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Let me get this straight:
The city agreed to change the
zoning on a piece of property for a company that didn’t yet own it. Then the
city declared that company the preferred bidder without telling anyone who bid
on the project it was going to build a new access road. Now the city wants to
grant that same company a license to do work on the site, and presumably start
working the site for a profit, by paying a $100,000 down payment with the
$900,000 balance paid in five years or whenever the state Legislature gets
around to approving the sale.
A few things come to mind:
-Were the other three companies
allowed to make a down payment and start turning a profit? Was it part of the
initial RFP the city sent out? It should have been because any company would
rather keep $900,000 in the bank than shell it out so if it is offered to
Valente it should have been extended to all bidders because it certainly would
have changed their respective bid parameters.
-Why isn’t this just a straight
sale? You send out the RFP, you get bids, you pick the best one, offer whatever
financial assistance you can through PILOT programs and whatnot and let the
purchaser run with it. The purpose of an RFP is to offer everyone an equal
opportunity and avoid political favoritism and/or underhanded deals.
-Again, if the city is planning to
invest in a new road why wasn’t it included in the initial RFP so the bidders
could incorporate that into their respective proposals. In a letter, one of the
other bidders, a conglomerate that includes Warren Fane Inc., say they didn’t
know anything about the road. Valente’s attorney, in a letter, said they didn’t
either. I find it hard to believe the inclusion of a new road wouldn’t change
the bids around a bit and both sides have indicated they will sue should the Council vote to sell or not sell.
-How much is the road worth. First
it was $4.4 million in federal money but now it’s in excess of $5 million and
the city is bonding for it. Now I'm told the $5 million is in addition to the $4.4 million so the road is worth $9 million-plus. The road is not a bad thing in that it will keep truck traffic off South Troy streets but if it benefits the project it should have been included in the RFP specs.
-If approval of the state
Legislature can take up to five years why isn’t the city on it already? Why
hasn’t Assemblyman John McDonald or Sen. Neil Breslin taken up a bill and put
it out there for debate? It’s essentially a home rule message so outside any
opposition from environmentalists I don’t see why the majority of New York
state should care. The city certainly didn’t waste any time changing the zoning
-According to the ordinance, the
city is expecting to take land just north of the Scolite property, currently
owned by Ludlow Valve, and give it to Valente. Was that included in the initial
RFP and were the other three companies privy to that information. If not, it
should have.
-What does it mean when it says
the city is offering Valente a license? According to state law a municipality
can grant a license to a business to: Maintain order, enforce the laws, protect
property and preserve and care for the safety, health, comfort and general
welfare of the inhabitants of the city and visitors thereto; and for any of
said purposes to regulate and license occupations and businesses.” I’m told it
applies to things like tattoo parlors and junkyards, not docking stations.
-Why won’t the city put the other
three bids on its website so the public can get a look at them?
-The ordinance does not
specifically spell out what Valente will be bringing into the South Troy site
or shipping out of it. It does say he must adhere to any and all laws regarding
whatever commodities he does transport, including garbage.
Jim your wrong the city is going to bond ANOTHER $5,500,000.00 to be added to the already set aside $4,400,000.00 to come to a total of $9,900,000.00 that an expensive road not bad for putting a$100k down. Also Mayor Lou said threw Mike Morris that the property will return to the tax rolls it will not return to the tax roll. The property can only go on the tax roll when he buys it in oh 8 or 9 years. No money for the City residents of Troy but we will be paying monthly for his road. So if the payment is estimated at $350,000.00 a year and $5,000,000.00 is 20% of the $25,600,00.00 then for the city of Troy threw this deal alone it will cost you and I citizens of Troy $70,000.00 or $5,833.33 a month. WE ARE GETTING F#%KED on this deal. This is criminal.
