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Well, it appears the Council is issuing
subpoenas for tomorrow night’s hearing on two controversial demolition projects
as well as other activity.
Former Mayor Harry Tutunjian
received a subpoena and according to his Tweet: “I’m looking forward to
testifying tomorrow at the Troy City Council demolition hearing. I wonder what
they’ll ask me. Should be fun.”
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Fire Chief Tom Garrett ordered the
buildings leveled while City Engineer Russ Reeves was on vacation. Bombers
Burrito Bar, located next door was allowed to stay open through the demolition,
which occurred prior to any asbestos abatement.
One of the logical avenues of
inquiry the Council is taking is what prompted the emergency demolition
at that time when the buildings have been vacant for at least a decade prior.
As you can see, Tutunjian is "commanded" to appear at 6 p.m. at City Hall to answer questions and bring any and all documents related to the demolition of the King Street buildings and demolition at the King Fuels site.
As you can see, Tutunjian is "commanded" to appear at 6 p.m. at City Hall to answer questions and bring any and all documents related to the demolition of the King Street buildings and demolition at the King Fuels site.
According to the Times Union, Boyajian will also testify along with John Torino, the owner of Provincial Contractor Services which has done work at King Fuels and Dan DiTonno, the owner of DiTonno & Sons construction company who did work at the King Fuels site.
Harry is just one of the guilty parties.There are many and hopefully the truth will come out and the guilty people will have to pay the piper.
ReplyDeleteWill Wiltshire ask Harry about his violations of all accepted demolition practices when he tore down city hall without prior notice to anyone or any branch of city gov't. ? Harry's egregious act was far worse than any demolition conducted since he left office. The council only needs to look at Harry's record with the voters since he tore down city hall. He is 0 for 2.
DeleteFar worse? Was there asbestos in City Hall? No. Were the surrounding buildings and areas properly vacated prior to demolition? Yes. Were workers seen running for their lives as the building fell? No. Was the demolition located next to a Electrical Pipeline that if it exploded could have caused fatalities and a fire that would have burnt downtown into ashes? No. Go bark at another tree.
DeleteHow about the sign on the Cinema Art theater that Harry ordered ripped down for safety reasons. The sign was so sturdy it had to be blow torched off the building. Where was Zalooski who was on the council at that time ?
DeleteI'm interest to hear the fire chief's testimony. Why did he choose to knock those buildings down after they sat empty for a decade, and why those, of all the vacant buildings in the city? Was it just coincidence that those buildings had to come down in an emergency demolition, the day after the city engineer left for vacation? Something smells fishy
ReplyDelete@2:02 ya think?
DeleteSomeone told me that the fire department marked a whole lot of buildings with red Xs recently (more than 50), including some that definitely don't seem dangerous to me. Anyone know what is going on here?
DeleteCan the city put a big red X on the Tutunjian house since they don't pay their taxes? This is a couple with TWO patronage tit jobs thumbing their noses at the rest of us. Fleecing the taxpayers coming and going. The gall is unbelievable!
Delete@0937 According to what I read they were putting those Xs on buildings owned by the city that were dangerous, so firefighters knew not to go in. The King St. buildings weren't owned by the city, and Chief Garrett claims to have no idea why they went to that building. Maybe the council should look into that too? How did the firefighters know what buildings to put Xs on, was there a list or something?
DeleteHarry guilty? Out of office almost a year when they took the bldg. Wow talk about cLouless
ReplyDeleteWait, I thought you said Casale tore down King Fuels? Maybe Rodney should subpoena you, Jim?
ReplyDeleteCasale was there and was doing something...one of their employees called the issues in saying the didn't feel comfortable doing something(burying asbestos), needless to say that employee was let go
DeleteWill they ask Harry about his no-show job for the county?
ReplyDeleteHow about whether he's paid his back taxes?
DeleteNot a chance of Rodney being critical of Republicans. He wants their endorsement. He will pursue employees or associates of the Democratic city administration---even the employees the current mayor inherited from previous administrations.
DeleteThe need for ego gratification often drives self centered people to destroy others who are perceived by the egomaniac to be a potential threat or who hold stature craved by the egomaniac.
If Rodney was an ego maniac, why didn't he run for mayor in 2011? And if he was an egomanic, why is he (along with a few other council members) the only one actually protecting the interest of the people of troy? Why is he the only one standing up to the democratic establishment saying "enough"?
DeleteAs a troy tax payer and voter, I am ashamed to say I voted for Lou and Lynn. I haven't been so disappointed with elected in my life! I'm a proud Democrat and I miss Mayor Tutunjian!! The dems are falling apart at the seams.
I for one am proud that Rodney is taking a stand.
He didn't run for mayor in 2011 because he knew he wouldn't be endorsed nor elected.
DeleteHe's not protecting the interests of Troy. He's protecting the interests of Rodney Wiltshire. Ask yourself why he feels the need to "investigate" something the FBI are already looking at. Does he think he can do a better job than the FBI? Really?
