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The Republican candidate for Troy
City Court judge had her law license suspended from June 1999 to April 2005. And,
she appears to have practiced law during that time.
Jill A. Kehn, according to a
suspension order by the Appellate Division, failed to register “despite written
notices sent to them by the Office of Court Administration and a notice sent by
petitioner.” Attorneys must register and pay a $350 fee every two years to
maintain their license.
The decision goes onto say Kehn,
and a host of other attorneys included in the round-up type decision, “for the
period of suspension, are commanded to desist and refrain from the practice of
law in any form either as principal or as agent, clerk or employee of another,
and are forbidden to appear as an attorney or counselor-at-law before any
court, Judge, Justice, board, commission or other public authority or to give
to another any opinion as to the law or its application or any advice in
relation thereto …”
But, a determination by the
Commission on Judicial Conduct barring a Troy judge from ever being a judge
again indicates she represented a client on July 10, 2000, 13 months after her
license was suspended.
The 2004 determination – which
banned Troy City Court Judge Hank Bauer from the bench for life for a host of
improprieties - states Kehn represented Marilyn Grant on an unlawful possession
of marijuana charge. Grant was arrested on July 7 and Bauer set bail at
$20,000. She returned to court on July 10 with her attorney, Kehn. There wasn’t
a prosecutor present, but Kehn negotiated a deal that included an adjournment
in contemplation of dismissal and time served. The Commission on Judicial
Conduct did find problems with the sentence, but only mentioned Kehn’s name in
She also worked in the Rensselaer County Sewer Department as an attorney from 2002 to 2005.
She also worked in the Rensselaer County Sewer Department as an attorney from 2002 to 2005.
Ironically, Kehn’s name was
mentioned in Republican circles to replace Bauer, who was removed from the
bench about a month prior to his 2004 re-election bid, which was at the time in
full swing.
“During a period when I was
primarily attending to my duties as mother of three small children and also
caring for a father in law who was facing a serious illness, my license
inadvertently lapsed for failing to renew a state licensing fee,” Kehn said in
a statement. “When the matter came to my attention, the license was renewed and
there was no disciplinary proceedings related to the lapse.”
Kehn produced a 2005 letter to
Michael Novak, chief clerk of the Appellate Division, which stated “until a few
hours ago, I was completely unaware that I was suspended in 1999 for failing to
pay a registration fee.”
She said she had never received
notification of her suspension and said she moved in October, 1999 and may not
have notified the Office of Court Administration of her change of address until
sometime in 2000.
“However, having received and
submitted biannual registration forms on a regular basis since then, I had no
reason to question my status with the court,” she wrote.
She also produced registration
fee receipts for 1996 through 2001 she paid on April 19, 2000 as well as a
receipt for 2002 to 2003 that she paid on Sept. 25, 2002 and one for 2004 and 2005 she paid on Oct. 18, 2004.
But, once an attorney is
suspended, it takes a formal process and court order to get reinstated, which
didn’t happen until 2005.
She said the issue of her license
was reviewed by the Independent Judicial Election Qualification Commission, a
panel that rates judicial candidates, both when she initially submitted her
credentials and again when she appeared for an interview.
“I am happy to report I came away
with a rating of ‘Qualified’ following review by the Commission,” she said in a
Kehn, according to her LinkedIn
account, graduated from the Albany Law School of Union University in 1989 and
according to the unanimous Appellate Division decision reinstating her license
she was admitted to practice law in 1990.
She is running for two seats on
the Troy bench, one currently held by Judge Chris Maier, who is running for
re-election, and a position newly created by the state Legislature.
The third candidate is Democrat
Keith Gorman.
Gorman is at it again..Now it is Jill's turn..What a creep..
ReplyDeleteGorman is at it again? What has Jill Kehn practicing law without a license have to do with Keith Gorman. At least Gorman never said a negative thing about his opponents. Too bad his opponents can't say the same. The democratic party sent out one negative correspondence after another to voters and the worse thing they could come up with is he was a Republican for a period of time. I don't think anyone standing before a judge cares one way or the other whether the judge was a Democrat or a Republican. All anyone cares is that the judge is fair and ethical, something hard to find in the other candidates.
DeleteNo that's not the worst thing that can be said about Keith Gorman. The worse thing that can be said is that he is supremely unqualified and undeserving of a judgeship. He's been practicing for 30 years why is it that no one has ever heard of him.
