Former Councilman
John Brown will head to jail for six months.
Brown, who pleaded guilty to felony
criminal possession of a forged instrument during the infamous voter fraud
scandal, agreed to the jail time as part of deal that included him testifying
for the prosecution.
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JOHN BROWN wile pleading guilty (TIMES UNION photo) |
He appealed the sentence as harsh
and excessive, but the Appellate Division, in a short two-page unanimous
decision released today, said it was too late because he had waived his right
to appeal as part of the deal.
“Furthermore, defendant signed a
written waiver in open court that acknowledged that he had discussed the waiver
with counsel and that he was knowingly, voluntarily and intelligently waiving
his right to appeal his conviction and sentence,” according to the decision, which can be seen below.
The court remanded the case back
to Supreme Court and Judge George Pulver for sentencing at a future, undisclosed
date. Brown could get a straight six months or he could spend six months’ worth
of weekends behind bars as was previously discussed.
Brown testified for special prosecutor Trey Smith in the trials of former Councilman Michael LoPorto and Board of Elections Commissioner Ed McDonough - the first they were tried separately and it ended in a hung jury, then they were each acquitted when they faced the jury on their own.
Brown, former City Clerk Bill McInerney, Democratic Party operatives Anthony DeFiglio and Tony Rena all pleaded guilty to their role in an attempt to steal the Working Families Party line by forging scores of absentee ballot applications envelopes and the ballots themselves in the 2009 primary. Councilman Gary Galuski and former Council President Clement Campana were indicted but those charges were later dropped by Smith.
Brown is the only one who will see jail time in the more than five year scandal. McInerney, who admitted on the stand he forged dozens of signatures, did time in the Sheriff's Department Work Release Program whild DeFiglio and Rena were sentenced to community service as part of their respective plea bargains.
It is expected McDonough will file a civil suit claiming selective and improper prosecution and LoPorto may as well.
Brown testified for special prosecutor Trey Smith in the trials of former Councilman Michael LoPorto and Board of Elections Commissioner Ed McDonough - the first they were tried separately and it ended in a hung jury, then they were each acquitted when they faced the jury on their own.
Brown, former City Clerk Bill McInerney, Democratic Party operatives Anthony DeFiglio and Tony Rena all pleaded guilty to their role in an attempt to steal the Working Families Party line by forging scores of absentee ballot applications envelopes and the ballots themselves in the 2009 primary. Councilman Gary Galuski and former Council President Clement Campana were indicted but those charges were later dropped by Smith.
Brown is the only one who will see jail time in the more than five year scandal. McInerney, who admitted on the stand he forged dozens of signatures, did time in the Sheriff's Department Work Release Program whild DeFiglio and Rena were sentenced to community service as part of their respective plea bargains.
It is expected McDonough will file a civil suit claiming selective and improper prosecution and LoPorto may as well.
Happy Independence Day!
ReplyDeleteJust think this guy had aspirations of being mayor how would the tax payers fair under his administration
ReplyDeleteA lot better than the administration that's in there now. And the future is bleak, more Lou, Rodney, Kopka, McGrath or gulp....Tutunjian? Jim Gordon is our only hope.
DeleteJim Gordon, are you serious?? They don't make Depends big enough to handle all that nervous wetting.
DeleteJim Gordon? Now that's funny.
DeleteIs two children at the same time by different women considered twins? At least both will have County health insurance.
DeleteBringing the Burgh Back with Babies R Us
DeleteHarlem Swagga has a baby registry
DeleteSo does lb grocery
DeleteOne termer Gordon has too much baby mama drama to worry about being mayor
DeleteHe's actually worse than Kevin McGrath. We didn't think it was possible.
DeleteWade should be in a cell next to him
ReplyDeleteHey who is the new chick in cell 23?
ReplyDeleteSettle down, Jack Mahar
DeleteHe signed an agreement accepting a recommendation of six years in jail, five years probation, and the judge sentenced him to exactly that. So what's his problem?
ReplyDeleteIf he didn't like the terms, maybe he should be blaming his lawyer.
And Jim Germano will walk
ReplyDeleteWhat are Jim Gordon and Tedesco doing about the spike in crime in lansingburgh? It keeps getting worse!
