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Just a quick note on the battle going on at the Police
Department where there are those that feel Chief John Tedesco should not have
released an Internal Affairs report to the person who allegedly was beaten by a
police officer.
Can you imagine, for example, if a black man in Albany’s
Arbor Hill alleged a police officer beat him and the department brass decided
to bury the report?
It’s the same thing.
The letter Tedesco sent said the Internal Affairs
investigation found the officer did use excessive force by beating the man
upside the head after he was already under arrest. He also stated that the case
should get turned over to the District Attorney to determine whether or not a
crime was committed
Pretty serious stuff. Never mind that the police officer in
question is paid for by taxpayers and as such should be accountable to the
people who ultimately employ him. How is it any different, to use another
example, than the city treasurer or auditor stealing money out of City Hall.
Breaking the law is breaking the law. I don’t understand why there are those –
both in the department and outside the department – who think any police
officer is above that.

Along that same vein, Tedesco wants the FBI to come look at
the IA report and the city’s response to his decision to release of the letter.
I say go for it. Given the animosity between Tedesco and Magnetto and between
Tedesco and the administration that appointed Magnetto to oversee the
department - and Tedesco - there is no way anything will get resolved without
an outside agency taking a look.
Tedesco, at a press conference Friday, said he thinks it's yet another attempt to get rid of him. I believe that, but I also believe he isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
Tedesco, at a press conference Friday, said he thinks it's yet another attempt to get rid of him. I believe that, but I also believe he isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
Let the chief do his job. He's there for the people not to pay for his sons wedding. He's there for the people not for political retribution. Maybe the administration should leave running the city t people who know what they are doing and not just dems.
ReplyDeleteWho's brilliant idea was it to approve a budget without the state comptrollers suggestions built in? Not McGrath or bodnar Please turtle could have done a better job
ReplyDeleteHow bout Vito's Canadian Christmas party in powers park where he will arrive in a sleigh drawn by no other than cooper bobby cox and Eddie. Once they land vandenburgh can tell bobby to sit down like a dog and he will like at the zba meeting.
ReplyDeleteI feel better knowing that the condescending degenerate PBA president is praying for the chief everyday. He should be praying for the councilwoman whose life he ruined.
ReplyDeleteAll he can do is pray for a contract for his union members. He hasn't been able to get one. He promised everyone a big raise, couldn't deliver.
Speaking of internal investigations - how about Mahar investigating himself for 2 years with respect the HIPAA violations, still with no conclusion. Anyone care about that? How much is that internal investigation going to cost taxpayers? The lawsuits have already started to file in. Never mind the personal violation that innocent people received just by going to the hospital. Can you imagine how you might feel if someone who was not authorized was snooping into your medical records? Why no outrage over that? Why no outrage over the fact that the county's insurance refuses to defend him in this? You think there might be a reason they refuse? Why hasn't anyone demanded to know the status of the investigation? Mahar needs to go.
ReplyDeletecause nobody cares --just you apparently. You post the same crap on Facebook
DeleteMaybe if Tedesco looked at his situation as no different than the situation Rosamillia is in maybe he would have some empathy. Tedesco was APPOINTED, tried to make changes and the union said no. He couldn't make the changes because of protections in the contract. Now, Rosamillia is ELECTED, not appointed and wants to make changes, (tedesco) but he can't because of a contract. But because he is the highest elected official in the city he is offered some discretion and can make some changes that Tedesco doesn't like, like hiring a commissioner. Can't Tedesco just understand that Lou is just like him, but with a different agenda? One that residents of Troy elected him to do? He wasn't appointed after a game of suck up and GOP favors. Tedesco was. The police chief has a lot of power, but he has learned not as much as the mayor. Live and die by the sword, Chief.
ReplyDeleteThe mayor has learned nothing. Ask yourself, he took his orders from Kevin Mcgrath, Nina Nichols and Fitzgerald. Please tell me what human being with any brain matter would take orders from any one of them? All three are the bottom of the barrel.
DeleteIt's all political and unjust to the chief. Liook how far it's gotten troy. There's a shooting every weekend. A stabbing or riot each week more guns drugs robbery than ever but tony is doing a great job. Kudos for the job well done curbing crime. I can see why after a nation wide search it came back to you. At least you cans say he ear s his pay. The guy that's cleans the station makes 6000 more a year. What a joke the dept has become with politics making the calls
ReplyDeleteRodney should be proud to be displayed in the times union seen it section. It's the only press he gets these days. Does boss wade control the media as well?
