As I wrote, if it were you or me
we would have taken a plea long ago, saved a bunch of money and went on our
merry way.
Not Joe Bruno. He took on the
federal government – or better put he defended himself against the federal government
with its huge pile of resources and a bigger chip on its shoulder – and he won.
As you all already know, the jury
came back and issued a not guilty verdict after hardly five hours of
The federal government chewed on
Bruno’s butt for nine years and the jury took only five hours to find the
former Senate Majority Leader not guilty of corruption charges.
Amazing, really.
And pretty scary if you think
about the fact the federal government could do the same to you or me if it puts
its mind to it. The difference is most people don’t have the resources, or the
balls, to take them on.
Bruno has both. He won. And good
for him.
No, not everyone is a majority leader of the New York State Senate, but the feds could sink its teeth into anyone for anything - an anti-government blog, a conversation taped by the NSA ... even a "subversive" thought.
In the Bruno case, as you know, the feds got two convictions on
the first trial but that was when they could use the “theft of
honest services” statute when they smelled something wrong but didn’t have any
hard evidence to back it up. Obviously, that statute was deemed
unconstitutional by the highest court in the land, the convictions were tossed
out based on that ruling and the government, in all its arrogance, re-indicted
Bruno and brought him back before a jury.
Today that jury spoke loud and
In the end, it has been estimated
the federal government spent $25 million to investigate and prosecute Bruno
twice. Bruno said he spent in excess of $5 million.
Was it worth it? I guess that’s
the system we live under and we have to have faith in it. Bruno, with the class
he’s shown from day one, said as much after the verdict. I spoke to him off the
record a number of times, including the day before this trial kicked off, and
he had less than kind words about the judge and the prosecutors … and rightly
That’s also where the system
fails. Bruno didn’t cave under what must have been unimaginable pressure, the
government didn’t like it one bit and they did nothing but keep applying the
pressure in an effort to break him.
He didn’t, he won and in the end
maybe he knocked the federal government down a notch or two so someone with
less balls and resources will be spared such an ordeal.
I say good for Uncle Joe. He did his job for the Capital Region and did it well. It's time to hop on his white horse, ride off into the sunset and enjoy the rest of your life.
That was a vendetta from Day 1. A neverending, politically motivated persecution at massive taxpayer expense that blew up in the prosecution's face.
ReplyDeleteSounds like the voter fraud trial.
No, with the voter fraud trial people actually broke the law.
DeleteVoter fraud? First off they were all guilty. Let's review, Kevin McGrath took a cooperation agreement and turned on MacInerney, Brown and McDoungah. When they all were interviewed you got Renna, and Defigglio, who then threw in Clem, Loporto and Galuski. Some pleaded guilty, some took a cooperation agreement (guilty) and some got off. Bottom line, they all knew what they were doing and went along with it. Don't insult Joe with these mutts.
DeleteOh yes indeed, let's review. After millions of dollars, special prosecutors, sneering predictions of prison time, low life tweets, grand jury investigations, three jury trials, what did we get? A couple of small time guilty pleas (for things Republicans have been doing since the dawn of time) and two complete acquittals. Don't forget the massive legal bill that the Republicans balked at paying because the prosecution couldn't deliver on their pathetic, partisan witch hunt.
DeleteJust another waste of taxpayer dollars. Because no one pisses away tax money for "the cause" quite like the sanctimonious idiots of the Rensselaer County GOP.
We should review, we have the pot trying to call the kettle blackened. The sad truth is all you can do is accuse the GOP while the dems were actually committing the crime (and were stupid enough to get caught). It is true the cost to the taxpayer was heavy but it just goes to show how absolutely shameless most in the democrat party are.
Delete"A couple of small time guilty pleas" I'm sure those that pleaded to the felony charges don't feel the same way as you. And "sanctimonious" well that could also describe democrats like you who evidently feel it's OK to steal the votes of the poor and downtrodden. Hey, you're democrats laws don't apply to you - see city hall.
DeleteWell who's vote did you want me to steal? The downtrodden where the only ones I could intimidate and out wit. If Mirch and Crawley didn't catch me at Corliss Park I would have gotten away with it. I could have been with Obama right now. DAMN YOU MIRCH AND CRAWLEY.