ReplyDeleteSucks for Jim and Tedesco that they don't have anyone to blame anymore but themselves! Its all on you, guys. Put your effort where your big fat mouths have always been!! Political pinheads
DeleteI'm sure they're doing the same thing Kevin Mcgrath and Magnetto did. That's how it started.
Delete3:46 Nice try but all the people they bitched about are gone or on their way out. If the Magnetto issue was really the problem, shouldn't we be seeing progress, instead of more crime?
DeleteOne term Flash Gordon, gone in a flash
OK, in that same vein shouldn't you be demanding Tutunjian back since Lou is in charge?
DeleteWaiting for a response? You see, it doesn't matter if it's Tedesco, Magnetto, Gordon or Mcgrath. Who is the Chief Operating Officer of the City of Troy? LOU. Instead of addressing the overwhelming problems in the neighborhoods with crime and the stark decline in housing and overall behavior, LOU buries his head and cuts ribbons downtown. No more Mirch or harry did it, LOU has been a miserable failure. Lou looked like a scared rabbit last night at Powers Park. When there's no one in charge there's lawlessness and chaos. Welcome to Troy, July 2014.
DeleteYes Vito. He looked scared. Great job powers park saturday
Delete6:17 Wow what bullshit! This is Tedesco's fiasco. The whole point of Magnetto was to try to give the administration some control over Tedesco, because he's FAILING at his JOB to police the streets of Troy.
DeleteOh and P.S.-- he's Harry's guy. Another failure of the Tutunjian administration. Maybe if the Tutunjians paid their back taxes, we could put another cop on the street. Get back to us when your boy mans up and pays his bills like the rest of us. Until then spare us the sour grapes over how well Troy is doing. Making fun of a mayor because he has too many ribbon cuttings?? Most cities would love to have that problem, dipshit.
The green eyed monsters of the GOP. You guys are all so pathetic.
As soon as you started with the name calling you lost the argument. As to what you were saying is the administration doesn't have any control over Tedesco? Let me enlighten you and Lou. Tedesco works for LOU. These policies are LOU's policies spoon fed to him by Fitzgerald. If Lou or Pete do not want to be in charge then they should resign. Period
Delete@12:00 You are spot on! Finally someone who speaks the truth and without being childish and vicious.
DeleteTedesco is Harry's boy. He sucked four years ago, and he still sucks now. Great hire, Harry. Another legacy of failure.
DeleteI hear some of them are retiring this year....why don't you fix all the bad you've done and leave on a good note PERSONNEL
DeleteHis lawyer sucked.
ReplyDeleteTutunjian Jim Gordon Vito
ReplyDeleteThe downfall of Troy how low can you go
TU reports Ark School lost appeal, thank you Lou for your spineless actions. The teachers union is in full support of you now. Also John Brown lost an appeal. Sounds right if he waived his right when taking a deal. Phil Steck was his attorney? That's a crime in itself. Then Mr. Blowhard Premo will sue on behalf of Eddie Jr. What a joke, does he really want Ed under oath? Remember he didn't testify in his criminal trial, for a reason. I can see Kev. Mcgrath, Brown, and MacInerney testifying how innocent Ed was central receiver of the forged ballots. Good luck with that. #Troycrazy
ReplyDeleteWhere is tough guy Premo at with Ed "crime runs in the family" McDonough law suit? This criminal Ed will never go forward with his law suit because he knows he will have to testify and he knows how well that will go over. I hope and pray the first thing that happens is a change of venue that will end it quick. Ed should be on his 2nd year in prison now.
ReplyDeleteEd has that sweet vindicated tattoo on his arm you don't think he going to have to get another tattoo on his other arm saying " the truth came out 2015".
DeleteIt's all about Premo wanting his bill$ for Eds defense paid by the county
DeleteWe already know the truth. Trey Smith cut sweetheart deals with the guys who broke the law, and prosecuted the ones who didn't. What else is going to come out? Other than the fact that hiring Smith is just one more example of how the Republican controlled county pisses taxpayer money away on incompetent hacks.
Delete@ 1:08PM, The fact that Rennselear County DA McNally recused himself and had Smith appointed is that fly in your ointment. Great move really, now Judge McNally only won his first election on fraudulent absentee ballots as admitted by McInierny. Smith was a complete incompetent was then running the prosecution? Is Smith still practicing law? You must have a city job which you know won't be lasting much longer. It's either McGrath or Wiltshire and those walking dead at city hall will be gone regardless.