DeleteOh Kathy you're so obvious.
DeleteGorman lied at every door he knocked-negative and false about Ian and Chris- cause he has no record to run on. A travesty if he makes the bench.
DeleteYou're right Gorman has no "record to run on", but lets look at the record of the guy working with him getting petitions. Kevin McGrath, who gets caught selling drugs and walks away after sending his dealer pals to prison . Then steals votes from the poor and disabled and testifies against his cohorts and slithers away. And lets not forget Gorman's sign man Crazy Bob Cox who puts Gorman signs on every vacant bldg. and shithole in the city. You got my vote Jill and Chris.
DeleteAgreed. Unfortunately his lies cost Ian. Hopefully the voters aren't fooled again. I know both Jill and Ian personally and they are both first class people and attorneys. What I know of Gorman is he is a liar and a nasty man. Please voters of Troy DO NOT VOTE FOR KEITH GORMAN.
DeleteGorman only said negative things about his opponents when he went door to door. He lied about Chris and Ian because he has not quals or record to promote. He doesn't deserve to be on the bench.
DeleteGive it up. Jill Kehn is grossly unqualified and now we learn she practiced with a suspended license. Stop embarrassing yourself Jill. Withdraw from the race. Its only going to get worse.
DeleteThis is so sad. I assisted with the Gorman campaign and I can honestly say that I, and my colleagues, steered away from discussing the other opponents. The other opponents had nothing to do with why I believed in Keith, and why I still do. I wish that the youth of this city would just help others figure this stuff out.
DeleteThe lies that float through this columns comments are un-real. If you want to vote, which I suggest you do, vote on merit but also on work ethic. The fact that the above conversation has become a mud slinging from people who's pride was hurt from losing an election boggles my mind. Just vote for who you think is right, try not to let your hurt feelings get in the way of democracy.
If you want to have an honest conversation about this, contact me on facebook. My name is KellyRose Fluty.
No one wants to talk to you.
DeleteMaier and Gorman
DeleteCan anyone else in Troy add? She was admitted to the Bar in 1990 and it is 2014 - 24 years. But wait a minute, her license was suspended for 6 years. I just read she had 24 years of experience practicing law in Troy. Now which is it? Did she lie about the 24 years of practice or did she practice for 6 years
ReplyDeletewithout a license? Another inadvertent mistake! What kind of an attorney doesn't realize they haven't renewed their license in 6 years? She lost my vote.
I think you're overthinking this one. The article states that she continued paying the fee from 2000 - 2005, so the bar must have continued to send her bills. What reason would she have to suspect an oversight if she continued to receive and pay bills? This sounds to me like a mistake on the part of the bar association.
DeleteThere is NO WAY you can't know you haven't been suspended from practice. There is NO WAY you don't know you have to petition to be reinstated.
DeleteHer actions were deliberate and unlawful. End the campaign now, Jill. Spare Troy the embarrassment.
Clearly the bar didn't know if they continued to send her bills every year...
DeleteThey wouldn't have sent her bills every year. Which is one of the 1,459 reasons she had to have known she had no law license for SIX YEARS.
DeleteFunny how she blew off paying her fees for four years and then suddenly caught up-- AFTER the suspension order she says she didn't know anything about.
Do you know Keith Gorman? Who are you to call anyone a creep? If you had something intelligent to say people might not just look at your comment and laugh at your ignorance.
ReplyDeleteA little high on the anger scale,eh, Kathy. All of this is just coincidence.
DeleteMine name is not Kathy, thank you.
DeleteIt's funny how you think that the only one who supports Keith is his wife Kathy. I mean, I would hope that my significant other would support me but you have to believe that there were other people who support him. I mean, he obviously made it through the Primary.
DeleteGood point.
DeleteWhy does Keith Gorman have Tom Spargo working for him? Gorman = Spargo!
ReplyDeletePracticing with a suspended license gets you disbarred. Bye bye Jill.
ReplyDeletePeople shouldn't make comments they can't back up. Spargo does not work for Keith Gorman and never did. Quite the contrary. Spargo showed up to make sure Gorman got a fair recount. Ian got exactly what he worked for which was nothing. He doesn't even deserve the job he has.
ReplyDeleteBut after November Ian will still be corp counsel and you'll still be a nobody Keith. Kathy and Keith do the people of Troy a favor go away and take your stench with you.
