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Now that that’s out of the way, I’ve
said from the get-go, before he even took office, Mayor Lou Rosamilia was in
over his head and about everything that happened over the past two-plus years has
done nothing but reinforce that observation.
The latest example was revealed by
outgoing City Engineer Russ Reeves at a public hearing on Tuesday. Reeves,
under oath, said an engineer, Jack Healey, was lined up to take a look at the
wall between the buildings that were knocked down in August, 2013 and the
adjacent Bomber’s restaurant but Rosamilia pulled the engineer off because the
building’s owner, Don Boyajian, asked him to.
Michael Morris, the new mayor’s
spokesman, said the mayor likely didn’t understand the protocol. I have no
doubt of that. I don’t think the mayor suddenly had an engineering epiphany
telling him a report on the wall wasn’t necessary. I don’t think Boyajian
directly contacted the mayor either. I think the attorney used an intermediary
like he did on Talk 1300 Wednesday morning to declare his innocence, or ignorance.
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I won’t belabor the King Street
demolition or the King Fuels demolition or Scolite bid debacle or the sidewalks
in North Central because it’s all been written and federal authorities are
looking into it. Reeves told the Council the FBI told him he wasn’t a target
which means there are targets out there. It doesn’t take rocket science to
figure out who is on the list. I can’t add anything new, really, outside of observing
Troy government and its politics for nearly two decades.
That said, I don’t think Rosamilia
is malicious. I don’t think he intentionally jeopardized public safety by the
King Street or King Fuels demolitions. I think he expects everyone to act with
as much integrity as he has. The might be admirable in the cocoon of academia
or on the football field but it doesn’t make an effective mayor, especially in
a place like Troy where hidden agendas abound and grudges are held for years or
even lifetimes.
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For example, Mayor Harry Tutunjian
had Deputy Mayor Dan Crawley. Mayor Mark Pattison had a couple people including
Owen Goldfarb, Pat Morphy and Mark Streb. Rosamilia really doesn’t have anyone.
Bill Dunne, the planning commissioner, is a central figure in all of the above
problems, Pete Ryan, the deputy mayor, is in further over his head than
Rosamilia, and Ian Silverman, the corporation council who is running for judge,
is more focused on getting robes fitted.
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And, it's the mayor's job to be the public face of anything that happens in the city - good or bad. I know Tutunjian and Pattison would have said something to the public if five people got shot under their watch. Last week, we heard nothing from Rosamilia and still haven't.
Councilman Jim Gordon, R-District
1, is calling for Rosamilia’s resignation. A good political move but I don’t
see it happening. I’d be willing to bet, though, that Rosamilia can’t wait
until his time in office is over in 20 or so months. And actually, a bunch of
Trojans probably can’t either.
Michael Dukakis said it best, "a fish rots at the head first."
ReplyDeleteFranco either suffers from loss of memory or simply selective memory.
DeleteThe rumors about him taking a job in city hall were abounding under the Tutunjian administration due to his unyielding criticism of any Democrat.
He was at the time also suspected of bailing out to take a job in county gov't as his boss rich Crist did immediately after providing slanted reporting on the county legislature election. BTW, when Crist was hired about forty seconds after Republicans won control of the county legislature, it was another case of selling favorable coverage in exchange for a politicial appointment.
I posted this one just to set the record straight. You can believe me or not. I was accused of writing to get a job with Pattison by the GOP. I don't think the Dems accused me of trying to get a job with Harry but I know some were not happy. So be it. What I write has nothing to do with party and everything to do with what the person does. I was at the Capitol when Harry was elected. I interviewed for one county job in my entire time at The Record and it had nothing to do with Rich Crist. It paid better and offered better benefits but I turned it down.
DeleteLou should have hired the Sullivan guy who worked for McNulty. He knows what the hell he's doing and is tough. Heard he's moving back to Troy. He'd make a good deputy Mayor but don't know if he'd leave the State.
ReplyDeleteAa a Lansinburgh republican and would consider Mike Sullivan a friend he would be a welcome addition to this administration and could help us all get threw the next year and a half.
Deleteas if
DeleteIsn't having his sister on the council enough? As if we didn't know she does what he tells her to do.