It's ALL about the publicity. He'll create a circus atmosphere in the city and spend taxpayer funds just to get his name in the paper and pave the way for a mayoral run that he'll never win. He's either stupid enough to believe he'll get the D endorsement or win a primary, or his ego is so big he thinks he can do it without the Dems. Pick one, the result is the same.
Get off the blog Jolene...or Abby. Whichever one it is this week.
Delete@1:43...he is investigating because that is what the City Council is suppose to do. I do believe with Rodney and Ken, we actually have some HONEST people that work for the City
DeleteIf the FBI were looking at this, they wouldn't let Rodney near it. What's the crime? FBI doesn't care about demo or asbestos or code BS.
DeleteThanks bill dunne. Your language betrays you
DeleteOh really? Then why did the FBI interview Russ Reeves? Were they asking about Bill's flip flops?
Delete5:14 was obviously not a Bill Dunne post as a matter of fact I'm sure the whole administration would be happy Jim if you would take that down.
DeleteOk , I'll bite...so what is the FBI looking at then
Delete" He will pursue employees or associates of the Democratic city administration---even the employees the current mayor inherited from previous administrations.
DeleteThe need for ego gratification often drives self centered people to destroy others who are perceived by the egomaniac to be a potential threat or who hold stature craved by the egomaniac"
There is only one egomaniac running around city hall. He is the one that has been giving Lou and Peter bad advice. He ought to be protecting the mayor and deputy mayor not using their good reputation as canon fodder. The man really should just fall on his sword already.
All the while Mark McGrath is just letting these clowns beat each other.
DeleteGive it up. No one cares what Mark McGrath does. But by all means, run him for mayor and find out for yourself.
DeleteThanks bill. On city time?
Deletewhere ever mark goes people go to jail
Deletepeople loose there jobs
people are spy ed on
he latches on the them like a lamp ray sucking the life out of them
its been that way for 40 years
Be careful what you wish for. Your fear of Mark is hilarious.
DeleteNo fear here. If that's the R pick, it's a happy day in Dem land. Go for it, Marky Mark. Don't forget the jorts!
DeleteMark McGrath is a private citizen working for a private company. Why would he or any sane person want to deal with the council and all the self proclaimed "community organizers" who's sole intention is for the city to give them money for one of their ill conceived projects. Stay private Mark and enjoy life.
Delete3:51 your spot on right. The only problem is that this group has F¥€KED this city of ours up so badly that we need someone who can straiten out the mess on day one. Mark isn't liked by everyone but he's the best person for the job. Everything is bad in this city right now and wait till October and the new budget comes out. This group really has to go we need an adult City Hall
DeleteWill they ask harry about the back taxes he and his wife owe?
ReplyDeleteThey shouldn't as that's a personal issue. Any individual or business can fall into a rut and owe on taxes...we all fall on hard times...as long as they are working on a repayment plan, it's all legit. Unless of course your one of those businesses that keep having "accidental" fires like Valente' s....there was a fire in the Pawling Ave bar...then another that burned down the Villa in Wynantskill....those are the situations that are questionable...where are they on that investigation anyhow...
DeleteHELLO if you're on a payment plan they don't file a lien. They file a lien when you just flat out don't pay. Do you have any more stupid comments to add? Gotta love these Harry apologists. Few and far between, but hilarious when they do show up.
DeleteLooks like harry missing a chromosome
ReplyDeleteYou're just noticing now?
DeleteWill they ask Harry about his depletion of the sewer fund while he was mayor?
ReplyDeleteProbably the depletion came from another 300,000 check cut but that person wasn't honest like the library. But no.no..city hall has talented employees that would never make mistakes like that...
DeleteThere is no better example of disregard for policies and procedures on demolitions than former Mayor Tutunjian's surprise attack on city hall---
ReplyDeletewrecking ball and all. He never informed the council of his action which took place on New Year's Eve. Where was the outrage then under that leaderless city council ?
.they were too busy with their heads up his ass to notice
DeleteWhy worry about it? Perhaps he wants to run up a few hundred thousand dollars worth like bragnolia did.
ReplyDeleteSomeone should look into Troy's Code Enforcement officers. Not one of them are up to date with there State mandated 24 hr certifications. They haven't been certified for several years now. Sure hope they aren't issuing tickets. Or citing state code. I think the council president should look into it. He can contact NYS codes and they will tell him everything he will need to know.
ReplyDeleteEither are any of the "elected" TroyCSEA staff. None of them are certified.
DeleteNot even Paulie?
DeleteNot one of them. I'd hate to see some slum landlord hire an attorney and fight one of there tickets and win because no one is state certified. In turn every other person fighting them and winning. Mr. Dunne should tread lightly with his crew. Someone will investigate.
DeleteFunny how Mr. Safety, Fussy Russ Reeves didn't show up on the demo site even though he was invited and claims he was sooooo concerned. I wonder why?
ReplyDeleteFunny how Fussy Russy never returned Boyajians phone calls. I wonder why?