DeleteSpare us the moral outrage over the poor and downtrodden and stealing votes. How many "absentee" ballots did Rich Crist turn in?Wow, what a humanitarian! A real champion of the poor, leeching over 100K a year in salary and benefits off the taxpayers for gaming the absentee ballot system. Thanks for all you do to keep our taxes low, Rich! You'd think with all that money he could afford a pair of pants that fit.
DeleteRich, Dunne, Ryan, Gordon, and Kopka all humanitarians. No moral high ground amongst the bunch.
DeleteGary stop trying to write out your posts in crayons. Can't Wade buy you a pen or a pencil?
DeleteLong live JB.
ReplyDeleteSenator Bruno has done much for this area. With Democrats in line from governers office every level to local troy and they didnt do one thing
ReplyDeleteso Sen. Bruno had to spend the fortune he amassed as a 'public servant' on legal fees. Seems fair. And son Ken, who couldn't get by on a DAs salary, now practices law/sells used cars in Cropseyville. Karma
ReplyDeleteNice to know Justice is alive in spite of the Government. She reared her head today
ReplyDeleteSenator Bruno was a rich Uncle to the Capital District, especially those of us in Rensselaer County. He was accessible, responsive and honest, and never asked for anything in return. There will never be another. Very glad he kicked the US Attorney in the butt. Godspeed Uncle Joe.
ReplyDeleteHe didn't have to ask for anything in return! Not one person could explain what he did to earn the tens of thousands of dollars he was paid as a "consultant". Where else could that ever happen? As far as honest - there isn't an honest politician out there, Republican or Democrat. They go into office to make themselves RICH! Yes, he did a lot for Renss. County, but it was OUR tax dollars paying for it. It didn't come out of his personal pocket!
Delete8:09, what ignorance.Yes it was our tax dollars, but for YEARS before Bruno, state funding was overwhelmingly focused on downstate projects. Rensselaer County didn't get anything. So instead of seeing all our state tax dollars spent out of the county, Joe brought it back and then some. And we all benefited. Even ungrateful morons like you.
DeleteSo his way of doing business was okay as long as the capital district made out? Now that he is out, the same way of doing business continues but we are left out of the swag bag because good ol Uncle Joe isn't there? And we should be thankful we had him? Maybe. Maybe had he made changes that stop the corruption in Albany, rather than taking advantage of it. Maybe had he done a job to benefit all the taxpayers of the state, not just his friends we could feel bad for him. Anyone that earns millions in consulting while being one of the three most powerful decision makers in the state and while controlling where the pork goes, shouldn't feel bad when you have to defend yourself with those earnings. An honest, part time public servant doesn't make enough money to afford a multi million dollar defense when accused of corruption. A corrupt man does. I am not impressed at all with what Joe did for the citizens who paid his salary (and those of his kids at no show jobs). A tarnished legacy is deserved in his case. The real moron believes it is okay for pay to play as long as it benefits the capital region. We paid for it, nothing was free. He just got his name on the building.
DeleteGee, I thought he was a millionaire from the telecom business before he was active in politics. Maybe had he been elected governor he may well have been able to eliminate the corruption in Albany. The last guy who was on track to tackle that task was Teddy R. Albany politics won out though and he was sent to Washington. All of this is neither here nor there, the truth is someone hired a consultant much like one might keep a lawyer on retainer. Its not illegal, its not immoral except in the dirty minds of those looking to discredit a great man. It took 9 years, 25 million tax payer dollars and two bites at the apple to prove nothing. Thank you Mr. Bruno for all you have done for us in the capitol district.
Deletelet's see-a State Senator makes 1K $$ a day as a consultant
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely going to buy that 89 Stang now! Whate tail baby!
ReplyDeleteHere's a comment from Lou's hack Morris the Kat concerning a building collapse. "“We can’t just pop in and just demolish a property,” Morris said. “As far as what the city can do, it’s a private property. [Code officers] inspected it and checked it.” I don't believe King Street was inspected by code, just Garrett, Dunne, Ryan.......
ReplyDeleteOJ was found not guilty too.
ReplyDeleteI hope Joe gets a sweet "vindicated" tattoo like Eddy Mac's that tattoo helps Eddy convince himself that he not the criminal we all know he is.