DeleteSo Spargo just showed up to make sure Gorman got a fair count. Sure he did..Did he want to make sure that the absentees that Doherty and Gorman solicitated from the elderly residents of senior housing made it through.
DeleteWhoever you are you have a lot of hatred for people who have probably done nothing at all to you. You are pathetic and no one is really interested in your hatred. Say something intelligent or go away.
DeleteNow we are going to blame the Bar Association because Jill Kehn failed to renew her license to practice law. How pathetic is that. The license was suspended in 1999 and not reinstated until 2005. Funny how she only got selective notices from the Bar.
ReplyDeleteShe had to ignore at least twelve pieces of mail to get to the point of suspension. Including certified letters and personal service of a petition. Are people really buying this? Kehn and Hank Bauer. Keepin it classy GOP.
DeleteI think working with a convicted felon gets you disbarred. Bye bye Gorman!
ReplyDeleteCount me as someone whose vote you lost, Keith.
Then if that's what you think, more than half the Democratic party needs to go, they hurt their own unless you have money. I am sickened to all the cut throat actions going on. Why does it have to be this way? Dems going after Dems, I just don't understand it.
DeleteWow! Gormans camp has a pretty bad stink to it. I'm voting for Kehn and Maier.
DeleteUnfortunately, there is not enough Febreze is the world to cover that stench.
DeleteThe stench is from the GOP's sewer department attorney Jill Kehn and the ridiculous lies she is telling to voters.
DeleteSomeone needs to file a complaint with the 3rd Dept Committee on Professional Standards to investigate her conduct during the 6 year period she incredibly continued to practice law while now claiming she was unaware of her suspension. Pleading ignorance is a better public posture than pleading willful misconduct.Nonetheless, every criminal defendant she represented is entitled to petition the courts to vacate their sentences and convictions due to improper legal representation. This attorney's actions have created a legal nightmare and to think she wants to become a judge?
ReplyDeleteYup. It's a disaster.
DeleteMeanwhile up in the Burgh all the Junkies are planning a big Republican Come back there in a meeting rite Now and Mark Mcgrath is yelling we have to get back in power by hook or by crook
ReplyDeleteBob, did you get that pee stain out of your pants?
DeleteMaybe her brother in law was supposed to file it with his decisions?
ReplyDeleteWho is her brother in law? What decisions?
DeleteHer brother in law is City Court Judge Matt Turner. Isn't that interesting?
DeleteHow many judgeships does this family feel entitled to? They're the Tutunjians of city court. Feeding from the trough.
DeleteJust like the Ceresias?
DeleteTry getting your facts straight. Spargo did not work for Gorman nor did he represent Gprman in any way. If you want to back morally bankrupt candidates that is your shortcoming. Guess the only way you feel good about yourself is to try to put others down. You are pitied, not respected.
ReplyDeleteShe still gets my vote over gorman
ReplyDeleteMine too
DeleteThanks Hank Bauer. Why are we not surprised the GOP votes for unethical candidates
DeleteAnd the justice in that will be you have to stand before an incompetent who will send you up for life with no computer to spread your venom. Lots of Luck!
DeleteThe Committee on Professional Standards could very well disbar her for violating the Court Order not to practice law. It's a very serious matter, especially since it continued for 6 years! Is ignorance of her professional responsibilities a valid defense when responding to the Committee on Professional Standards?
ReplyDeleteWho's morally bankrupt?
DeleteNO WAY NO HOW Jill Kehn didn't know her license was suspended for six years. No one is that stupid.
DeleteLol that there's any way this lawyer didn't know she was suspended. Who signed for the certified mail? Who did the Committee on Professional Standards personally serve with process? Ridiculous. Stop embarrassing yourself.
ReplyDeleteWhat a crock. It's not true that there were "no disciplinary proceedings related to the lapse." The Committee on Professional Standards filed the complaint against her. They ARE the disciplinary committee. If you're suspended, you've been disciplined. Wake up people. This woman is lying.
ReplyDeleteONLY IN TROY do you think you should become a judge when you cannot even follow the law yourself.
ReplyDelete"Spargo does not work for Keith Gorman and never did. Quite the contrary. Spargo showed up to make sure Gorman got a fair recount." Classic. And this guy is running for Judge? Unbelievable.
