On Friday, the city shuttered 51 Third St., where, according to a number of reports on social media, supporters
of Tuesday night’s march were … well … among other things rallying support for the march.
(OK, HQ may be a little strong as a way to describe 51 Third St., but there were supporters of the march's cause working out of the building and if I were a cynic, I would say it was a message to those supporters as a way for the city to keep attendance at the march as small as possible.)
(OK, HQ may be a little strong as a way to describe 51 Third St., but there were supporters of the march's cause working out of the building and if I were a cynic, I would say it was a message to those supporters as a way for the city to keep attendance at the march as small as possible.)
According to the bulletin taped to
the door, it was shut down for not having a certificate of occupancy - which is
what Chapter 141, section 17A of the city code means.
The Third Street building is owned by Igor Vamos, who is a professor of media arts at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. According to his profile on the college’s web page, he is widely known as “Mike Bonanno” of The Yes Men. He along with another actor made national, and maybe international news, impersonating “captains of industry” and surprising “unsuspecting business audiences with satirical, poignant actions that comment upon pressing social and environmental issues.” I could not contact Vamos for this story.
The building has been most recently used as a sort of clubhouse for like-minded activists in Troy and once was home to the Troy Bike Rescue. According to the Facebook page “51 3rd St.,” is “home of a bunch of cool cats, dogs and hot Hippopotamuses who like Shows and putting on Shows ... Some of us like cooking, dancing, Japan, meditation - still others engage in watching movies - while some dabble in quantum physics Ming FU, time travel or hobby in shot gun golfing the great American sport.
“We are mythical beasts of high order, our doors open to friendly fellow travelers of all types, visit our playground.”
The page said the group hosted Hannah Dobbs for a Q&A session on Jan. 28 and on Jan. 23 it hosted “Pasties, Pencils and Pints.” The building has been hosting such events since December of 2010.

Surveillance video released by the
bars owners, Barry and Joe Glick, seem to indicate the crowd was leaving in an
orderly fashion before police came and then chaos erupted.
In all five other people were
arrested Saturday morning for such crimes as harassment, disorderly conduct and
resisting arrests. Eight police officers were injured, six required hospital care. Police are currently investigating other crimes that occurred
outside the establishment such as throwing a garbage pail through the back
window of a police cruiser and throwing bottles at officers. Police released
radio transmissions asking dispatch to contact other agencies for assistance.
Do you remember when the Sanctuary on 6th Av was shut down. Then city council member Pete Ryan stood out in front of city hall with the Working Families Party officers calling for an investigation, do you remember. Well I'm told Deputy Mayor Ryan will again be with the Working Families Party officers Monday at 10am out in front of 51 3rd St calling for an investigation to find why this building was closed.
ReplyDeleteRyan just hasn't figured out they will be investigating him!
Thanks Bob, how's Florida?
DeleteFlorida is great Bill. How is your well paying political patronage job?
DeleteThis is Mirch again, what's next dump a load of gravel at the front door. Mayor why don't you just fire this clown Mirch he's been around long enough.
DeleteJudging by the filthy streets in Troy, I'm led to believe Mr. Mirch has retired. Enjoy the polar vortex.
DeleteSo the fact that every business in TROY must get a CO to occupy a building means nothing? What about the fact it never went in front of planning and code has never been in the building. They serve alcohol there illegally. What am I missing here? No CO, No Liquor Lic, lets do what we want and who cares what rules and regulations are in place. This has been an illegal ran building since 2010, Only took 4 years to be caught. Not bad. There has been many buildings withing the last few months that have been shut down by code. How is this selective enforcement?
ReplyDeleteNobody sells alcohol there. It is a private common area for people living in the building's apartments. There is no business. This was "shut down" to shut people up. It will cost the city a hefty amount in settlements. Best for them to reverse this order. It will never stand in court.
Deleteand what about the rules of grammar hmmm? but I guess if you're going to say something stupid you might as well say it stupidly
DeleteThe name on the eviction notice is Mcgrath so he's the son of Mark Mcgrath who sent him to silence us it won't work theyre in the pocket of the troy police. we will overcome.