DeleteI doubt a thrown woman has to call her brother to ask how to vote. Unlike you who probably has to be in before the lights come on. Get back in with your Mommy Skippy.
Delete"I think he expects everyone to act with as much integrity as he has. The might be admirable in the cocoon of academia or on the football field but it doesn’t make an effective mayor, especially in a place like Troy where hidden agendas abound and grudges are held for years or even lifetimes."
ReplyDeleteWell said, Jim. That's it in a nutshell.
Really sad that such a nice man has to be so attacked. I am watching this carefully and as of now...no republicans need come to my door this election season..
DeleteNor will you need to tell us all that it's your door. We will be able to tell it's you by the gaping head wound and cockeyed look on your face. Look within your own party for these attacks. Idiot.
DeleteThe only people raising questions are democrats. The republicans and dems have an agreement .....republicans in the city remain silent (ever hear Bodnar say anything, he's been there six years), democrats in the county remain silent(ever hear the dems on the county legislature say anything maybe about tax increases, they have been there five years.)
DeleteAnonymous @ 2:55 the only attack I've seen so far was your reply. let me guess, you must be a Republican running for office this election season
DeleteThen get rid of barb Nelson and her band of misfits. We here at least 2 people were harrassed and projects held up over unreasonable band of misfits
DeleteYes 3:31 I'm running for congress and governor. We all know now there's 2 cockeyed idiots.
Delete@4:28 don't worry Wille the Stewart's project went through and you'll get your money to high-tail it out of town.
DeleteGaping head wounds??!!??...whoa..whole lot of crazy going on here...
DeleteAbout 8 years ago a "phone call" was made from deputy mayor crawleys office. Who was in front of then city hall spouting that crawley should go to jail? None other than current deputy mayor pete ryan. there is a little more than a phone call going on here today boys so what are you going to do pete ?
ReplyDeleteGo back to tha and wait for Feds to look into your lil gig up there czar of zoning. Or pick up a phone don't hide behind the cpu
DeleteBob I forgot to tell you last night your lights where on. But there is still no one at home.
DeleteYou heard me. If you have a concern the door is always open
DeleteBilly is that your bedroom voice ?
DeleteSpews stuff and doesn't make it to city hall to meet face to face with anyone computer muscles
DeleteBill is it your intention to fight everyone you come in contact with ?
DeleteNot bill but worry about your gig and not city govt. it's over your head
DeleteAgain not bill
DeleteWhat is it the czar actually does but collect checks for no work must be nice
DeleteI fully agree that Mayor Rosamilia is not a malicious person. I also agree that he is a man of great integrity who believes that everyone shares his ethical nature. I, however, think he needs to HOLD people in his administration accountable to that level. I truly don't feel that he has ever witnessed the depth of moral turpitude that runs rampant not just in City Hall proper but throughout the City Departments. Maybe it's time for some serious Spring cleaning and Desk Audits City wide. There seems to be great need for clarification of peoples duties, titles, responsibilities and who's in charge of whom.
ReplyDeleteIt's apparent that Lou does not hire his own people, He hires Wades wackos to do Wades dirty work. The problems continue in the Dem party while no one holds the leadership responsible for anything. Wade and his cronies should all be held accountable for this whole fiasco.
ReplyDeleteWade my ass, Lou makes the decisions in city hall. Jim, the only comment you got right was Pete is way in over his head. The only decision he made was on King Street and look how that wound up. Lou is a political animal and has shown his true colors. Enough of the droopy, old fainting Lou. Look at the decisions HE made. Magnetto, scolite, King Street, King fuels and his alliance with Willie and the Sanctuary. Dworsky looks like a prince.
DeleteGet rid of the dire wolf and bring back Russ. Kreshnick is no good. Look into why he was let go from state
ReplyDeleteLou may be many things but one for sure is that in the role of Mayor he is incompetent, doesn't matter whether he's a nice guy or not, he is not helping the city of Troy he is hurting the city of Troy. And only Lou can look in the mirror and be honest with Lou, no one else.
ReplyDeletetime for pete to move on with his life
ReplyDeleteJim you and Harry are being attacked on the Troy page for this article, by someone who hasnt paid a dime in taxes in years and HE has the nerve to call harry a tax cheat!!