ReplyDeleteThe Committee on Judicial Conduct AS WELL AS the Committee on Professional Standards have both investigated and agree that NO WRONG DOING was done here. Shame on you Franco for being nothing but a no-fact writing gossip, Shame on the Gordon campaign for coming out of the gates as a 'good old boy' dirt slinging politician...whenever this kind of nonsense is published it's a sure sign of the underdog campaign prooving why they are the underdog in the first place. Dirty politics at its best here!
ReplyDeleteThe CJC wouldn't have investigated any of this because she isn't a judge. The Committee on Professional Standards investigated ONCE and referred her for suspension. Stop the lies.
DeleteI support Jill Kehn. We all know how this information found its way to Jim Franco. We are well aware of his history and the people who surround him. . This will only make Jill's supporters more determined and cause many other voters to reject this candidate. This is gong to backfire in a big way.
DeleteTHE PHILOSOPHY OF JILL KEHN: If I get disciplined by the Committee on Professional Standards but I never open my mail, am I really suspended?
DeleteI guess she didn't open her mail for what, three years??
ReplyDeleteHer license was suspended for SIX YEARS and she had no idea? Yeah she'll make a great judge. LMAO
ReplyDeleteWTF? They give you about ten warnings before suspending you for something like that. She just tossed them in the garbage?
ReplyDeleteJill Kehn is a county attorney in addition to being a disgraced candidate. KATHY JIMINO has to answer for why this person is on the taxpayer payroll.
ReplyDeleteKeith Gorman didn't blow off his attorney registration for three years and practice with a suspended license for six years. Yet the Jill Kehn camp bashes him. CLASSY!
ReplyDeleteMatt Turner is a straight shooter. He must be appalled by this.
Keith Gorman doesn't have to worry about practicing law without a license. As near as I can see he never practiced law..Who is this guy
DeleteHe is the person you want on that bench. As near as you can see, you say he never practiced law...where are you looking?
DeleteKevin McGraths advice to Jill. Youthful indiscretion.
ReplyDeleteFunny how they both have a judge in the family to smooth things over.
DeleteJim, I am unaffiliated with either party and have never heard of two of the three candidates. But I do enjoy politics and like to think of myself as an informed voter, so I listened to your interview with Keith Gorman. I must say I came away unimpressed. This was his chance to sell himself to the voters and all he could utter was vague statements like I have a myriad of legal experience and am civic minded. He mentioned he had thirty years of legal experience but he didn't point to any accomplishment, or anything noteworthy or for that matter any experience with the Criminal Law. Being old and involved in your children's activities is not enough to make you a judge.
ReplyDeleteHe's more qualified than a candidate who practiced without a license for six years because she couldn't manage to open her mail.
DeleteThat's a high bar.
DeleteIs this guy for real?
DeleteI am a democrat and will still vote for Jill Kehn and Chris Maier. As others have said, Gorman doesn't have the right experience and he is a liar and a nasty man. And I do not believe his weak excuse for being a republican all those years. I hope all the republicans who helped him through the process are pleased with the results of their efforts.
DeleteWhat experience does Jill Kehn have? She can't pay her bills on time, are the people who come before her going to get their decisions on time?
DeleteShuffling the paper work for real estate closings, doing people's income taxes and handling an occasional traffic ticket isn't exactly the right experience. Longevity isn't enough to be a judge.No one in the court house has even heard of Gorman.
DeleteCheck the court records to find the error of your ways. Don't express opinions on something you obviously know nothing about. Who are you anyway - has anyone ever heard of you, not that anyone wants to! Amazing how powerful people become when they hide behind the tag "anonymous". Obviously your idea of being a good judge is breaking the law yourself for experience.
DeleteNice to meet you anonymous
DeleteDid we touch a nerve there?
DeleteSince you obviously so know much about him mrs Gorman maybe you could share some of the criminal trials your man has done. Please enlighten us.
DeleteWho am I? Who am I? I'm judge wapner. Ever hear of me from the peoples court. Yeah that's right
DeleteHe has more experience than stated above. I hope that others actually do research on Keith before casting their vote.
DeleteWhat exactly is his experience which qualifies him to be a criminal court judge? Please share.
DeleteHe does not have the experience..He goes door to door, smearing Jill Kehn because he can't talk about his own criminal law experience because it doesn't exist.
DeleteGotta love how Jimino hires people without checking credentials. Hiring a suspended attorney on the taxpayer dime! No wonder our taxes are so high. GOP incompetent$ need job$!