DeleteThis stuff has gone on forever, a Tattoo won't change a thing, any Trojan knows the truth about how Wade and Tat's operate. Non of them compare to the Fat Ed I remember!
DeleteHappy 4th Rory poulin
ReplyDeletePremo better look at the recent court of appeals ruling this past week. Hmmm, what now Mr. narcissist???
ReplyDeleteGetting worried Trey?
DeleteThe Brown family has proven by their own actions they are LIARS! Daddy Brown lied about his retirement and honest Johnny lied to a grand jury. Say it ain't so Chairman Wade ooh that's right you're lying about your address.
ReplyDeleteRemember when Tom Wade said voter fraud was a lie by the GOP!
At least the GOP takes care of their liars.
DeleteWade knows Vito too I suppose don't for get Dave Collette Kicked the shit out of mirch and mirch did not call the police he was forcing dave's kid to go collect absentee ballots When the kid was ducking mirch like the plague mirch called dave's house and left a nasty message on his answering machine when mirch showed up intoxicated and banged on daves door mirch got his ass kicked and he got pushed down a flight of stairs and got more out on the side walk too
DeleteThat explains why Mirch is so fin nuts. He was drunk at DPW all the time that's why Jim Conroy fired him! And that's why Rabbit backed down when Mirch barked at him.
DeleteBeware look what happened to Johnny Brown when he lied about Mirch, six months in the can. And Johnny you are gonna get it in the can. Enjoy.
DeleteCox worry about ur clan trying to torch one another. Next time u see Christ u gonna light yourself up
DeleteMirch is prison bound now with help from some friends people can see how mirch harry crowley vandenburgh code saris mitchell steered the whole city to get there kick backs & bribes
Deletenow every one is back peddling to cover up to keep there jobs or either ratting any one out to save there jobs
could this be the enema that troy needs so badly
No smoking if anyone gets near Jack Cox. He got a gasoline Gatorade bath early Saturday morning around 12:30 tough guy had to get the cops there to stop a women from lighting him up. Literally.
ReplyDeleteHey Cox --gas should go in the car --not on your brother
ReplyDeleteIf lying in court, falsely accusing people of crimes they didn't commit and involvement they didn't have, and backing up Smith's non-existent case against LoPorto and McDonough, then John cooperated. Other than that, say hi to Bubba for me!
ReplyDeleteHe should be suing his lawyer. Phil Steck? Wtf
ReplyDeleteSeen Vito dancing with Jack Cox girlfriend Saturday night. The song playing was the Doors "come on baby light my fire".
ReplyDeleteDoes John Brown look good in a mini skirt?
ReplyDeleteAsk Vito
DeleteTime for Carmella to begin her campaign to clean up Troy, she needs to show her leadership, speak out on issues, and show the voters how intelligent she really is......we the people need Carmella NOW!
ReplyDeleteCarmella has still got knots on her knuckles from the last go round she knocked on every door in the city and still lost
DeleteThat's a sigh that just a smile and some quality of life issues is not enough she will have to bring her A game this time maybe she can bring in some shrunken heads
Harry,s for starters would be nice
Mirch yes that's a given
Crowley's fat head yeah now were talking
Vito's head is way to big don't forget he is better than every one else
Vandenburg and his motley crew of hit men who keep every one in line with fear and intimidation OK yeah that dog will hunt
Code could use a cleaning out vote yes on that line
Although there is still hope for Carmella on second thought Lynn wont do good this time around after the jail gets its new round of inmates
now that's delusional!!
Delete2:36 AM ? Seriously, at that hour being obsessed with political nonsense is unhealthy. Please get help.
DeleteRobert did you squeeze all the gas out of the Huggies your brother was wearing Saturday nigh and drink it? Your really starting to lose it
DeleteHey 357.... Posts go on here when they are read and approved dummy ....119 pm friday
DeleteTroy politics is a true blood-sport! Proof in the absurdity.
ReplyDeleteHe can borrow vandenburghs carhart skirt
ReplyDeleteEach day dunne has a can if alphabet soup. Eats the d.
