Thursday, June 19, 2014

A comprehensive plan (COMMENTARY with MUSIC)

“Oh Canada …”

You would think the administration of Mayor Lou Rosamilia would pick a Collar City company to do a comprehensive plan at a cost of $750,000.


OK, then one from the Rensselaer County.


OK, one from the Capital Region??


Then it has to be from New York state since it hopes to get some state money to help pay for it.


Jersey?? Maybe?


Then it has to be a company from within the borders of the continental United States of America.


The company it wants to pay $750,000 is Urban Strategies and they are based in Canada.

Maybe when the company representatives come and visit they can check out the Uncle Sam statue near Riverfront Park. You know, the guy who is from Troy and is widely seen as a symbol of the USA.

Obviously, given the Scolite debacle, low bidder is not necessarily the determining factor in picking a company so I’m kind of at a loss as to why it decided to head north of the border when there was one company, River Street Planning, based, as the name implies, right on River Street.
Actually, the whole concept of a comprehensive plan seems kind of like an exercise in futility. There hasn’t been one since 1962, according to the city, and there is probably a reason for that.

The biggest one that comes to mind is that there are better, more practical, ways to spend three-quarters of a million dollars like paving streets, alleviating the tax burden or even helping defray overtime or pension costs that continue to escalate.

I’ve seen these multi-year, multi-faceted planning schemes come and go and while there is probably some merit to them, every shred of common sense tells me they are better left to textbooks, term papers and egg head think tanks.

It’s kind of along the same lines as Mayor Harry Tutunjian wanting to spend I forget how much money to “brand” the city. “Enjoy Troy” had already been around for a couple of decades and was widely accepted in a couple of different manifestations. And the most recent “brand” comes from Tweeter Kevin McCashion and is simply #troycrazy.

There are certain spots in the city where long term planning certainly could work but I’ve yet to see any of them come to fruition. The Hoosick Street Overlay (or was it underlay) District, the South Troy Working Waterfront and even the so called “porn district” all fell by the wayside.

Maybe I’m just not a big enough thinker – egg head – or maybe I’m just practical enough to know that for most things when dealing with a city as eclectic as Troy with its fantastically diverse population it’s better to just guide the stakeholders in a general direction depending on a particular project or situation and let the chips fall where they may.

It’s worked pretty well so far, and it doesn’t cost $750,000.

I'd be shocked if the Council approves it and if they do, I'd be shocked if the state approves any money to pay a Canadian company to conduct a comprehensive plan in a city across the river from its Capitol when the governor is running for re-election.


  1. Albany didn't use a local firm and the state apparently let Buffalo use this Canadian company. What's the big deal? Oh that's right, it's Troy and you hate it an its administration.

    1. On the contrary, I think the entire purpose of this blog's existence has more to do with a LIKING of Troy. Any hatred harbored towards its current administration, however, is completely understandable.

    2. Hatred? You might want to seek help.

    3. @ 2:49 Thank you Lynne Kopka. And although the word "hate" is a little too strong you're right. No one regardless of party affiliation has any faith or trust in the both you and this administration. Go save a cat.

    4. Everyone else on the CouncilJune 21, 2014 at 6:24 AM

      Thanks Rodney. Go lick a flying fish with that Frankentongue and throw another taco party with the felons and retards.

    5. When did Rodney have a party with Troys DPU and DPW?

  2. Save the 750,000, just bulldoze what's left of Troy after all of these idiots play their political games. Maybe the dope could have hired three Harvard Graduates at 250 each to work on the administration to really fix what he hasn't destroyed.

  3. Every level of government needs a comprehensive plan and the plan needs updating. To dismiss the idea is the thinking of a negative minded unprofessional. Troy has endured too much of the negative thinkers and you are not helping with this blog.

    1. What's the difference between having a Canadian based company doing it and the SAME developers doing the work...I'd rather have outside professionals doing the work than another relative of a relative that works for city get the bid over the nepotism which has proven does absolutely nothing for the city

  4. Canada!? God Save the Queen!

  5. Amen 2:49. NY companies don't have some miraculous knowledge of urban planning, that should be obvious. Get your head out of your ass, Franco.

