Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Layoffs hit TPD

Sources say five civilian employees at the Troy Police Department have been informed they will get laid off in January, 2015.
The five employees are members of the Civil Service Employees Association. Their titles and job descriptions were not immediately available. Civilian employees generally perform such tasks as automobile repair, data entry and secretarial work.
They were informed by Chief John Tedesco, Deputy Chief Richard McAvoy and other PD brass Wednesday afternoon.
The layoffs come as the city grapples with what the state Comptroller said could be as much as an $800,000 deficit this year and a report that said the city spent $5.9 million more than it took in from 2011 through 2013.
Mayor Lou Rosamilia sent a request asking that all city departments cut their budgets by 3 percent in an effort to save $1.9 million, the amount the city is deferring from next year to 2016 in pension costs.

More information as it becomes available.


  1. hopefully they lay off the employees who illegally live outside the city, it certainly would not be fair to lay off employees who follow the law vs employees who break the law and don't contribute to the tax base.

    1. One can only hope that one day you will find yourself in this situation 1:43, lets see how fast you change your opinion. Hope you find some compassion, maybe Santa will bring you some for Christmas. Too bad Mayor Rosamilia aka Scrooge cannot understand Accounting 101, especially this close to the Holidays. How awful to be laid off just before Thanksgiving and Christmas. There should have been a clause in the contract for the senseless Comprehensive plan. Now that would have covered the deficit, but nooooooooooooo had to have it now. It's a damn shame people have lost their jobs due this administrations mistakes. Can't blame it all on Harry, as we've had three years to correct it. I cannot believe that no one noticed the errors or the deficits, they are the ones who should be laid-off. One or two of those secretaries could have been moved to the "new" position created for and by the Council to fill it versus hiring a political cronie! Tough to swallow when the council gets the green light to hire and the Police Dept. and their staff receive the brunt of the job cuts.

      Lawsuits, possible restraining orders, police reports and that is just the council itself.

      Effing embarrassment!

    2. @2:44 the comprehensive plan is funded by grants and non-profit foundation money, dumbass. It would NEVER have been available to "cover" the deficit.

      Get back to us when you have a clue.

    3. Thanks ace. I mean commissioner dunne

    4. 5:13 an Accounting Professor with the state breathing down his back for mismanagement of the budget. Yeah, look who is Clou-less.

  2. If the city is laying off people to save money why did they hire an assistant to the city clerk? The city can get along without that position. Makes no sense at all.

    1. Good question 1:54! Why did they? Must be another friend of a friend.

    2. Ask deputy mayor where his recent hires all live...not troy

  3. It is very disappointing to hear of layoffs. We have pissed away millions of dollars moving city hall twice. Spent untold millions on fucking gadgets and trinkets that fall by the wayside in 6 months instead of putting money towards the core stuff that makes us go every day. Now you are going to lay off the people who come to work everyday and put up with the bullshit?

  4. Public safety has the largest piece of the pie, however for obvious reasons you can't cut Police or Fire personnel, so they go after the smallest piece of the pie, the civilians in the PD!!!! There are only a handful to begin with! Why not cut the waste from City Hall Proper? How about getting rid of the people who have retired and are back on consulting fees? How about the political hires who serve as "window dressing" for a favor due? How about getting rid of the ones who brag about not having anything to do and there not being enough work? How about some accountability for coming in late, 2 hour lunch breaks and sick leave abusers? How about laying off the DPW drug addicts and drunks that disappear for weeks on end and still have a job to come back to? How about changing the PBA and Fireman's Union Contracts and making them give back a little bit of the pie? How about taking away the cell phones and using radios again? Or maybe not wasting how much money on hand helds, only to turn around and replace them with tablets because Code stomped their feet and threw a temper tantrum? How about wasting how much money on a time management system before presenting it to the Unions? How about enforcing the residency law and laying off the people who don't abide by it? How about the MILLIONS spent on a firm in CANADA to "re-image" Troy???? WTH???? If it wasn't for this Administration, council included, Troy's IMAGE would be just fine!!!!!