ReplyDeleteThis is crunch time for a group that you never hear from. The dems on the county legislature They should question everyone in the county administration on how this woman got her job with the county. Time to protect the TAXPAYER.
ReplyDeleteExcellent point 4:32 AM. Still waiting to hear from them on the Mahar/county jail debacle.
DeleteBoth side will cut your liver out to protect there pay checks its sickening
ReplyDeleteThe Tax Payers are just speed bumps in the road
Worth noting that the official probe identified a system error as the cause of this so-called scandal.
How did the system err?
DeleteDid the system err by suspending her to begin with?
Let's see the paperwork, Jill.
WTF how is this even a debate. She gets suspended and practices anyway. If she gets elected she'll just get thrown off the bench.
ReplyDeleteSeems appropriate that she worked for the sewer department since her excuses are a pile of shit.
ReplyDeleteHey hey, ho ho Pinhead Jimino's got to go!
ReplyDelete....Bluce Ree
The people of Troy and Rensselaer County have short memories. A vote for Gorman will likely result in another "progressive" liberal just like good ole Robert Jacon. Pick your poison.. mine will be Kehn
ReplyDeleteHey Judge Jill, how many times can I get caught speeding before I lose my license? Can I drive with out a license if I say I didn't know it was suspended?
ReplyDeleteTroy continues to be a laughingstock if we elect this idiot.
Troy is a laughing stock because you elected Lou and Pete. This is a small story compared to the federal freight train bearing down on them. Be a political hack and blow it off. Choo choo
DeleteThanks, Jim. The documents she provided are even more evidence she knew she was suspended all along. Someone will be referring this to the disciplinary committee and the ICJ. Embarrassing for the GOP she won't drop out. But I guess no surprise... they think the voters are too stupid to care.
ReplyDeleteShe wins with the most votes. Maier comes in a close second. Gorman loses miserably. Sorry Mrs Gorman.
DeleteKeith I hear OCA has a great dental plan. Godspeed.
DeleteChew chew this.
ReplyDeleteSo she suddenly paid four years worth of delinquent fees after her suspension. The suspension she says she never knew about. Riiiiight
ReplyDeleteI'm just wondering why someone that spent all that time and money to become a lawyer would let it lapse for $1000.00? Isn't it possible she really did disregard the letters? In this day of really "official" looking junk mail, I'm sure I've shredded a bunch of things I probably should've looked at. Couldn't it be true?
ReplyDeleteNo. But thanks for playing.
DeleteOK just trying to be an optimist. Aren't many of us left...
DeleteWhy does everyone comment as anonymous?? No guts? Hit and run artists? In politics/advocacy at the state level, everyone is quoted by name and stands for what they believe in publicly.
ReplyDeleteWho are you, then?
DeleteI was just going to post the same thing. Thank you Nancy. I have never seen so much discussion and mud slinging from people who can't seem to identify themselves.
DeleteWhy does every comment say "Anonymous"? In NYS politics, everyone is named and no one makes assumptions or comments without being identified!
ReplyDeleteWhy does every comment say "Anonymous"? In NYS politics, everyone is named and no one makes assumptions or comments without being identified!
DeleteCouldn't the speaker at the council meeting last night have told us she wasn't voting for Kehn without telling us she is a four time cancer survivor who spent five years of her life in California? Who cares? Life sucks.Imagine if every speaker gave their bio and health report before they made their half wit comments?
ReplyDeleteTen bucks it was a setup by the Gorman camp to try and smear their opponent.
DeleteThis really happened? Of course it is the Gorman camp. Disgusting and typical.
DeleteI checked the video on the live upstream, it is at the very end. Just weird
DeleteYou sound so pathetic. Listen boys...put on your big boy pants and accept the fact that Gorman is the best person for this job. Ian and Wade, if you were smart, you would sit back and take lessons on how an experienced person works.
DeleteWhat exactly makes Gorman the best person for this job and please don't speak in generalities about 30 years of legal experience and a myriad of legal experience blah blah blah. Give me specifics about his criminal law background trials and such which make him qualified to preside over the busiest criminal courtroom in the county. Please share.