  6. Wonders if any city official visited Toronto to interview the company officials ~~ foil those travel vouchers Jim

  7. Peter and Lou when a true "nice guy" like Jim Barrett is in the paper ripping you guys and Monica then it's OFFICIALY OVER. Has anyone ever heard a bad word from Jim's mouth about anyone? He's also a life long democrat and you 3 (mostly Monica) have pissed him off. What's up for next...... Maybe you guys can run puppy's over and pinch baby's. You guys have to go.

    1. Where was this article,I'd like to read it

  8. I actually could not help but laugh at this line: "... there are better, more practical, ways to spend three-quarters of a million dollars like paving streets ..."
    Why did I laugh? Because the jarring potholes I hit multiple times a day are a reminder that, as much of a nice guy as Mayor Lou may be, he has no clue what he's doing in office - unless his plan IS to irritate the living hell out of residents while he wrecks Troy!

  9. Well I agree with Jim. Why shouldn't it be a local company? It's taxpayer dollars paying for it. And not for nothing but why is there a Dept. of Planning if they can't come up with a plan? There are plenty of people here in troy who actually have a really good idea on what Troy needs, and what is should have for the future. Why go with any company that doesn't have a firsthand working knowledge of Troy? We're a small, beautiful and very unique city- we need planning that will play up our strengths, not make us over into someone's idea of a "commercial Victorian theme park" city. We should have a more rigorous hiring procedure for the Dept. of Planning- because this version is just not happening. - crazy for troy

    1. So you'd choose a consultant based on location rather than merit? Sounds like nepotism. You must be a Republican. Let me guess, you want to award it to Lou Desso or a Tutunjian.

    2. Good post Repubs are very self centered at any ones cost
      they just want to keep sticking it to the tax payers
      the more they get the more they want if they had there way they would suck renns county dry and steal every thing except the kitchen sink oh wait a minute just got a phone call the sink was cast iron its gone
      Its time to remove the burden off the tax payers backs and remove these blood suckers off of there Host which we are there host

    3. I agree. Why bother having Troy 100 or Transition Troy if no one bothers to listen to the people who LIVE HERE??? Ask US what we want/ need and put that $750k back into Troy, not to another country!!

    4. It's not taxpayers money

    5. @7:57 let's award it to one of Pete Ryan's family or the family members of who butters the bread (Casales). The county nepotism, insider deals pales in comparison to Troy's administration.

    6. Hey, I know! Let's hire another police commissioner!

    7. @ 12:17 you have got to be kidding. Their last attempt bombed out like a lead balloon. Its obvious the Mayor is not in control of his city or employees. Look at the ones he has working under him that he chose now, and you want to add another commissioner? Stupidity.

    8. Exactly739....everyone's complaining about "hiring outside" on this project however the City risks losing 2.5 MILLION dollars due to a shortage of 54 residents...we had a census done a few years ago so they aren't far off on their count..what happens is that administration allows City employees to move out or live OUTSIDE of Troy even though it's stated that certain employees need to comply with this rule...there is a minimum of 54 city employees that are breaking this rule...betcha Schumer doesn't know about can Schumer go to bat to get the FEDS or HUD to bend the rules for a City who has its own employees thumbing their nose at the City by living outside of it instead of living in it and supporting it?

    9. How about wiltshires wife promoting real estate for sale in BRUNSWICK and not TROY is up with these people..unless Brunswick is now taxable on Troys tax roll something's wrong Troy if you want Presidency of the Council

    10. Maybe she's looking for a halfway house for all the mouthbreathers and felons Rodney gave Keith Gorman to help with his judicial campaign.

  10. Hightops been dealing with Canadians for years

    1. Yeah, Molson Canadian. Aaaa. Your a hoser, Heah!!!

  11. If you read the news article about this topic--the one posted yesterday on this site--it addresses most of these concerns.

  12. Maybe one of the brainiacs here can pick up a comp plan the next time they swing by Walmart.

  13. $750,000.00 to tell Bill Dunne what to do............HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

  14. No contract for the CSEA, the buildings at the DPW complex are rotting away, our streets are a disgrace and the building that houses the PD is too small. Lets piss away seven hundred fifty thousand dollars for a new plan that will fall by the wayside next year anyway. We tax payers need to get some of the chit you guys are smoking.

