This one is still kind of in flux. Will be updated as I get more information.
There was supposed to be a new head of code enforcement in Troy but the administration is holding off because only two people took the Civil Service test and only one passed it.
There was supposed to be a new head of code enforcement in Troy but the administration is holding off because only two people took the Civil Service test and only one passed it.
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First Mayor Lou Rosamilia had to
determine who was actually in charge of the Code Department - Planning
Department Commissioner Bill Dunne or City Engineer Russ Reeves. I’m told the
issue came to a head when the city shuttered 51 Third St. for not having a
certificate of occupancy even though the building had been occupied for about a
decade. The building, owned by one of the Yes Man Igor Vamos, has apartments
and hosts performance art-type programming, was closed days before citizens
marched in protest of alleged police brutality at Kokopellis bar on Jan. 25. There
was a meeting at the building to talk about the incident, the march and what
citizens should or could do in light of the melee at Kokopellis.
In the end, Rosamilia decided
Reeves will oversee code and as such his opinion of who should run the
day-to-day operations carried more weight.
It’s not the first time Dunne and
Reeves have clashed and likely won’t be the last.

Here’s where it gets kind of
confusing. First is was going to Jim Rivers, who retired from the city
Engineering Department but he never took the Civil Service test. Carlo
Soriento, who took the test and works in code now, was miffed and threatened to
file a grievance.
But, since only two people took
the test – Soriento and Code Enforcement Officer Dave Sheeran – the city is not
obligated to use names off the list so the grievance may be moot when and if it
is filed.
There was some confusion over whether or not the job was going to Steve Sweeney, who recently retired from the Canal Corp. making $110,000 a year but now it appears he will be assisting Reeves on the much needed work on the sea wall for $15,000. Sweeney does, however, live in the Town of Colonie so he will have to either move into the city within 90 days of when he is hired or get a waiver from Rosamilia.
Also, Todd Dickinson will begin a new job in the Engineering Department at a salary of $45,000.
There was some confusion over whether or not the job was going to Steve Sweeney, who recently retired from the Canal Corp. making $110,000 a year but now it appears he will be assisting Reeves on the much needed work on the sea wall for $15,000. Sweeney does, however, live in the Town of Colonie so he will have to either move into the city within 90 days of when he is hired or get a waiver from Rosamilia.
Also, Todd Dickinson will begin a new job in the Engineering Department at a salary of $45,000.
More information on this one when
it becomes available – or is confused even more.
Dave Sheeran will be walking around with a Ritalin drip by the time this is over.
ReplyDeleteWill it be tye dye
DeleteDoesn't he already have one?
DeleteI think hes hot
DeleteIn times like this Dave as yourself what would Kid Rock do? When it hits you just air guitars the pain away.
DeleteThe men of code enforcement calendar would have Dave on cover. He's dreamy. Lucky Lori
DeleteThis position and salary is not in the 2014 budget. How can this be done? Certainly an accounting professor would know that if the left column doesn't match the right column it won't work. Oh but an accounting professor would never allow $365,000 to leave the city treasury without being accounted for either. Right?
ReplyDeleteZERO Accountability. ZERO Transparency.
Is he related to Pete Ryan
ReplyDeleteHightops heads code now? He's the boss that's why he can wear the bugle boys jeans tesla shirts with his footwear of choice. no ones gonna tell him he needs to wear a skinny tie
ReplyDeleteCan jimmy rivers and barb work together?
ReplyDeleteWho looks better in a skirt? That's what matters.
ReplyDeleteReeves has 6 employee complaints filed against him. No morale in department. Someone needs to look into OT for his "assistant".
ReplyDeleteThanks vitorio
DeleteAn engineer from Colonie who worked under Carmella at the canal corp. with absolutely no idea of Troy city code or the City of Troy for that matter. And this is where Clueless Lou and Country Club Pete turn to. Jeezz, they'd be better off bringing Mirch back.
ReplyDeleteAt least the streets would be cleaned and plowed curb to curb...
DeleteMirch will take the 56,000 but can only work 2 months a year.
DeleteMirch is also taking the police commissioner's job, and I heard he might run for DA.
DeleteIf we can get 3 months Dec., Jan. and Feb. we'll take it.
DeleteMirch can always get a job with the county government, otherwise known as the Republican political graveyard and patronage parking lot.
DeleteLou and Pete have made Troy as bad as the county when it comes to patronage jobs. Who's Todd Dickenson in engineering and where does he live? What test did he take? Daddy and Lou are buddies and little Toddy didn't like his salary so daddy called Lou and it was bumped up. Outside of their appointees there's not one city worker that can't wait to see them go.
DeleteMirch is working at the Board of Elections, he's the absentee ballot supervisor.
DeleteAnd the beat goes on....................
ReplyDeleteRumor is the guy is out of colonie ....
ReplyDeleteDave Sheeran was seen belly crawling around Lou and Pete's offices setting trip wires and putting dead fish in there desk.
ReplyDeleteHey Carlo try showing up for work for more than a week with the New York Giants onesies on and then Russ might think of you as more than a toddler.
ReplyDeleteChanging his diaper would help
DeleteDave would only take the job if it required bob jovi tshirts and cut off jean shorts as required workwear
ReplyDeleteWho's bob jovi?
DeleteWho's Todd Dickinson related to? Friend o Lou?
DeleteNorth Greenbush, Sabo, CB Smith connection. Another real asset to the city. But no money for CSEA contract. Thanks Lou
DeleteThe engineer wins in te second round.
ReplyDeleteSee you behind the Ruck, buddy
DeleteDunne has the age but Reeves has the reach. TKO in the second round because Dunne goes crying to Wade.