    1. Many very good points made here 5:38. Mirch was nuts but he could make those guys plow snow, and even prevented most of the drinking for good reason!

    2. Mirch may have been a little "nuts" and/or paranoid from what I hear but he got the job done! If there are going to be cuts then ethically it has to start with the non residents, then the part timers, then the part timers that have already retired from the City and are back on the books, then the newest hires........ then and only then should a full time resident/property owners be considered for a lay off. My practical mind simply can not comprehend why a politician would protect someone who is unable to vote for them and who doesn't contribute to the tax base they are paid from!!!! The worse things I've ever heard said about Troy were from people who reap the rewards of being employed by Troy but refuse to live here!!!!

    3. Folks who walk in late everyday then spend their day texting and talking on their personal phones should be at the top of the cya wouldn't want to be ya list.

    4. Now the guys just do drugs, break the law and their union fights for them so they can keep their jobs

    5. mirch destroyed the departments..not one of the imposters....bosses...are from streets...hayner..traffic...dinardo..water...fennel...hmmmm..whatever...aggars...blair...well...they,re,s gotta be traffic...they,re all related....that's how department's get have so called bosses in charge but they're lucky if they know how to start a lawnmower...troy is a joke

  5. Rodney hires his wife's best friend, Pete hires a friend of his full time at the golf course.for the winter. And the council, Lou and Pete lick the boots of the selfish and greedy fireman. Troy is the only city in the Capitol District that has more fireman than policeman. WTF?

    1. When your house catches fire or you have a stroke, who ya gonna call? Not ghostbuster's! The "selfish" and "greedy" firemen. We need the cops and fire dept. fully staffed or people will DIE.

      As for hiring the political friend's-- its transparent, so who is gonna stop them? They rule the daycare Troy city government has become.

    2. Selfish and greedy firemen huh? The last time the city was in financial trouble who gave up raises gave back vacation, personal leave time, and lost positions? Those selfish and greedy firemen. And for that reason they're the lowest paid in the capital district while doing more work than any of the neighboring depts. Always the first place people want to cut. Its like an insurance policy, hate to pay for it every month but you'll be damn glad it there when YOU need it.

    3. Corrupted Troy politics once again. Peter Ryan Jr decides he wants to be a fireman at age 35 "once" his father Peter Sr becomes Deputy Mayor. You guys are something else. People can't stop talking about the both of you. Sounds like corruption to me and everyone. Well hello I am 35 and I would like to be a fireman. My daddy can pull strings to get me in. You never volunteered a day in your life Pete Jr not even with the volunteer fire department. Shame in you, Shame on you and your father.

    4. @5:41...before you make another idiotic mindless rant you should probably do a little research. Troy has LESS firefighters the cops, and those "Greedy" firemen are also the lowest paid in the Capitol Region and some of the lowest paid in the State. But don't forget...they will still be your best friends when you need them.

    5. As of May 2014 the fire department has 129 fire fighters.

      As of July 2014 the police department has 127 sworn members. 129 is 2 more than 127. Also to elaborate more, the police dept is one of the lowest paid city departments in the state. Don't believe me? Do YOUR research idiot.

    6. No one ever quits. Only when fired. Must not be to bad then.

    7. Last years budget the firemen asked for a ton of money for overtime. It was approved, then they came back and asked for more. Greedy yes they are. I'd rather have 3 good firemen who know their jobs than 10 stooges standing around watching one good man do his job.

    8. 10:32 let's see you do the job. Jackass.

    9. Get a life 11/21 at 11:21. Peter Ryan passed the exam, ranked high and finished at the top of his training class. you, on the other hand, sound like a frustrated volunteer fire fighter who can't make the grade. Too bad that the Troy fireman has connections. Bet you wish you knew somebody.

    10. @1032 They requested money for overtime because the administration didn't fill the vacant positions. It's not up to the firemen to hire people to fill those spots, that's the city job. Someone has to be there, if the city won't hire it means overtime, it doesn't make them greedy. If you're going to point fingers, point them in the right direction.

