or, on the flip side, any scandals or negative
press either. She could come in as a blank slate and would be squarely in the
party’s corner. That said, should she get elected, she would need a strong
deputy to be an effective mayor.
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-Ken Zalewski, 15-1: The
councilman is in his last term so he would not have to give up his seat to run
and I think he can see himself as mayor someday but that means he would have to
give up his six figure job in the state Senate which, in addition to paying
more than the mayor, probably requires a whole lot less heavy lifting. Plus, he
faces the same party loyalty problems as Wiltshire without the outside support.
-Bill Dunne, 16-1: The current
commissioner of the Planning Department and former councilman surely has
notions of becoming mayor but, unlike Doran, his slate is all chalked up. He
certainly has made enemies along the way, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing,
but his most recent stumbles – King Street, Scolite and the FBI nosing around –
are just too much to overcome. The party knows it and probably so does Dunne,
who has been accused of a bunch of things but never stupid.
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-Clement “Chappy” Campana, 12-1:
The former mayoral candidate and Council president showed up at the last
Council meeting and I’m sure he still has hopes of running for mayor. But, his
slate is chalked up too and unlike Dunne he has also alienated a number in the Democratic
Party. Chairman Tom Wade has coined Campana and his band of Democrats as the “Delusional
Bunch” and if they think they can win a primary against Wade and company will
only lend credence to the moniker.
-Carmella Mantello, 25-1: Vegas initially
gave the Republican one set of odds but I talked them into giving them one for the
Democrats too. They thought I was nuts but I just told them to look up
#troycrazy. Anyway, she is probably unhappier with the GOP as they are with her
and while I don’t see it happening, if the Democrats somehow see fit to give
her a cross endorsement she wins hands down.
-Legislator Peter Grimm, 17-1
-Legislator Ed Manny, 16-1
-Former Councilman Kevin McGrath,
-Jack Cox Jr., 15-1
-Jack Cox Jr., 15-1
-Legislator Gary Pavlic, 16-1
I'm glad you realized that you're a nobody Franco.
ReplyDeleteThen why do you read it
DeleteAnyone but mayor Lou. Look at this city. Filthy streets high taxes. Dunne having a controlling role. FBI. Delos. Unhappy city workers. Firemen and employees no contracts. Favors. List goes on. Worst mayor in history
ReplyDeleteFranco...I just read your friends odds on next years mayors race. All I can say is I hope he or she keeps their day job. Ryan,Dunne, Campana,Rosie have no shot in hell.The dems would be smart to find someone new. This administration has given the citizens of Troy a wakeup call that things have to change. The house cleans up if anyone bets on these guys. Signed Vinnie Vegas
ReplyDeleteAre you one of those disgruntled Reps that knows your party don't stand a chance again in Troy? You're probably the same person that wishes Carmela could get on the Dem line because you know that would be the only way you could possibly get Mark McGrath elected on your own line as Mayor.
DeleteKevin McGrath could win any race in Troy easily. He could even beat Cuomo for governor, and give Obama a run for his money. I heard they asked him to be ambassador to Ukraine. But unfortunately his duties at National Grid prevent him from enjoying this bright political future.
DeleteHe could beat Gordon again for sure. He still rents space in your heads. He must still be a threat.
DeleteIf he could have beat him why didn't he run? Work commitments? Sure has time to hang at the meetings and play bouncer at bars. Talk is cheap.
DeleteJim Gordon will use his two year term to show all of Troy what a preening, do-nothing political hack he really is. If he actually went out on the streets in Lansingburgh as part of his "neighborhood watch", he'd wet his pants.
DeleteHe's a real legal eagle so to speak. Legend in his own mind. I'm sure he was looking in a mirror as he typed this.
DeleteJimbo and Vito have Kevin McGrath envy. Its so sad.
DeleteWould bill dunne deputy mayor be. Chapstick? Does he have addiction to Chapstick because his friendship with chappy ended? Is Chapstick the replacement to chappy? All we know is in the deputy mayors office he will put a Chapstick. He depends on it and that's what deputy mayors are for. But who will sit in Zuuls broom closet next door?
ReplyDeleteCarmella is the new Zuul
DeleteJay Vrandenburg will get one vote his
ReplyDeleteJust got home from Church I was praying that there are no Floods this year and that McCashon will walk on water and keep walking till he reaches the Atlantic Ocean and the sharks get him :-)
ReplyDeleteVandenburgh. Zba czar for mayor. Clean everything up and investigate this administration just like he did at tha. He can do it. And put his large brother up for dpw commish and his other brother spokesman.
ReplyDelete1..How did I get in this ?
Delete2 I have 4 brothers.
You seem To know it all
DeleteWe need someone to save us
DeleteBobby, the Czar knows more than he's saying. Again Czar, who signed the vacation exchange checks for convicted THA ex-chairman Meissner? You or Jimino?
DeleteI did not become chairman until 2012...the boys were canned in 2010.
DeleteAnytime you jerkoffs want info from housing all you have to do is call and ask. Don't know what else you boys need to know but all you to do is ask.. The 2 state depts. involved could not stop patting each other on the back for their convictions.
DeleteBobby and anonymous want a lot of answers 4 years later...commish dinapoli has a43 page report that 2 einsteins like you should be able to ge.stop acting like vince is my buddy u 2 know nothing
DeleteCzar, you patted yourself on the back for throwing Meissner under the bus but conveniently left out Vince. The same Vince who's wife is the power of the Republican party to which you owe your job. Truth is you carry Jimino's water, both buckets.