ReplyDeleteMr. Franco, your article is absolutely spot on perfect. Any council person that signs on to this will need a Tattoo on their forehead that says "DUNCE"
ReplyDeleteOnly in Troy do you see stuff like this. Brazen disregard to fairness and honesty. They can pass their ordinance or whatever they want. A real court of law will hear this case at a later date if the parties have the gall to proceed with this farce!
ReplyDeleteThe envelope please!
ReplyDeleteOnce the scope of the work changed, the RFP is negated. Must go out to rebid. Also needs 3/4ths vote for approval.
ReplyDeleteWhy did they turn down the proposal from the guy that needed no road?
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone remember the stinky Dem deal for the jail land, how much did Ed Mcdonough make on this deal. This is just another stinky deal by the modern day DEMs that eventually the Feds will convict someone, it will just take time.
ReplyDeleteBill Dunne will be to the Democratic Party what Mirch was for the Republican Party. Look for a republican land slip to follow this deal.
ReplyDeleteDunne is a lot smarter than Mirch he has a Masters Degree.
DeleteSo did Mirch.
DeleteDunn has a masters degree? Oh yeah Architectural History? Just shows you how any fool can get a degree today. If it really meant anything he would have a big job with someone like the dormitory authority.
DeleteHe has an architect degree from Vandelay but his passion is marine biology.
DeleteAnd after being escorted from State Dormitory property he declared that he was following his dream of installing home theater systems for Towne TV.
DeleteHe designed the addition to the Guggenheim museum
DeleteHow's the streets in front of your house? There's no money for roads though.
ReplyDeleteLynn is the tractor trailers running ferrel cats over around Washington Park part of your plan to get them off the streets? We will see tonight.
ReplyDeleteIs it true dave Sheeran turns up the radio every time autograph comes on?
ReplyDeleteNo only when tesla hits the airways
DeleteBill Dunne stated yesterday in the Record that "anyone who says this wasn't an open process is not telling the truth". Bill Dunne is accusing people of "not telling the truth". BILL DUNNE is accusing people of "not telling the truth". No matter how many times you read it that's what he's telling ....and it ain't the truth.
ReplyDeleteThe lies and distortions of this whole process are beyond anything that has ever happened in Troy. This is so blatantly so full of BS its sick. 70 jobs created BS they won't create 4 full time jobs and they will $15.00 an hour if that. A million dollars on Remediation, BS they are covering the site with milled asphalt waste that's free. The improvements are being paid by Troy taxpayers, the road is all borrowed money. Troy is a dump and we are going to put 5 to 9 million dollars in a road for one guys dump trucks? The bid was to buy the land for American Dollars, now the guy has God knows how much time at a hundred thousand, are you kidding? This Troy Goverment is a pack of fools, can't you see it? Look at the this deal, anyone would take it, you are financing the guys whole operation. Bill Dunn wouldn't lie, he has never done that, he says. Why would someone be so gung-ho to do this when only a year ago they were looking to develop garden apartments with some big shot in the very same neighborhood. This is what you get Trojans, they just keep sticking to you. Council people , please do the right thing and spend Troy's funds where it helps all the people instead of one connected guy.
ReplyDeleteImagine raising a child or children on First Street in Troy? You have now doubled the truck traffic on that street but are promised a road that was promised 30 years ago. Maybe in another 30 years. Also, didn't our own Chief Garrett say their was more asbestos emitted by the truck brakes than the city released on King Street. I guess this shows how one's political idealism outweighs thier ability to parent.
ReplyDeleteWhere I do agree with your analysis of the traffic situation this will cause. Chief Garrett knows very little about anything let alone asbestos, they stopped making brakes out of asbestos when he was a young boy with his first tenement. But while we are on the topic, that was also a sweet deal for the guy that actually did have an asbestos laden dilapidated building. That emergency demo job got rid of a couple hundred thousand dollar problem! Holy Cow another windfall!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope when they do start investigating Troy they look into that deal as well!!
DeleteNo buddy bilt me a road to Vic's where I can have my $20 glass of whine.
ReplyDeleteCmon over baby, whole lot of greasin goin on!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's Jack Smith's fault.