DeleteYou said you want to know just what makes Keith Gorman the best person for the job, but you don't want the answer "30 years of experience" because that is to general. Well, experience is the answer. To get specific with details about his criminal law trials would be unethical and chance the breaking of client lawyer confidentiality. You of all people should know this. Mr. Gorman would never do that. So, to answer your question...all public court records are available for you to review at your convenience. Those records that are not available for public viewing are unavailable for a reason. That reason is to protect the client, not the lawyer. I have a question for you. What makes you think he is not qualified to preside over this courtroom? I would like to hear your reasons. Please share.
DeleteYou know what's pathetic? Your pleather jacket.
DeleteI didn't think you could answer my question. By the way, I don't own a pleather jacket.
DeleteAre you really saying you can't disclose whether Keith Gorman in 30 years of legal experience has ever done a criminal trial let alone how many or what type because of attorney client privilege? Really? That's not attorney client privilege. Just admit Keith doesn't have any criminal experience. You'll feel better.
DeleteTwo things..First, where did you find your pleather jacket..Second are you serious..You don't have to be a lawyer to know that attorneys can and do reference cases they have successfully handled..Look on any prominent attorneys website . Please don't use your dishonest interpretation of ethical behavior to try to hide a lack of qualifications.
DeleteFirst, there is a difference in referencing a case in a court room and sharing a case on a blog. Secondly, I told you, I do not own a pleather jacket. Thirdly, no one is trying to hide anything because there is nothing to hide. Keith Gorman is the best person for this position. I think you know that. At least that is what it sounds like in your posts. Finally, please do not insinuate that I am dishonest, because that is one thing I am not.
DeleteWhy didn't you list your last name then Nancey? Tell us why. What do you have to say for yourself now Nancey? Doesn't matter its to late.
ReplyDeleteYeah it is Ian lost
DeleteUnfortunately he did. Instead were left with a 60 year old real estate attorney who couldn't find a criminal courtroom with a map.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteWithdraw from the race Jill. Even if you did get elected, the Judicial Conduct Commission will throw you off and you know it. Are you really going to do that to the voters??
ReplyDeleteJill was found Qualified by the Independent Judicial Election Qualification Commission. Judge Maier was also found Qualified. Keith Gorman was not.
ReplyDeleteIs it in writing that Gorman was found not qualified? If so, where is it written?
DeleteHa, ha. All true. Gorman is the only one in the race who did not receive a Qualified rating. Bye bye Keith!
ReplyDeleteI ask you again, where is it written that Keith Gorman did not receive a qualified rating? Can you back this up? Be careful what you post. This statement can be verified with the council. Please support your statement.
DeleteIt is on the Qualification Commission's website.
DeleteAgain, there is no written statement anywhere that states Keith Gorman is not qualified. You have to request the Qualification Commission to qualify you. I am sure Jill Kehn requested to be qualified due to her embarrassing predicament where she broke the law and practiced without a license. An offense that not only tarnished her name and record but affects those who she fraudulently represented during this 6 year period. If there is no reason to question your qualifications then there is no reason to ask the Commission to qualify you. Please be reminded to watch what you post and make sure it is the truth. Keith Gorman's name is not there because he did not need the Commission to approve his qualifications. Jill Kehn however must have felt she needed approval after her unlawful actions. The Qualification Commission did NOT say Keith Gorman is unqualified.
DeleteToo funny but true. Keith Gorman is the only candidate in the race who did not receive a Qualified rating. Any explanation from Mrs. Gorman?
ReplyDeleteHere is the website to show that Jill Kehn is qualified. http://www.nycourts.gov/ad3/jeqc/2014-Qualified-Candidates.pdf
ReplyDeleteI would agree with your comments that you need to be careful what you post. Unfortunately those warnings usually come from the camp that is slinging the most mud.
I am not from any "camp" and I do not sling mud. I have been following all candidates closely from before the primary to present. I feel comfortable in my findings from listening and reading that the 2 camps that have run a clean campaign and are the absolute best choice for Troy City Court Judge are Chris Maier and Keith Gorman. I don't feel Jill Kehn can be trusted. If an unfortunate situation arose where I found myself in City Court, I want the person who is best qualified on the bench and also one who I can trust.
DeleteWhy don't you ask Keith why he has his signs on every criminal's house in the city? Who can't be trusted?
DeleteAre you serious? I would be careful about who you are calling a criminal. Is this you Jill? Just out of curiosity, if there are any signs on the lawn of a person's home who happened to have a criminal history what is wrong with that? As far as having a sign on the lawn of a "criminal's" house I have one question...do you have a sign on your lawn?