ReplyDeleteBill Dunne demanded the closure based on comments on a previous blog posting on this page. He wanted to flex his muscles and earn brownie points with his boss. Once he learned the place was illegal and being used to organize against his administration, he acted swiftly. He is a great leader. His prodigy Bob Doherty is very upset with him though.
DeleteStill not a cop?
DeleteWhat most people don't realize is mark was inside partying at the time it was shuttered. People were jnstanty told to leave. Th k god he has his built in sweater
DeleteBeacuase we are all fair & unbiased in Troy, I expect everyone who blamed Tutunjian and Mirch for selective code enforcment to now place blame on Lou & Dunne.
ReplyDeleteThats unrealsistic in this city of brainswashed political hacks like all of you.
So says the brainwashed political hack....
DeleteThe Truth shall set you free
DeleteWow someone grew a set. It's like harry is back. We miss him. He actually led and got things done. Today things get dunne by that we mean young state auditor filed complaint after being "dunned" or followed to her car after repaeated requests to stop inappropriate jokes. It's also called a Tonya.
ReplyDeleteThe Sanctuary for Independent Media is not Independent.
ReplyDeleteThey are an organization bought & sold by the Democratic Party. New sidewalks, $50,000 grant "settlement", and a look-the-other-way friendship with code enforcement, in exchange for political "rallying", and protection for the administration that equals votes for the Troy Democrat Puppetshow candidates.
The Sanctuary no longer will report on actual issues, as they will use the latest city conflict to assist the administration, which include exerting additional pressure on Cheif Tedesco, and protecting the image of the nice Mayor.
Lou is a good nice guy. He knows nothing about any of this. Keep him out of it, it's nothing to do with him. Lou has no interest in leading anything. Blame the code department, the police dog, anyone but Lou. He was just a safe clean guy that Tom Wade picked to run against crazy brown witch. Let him collect his $175,000 salary and relaxation.
ReplyDeleteNo CO. How hard is that? This ain't rocket science.
ReplyDeletePeople have lived there and used the first floor as a communal space for years before 2010. If they didn't have a CO why is it now (at least 8 years since I first became aware of it) that they are being evicted. The timing just seems way too odd.
ReplyDeleteDo any of the showers work. doesn't smell like it.
DeleteWell the TU reports today that Troy's major developer Jeff Buell and partner Tom Nardacci will make monument square a destination point. These 2 after accepting a $75000 gift from Lou and Pete lost money on the boat launch where Nardacci's boat was the only one there (free parking), you remember the other Troy destination spot. What boobs.
ReplyDeleteWhat gift? Hey, I'll take this over Harry's low income housing.
ReplyDeleteWho did they have put the sign up ?...I think it was the 10 year old kid they deputized on Friday...
ReplyDeleteThe one thing you can always count on is lack of class with Lou's dem supporters.
DeleteAnd the fact that Nardacci and Buell are two guys who got stuffed in garbage cans at lunchtime growin up and now they think they're PLAYERS!
DeleteNo, that was Harry.
DeleteTroy Democrats aginst affordable housing but are trying to put back City Hall back on riverside. They only care about goverment workers not the people.
ReplyDeleteBill dunne andou both signed a petition to drop charges against Donnelly. Check it out change.org. Will rodney sign?
ReplyDeleteWonder how the boys in blue feel about that loogie that got spit in their eye by city hall?
ReplyDeleteFor the dim bulbs at the meeting tonight ask yourself this question. If your developer at Scolite is barging up asphalt from downstate into Troy and then will truck it to Albany to the asphalt plant, why wouldn't he just ship it into the port of Albany and save on the trucking and bridge fees? Oh, how ironic the port of Albany does NOT accept garbage and refuse.
ReplyDeleteHey 51 Third, where's your FB page? Guess the pictures told the a story you did not want the public to know. Shame, shame.