ReplyDeleteTaxpayers want to know wth is going on with our $$$$$$! 2 additional engineers, possible new director retired from town of colonie, 2 people doing the accounting job that has been done by 1 person 4 years....
ReplyDeleteTaxpayers want to know what's going on with their county government's mishandling of their tax money. Still waiting to hear how one of Jimino's employees can steal over $200,000 over a period of SIX YEARS without anyone catching it. Anyone? Jimino? How about the Republican spokesman getting that six figure taxpayer-funded salary... does he have anything to say?
Ok "crickets" what's going on in Troy with the Democratic leadership. DPW supervisor makes over $105k and street are impassable. Libraries over paid $350k. People being hired left and right and there not in the budget. Buildings being demolished without proper procedures. Council people going to SLA with shitheads or asking for class action lawsuits and on and on and on. But you have the balls to talk about the county. The city of Troy is the poster boy for the rest of the county on why not to vote democratic because the normal people outside of Troy are not looking for a hand out like Troy is. Now back to them f%€king puke friends of yours at the sanctuary.
DeleteHey "crickets" why didn't you run anyone against her? I'll tell you why, because all the hipster, welfare shitbags and your delusional bunch run the city of troy....into the ground. Why do you think the people that could move out did? Do you really think they want any part of Lou, Pete, Doherty and Rodney? Maybe some Pastor Willie and Kevin Mcgrath? Enjoy your third world city.
DeleteWell well, looks like we struck a nerve. Still nothing on the county theft of funds? Nah, didn't think so.
DeleteBut hey, if you want to talk about Troy corruption, three-job hacks making over $100K, illegal building teardowns, unlawful code enforcements, randomly dumped piles of dirt and civil rights lawsuits against the city costing taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars, I'm happy to revisit the years of the Tutunjian administration.
And hell, let's not even stop there. Let's talk about the worst DA in history, a label Republican meatheads have tried unsuccessfully to pin on Rich McNally. But do you really think we've forgotten your Republican golden girl DA Trish DeAngelis? How many convictions were reversed because of her incompetence and/or misconduct? I think we all had to stop counting.
The Republican party in Rensselaer County is a joke. Stop whining about losing in Troy and start worrying about losing elsewhere, because the voters are waking up to your incompetence and corruption.
"Incompetence and corruption" are synonymous with this administration. Crickets, Harry's out of office and DeAngelis had a great ass. Shouldn't you be forging a ballot someplace?
DeleteMirch has been gone for 5 years but still renting space in your head. Harry gone 3 years still in your head. What about Bush he still in your head to. Your feeling it start to slip away. You must be a Wade guy so what's Rabbit voices telling you?
DeleteChill b dunne
DeleteHey, I'm not the one sobbing about the so called destruction of Troy under the current administration. Troy is getting all kinds of press for its revitalization and it's just killing you! Talk about obsession and renting space in heads.
DeleteJust reminding folks of how bad it used to be with Harry and crew. Troy is doing great under the Democrats. Maybe you should get your own house in order before bitching and moaning on here.
Rabbit? Yeah, he's really relevant. You must have missed the memo: he lost. Badly What's Neil Kelleher telling you, by the way?
And we haven't even brought up the Republican Sheriff and the zoo of a jail he runs. Let's save that for another post. Spread the fun around.
Boy Bill your putting overtime in on this blog. When you usually do this is just before you and your partner Corkey Ryan screw up and it's about to come out in the press. Bill you have been playing it fast and loose with Corkey Ryan down along the river front and it bad enough when Corkey is out with out his helmet but now there's no life jacket. So I would suggest that you keep your eye on Corkey at the river or he's going to Wade out in the deep parts and Jeff Horowitz will take him under with him.
DeleteCrickets, downtown Troy is making a comeback. Unfortunately it's based mostly on public funds. Public funds that Tutunjian garnered through a settlement with National Grid = LDC-IDA funds. The neighborhoods are hurting and more and more long time residents are moving out. Vic Christopher has truly made downtown happen without a handout from the city. Oh, he was let go and replaced by Monica. Crickets, talk to me about success and failure. Loser
DeleteCome know! Monica has been working on the Floating Fish and the fabulous fundraiser
DeleteI'll have some of whatever you're smoking. Downtown revitalization is all due to the National grid settlement? Bwahahaha! Harry, you get the award for messianic delusions of grandeur. Make sure you dry those dishsoap hands before you claim it.
DeleteDon't forget Jimino dumbed down the job requirements to give Republican Lou Desso an $80K patronage job on the taxpayer dime. Wonder why our taxes are so high? Thank a Republican!
DeleteYou have that wrong they just dumbed down Desso
DeleteVic took a loan from the LDC or IDA. One of them.
Delete"But, since only two people took the test – Soriento and Code Enforcement Officer Dave Sheeran – the city is not obligated to use names off the list"
ReplyDeleteHorseshit. It was a promotional test.
coming on March 17th --------------------
why do I think the guy will be Italian ?
ReplyDeleteI'm coming for you dr death
ReplyDeletePack a lunch.
DeletePack two, he's an awfully large man.
DeleteI love snack-packs. Do they still have them?
DeleteWhen it goes bad in code dave shuts the door looks at his fist plays winger and thinks of 4 non blondes
ReplyDeleteK Kokopellis
ReplyDeleteK. Kant
K. Keep control.
I think I made out pretty good. I sold my house on Sixth Avenue in Lansingburgh to a New York City landlord for $35,000. God bless him, take a ride down that street. Every other house is boarded up, gang members, shootings, by the way, if you’re worried about the police and fire pensions, Kathy Jimino and the city of Troy will just raise your taxes. Troy will never go bankrupt.
ReplyDeleteWOW, is all I can say. This banter is scary. This poor City has no hope for improvement, ever.