    1. You are so right, this administration spends, spends and spends on things that Troy DOESN'T need, yet cannot take care of the city, building or employees. The money could be spent in other ways. I'd rather Lou come up with a snow removal plan than this money-waster.

    2. Just follow the plan they have. Drive out more taxpayers, put their DSS and unemployed stooges on committees and pillage every dime left in the city. Then blame Tutunjian.

    3. Ill save space on my bookshelf, right next to the Lansingburgh Village Study.

    4. A money waster is a City employee running to Stewart's every five minutes..

    5. A money waster is a City employee running to Stewart's every five minutes..

    6. It's Mirchs fault

    7. I don't care about a contract with CSEA I'm glad to have a job with benefits and show pride in the city I work and live in. What if like the Mayor to do is go by his word and make sure everyone of the city employees live in the City. That's a lot of income for the City right there and you all know it. If you don't want to live here then find another job elsewhere there are plenty of people out there that live in Troy and have the education and experience to do your job and then some!!

  15. I agree whole hardheartedly with AnonymousJune 22, 2014 at 12:58 PM
    Your rite on the money and while this new Spokes Person for Lou seem like a vary nice guy and even has a sense of humor
    Mr Spokesman please advise Lou that the past administration was 100% all for its self with little or no regard for the citizens of Troy
    If some one came to City hall with a question or a foil record request they were put off as long as possible
    Most times if requests were not accompanied by a lawyer they would stall you or just do what they wanted to do which in most cases was nothing
    I am against this comprehensive plan especially the cost part that's just too much to pay at this time
    Please Lou just hang on to all the cash and wait till the next election

    1. They still are put off on FOILS because of bad bad decisions

    2. They put off FOILS because they are hiding something.

    3. I got a FOIL and the records aren't correct or false information was provided to whoever processed the records..what the hell do I do with this...Go to the DA? Sue individuals or the city as a whole?! I'd be suing myself wouldn't I

  16. No master plan is needed, its time to make necessary repairs and maintenance to what we have. Spending this money would be great if we weren't on the verge of bankruptcy dealing with labor contracts for firemen and police that are breaking our backs. Troy is a beat city with ghettos and a broken system of partisan politics. The schools are a disaster, the Troy School District is trying to shut out the Charters where for most of the past three years they out performed the district schools! Look at your performance on State wide exams, its dismal. And yet all we get are increases in school tax for more fluff. We have ball fields like professional franchises and for what high school sports, all nonsense. There are a few of us around Troy that are of above average means that will be leaving as it has become too dam disgusting to sit and watch the same families with their nepotism suck the very life and last dollars out of once proud and beautiful city. If the mayor had any gumption he would fire the idiot that is ruining city hall and ignore that other idiot that ruins his party. Dam it Lou, do the right thing , too hell with the political BS, be a man for Troy not a party of crooked politicians.

    1. Does he mean Dunne and Wade or Peter Ryan and Wade? One thing that rings true, all three are ruining this city.

    2. not so fast repubs have all the key jobs in city hall
      they would just as soon go down with the ship than to save the tax payers a dime
      there like despots on steroids
      there paychecks are safe
      money for nothing and the chicks for free
      i want my mtv

  17. why dont we use the money to make repairs to the spring ave bridge

    1. Because money for bridges are state funded. The plan will be from grants.

    2. Thanks news city engineer with the help of morris the cAt

  18. Jesus Rodney I just saw you on with Chucky could you lean over any more to get in the picture? Be careful as you're going to blow your knee out.

  19. Is it funny....Troy can lose out on funding due to 54 less residents than required for the grant in order to make vital improvements to the City....Hence my grievance about City employees should have to follow the City charter and be residents of Troy to work for's not just one or two's at least the 54....but whatever

    1. at least 110 in just police and fire departments!

  20. Kevin McCashion ‏@kevinmccashion · 4h
    From Kevin mccashen "Why doesn't Sleepy Lou turn down HUD money, since he rejected Nigro's 1MSQ proposal based on it including HUD loan money? #troycrazy" answer, cause Dunne would spread it around like the LDC funds but the FEDS keep a closer eye on things. As we all know they're already sniffing around.