ReplyDeleteDid he vote yes?
DeleteBlog was taken from city workers when large in engineering complained about petty manny comment and when someone offended the grant writer clothes and his boy stook up for him literally
DeleteLarge is never in engineering. It's closed half the day as she does mommy things and heads up to snowman 5 times daily first large was in city hall then large wanted to be in police dept then large comes back to city hall and large does nothing's. It's all barb carry the weight of engineering dept.
DeleteCarrying the weight-- priceless.
DeletePiche sold all his Ed Hardy jeans ( small ) to pay the 95k today.
ReplyDeleteIt may be March Madness in the NCAA but we got some madness in good old Troy. So its time to update the odds on next years mayors race. Lou R 10-1 Rodney W.7-1. Lynn K 10-1 Dean B 100-1 Jim G 120-1 Ed M125-1. Mark M 6-1 Cindy D 50-1 Deb W.5-1 the Field 15-1. signed Vinny Vegas
ReplyDeleteWhat about Dunne ? Dean B 100-1 really ?
DeleteOK, Dean B 200-1 to win his council seat.
DeleteThat's more like it.
DeleteLet me get this straight: We bond, build a road, repay the debt, they pay no taxes for 6 years, plus they profit from the transaction. And the taxpayers? Once again --the envelope please. Keep Voting Row A All The Way to bankruptcy people.
ReplyDeleteBilly Dunne "loves not to know"
ReplyDeleteFranco do a story why your blog is the only site not accessible to city floor employees. Does truth hurt? What are they afraid of. Who did it? Censorship lawsuits grievances.
ReplyDeleteCity hall employees have no need to or right to use city owned computers to access the blogs during their workday. Cry all you want, have a hissy fit whatever you need to do... Get over it. If its that important to you, schedule some library time.
DeleteSo does that mean you will go to library bill dunne or do he have access same is mike Morris
DeleteNo right? Just like when Vito lost his right to free speech. Just like when chief got the gag order? You people are off the wall insane its a workplace not prison. No wonder there was no Christmas party. Harry would never had done this.
DeleteRemember the employee appreciation luncheons harry used to have and clock pins and mugs he would award his employees with. Loushbag talks about getting special coins. But it never happen. That budget line is bein used for time clocks just another way to screw the peopel they count on.
DeleteAny posts do not occur during 8 and 5 and if the administration was anything like Harry's the city would still be moving in the reverse direction for the first time since Patterson we are seein an upswing in all areas of the city not just downtown dinosaur and judge development favors at least we have chickens
Delete"So does that mean you will go to library bill dunne or do he have access same is mike Morris "
DeleteI am unable to decipher what you are trying to say here. Untwist your knickers a few turns and take a breath.
Since late last week no computers on the city network are able to access the blogs. This does not affect personal equipment or equipment not on the city network. There have been no exceptions made for anyone at this time.
Again, "upswing" ? Filthy streets, record number of vacant and abandoned buildings, an administration that hires people to blog BS all day and after they bond, taxes that will crush the home owners. But hey, downtown and the childless hipsters are doing great.
DeleteSo you blog in your one time mike morris? Go call in another fake building collapse or show yourself at the wine bar like the last one did You were hired to blog after the Monday morning whats kn the blog and how do we fix it meetings held.
DeleteMike, no exceptions? How many of your bosses have the city paid I-phone? They are not blocked and all read them and some blog on them. You thought defending rapists and sexual predators was tough under Sheldon Silver? Welcome to Troy! Good luck.
DeleteTaken away by a fellow employee. Not a supervisor. Just someone who got upset when his significant other was mentioned for not ironing his clothes.
DeleteTo this dave. He's not my bf yet and I am increasing productivity to make Lou look better I want a raise
DeleteWhen Harry was mayor, the streets were cleaned, crime was in check most of the time, and all these phony's weren't given the time of day. The city needs to be run like a business, not like it's the administrations piggy bank. Sheep in wolves clothing if you ask me.
