Sunday, January 5, 2014

I hit delete by accident

I apologize for the last post. I was making some changes and I accidentally deleted it. I will post it again later this afternoon.



  1. Come on Jim. Repost the article. Also look into why Kathleen didn't run for her legislator seat. Did it have something to do with a certain picture?

  2. Lynn Kopka getting info and advice from a republican....BLASPHEMY! Little does she know that Robertson is the only person on the council who can't be bought. Ever think that there were actually interviews held and Mrs.Taylor was the most qualified....what a thought. Lynn kopka is an idiot.

    1. Oh look another Anastasia neighbor chiming in, what politically appointed job should this one get? Bodyguard? Anastasia has been bought and paid for with her little connection to Teta-Sullivan and her brother. What Rodney Puppeteer wants Anastasia Puppet shall provide for him a vote here and a job for her neighbors there.

      Let the circus begin!

    2. Who were the other candidates, what were their qualifications? Who interviewed them? You see, only Rodney interviewed them and he's the head of the class...class clown over all the other council clowns.

    3. Rodney has an agenda and his hiring of Taylor only furthered that agenda. Someone who cannot even hold a steady job is not the most qualified, her qualifications are only on paper and that is just what she herself wrote. If you believe she got the job based on merit you are not only sadly mistaken you are also extremely naïve.

  3. Councilman Robertson has a computer or reverend Tim. We know he has a camera

    1. Bingo! Its Rev. Tim don't you know she doesn't go anywhere without him, he thinks he's a councilman too.