  21. No FBI. No council hearings no loss of federal funding. No drop in population when harry was mayor

    1. There were about 75 employees that got to move outside the City on his watch..most of which are police...

    2. Bad sign when your police force won't or cannot be required to live in the city... What are they afraid of... Think more disclosures need to be made to the public on what the crime stats are

  22. HUD looked into the monies troy received only after b dunne illegally spent his money to benifit pierce and sanctuary. Please do a story jim.

    1. HUD money? Check your facts. Must be so hard being irrelevant.

    2. You will be soon bill dunne.

  23. Well any one who votes for this on our nine counsel members so called governmental body should just resign
    what are of these over paid people in city hall doing please tell me that they cant get a local company to just do it for a non profit for the best interest of the residents
    how broke is the city in reality any way

    1. First of all city council are amongst the lowest paid and second of all the City wastes enough money through nepotism. So much work is getting done for the City by someone's uncle and I haven't seen anything impressive come out of any of it

    2. Look into the Finelli Development and the properties it's purchased and then look into the relationships with city employees

    3. This council works harder and puts more hours in than any council in Troy history. They should consider raising their salaries which would also attract a more professional pool of candidates.

    4. @5:31 You've got to be kidding me, right? SOME of them work hard for the money. The others well, not so much. You call going to meetings and not opening your mouth except to say yes or no when it comes time to vote working hard? You call not even responding to constituents working hard? Jim Henson worked harder with his puppets than these puppets do.

    5. 906....the same could be said about many City employees....that's why we need accountability for employees time and effort and new payroll system

    6. Not my boss...Lou should sneak onto Facebook during the day and check out his employees to see the time stamped posts on their Facebook pages....if it's before noon or after one....they aren't working for him or the residents of Troy

  24. How about the list of Schools that are deciding who to hire for the master plan, not one even pays taxes. The whole system stinks. You can't have educators making business decisions, just look at Lou, living proof they don't have the skill set. Get someone that has signed a payroll check with monies that they have an interest in. I am sick and tired of stupid politicians and it seems the hall of fame for idiots is right here in Troy!

  25. Mark McGrath please come back, please.

    1. Bill McInery could be his Deputy Mayor then we would have two felons running the city.

    2. Mark is swimming in money lets get him back to plunder troy even more
      fuc$ it just let all these people help them selves to the vault where the cash is
      let them help themselves to every thing left over which ain't much

    3. Republicans, Democrat- Wade, Democrat- Rodney make up all the bullsh#t you want. Mark is the man. MAN OF THE PEOPLE.

    4. Mark is an idiot.

    5. According to 7:56 a very wealthy idiot..

  26. Sheerans shining his hightops for the colonel pawling gala. He heard kip winger is playing a set

  27. "let the chips fall where they may." Wow that's a good strategy for running a city Jim.

  28. Hey Ken, how's the state job looking now that the Dems have taken the majority back. Bet he 's on the phone to Wade now!

    1. I'm sorry, the number you have dialed is not in service. Payback's a bitch KZ.

    2. State is where it's at. At least when so done cries foul it gets looked into and an audits done with the city no one pays attention but yet they'll bitch and moan about it all year after year..then when someone cones along who is honest and calls people in the wrong doing the whiners turn around and stab the good doers in the back....make up your mind people do you want something done or not

    3. They mean people bitch and moan about how the City is run and then when someone makes a move to look into something they coward down and turn their cheek. With State once a complaint is heard or filed it gets looked into if it has merit and something gets done.

    4. If the deal @ the old demolished city hall falls through there not going to make parole
      so who and what services will be cut
      lets just hope that they don't get double crossed if they do then its a crap shoot

    5. Hey @3:49 AM, either try English or post sober next time!

  29. Instead of the gala Adams smart should have had a twerk off at kokopellis. I'm sure the large builder from lansingburgh would have been there

    1. Awww, hater. If you got off your fat ass and held a fundraiser you wouldn't raise one tenth of what they did.

    2. With bells on my brother. The only thing I like more than buttered bread is a good twerk off.

  30. Have seen the large builder twerk before, if the guys from the gala ever saw that big catchers mitt twerking they'd be forever in love.