ReplyDeleteI was bounced off the Troy page a few years ago so I can't see what is being said and honestly don't care too much.
ReplyDeleteFranco you have been Censoring me here for a long time Randy Started that page just because of Harry's Mouth Piece and it has 2488 members and not all of em are from Troy.
DeleteBut hey Franco you were not in Troy in the 60s or 70s and mayb the end of the 90s ??
The Things I post are 100% True so just go on with your censoring eventually its all going to come crashing down around you.
Troy page? I thought McCashion and #Troycrazy put them to rest. You mean these out of work bums are still sniping at Harry's ass? Give it a rest.
DeleteTroy page is 3 jobless nit wits talking amongst each other and spewing what they believe is the truth
DeleteYou people care way too much about them. How many felonies and arrest have there been between the three of them? Fucking idiots who think people care what they say. Have them list their contributions to this city --empty page at best.
DeleteAndrew K is the weak link. He will be singled out by the FBI and will call Kevin McGrath to help with his cooperation agreement.
ReplyDeleteKevin will be glad to help and he will fix everything, because he still has the power and influence he had when he was first elected to office and swore he would get rid of Vito.
DeleteBill Dunne is poison. He ruins everything he touches.
ReplyDeleteLou has a meeting with the chief this morning at 11:00 AM.
ReplyDeleteOne thing is certain this shooter will be caught he will brag about his escapade and one of his so called friends will rat him out for the Reward Moneys.
Lou is a string Mayor. High intelligence and decisive. Clearly in chatge
ReplyDeleteHeard Rodney was at the Dem fundraiser last night serving subpoenas and giving away free burritos to anyone who would talk to him.
ReplyDeleteHeard guest speaker Schneiderman was a no show at Wade's 'fundraiser last night.. Also heard he was nervous about coming to Troy with all the crime, between city hall and the "guests" at the fundraiser it would have been like shooting fish in a barrel. Eric, "take a bite out of crime" raid a Troy democratic fundraiser.
DeleteEric's dying to come to Troy to investigate why Kathy "unfunded mandate" Jimino cries poverty, then overburdens taxpayers by creating phony jobs for voter rejects, political operatives and anyone with the last name Tutunjian.
DeleteYou are one angry dude billy
DeleteCan we stop acting like Russ is Pope John Paul II? He's taking a job with RPI and this whole thing is his ego-driven moment in the spotlight because he knows his time has come to an end. No more interview with tv cameras, no more fame in the The Record.
ReplyDeleteKnow how I know? Ask yourself this: how is his license threatened by something he not only didn't know of, he didn't give his permission? There are two investigations going on into the police department and five people were shot last week. Are they going to take away Tedesco's badge and gun? Probably not. Russ' license is fine but his ego has been taking hits because there's no one there to kiss his arse any more.
You are on stupid bastard.
DeleteMaybe Russ can take over Fran's sandwich shop and pay those back taxes the Tutunjians owe.
Delete" Ask yourself this: how is his license threatened by something he not only didn't know of, he didn't give his permission"
DeleteIn the paper this morning the mayor was quoted as saying something of not knowing of certain protocols. Now you are up here posting like you know everything. Which is it there Morris the spider? Either you know the rules and protocols or you don't. As is evidenced by the mayors statement you don't. Stop trying to spin doctor this mess all you are doing is digging everyone in deeper with the bullshit.
The Mayor needs to retire for his own health reasons, Peter needs to man up and kick dunne to the curb or at least move him over to head up the DPW and get his baggage ridden ass out of city hall. You morris the spider ought to sit down make a plan and get your story straight.
They should take away tedescos badge and gun. Heard the cops are ready to revolt down there.
DeleteTutunjians wife was just given a job with the County...............
DeleteRuss is leaving because of Dunne. ask him and he will tell you how hard it is to try to deal with Dunne. pear shaped ass
ReplyDeleteBill Dunne have great reputation to always do the good work for city.
ReplyDeleteDemocrats always for the people.
This mayor smart to take his job & hand it out to the people of notprofit
in Adrian Gonyra's obit, he allegedly said that the political corruption in Troy was overwhelming and unchangeable, THING NRVER CHANGE,
ReplyDeleteThank you Robert. Your wisdom is legendary