Funny how Blondie Barb said the mayor told her to call off Healy because Boyjian didn't want an inspection... yet no one knows what she's talking about. I wonder why?
Funny how Rodney and Kenny kissed Harry's feet and let him grandstand instead of asking tough questions about his own spectacular demo failures. I wonder why?
Answer: Because it's a witch hunt, not a real investigation.
Thanks Lynn. Did Amy help you write that? Next time stay until the end of the meeting.
DeleteDid anyone catch the Tirino character giving the new engineering employee a friendly pat on the back after testifying. North Greenbush Democrats have taken over Troy. Dickinson and CB Smith along with Tirino. Dickinson's son hired by Lou to work in code and engineering. Lou doesn't know that Dickinson and his father are plotting with Rabbit Riley and the delusional bunch to ring Lou and Wade down. Can't make this stuff up.
Delete@8:56 You might want to lay off the hallucinogenic drugs
DeleteWhy do you say that 6:16. I am finding out more everyday how corrupt the City is and not just through this blog. The people I once put up on a pedestal, I am finding out are just pure liars and need to be removed from City employment.
DeleteBecause your allegations are completely off the wall, that's why.
DeleteCorrupt how? These meetings have proved nothing.
DeleteDonald Boyajian ambulance chasing must be paying well
ReplyDeleteDonald Boyajian's eyes blinking during questions
Donald Boyajian talking sh%t about Rodney to a Reporter saying he has an agenda ya think
I have to give credit to the construction guys what most people don't know or understand they have to make there money in six or seven short month's
the equipment used sits all winter most of the time
it has to PM ed every spring at a expensive cost ( PM ) Preventative
insurance costs rising fuel rising ETC ETC
same as Troy DPW equipment
The contracts for contractors in Troy has to be scraped 30 pages long to complicated
keep it simple stupid KISS is my motto
Why was he sweating so much? Never...never...let them see you sweat...
DeleteBullly dunne a true city hall bully wants everything for himself. Ice cream included.
ReplyDeleteOur telling me code enforcement John Cena isn't certified? What about dave?
ReplyDeleteSEEN Bill Dunne sporting a pair of Big Kidz Jeanz - Husky! Husky! Husky!
ReplyDeleteWhere oh where is Flash Gordon. Falling down on the job already.
ReplyDeleteIf Jim Gordon grandstands for the public but no one is there to hear him, is he still a jackass?
DeleteYes and if he leaves his wife steals some votes from half retarded people from Corliss Park and drops a dime on anyone he know to cover his own ass then maybe he can work at Nimo.
DeleteKevin McGrath is gone. Get over it. People are judging Jim Gordon on his own merits and guess what. They aren't impressed.
DeleteAfter yet another weird week in Troy its time to look at the updated odds for next years mayors race.Lou R 50-1 Rodney W 4-1 Lynn 100-1 Cindy D 10-1 Ken Z 50-1 Mark Mc 6-1 Deb W 20-1 Jim G 50-1 the field 10-1. Don Boyajian just because he loves Troy 200-1. Signed....Vinny Vegas
ReplyDeleteAnything with Zalewski near the helm is a joke. Remember his famous "no recommendation" city hall group.
ReplyDelete@5:12 <-- Another Wade flunky with Kenvy. I have to laugh at the amount of space that Ken and Rodney occupy in the minds of the Wade flunkies. Let's see, Rodney gets the largest vote total in the city and becomes president. Ken pulls in huge vote totals in his district every election. The people love these guys and that's no joke!
Delete5:52, you conveniently omit the sellout by Rod and Kent to the Republicans so that rod could undermine true Democrats in his "all of one and one for one" campaign last year. These two opportunists have burned too many bridges and give the city away to the Republicans as payback.
DeleteAn irate bill dunne asked not to come to city hall Friday after he had a fit and temper tantrum because certain new employees don't talk to him. #bullydunne #envious
ReplyDeleteAs Sherlock Holmes used to say, it's elementary my dear Watson". From day one it was obvious to anyone with cognitive thought that the building torn down NEXT to Bombers was done to save money, expedite the demo process and minimize asbestos red tape. It's either going to be a parking lot for Bombers or a Bombers extension/complimentary adjacent endeavor. Asbestos removal is a joke. You hose it down and just simply remove it. Sheesh!
ReplyDeleteYou're right @6:00 it is elementary and you are correct that is what happened. Fortunately for the masses there are laws that regulate and prevent the release of deadly asbestos upon innocent and unknowingly citizens And then lie about it, and to personally profit. Don't you dems crusade about stuff like this?
DeleteLou I just read the story about the golf course and the assessment issue. Lou it is time to show those Brunswick republicans what us Troy democrats are made of. Give them their 7th and 8th holes and tell them to stick it.Just think of the up side. The only beautiful 16 hole golf course in the entire world Just think we can advertise new lower rates, quicker rounds Not to mention shooting the low round of your life.I may add that you get to get back to the bar that much faster. Just think the Park Pub could rename itself the 16th Hole Pub.Lou its time to resurrect this administration.