DeleteStay classy, Kathy
DeleteOnce again, this is not Kathy. You are, however, right about one thing...Kathy Gorman is a true lady who carries herself with the utmost class.
DeleteNow that is funny..
DeleteReally funny that Keith Gorman is bashing his "buddy" Rodney. Gorman has been telling people that Rodney has no idea what he is doing..
DeleteWhat is funny is your fabricated stories. Do you really expect anyone to believe this? Keith Gorman does not "bash" people. Not only is he NOT that type of person, he would have no need to. He has run a clean campaign from the beginning running on his own experience and qualifications. Maybe if you had done the same, you wouldn't feel the need to post these false accusations. And...before you assume incorrectly, this is not Kathy. I'm just someone who has followed the race for City Court Judge from the primary on. Chris Maier and Keith Gorman are the two who belong on the bench. Don't you realize how childish you sound?
DeleteIs Troy really going to elect a judge who practiced law without a license and lied about it? She'll get removed faster than you can say "Hank Bauer"
ReplyDeleteGot your drop off today Gorman.. I am a lifelong democrat and under normal circumstances, I would not be voting for Jill Kehn. This year will be an exception. I will not vote for you. You are a disgrace and and I have never seen a judicial candidate of either party behave in this manner. This is going to backfire on you in a big way..Please don't respond that it wasn't you. I know for fact that it came for your camp.
ReplyDeletePlease stop lying. If you are so sure that whatever you received came from Keith Gorman's campaign, please let us know what fact based evidence you have to prove this. I have done extensive research on my own after I read your post and cannot find any validity in your accusation. Actually, I am unable to locate this "damaging" package you are claiming to have received. If you are so bitter that you are planning to jump party lines because of this "package", I would think you would want to share the specifics with other party members to try to influence them. To be honest, your post sounds like that of a sore loser who lost the game they were playing. Would you really want someone on the bench who breaks the law? If you answer yes to that question, you have some real soul searching to do.
DeleteWho's lying..received ours this afternoon in the mail..Don't they know people do not respond well to that kind of negative campaigning
DeleteWhere is my evidence..oh I don't know..Mailing permit 730..
DeleteRight...Got a Gorman mailer on Wednesday - mailing permit 730. Got the Kehn smear mailer on Friday - mailing permit 730
DeleteI'm interested...what came in the packet? I didn't get one?
ReplyDeleteI got one in the mail today..Wonder who sent it..If not the Gorman campaign..must be the Great Pumpkin.
DeleteTo the people of Troy...I am not from Troy but enjoy following politics and campaigns. I have been following many campaigns from different areas but the one I keep getting drawn back to is the race for Troy City Court Judge. From the Primary to 3 days before election day, it has been nothing short of interesting to say the least. The one thing I have a hard time wrapping my head around is the fact that people would actually consider voting for someone who knowingly practiced her profession without a license. This person was a lawyer, an officer of the court and was well aware of the stipulations required to practice law. She broke the very oath she promised to uphold. Is anyone questioning the validity of the outcome of the cases she represented during the time when she was not licensed to practice. She openly admitted she broke the law when admitted she practiced without a license. I know I would not be comfortable having someone with that record presiding over my case or a member of my family's case. I am not saying she is a bad person, however what I am saying is she made a very bad decision to practice law without a license. When she knowingly made that decision, she knowingly broke the law and lost the privilege of running for a seat on the bench. In the unfortunate event people do vote for Ms. Kehn and she ends up sitting on the bench, I hope they realize how much of the taxpayers money will be spent when she has to be removed due to her previous actions. Please think carefully when you go to vote. It is your money that is being spent. Also, if Ms.Kehn truly cared about Troy, she would take the high road and remove herself from this race. She needs to reestablish the people's trust in her judgements. Again, I am an outsider who is giving you an unbiased opinion. It is your vote, not mine. I hope things work out well for you.
ReplyDeleteNo one wants your opinion ..weirdo
DeleteI am a Republican and I do NOT appreciate crazy old Bob Doherty mailing me a request to vote for Keith Gorman for city court judge. I also would like to know where the dems found this guy to run in the first place. This is a new low for you dems. Save your paper, I am not voting for him.
DeleteDoesn't seem Mr Doherty is concerned if Judge Chris Maier, a democratic sitting judge is re-elected. Good luck to you next year when you run again Mr Doherty. You are going to need it.