DeleteOne year as chair. What a great tenure.
DeleteSomeone should investigate the czar and why he works where he chaired? Civil service laws to abide by? City council approvals? None that I seen
DeleteVince is nothing to me.He hired the guy and then voted not to fire him he left when his boys did, I was chair 2 years....anytime you jerkoffs can write down what you do but no one knows you, What job is it that I owe the jiminos..this isn't fredo cox again is it ??
DeleteYou call catching a guy stealing from the Fed throwing him under the bus? Great guys you stick up for and I have nothing to do with the jiminos.
DeleteIf you a worried about the czar then why don't you tell the FBI agents that are all around, if your scared the have Billy tell them for you cause they will be speaking to Bill.
DeleteThree job Cindy Doran for Mayor, that's insane.
ReplyDeleteI concur with my friend, Deb Locktite's view on all these lackluster "anonymous" comments. Maybe I should have voted for her after all. Time to man up guys! Or, woman up as the case may be. From now on, I'll sign mine. Hope no one knocks my head off for my candor. Say...anyone want to spot me $150 so I can attend King Rod's burrito gala? Maybe he'll let me shake his hand? Or, get his autograph?
Samuel Wilson
The problem with voting for Deb Lockrow is you didn't know what you're getting. Put a picture of Bob Mirch and Deb Lockrow side by side and tell me they were not twins separated at birth. If I was a little more delusional I would think that because Mirch was run out of town on a rail he has now taken the identity of Ms. Lockrow to quench his political lust. He is evil as everyone knows.
DeleteMirch, Lockrow, and lust all in the same paragraph. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.
DeleteI see in the Times Union business section that the Club 41 (former Pips) on 112th street is $35,000.00 in hole for sales tax. That will soon be another failed business in north troy only been there for 2 years.
ReplyDeleteComing out of the cafe by monument square and some ahole comes running down 2nd. With no pants on screaming "I'm hot I'm hot". I thinking he might have been jerking off too but didn't really want to look. What the hell kind of loons do we have living in Troy? I don't care if you think you're hot, put some pants on
ReplyDeleteSounds like Mirch is back
DeleteDid it look like Bob or Deb?
DeleteIt's dunnes Sunday run
DeleteSome ones got to hold the bag for these pigs in the burgh.
ReplyDeleteDoran met with Mantello telling Mantello that Wade wants her to run for mayor and that Wade wants anybody but Wiltshire. Tells you all you need to know about Wade and is confidence in Rosimelia,
ReplyDeleteSome of you are either getting some really bad information or smoking funny cigarettes.
Deleteoh, that happened....I saw it with my own two eyes. Not sure what was said entirely, only overheard talk of mayoral aspirations.
DeleteOh, you must have been one of the four people attending the Republican city fundraiser! You saw two people talking and that's it. Get over yourself and stop making shit up.
DeleteWhat are the odds on the Sheriffs race?
ReplyDeleteMahar / Russo 2-1
DeleteGordon / Piche / Rogers 99-1
what are the odds of the Sheriff actually completing his internal investigation of the HIPAA violations?
Deletewhat are odds that Rogers stops getting paid and accumulating time while on suspension for stealing union funds. What happened to that investigation??
Deletewell if Jack is running that investigation then it could be a while. He works kind of slow. But it has been going on almost as long as the HIPAA investigation. New game, let's see which one finishes first! I have my money on Rogers - HIPAA could find Jackie in a jail cell.
DeleteGordon 80-1, happy now?
ReplyDeleteI heard a rumor that Paul Donnelly, the ad guy, is considering moving back to Troy from Brunswick to put his hat in. I seriously doubt it though.
ReplyDeleteI doubt he is that stupid
DeleteMahar gets beat in a primary. They are lining someone up as we speak
ReplyDeleteAfter reading all of this drivel, here is some common sense:
ReplyDeleteRosamilia is an incumbent who beat a Republican with 3 party endorsements by 10 points, advantage Rosamilia against all comers;
Zalewski is too frantic and insecure to ever run for an office he isn't certain of winning--he'll probably try to cut a deal with Republicans for an appointment;
Campana never cleared the air on his allegedly criminal activity at the Housing Authority which took him out of the mayor's race last time;
Wiltshire wants to be the candidate of ALL political parties because, in his mind, who would not want him ? Reality is he would stab anyone in the back to further his career and people involved are seeing his true self serving persona. Speaking of careers, what happened to his little solar business that looks like it is closed ? Moral of the Wiltshire story: you can't fool all of the people all of the time !
That's a decent analysis. Lou can easily beat Rodney in a primary, even with the recent administration stumbles.
DeleteRodney can't get out of the way of his own ego, and that never ends well. Lone wolves don't survive long in politics.
He's not a lone wolf. That is where all of you are truly misguided.
DeleteSure he is. He's surrounded by misfits with no social standing or political influence, many of whom are criminals. And he won't get a major party line.
DeleteYou know who else the loony bunch shouted and screamed about and insisted wasn't a lone wolf? Rabbit Riley. I think we all know how that one turned out. Be guided accordingly.
Rabbit Riley----another one of Kevin McGrath's political failures. Kevin joined forces with political neophytes, losers, and misfits to oust a party chairman because he would never give kevin another nomination. Chairman Wade is still there---Kevin is OUT.
DeleteKevin McGrath will never win an election in Troy again. The fact that he's a big Rodney supporter tells you all you need to know about Rodney's future chances for success.