    11. @12:12. So your the one getting all your information that your babbling about out of the paper, and I am the Idiot. Wow...some peoples stupidity never cease to amaze me. When filly staffed, 113 Firefighters plus 8 chiefs. Hmmmmm 113 + 8 = 121. Seems to me that your "research" of reading one article in the paper could use a little help.

    12. Usually an educated person cites at least one source for information on a subject they are attempting to make a point about. Where is your source? Or are you an angry fireman who was woken up from his fire house naps to do some actual work for a change? Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite!

    13. Layoffs or not, minimum manning is still minimum manning. The TFD will show up on time to save the day.

    14. If Peter Ryan scored so high on the civil service test why would he have to know someone to get hired??

      I think 8:59 meant to say he didn't score anything to crazy to celebrate and have a handful of beers to that's why knowing someone like his father Deputy Mayor got him hired.

      Let me ask you this , why did Peter Jr. Only take the test as soon as his father became Deputy Mayor and not when he was of age at 21. How many tests have been giving in the past 15 years? Hmmm exactly. He decided he wanted to play fireman at 35 years ago lol lol lol lol lol.

    15. 859 you said's connections that get these kids hired NOT their experience and dedication to the City.

  6. The COMPREHENsive Plan is important! How can we move the city forward LONG TERM WITHOUT A PLAN? Without pictures on a paper binder the city of troy will really be in TROUBLE

  7. That big wheel just keeps going around and around and around and where it stops nobody knows

    Is that all there is?
    Is that all there is?
    If that's all there is my friends
    Then let's keep dancing
    Let's break out the booze and have a ball
    If that's all there is

  8. Why not have the mayor, deputy mayor and council not get paid. They are the ones who screwed up, not these employees. But Lou's a nice guy. Yea Merry Christmas.

  9. After successfully protesting the closing of a non essential firehouse without any layoffs it's reported today the fire department will have layoffs. Good move.

    1. Good move?? layoffs will create Overtime idiot!!. 24 men a day every day.365

  10. One of the most violent summers the City of Troy has faced and the City Administration wants to lay off Police officers and Fire Fighters. This just gets better and better. You can't write this stuff.

    1. Agreed. Where's the layoffs from within city hall? You can't tell me there is no room to cut staffing in those areas. Bull. Is good ole Pete gonna plow snow? Lou gonna patrol Balina St? How about Dunne doing some foot patrols in North Central. Who's gonna rotate the 12 hours shifts down at the fire station? I know, I know!! We'll get the Lansingburgh Superhero and Wonder Woman to save the city! Here they come to save the dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!

    2. Thanks Jim Gordon. Maybe you could actually do something for Lansingburgh instead of fake outrage at council meetings, sweat in your suit and shop for houses in East Greenbush.

      And what will your petty little lawsuit cost the city, Jim? Is that in the budget?

    3. What I find amusing, is how much space in your head Flash occupies. Apparently, guys who really get the job done scare you

  11. Listened to Zalewski on your show, what a poor excuse for an elected official!

  12. Mayor Lou finally got one right. Rodney and Doherty demanded Lou cut 3% from all departments. Lou said OK, send it to me in an email. Now that reality has hit Rod and Bob are saying it's not their doing to layoff cops and other employees. Can't wiggle out of this one fellas.

    1. Stupid is as stupid does!

    2. Sure they can. Fire the idiots who messed up the budget. Hire REAL accounting professionals

    3. This little punk of a mayor refuses to take any responsibility for the incompetence of his administration. layoffs, whether they occur this year or next, are clearly the outcome of Lou's poor management. He is so pious at his Thursday morning prayer meetings, but the fact is he's a poor excuse for a mayor or a man.

  13. How about the city exposes the overtime in the fire chiefs office. 7 Chief's account for 40% of the budgeted overtime. Three of which take city car's home and are allowed to use on off time. Chief's make their own hours, take calls on days off whether it is minor of major.

    1. A very effective point being made here. Wondered about Hayner's OT since he adherd to the company line during the council hearings and basically lied. what was his pay off in overtime?

  14. From the Charter:

    Council and Mayor budget meeting.