ReplyDeleteand you bring his name into it for what reason? what purpose does it serve for you to slander the man's reputation, regardless of whether it is true or not, and especially without proof...Hope you get a sweet "idiot" tattoo on your forehead.
DeleteThe man's reputation? The reputation of the only job he can get is a political appointment? And lets not go into guilty or not guilty lets focus on the $500 K bill the taxpayers have because Eddie( and Larry) didn't do their jobs. Seem fair?
DeleteI think the 12 jurors all ready have that tattoo on there foreheads. Maybe a set of Rose-colored glasses would be a better tattoo to get.
DeleteI really real sorry for all you loser out there that your life sucks so bad that the only thing you can get tattooed on your body is your kids birthday or the date that you lost a love one or you real loser that get tattoos of your military service. You will never know the true feeling of a tattoo that symbolizes that you got away with breaking the law and embarrassing your family. So what if that tattoo cost around $200k. When I'm feeling down and out and it's 3am and I can't sleep I look at that tattoo and I know the man I am is right there for me to see. See you all at the voting booth even if your not there Bitches.
DeleteMy God did he really get a Tattoo?
DeleteYes Dear Lord he got that very tattoo
DeleteOver $60K in Republican county patronage jobs, plus benefits, and the Tutunjians still refuse to pay their taxes. They are basically flipping off the taxpayers of Rensselaer County. Unbelievable! Where's the outrage?
ReplyDeleteThe county is a disaster. $24M in borrowing. Almost $300K gone in embezzled funds under Jimino's nose. How could she not know?? Maybe she did know. Her fiscal "stewardship" got a righteous smackdown by the State Comptroller.
What a joke Republican county leadership is. Party of low taxes, what a load of crap. We need to restore sanity and some tax relief to our county. Time to throw these corrupt Republicans out on their greedy, inept asses.
If it wasn't for this little caveat I would agree with you, it's called Troy City Government. Between the democratic corruption and incompetence the thought of these same people running the county is frightening. These democrats make a pathetic group of GOPers look brilliant.
DeleteIncompetence and corruption exists in both parties. Troy government has always stayed under a microscope and the taxpayers benefit from that transparency. Nothing about the county government is transparent or open. But that is going to change. County Republicans have been complacently inept for years and have largely operated under the radar. That is going to change.
DeleteAt least the $300,000 was stolen, in Troy Lou just writes a check over paying the library by $348,000. The dems just give it away.
Delete@9:42 are you so delusional that you would want the Dems that run the city to run the county? You obviously feel that corruption and incompetence only matters on the GOP side, and it does exist. But to imply it's better if the Dems lie and steal tells a lot about you. And it ain't good.
DeleteHey dipshit, the overpayment to library was caught and recovered. How about those embezzled funds? Nope, not so much.
DeleteWhat did Jimino know??? How can someone STEAL almost $300,000 under the county exec's nose and NO ONE KNEW? Defies belief, doesn't it.
The overpayment was caught, by the library dipshit not our accounting teaching mayor. Who stole the 300,000? And who caught them? The fine officers of the Sherriff's Dept?
Delete.Thank god honest Shelly Silver is still in control without a counter balance. Things are so much better now that Joe is gone. I wish Joe was in his 60s so he could run again and stir up the pot,
ReplyDeleteTime for Ken to step in the ring.
DeleteHooray for real justice!!! The corrupt U.S. Attorney’s Office for The Northern District of New York got a “bully beat down”. What a demented crew of hypocritical persecutors. That toilet needs to get flushed.
ReplyDeleteThank you for being so strong Senator Bruno!
ReplyDeleteIf he has one more faclift his lips will meet in the back lf his head and he'll look like the damned Joker.I can't stand the sight of that rictus.
ReplyDeleteYes a true saint. He'd never use his office improperly like say leaning on the Defreestville Fire Department to punish one of their members for coming out publicly against Bush. Oh wait, he DID do that. We must all worship at the altar of the blow dried grin boy.
ReplyDeleteWas that the same member that stole the money?
DeleteFat head harry put it on face book that when he decided to get into politics
ReplyDeletehe had a meeting with Bruno at jacks oyster house there's another bill the tax payers get paying for fat head harry s patronage job for the county and his pension and on and on the saga goes
It wasn't anyone who stole money, just someone who expressed his views and Unca Joke couldn't let that happen, so, he leaned on the idiots in charge.