ReplyDeleteI heard he chokes on the d
ReplyDeleteGotta love Dept. Mayor Peter Ryan he couldn't fine a relative to hire in the police department so what does he do? He hires a 38 year old rookie just so that there will be an older rookie in the PBA than his son in the fire department.
ReplyDeleteHow about Chief Tedesco's quotes on the new police hires. Out of 600 on the list they were the very best. A 24 mother of an 8 year old and a 36 year old contractor. And you wonder why Troy is the unsolved murder leader east of Chicago. Jeeezhhhh
DeleteI actually think that the cute little blond is going to be a decoy street walker to keep the Johns and Hookers in Line if so then yes she was a good pic
DeleteI see Kathy Conroy using the Lansingburgh Boys and Girls Club for political announcements. Brian Howard was allowed to announce his run for political office on Boys Club property.
ReplyDeleteThis should be enough for the club to lose it's not for profit status!
Kathy had to go pick him up cause he didn't know where it was. He turned the Troy school district around? Didn't they quietly get rid of him? All the other superintendents are coveted for interim jobs. That B@Gs club is on it's last leg, just like the Burgh. I give him two weeks before he states" I'm doing it for the kids".
DeleteYou're that much of a touch hole that you would want to shut down a club for kids and utilized by many because someone said they wanted to run for something on it's property? Sorry to disappoint but that isn't cause for loss of non for profit status. As my grandfather used to say, what a putz!
Delete3:52 you must be from the Troy BGC, run by the Republicans. Now that's a real shithole. Perfect place for Mirch to launch a campaign, though.
DeleteYou mean the Troy BGC with the new pool, new gym and all the amenities? Smoke another joint Mannups.
DeletePlease answer 2 questions for us all. 1.) is Joe still on the payroll? 2.) has Mike ever drawn a paycheck anywhere other than the Boys and Girls club? Talk about time for a family to go.
DeleteWhat is Mirch going to run for now, I think that's great. Haven't heard anything about him in years.
DeleteNo joe is not on the payroll and leave him alone dickmeyer ...
DeleteFrom dickmeyer, Joe is on the payroll and Mike cashes the check.
Delete311...prove it...Joe is not paid as a City employee nor on the payroll so proceed with caution with your accusations in your response
DeleteKathy Conroy is not a Troy native neither is her husband
ReplyDeleteWhen did she get married.
DeleteLittle Johnny Brown thought he was Teflon and smarter than did he make out hahahaha hope it was worth it johnny
ReplyDeleteThe comment above is why people hate republicans.
DeleteHow do you know it was a republican? John played with a nasty group of democrats and then ratted them out.
Delete@10:43 People don't hate republicans - we hate lying, cheating criminals, like him!
DeleteRight, republicans aren't lying cheating criminals themselves. Hello, Lou Desso??
Deletemany of us real dems saw what a phony this kid Brown was unfortunately Matthews, Pattison, Wade and others pushed him along and turned back on real dems
DeleteJust another ex councilman who's a disgrace to his family. Too bad john didn't have a brother who was a judge to bail him out.
ReplyDeleteNow that voter fraud is finally over with the Brown decision it is time for me to update the odds for next years mayors race. Lou R 100-1. Rodney W. 2-1. Kenny Z 25-1. Lynn K 75-1. Eddy M 200-1 Cindy D 25-1. Jim G 75-1 Dean B.50-1 Debby W. 15-1 Mark Mc 3-1. The field 15-1. Signed Vinny Vegas.
ReplyDeleteJohn Brown and Kevin McGrath are going to operate the new Troy ferris wheel. Buy four rides, get a free absentee ballot. Six rides buys you a cooperation agreement
ReplyDeleteWonder if Matthews, Pattison and Wade still have their man crushes on John Brown. Boy you guys can really pick em, money well spent. all you used to do was talk about how he was going to save the dem party
ReplyDeleteyeah Vito is the only events coordinator in the history of troy who can never be alone with out police protection
ReplyDeleteand yes tax payers your paid for it thanks people of Troy he is your man
and this new administration done even realize that if the got rid of Vito the people would actually be knocking each other over to vote Democrat I keep telling my wife ( its got to be the water its just madness )
the old timers know about him riding around with mirch remember this some people got long memory's in Troy