That’s pretty much the same
premise behind an ordinance proposed by Councilman Bob Doherty, D-District 4,
that would make it a crime for police to prohibit the public from photographing
or videotaping an officer’s activities. The punishment for
doing such, according to Doherty, would carry a fine of up to $5,000 and a jail
sentence up to 15 days, according to Doherty, chair of the Public Safety
For starters, police officers work
for the city so if the officer is charged – and a cop is innocent until proven
guilty just like anyone else – he or she is indemnified and the city has to
represent them. And if the officer is found guilty, the city would be
responsible for paying the fine. Who does the city pay the fine too … itself?
Also, according to the City
Charter, any ordinance passed by the Council “shall be punishable as a misdemeanor
by a fine not exceeding $1,000 or imprisonment for not more than one year or
both, or as a violation by a fine not exceeding $250 or by imprisonment for a
period not exceeding 15 days, or both.”
So, if Doherty does implement his
ordinance as proposed, first he would need to change the Charter.
In addition to the local issues, there are numerous federal court cases that already give the public the
right to photograph or videotape police officers so long as doing so does not
interfere with the officers’ duties. Officers are fair game just like anyone
else on a public street or a public gathering spot. A law prohibiting police
officers from doing something that is already prohibited is duplicitous at
Capt. John Cooney called the ordinance an "insult." I'm sure other officers are calling it much worse, and rightly so.
Obviously, Doherty is catering to
the large contingent of Troy that came out strong against the police in the
wake of the Jan. 25 melee at Kokopellis. Many residents claim there police used
excessive force and have used excessive force for years particularly against
minorities. He also pointed to two other cases – James Foley who settled his
brutality suit for $90,000, and Brian Houle, whose civil suit is still pending.
The melee did highlight problems
between police and the community, but as an elected member of the Council,
Doherty should work to bridge the gap and not ostracize or insult one side or another as
he is clearly doing with this inane, useless ordinance.
Doherty should resign. His ego is bigger than Harry's and that is saying a lot. If I were a business owner in downtown that wasn't kokopellis, I wouldn't want him frequenting or doing business in my establishment. He brings a bad scene with him. I would refuse to serve or do business. And he can't do a friggen thing about it. Show you stand with Troy residents and refuse to do business with bob. That's it, Boycott Bob - you aren't welcome in Troy when you are actively trying to cause it harm.
ReplyDeleteThere's a video of a police officer ordering an RPI student to get in his house to stop videotaping TPD beating with batons another RPI student. Next day they arrested the videotaper. and charge him with disorderly conduct. You refuse to see a problem? And this happened under Tedesco's watch who now says the same as you: that we already have those laws. Who is going to do something about TPD intimidation and retaliation of witnesses. Jim reconsider your argument, this is not a mail box, someone will die sooner of later from a bad luck hit on the head from a TPD baton:
Nope, the human skull breaks at 12 to 15 psi. The nightsticks break at 8 to 10 psi.
DeleteMaybe you should rewatch the video and actually listen to the audio of that tape. The officer is clearly heard telling the one recording he had a beer in his hand which is violation. You are not allowed to break the law just to record an officer. You still must obey the law.
DeletePlease join us here on earth where cops break the law every day with impunity. They impede people's ability to observe and videotape them every time they huddle around someone as they beat them. Hell, they even used that tactic at Kokopelis and they were surrounded by cameras. Impeding observation is second nature to them and they need a reminder as well as a negative incentive to treat people like human beings. You should be ashamed of this shotty journalistic attempt, which comes off a historical, willfully ignorant and, of course, as a masturbatory exercise in support of the police department.
ReplyDeleteOh Angie don't you weep all your kisses still taste so sweet
DeleteI hate to blacken both your eyes
Angie, I've heard nothing about the behavior of the crowd at Kokopelis. Were they all participating in a "masturbatory exercise"? Your words dear.
DeleteWow look at that picture her last name is not Jolie.
DeleteA better analogy would be if the DPW employee destroyed your mailbox deliberately so that you have trouble receiving mail from a group that is trying to reform the DPW! In other words, this isn't about honest mistakes, like a police officer bumping into you so that you drop your camera. This is about putting real consequences into place for cops who intentionally violate people's basic rights to cover their own butts. It may be legal to film the police, but officers have often interfered, and rarely suffered any consequences.
ReplyDeleteI'm just going to sit back and wait for Kevin McCashion to say something stupid. I know it won't be long.
ReplyDeleteTerrible thing when kev occupiies all that spacein your head Mr City Hall Ip address. You Guys shoud be thinking about the next road to close and not fix instead of blogging on the taxpiayers dime
DeleteYou should be thinking about spell check. Why are Republicans all so dumb?