    After the Council committees file their reports with the Clerk and prior to the final public hearing on the budget, a committee consisting of the Mayor, the Budget Officer, and the City Council members shall convene to review suggested changes to the recommended budget. [Amended by L.L. No. 5-1994, § 47]

    Rodney and Ken never proposed any. If they understood anything, they'd know you have to cut cops and firemen to get to 3%,

    BTW - heard Rodney will be on vacation for the vote. Is that true?

    1. Rodney, Jolene and the kids enjoy the Cadillac of health care, dental and eyeglass coverage plus his 20K a year and he's vacant when it comes to the most important vote as an elected official. You get what you voted for.

    2. Again, stop blaming the Council, the ones that have to answer are Mazzirello and his pathetic crew. Look at their salaries. We have all been ripped off. Time to let those idiots go. Union or not, you put the City in financial crisis, you need to go.

  15. 11/24 @8:59. I have a great life. 14 months to go before I retire from the Troy Fire Department. Thank you very much. Get your father the heck out of the Mayors office. He has caused more bad damage for all of us fire fighters and police officers.xoxo

    1. It wasn't the man you point the finger at that caused the demise of Troy. It was you greedy union members that sit around with nothing to do but count the meaningless hours you have left on the public tit. I am at the tail end of my career but I have never sat down and calculated how much time I have left. I take pride in my career and look forward to the daily challenge. But then again I am not union and I have advanced to the top of my field on merit, not politics and union cronyism. Years and years of corrupt politicians selling their souls for the union vote got us here. Steve Dworsky was the seed that grew this mess. He was the dope that gave the cops their birthdays off. Kindergarteners don't get their birthday off. Now we have all these officers and manning requirements, BS. They should lay you all off and replace you with volunteers that actually live in Troy.

    2. Troy cops get their birthday's off? Really! That's news to me! Looks like the city owes me about 9 birthday's off!

    3. Some of the old timers if they work their bday they get an extra day off to use whenever. Like a floating holiday so to speak.

  16. Will these dems wake up? We have a budget deficit, and instead of our people working together to straighten it out and preserve the super majority they stab each other in the back. Screw those two republican dopes. Please sit down TOGETHER and come out with a unified solution and budget. You've been given the voice of us and you're wasting it.

  17. This is all BS, I am so sick of hearing how we will all die without all of these cops and firemen. The unions have ruined Troy as they have many other cities up here in Liberal NY. Its over, lay off some of these over paid blue collars and make them all move back to Troy the way the charter always read. A good start is to end all of the pension padding that our king Governor in Albany promised he would do and didn't. Manning requirements, out the f ing window, manning requirements are so fat union members can goof off. The trade unions have been disbanding manning requirements for years trying to keep union workers employed. Unions are a thing of the past, look nationally where we have unions and where these states stand in business growth and prosperity, right at the bottom. The US is a bad place to be economically under this government, NY is the worst place in the states, Troy is the worst place in NY. As they use to say, NYC is the A Hole of the World, but Troy is 155 miles up!

  18. How much is the City Council shaving from its budget ? Do they plan to conform with other departments who furnished a 3 % reduction per Wiltshire's request ?
    OR, will Wiltshire again exhibit double standards for the pompous ?

    1. No cuts proposed by Rodney. In fact, a 20% increase.

  19. Please bring forth some budget cuts and not a Mickey Mouse 3%. Attrician , stop the new hires, cut back all the ot, none! This is how us suckers in the real world do it. The public tit is over, over , over.Note the only fire chief in America thats salaried and getting OT is right here in River City. That fella hasn't missed an ot hour in years.

    1. No more double dipping Garrett!! Party is over. You should be making a good living with your chief salary and wine store. Stop being greedy no more OT.

  20. I think peter ryan is a total joke who really shouldnt be in office, everyone is right he hires people from out side the city to work in the park (tony doyle) and he makes sure that his son at 35 yrs old gets on the fire dept, what a joke. someone needs to remove him and the mayor before there is no more Troy. Its real shitty that there gonna let people go right before the HOLIDAYS, get a life mayor and deputy mayor

    1. One term. That's it. Let the Republicans come in and clean house