ReplyDeleteRodney is the dog that caught the car, now he don't know what to do with it.
DeleteHe's working on a Resolution right now in support of banning Styrofoam cups from the world --and plans on working with Kopka closely on feline issues
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ReplyDeleteThe Chief hasn't always been an angel, but he doesn't deserve to not be allowed to not do his job! If he in fact does inform people who've filed a report of the findings then I do not see why this is an issue. If an officer did in fact use excessive and illegal force against a person already cuffed and under arrest then criminal charges should be brought against the officer, plus he or she should lose their job as a police officer. People have been asking for more interaction from TPD, especially in cases of alleged brutality and now people are bitching because he IS doing his job.
ReplyDeleteWell said --I agree
DeleteJim, could you clear something up for me? The statement about turning the case over to the DA for further investigation was made by Tedesco to Buchanan and McAvoy ... it was not included in the letter to the complainant, correct?
DeleteNo it was not included in the letter to the complainant. It was a statement by Tedesco.
Repectfully, Jim, it's not 'the same thing' as a black man being beaten by the police in Arbor Hill and that police agency burying the report.
ReplyDeleteThe internal affairs unit appears to have done it's job. The IAU received a complaint regarding excessive force, investigated that complaint and determined that the officer in question did, in fact, use excessive force. If I'm following the story correctly, the problem stems from Chief Tedesco releasing those preliminary findings prematurely and without the authorization of the two other entities necessary to be in compliance with the department's general order, they being the boss of internal affairs and the corporation counsels office.
The accused have rights, even if they happen to wear a uniform.
Fitz, read the protocol. "The Chief of police can and shall respond to the complainant". I believe John Tedesco is still "Chief of Police". And I love this religious and holier than thou PBA president. Heard the same BS from Pastor Nichols and Pastor Willie. All 3 cut from the same cloth.
DeleteYou are correct, everyone has rights, however, its especially important that due process be followed over a complaint of excessive force. However, this incident occurred Dec. 23rd of 2012 and ChiefTedesco informed the complaintant of the findings on April 18th, 2013, which was 4 months after the allegation was made and reviewed by IAU. On Nov. 18th, 2013 the Chief Tedesco received notice that he was to face the IAU board nearly 1 yr. after the original complaint and 7 mos. after the letter was written to the complaintant. Coincidentally, this breach of the investigation appears to have come a month AFTER Chief Tedesco informed the City of his intentions to sue them for hiring a Commissioner to oversee him. Interesting to say the least. If due process was being followed properly, one would think that the IAU would have completed their investigation regarding the allegation of excessive force within 4 months. In my opinion it is unacceptable for an investigation regarding an allegation of this caliber to take the IAU 4 months to investigate, and even then only have completed preliminary findings.
DeleteA question I would like to see answered is if the the original investigation has been completed? If the findings confirmed the officer did indeed use excessive force was the officer in question fired or just given a slap on the wrist? Also, if there was an investigation into the Chief's actions started immediately after the complaint was made, assuming it was made immediately after the letter was sent, then why has it taken 7 months to bring Tedesco to appear in front of the IAU to answer questions regarding his actions? Again, that is an unacceptable length of time for an investigation of this caliber to have taken, especially since it was over the use of excessive force by an officer and such a charge against the Chief of Police. Of course it may take a little bit of time, that is only fair, however its nearly a year after the incident and the matter still has not been settled? Also, if the investigation into the original complaint has been completed and the officer found to be guilty of using excessive force, why hasn't he or she been brought up on criminal charges of assault? If in fact the allegation was verified and if the officer is still working as an officer than that is a problem in my opinion. If the latter is true then the incident was indeed swept under the rug it would indeed be the same thing as a black man being beaten by the police and that police agency burying the report.
There is most certainly a hidden agenda and someone has played the wild card they've been holding in their pocket.
Preliminary findings? 4 months after the incident? Come on. I doubt the IAB would make a determination of excessive force, and not be sure of their findings.
DeleteStrangely, I find the finding comforting. We certainly hear a lot of accusations. It's good to know that IAB weighs the evidence and doesn't automatically defend their own; it puts more weight behind their determinations when they find excessive force was NOT used.