DeleteOh billy
DeleteMost of us Trojans support our police department. People arrive here to our city and behave like animals. Keep up the good work TPD crack skulls and stack charges.
ReplyDeleteThey shouldn't be cracking anybodys head open , They should be there to keep the peace and be the ones who calm things down,Not make it into a gang assault. with them at the forefront, The entire personality of TPD needs to change and quick.They don't care if you have lived here your whole life they are rude and all about violence.
ReplyDeleteAs a republican this council is a joke but the representation that we all voted for in district 1 is a major disappointment. Jim Gordon can't even keep the same vote over 24 hours. Gordon sold his sole to get on the council and continues to sell it on the council. Gordon is to close with the democrats he sold out to chair a committee and sold out again to get a job for Mike Divittio. Can any good republican in north Troy tell us who Mike is and what he has done for the party? This is a disgrace we deserve better from this clown.
ReplyDeleteThanks Kevin. We miss you.
DeleteAt some point that response will run out and you will have to run on your reputation. It's not about Kevin it's about your inability to lead. Your a sell out and your stick has run out only 2 months in. Your a loser and will be a 1 term wonder. By the way I'm not Kevin but if you sleep better think I and a lot of other people are kevin then we are getting our point across.
DeleteEven the Times Union thinks your a joke Gordon. I see where they call a former councilman for a quote in today's paper. They didn't call you did they Jim? Flash "in the pan" Gordon
DeleteGordon's got that "deer in headlights" look worse than Anastasia. Tough in the big leagues isn't it, Jimbo? You'll be a one term wonder for sure.
DeleteMinority counsel, what a waste of taxpayer money. All so Flash Gordon can give someone a patronage job. Thanks Jim.
DeleteRandy. Your spelling betrays you
DeleteWhen he sits at the head of the public safety meeting good Doherty looks like the judge from my cousin vinny
ReplyDeleteI wish everyone would call mayor Rosamilia mayor Rosamilia instead of mayor Lou. The only other mayor addressed that way that I can remember was the former of schenectady and he turned out to be a huge bust.I say lets show a little respect.
ReplyDeleteBill Dunne went to Snowman today for ice cream. Since his Vecino ice cream went missing in city hall he has been a sad little puppy. He got to check out progress on his pal Jack's Snack Shack too. Billy was impressed. Billy liked the new flavor too, Gurley Ave MudSlide. Its Kevin McGrath's favorite flavor too.
ReplyDeleteSo I guess it Mayor Lou Bust then
ReplyDeleteSo I guess it Mayor Lou Bust then
ReplyDeleteJesus Christ the mayor election is almost 2years away and I got a Robo call tonight asking if I would vote for Mark McGrath or Peter Ryan if the election was today. Who the hell is behind this Wade or Rich Crist?
ReplyDeleteIs Lou out? Who said Coors Light Ryan will run?
DeleteMark McGrath and Peter Ryan? HAHA whoevers polling that doesn't have a clue. So... sounds like Rich Crist.
DeleteWade did do a Robo call about Kevin McGrath before so why wouldn't he do it again?
DeleteYou all know Rodney will be the people's choice. McGrath - Ryan political sheep. They may be the party's choices but the people love Rodney and Rodney loves the people.
DeleteWho has the ability to straighten out the mess Lou and Peter are making?
DeleteRed Front was in the back of the paper 2 days ago owing $91,000.00 in back taxes and now a fire what a week. Thank God the fire department was there and not the sheriffs union.
ReplyDeleteI don't agree with Doherty, but I find it hypocritical that you say he should be a "bridge" while this blog does nothing but look to create fractures among people in the city. You identify "sides" and encourage the discord by pandering to those who want the chaos. Sad,
ReplyDeleteYou people are hilarious. The exact reason this City looks like hell. Congrats idiots. Somehow, some way we have become the shithole in the tri-city area. But damn it, our police will be peaceful.
ReplyDeleteKeep voting democratic this is what you get.
ReplyDeleteThey're pretty busy settling lawsuits from the Fat Harry administration.
DeleteWho needs sound off when you have T-Spin.
ReplyDeleteHeard The blog master is in vegas his week
ReplyDeleteDoherty... what a waste of time. I cant believe he is on the public safety committee and is all about bashing cops. Apparently he got a speeding ticket in his past and now wants to wave his mighty gavel against the cops. Good job buddy. Maybe do a few ride a longs with those guys and see what it is really like? DESK JOCKEYS never work, in any profession.
ReplyDeleteWe need to collectively come together as a city and give a long over due huge thank you to Vick for the renaissance he has orchestrated in the city of Troy. He continues to give back to this adopted city that he loves so much and as a result he and he alone has made downtown a destination location. Thank you Vick and God bless you.