  31. Must be nice to work for clueless Lou. 4 employees 4 new motorcycles riding around all day. No accountability and plenty of salary.

    1. Sounds like city hall has a stalker. Worrying about what the other guy has. How do you know if they are new machines or not? How exactly do you know to what level of accountability city hall employees are held to? I have found the best way to avoid being called up on the carpet and held accountable is to hold yourself to a higher standard and do the best job that can be done, the way it is supposed to be done. I am proud of the job I do for the city. PS: I live in the city and I too struggle to pay my taxes.

    2. Why doesn't bill dunne worry about the Avalon and that's it.

    3. One of the employees is his

    4. I wouldn't say a stalker but if those employees followed and abided by the same policies and procedures as everyone else does there wouldn't be a problem now would there be? And if they were held to the same standards they would have lost their jobs and they wouldn't get away with harassing people as they do. I know once someone starts messing with my family I will latch on like a pit bull. I don't forgive and forget harassment.

    5. taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes taxes
      only 50 % of the people living in troy pay taxes the other 50% are renters or are on some sort of social services or non profit
      the people on top of the food chain know this there just holding off the the wolves at the door to milk the system as long as they can hold out
      every election the people wait patiently for the new people who won the pull the trigger and get all the bad apples out but it never happens because there all working together and cross connected the stay in power
      i got news for the ones who are in power this time its not going to happen

    6. How do we know what they do? Facebook is a public entity and we watch them post crap and pictures,all day long when they should be working, in addition to promoting their outside employers while they are working...and you call that being held accountable?

    7. 5:17-- I rent and part of my rent goes towards paying the taxes on the property and my landlord is current in his taxes--pays a pretty penny too! To say we don't "pay" is an absurdity, taxes go up and get this so does my rent. Water bills go up, so does my rent. School taxes go up, so does my rent. It all feeds into the system so perhaps you should look at the delinquent taxes rolls once in awhile, they are the ones not footing their share! Before you blame renters check your facts.

    8. "How do we know what they do? Facebook is a public entity and we watch them post crap and pictures,all day long when they should be working"

      There are several settings in face book that allow for security settings to allow only friends to see ones posts. I really don't know how public that is. Secondly most folks nowadays have their own tablets and smartphones that are able to access the internet. Also, city hall employees are allowed two fifteen minute breaks and an hour for lunch. What they choose to do with their own time and their own personal property is none of anyone's business. Lastly, If one wants to disagree with the Mayor, fine that is your right. No one has the right to be disrespectful to him, in person or on the blogs.

    9. How many of these employees live in Troy?

    10. "I wouldn't say a stalker but if those employees followed and abided by the same policies and procedures as everyone else does there wouldn't be a problem now would there be? "

      "How do we know what they do? Facebook is a public entity and we watch them post crap and pictures,all day long when they should be working, in addition to promoting their outside employers while they are working...and you call that being held accountable? "

      What policies do you think are not being followed. Surely you do not mean the computer use and Email policy. But what if they are actually following that policy? Also facebook has several privacy settings that allow for friends and or friends of friends only to see their posts, so its really not public. Most folks have personal devices that allow them to access the internet and they have two fifteen minute breaks and an hour for lunch each day in which to use those devices. Besides that city hall does not close for lunch so that means people need to take their breaks in a staggered time frame so that someone is always minding the store. Wrong doing? Lack of accountability? Maybe only in your dirty mind.
      I see a wrong doing here in that people are being disrespectful to the Mayor. If you don't like the man fine, if you disagree with him that's OK too. There is no reason to be disrespectful to him either in person or on the blogs.

  32. Lou, oh Lou wake up Lou. Four homicides in Lansingburgh, one the vicious killing of a young mother to be. No arrests, no suspects just captain Sprague with his Alabama glasses. I'm sure he called his best bud Rosney for advice. Fitzy padding his OT before he retires guarding the Troy Music Hall. Lou, you have failed miserably along with your dishonest associates. Lets hear from some dems to refute my comments. Also, is Troy a better place today than it was 4 years ago? BOOM!