DeleteSigned -I'm Not McCashion
The funny thing with this story as aposed to every other story on this blog there is no defending the Deputy Mayor. Everyone agrees this is a bad deal. To bad Lou and his narcolepsy won't let him stay awake long enough to see that this is the equivalent to a $5,000.00 raise after election.
ReplyDeleteSo $95,000 is the same as $25,000,000 you must be a Troy democrat
DeleteWtf ?
DeleteCompared to photos of when he was a legislator Lou Lou is looking very feeble. Dunne has really dunne him in not to mention he's in over his head and ruined the good name he once had
ReplyDelete30 years x $350,000 = $10,500,000......................someone is lying about this bond
ReplyDeletePete, Lou and Dunne wouldn't lie.
DeleteSo u say large complained about someone blogging about her manny and petty at work and blog is taken away. So where can I complain about large Parking her small SUV in front of city hall in half hour parking all day. Will the parkjng situation then end as well?
ReplyDeleteNo, you said that. I am not going to waste any more of my time in discussing this subject. Everyone who needs to knows where to find me. Have a nice day.
DeleteIsn't it ironic she was in charge of city hall biggest loser. Lol
DeleteDoes the engineer help her squeeze in the car? Did he create a contraption or is it like a circus bear on a tricycle
DeleteOh joe. Go bak to your weekend job at river street club. Computers are over your head
DeleteIt's MANICURE and PEDICURE people. Get it straight, this stuff is important!
Delete"Oh joe. Go bak to your weekend job at river street club. Computers are over your head"
DeleteSeeing as I'm 9 foot tall not much is over my head. I'm just a little sad to see how our education dollars failed you.
I hear she rocks herself back to sleep trying to get out of bed in the morning.
DeleteWhat about the poor drawer she rested her feet on or Paulie? Perhaps they should call her tiny instead?
DeleteSo why is she still there?
DeleteSince he's paid to monitor this. Why did u call in a false building collapse? City resources being wasted. And why did u get removed from your last job to make mediocre pay in troy? Common morris the cat.
ReplyDeleteIf the city is bringing in $100 million in new business then why do they have to borrow $25 million ?
ReplyDeleteI'm more than a bit concerned about an almost 6% tax increase. Just another reason to not vote row A anymore.
DeleteJust to rehash the past 4 years. Campana -indicted, Guluski, indicted, Brown, pleads guilty and is sentenced to weekends at RCJ, McGrath, the ringleader signs an agreement of cooperation and reveals his 3 felony past, LoPorto, indicted and found not guilty, Nina being very very naughty, resigning, and then taking a job at Unity House, while still serving on the council, City Clerk McInerney, another ringleader gets a slap on the wrist, Vito's brother in law Renna wears pajama's to court, commits perjury and gets slapped on the wrist.Now, we have this extremely shady deal with Valente, which just stinks of payola. Dunne using CDBG funding to help the Socialist Party at the Sanctuary get some free sidewalks. And let's not forget Herman Munster and Rodney (I've been bi-racial all of my life), putting a bulls eye on the city with their stupidity during the Koccopellis nonsense. Will the power trip bullshit ever end with these people? Time to think a bit more closely when marking your ballots in November folks.
DeleteErin Sullivan Teta will save us all.
DeleteErin Sullivan Teta do nothing Follower she will do what Lynn Tells her to do.
DeleteLynn wont be around next Election what will Erin do then.
She'll follow Anesthesia Robertson's lead and take 40 minute pauses before speaking.
DeleteOnly if reverend tim says so It's her handler
DeleteSheeran took the air guitar crown at the All Troy Club this weekend. He got into the finals by nailing " lay it down " by RATT and cinched the win with David Lee Roth " Yankee Rose ".
ReplyDeleteMake sure you congratulate him.
Was dunne playing the air cowbell?
DeleteFBI is sniffing around and Fane ready to sue. Dunne in a panic. Tells you all you need to know.