ReplyDeleteVick for Mayor. Please help us Vick. We need you.
DeleteThe renaissance began long before Vic. He runs and the truth comes out. And he doesn't want that to happen.
DeleteLet the truth be known, Vic was removed by Country Club Pete and lady's man Bill Dunne because they didn't want him showing Dunne up and because he was hired by Tutunjian. They can gossip about charges all they want but the evidence is what he's done for downtown Troy. Despite the efforts of this crew to torpedo him. Thanks Vic.
DeleteAll I can say is look at what Vick did while with the city and after the city and it's very impressive. What's Bill Dunne got? A Floating Fish restaurant that he and his cohort Monica should be fired over letting that women with that awfull plan financially wreck herself. Oh let's not forget the melted ice cream across the street how's that coming along? Moradians? The Old Brink? Scolight? How's Buels $28 million coming along? All question that will come to a head next mayoral election time. Get cracked Bill.
DeleteIf Vic runs the real truth will come out.
DeleteIn an effort to keep open city financed Bombers they had to make Vic look bad. Diabolical Dunne and his sidekick Corky Ryan devised a plan that would empty out Vic's place on a Friday night. Send in Zuul with her special blend of negativity. Who would want to hear that for a minute let alone an hour. Problem is Vic sniffed it out, induced Zuul into a bottle of the house Merlot and asleep she sat in the window. Curses. Then they brought in the big gun(s) from the south. Had Corky's relative Jess the speaker unleash the puppies in hopes the clientele would run for cover. Again, Vic put an end to it announcing it was pillow night. Foiled again !
Who would run from those?
DeleteFact: Vic's smarter than all of them sitting on City Floor
DeleteFact: Vic has a knack of building something out of nothing, with his own money. Ms. Economic Development of the Farmers Market, should be assisting him in his effort to revitalize a dead, but once happening south side of Broadway. They should be kissing his ass and offer him some of that sweet LDC money pie they seem to enjoy passing out to losing ventures. Vic would be a great mayor, cause he has real vision, and the smarts to pull it off.
Anyone who can see and smell?
DeleteAnother Fitz pick for PBA support. How's this one working out for the membership Bob? Add him to the convicted, indicted, and jailed PBA council picks over the past few years.
ReplyDeleteCan someone please tell me why council president Rodney Wiltshire is now making it a point to hang out at Kokopellis? Is he actively trying to ruin his relationship with the cops, piss off the Democrats, and torpedo his political career? I'm curious. The bathing suit muscle shots and beer fueled tongue selfies were one thing, but now it's really getting crazy. Is he a Republican now? Looking forward to seeing Jim Gordon and Dean Bodnar slappin on those baggy pants and hanging with Wiltshire at Glick's club. Maybe they can caucus there.
ReplyDeleteWho cares where they hang out, are you pissed because they dont hang out at the red front?
DeleteI am not sure that removing plumbing fixtures from the Dauchy building is considered a renaissance. But I guess we all have different definitions. Vic Christopher (which is not is initial name) running would easily hand the mayor's job to the dems, no matter who they ran.
ReplyDeleteU eat oyster there dunne.
DeleteTedesco hasn't been in charge a month yet and already we have a homicide in the city. Hey Franco, there wasn't a homicide in the city when there was a commissioner. Looks like we are going back to the old ways of high crime under your pal Tedesco.
ReplyDeleteNo. Not teddys fault. Just more racial genocide
DeleteThank you JW Knieval
DeleteSo 10:33 your logic is that now that Tedesco is in charge he's responsible and should be removed? OK We under Harry's last year there were no homicides and the first of Lou there were 7. When does harry take over?
DeleteThat would be spelled Kenevil.
DeleteI knew Rod foryears and never knew he was bi racial till he ran for office.
ReplyDeleteCorrection: he never proclaimed to be bi-racial until after using the "N" word in an email viewed by the world. Then, suddenly, he is entitled after stupidly and arrogantly creating a paper trail of insensitivity.
DeleteTU's Brendon Lyons doing a story on Scolite. FBI not far behind. The term "Country Club" could be two completely different settings.
ReplyDeleteThere's a big difference between civil case law and criminal ordinances. Yes, there is civil case law that shows observing and filming the police is protected as "speech." However, there are no existing criminal laws that implicate officers when they violate a citizen's rights to watch and/or film them. So this isn't a duplication of any sort. Clearly, the Troy PD have a pattern of violating these rights, and it's costing taxpayers a lot. Who would oppose such a law? If the police aren't doing anything wrong, why would anyone care if there's a criminal law of this sort?