  33. Transition Troy
    Troy 100s
    Trip tap
    Vacant Property Works Group
    Troy Salvage Demonion Comitee

    -and now 705000 of new plans groups.

    maybe all the meetings people can shovel the snow next year insted of talking about plans to do nothing. except they lazy and want to talk about other projects work because they dont want do any work

    and the snow is 10 feet high because eveyone is drinking cofee insted of shoveling

  34. Let me tell ya talk to this mayor one on one about an issue he has no clue about it's like a deer staring in the headlights...i tell ya citizens..were in trouble from casale's sidewalk work to roddy's summit apt's to best paving all these guy's making some serious bucks from the city it's pretty sad..does anyone knoiw that this mayor is actually paying to get rid of DIRT...that's right...DIRT..

  35. School taxes go up, so does my rent. It all feeds into the system so perhaps you should look at the delinquent taxes rolls once in awhile, they are the ones not footing their share! Before you blame renters check your facts.

    AnonymousJune 30, 2014 at 8:09 PM

    Speaking of Delinquent taxes how about Kevin Vandenburgh getting fast track zoning from the planning board and he owes the city of Troy a lot of back taxes what kind of circus clowns are running the show there
    And on and on and on and Code is the hit squad for both party's also
    Dave says one thing about me I don't play the game ??????????

    1. Have the trough-feeding Tutunjians paid those back taxes yet? You'd think with those $60,000 patronage sandwich jobs on the county taxpayer dime that Jimino gave them, they'd be able to pay their taxes like the rest of us.

    2. Dave says that your family's business violates city code and in the past has resulted in felony convictions. So it's Dave now, no more Mirch, Harry, Crawley and on and on. Here's a little tip, it was always Vito. He's a chameleon and although is paid an hourly stipend he's loaded with bucks. he knows sewer rats when he sees them.

    3. What property does Vandenburgh owe " the city a lot of back taxes on"? Be specific and how much does he owe exactly.

    4. AnonymousJuly 4, 2014 at 6:05 AM
      What property does Vandenburgh owe " the city a lot of back taxes on"? Be specific and how much does he owe exactly.

      Look it up your self pin head I am not your mother

    5. None asshole. I did look it up. Got anymore lies?

    6. Hey pin head Cox who got the gas bath at 12:30am Saturday morning at 59 119th street? That's your brother or his sons house right? I looked it up oh and I'm not your mother.

    7. What a joke Vito was tonight up at powers park saying he wants vibrant business to open in troy
      Vito is the epitome of whats wrong with Troy
      Vito's fraudulent absentee ballots got him far didn't they

    8. Vito could forge absentee ballots until his hands cramped up and he'd still lose any election in Lansingburgh. Would be great to see that jerkoff try to run. He talks a good game but he'd never have the balls to run because he knows he'd go down in flames

    9. "Vito is the epitome of what's wrong with Troy". That's the best you can come up with? Kevin McGrath he's ok? John Brown ok? Jeff Buell ok? The Coxs Family ok? Willy ok? The Sawyer Kid Ok?the whores on river street ok? The Hells Angels good men? No it's Vito

    10. So why is buell of the monument square job?

    11. Funny cox almost went down in flames

  36. Harry is the heart beat of Troy
    He is vary concerned about the poor investors who stumble into his traps
    He has all the angels to keep them occupied
    And in the end they will drink there blood in a orgy of contempt an loathing

    1. Would you like a sandwich with that?

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    3. jay and mirch have the same thing in common troys mayor fired mirch joe bruno gave mirch a do nothing job for four years tax payers loose
      jays term ends and crowley gives him a do nothing job at THA jay walks crowley's dog and delivers the mail in the building
      jimino gives harry a do nothing job at county
      the moral is the tax payers get less bang for there buck and less & less & less eventually equals nothing

    4. George Rogers gets a better bang for his buck.

  37. George Rogers is a straight shooter

  38. Great outfit Thursday bobby cox and that speech. Wow. How articulate with a message everyone got.

    1. Its all about acting dumb
      just follow the bouncing ball and eventually you will get the message its coming soon to a movie theater near you
      Dip Shit