Deletetheir flicker page is still up. Right click, copy asap! LOL
Business as usual in upstate NY. Code finds time to cite 51 3rd in retaliation for anyone having the ability to stand up for one's self. Last night showed that outside support is involved, and Troy leaders will not be able to brush this blatant police brutality under the table. Time for Magnetto and Fitzy to start explaining, firing and stepping aside. Time for ALL TPD to follow the law themselves and live in the city! Time for a REAL citizens review board, not the same. tired old Troy cliques. Time for real, visible change - the first thing TPD could do is apologize to the community! Next, get some training. Lastly, grow up!
DeleteGrow the balls it would take to do their job and then have an opinion. Calling all of TPD out for this is no different then the brush that paints the black community. Not all of them are scumbags, but a few are making it look that way. You want the problems to stop in your neighborhood, police your neighborhood, call out the scumbag drug dealers and their scumbag girlfriends instead of getting pissed at the police for cleaning up the mess those few are making and that YOU stand silent about. Point the finger, aim and let them see you calling them out. Don't stand behind a fraud with a bullhorn riling you up about your oppression when he doesn't even live in your neighborhood. Couldn't find a place to purchase around the hood? Don't wonder why you continue to "suffer". Never met a strong black woman who's kids had problems with the law. It's the weak ones, who throw blame on everyone else while snapping their necks. You want a strong black community, raise one. Demand it out of your children and quit making excuses for them. But we all know that ain't gonna happen, especially when the good ole Rev Willy comes rolling into town.
DeleteNo more snitches get stitches. I said it with a lot less words. Not many fathers there either.
DeleteOnly in Troy can two absolute clowns like Jeff Buell and Tom Nardacci be considered "Developers" hahahahahahahahaha
ReplyDeleteThat was Jeff Buell? With that beard and old p-coat I though that was a homeless man they found sleeping on the old city hall property.
DeleteExactly what color is Brian Fool?
ReplyDeleteWhere are all the white women at?????
ReplyDeleteThey be sitting near mayor Lou
DeleteThe last time Peter Ryan was that close to 3 African Americans 1 was caring his clubs 2 was moving the fairway and 3 was raking the sand trap.
ReplyDelete8:40 --you're funny, but should get a grasp on writing a proper sentence.
DeleteI'll work on that Lou
DeleteHe was close to a felon
Delete"NO JUSTICE NO PEACE......NO JUSTICE NO PEACE" and speaking of piece I have a 6 piece package of toilet paper 3 for $5 bucks and a 3 piece sectional for $250. It's for the childrennnnnnn and my moving van and the money I owe to the compensation board.
ReplyDeleteIs the sectional belong to the wfp
DeleteAnd let's remember what that great western actor Cleavon Little said and I quote "where da white women at"?
ReplyDeleteJim you keep up all this good work your doing for Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and there could be a couple of Heathcliff "cliff" Huxtable sweaters from Bill Cosby himself. Remember he gave Tawana Brawley a watch.
ReplyDeleteWhere is Carmella, she assured us she would be speaking out on issues. Doesn't she think allegations of police brutality is an issue?
ReplyDeleteShe's not an elected official --who the hell cares what she thinks!
DeleteThe march was not organized by 51 3rd St, this is easily discovered by some simple fact checking. 51 3rd contains multiple apartments and offices and just like in any other building, those residents each have their own viewpoints and are perfectly well allowed to hold functions, parties, meetings, etc IN THEIR OWN HOME. Alcohol is not sold there. It is not a clubhouse. It is a residence. This article is so inaccurate, it's laughable.
ReplyDeleteI was told by someone else that "clubhouse" is an accurate description. According to 51 3rd Street's Facebook page they do host performance art there and have been since 2002 (I wrote 2010 since that was when the FB page was created and really all I had to go on.) I was also told there was a "gathering" of people to discuss the events of last weekend. I agree with everything you said about what residents can do in their own home. Maybe I'm not the one you should be complaining to about that.
DeleteThat rat citizen Vito and Gordon prolly have code do dirty work like my family and wards. Murphy and rat citizen Vito and single person driving this city into the ground chamberlain and vandenburgh when he snarled at a man over on parkjng space because he wasn't like. Him or tell my nephew who should be mayor no you can't have million dollar business on 5th flex muscle or rat citizen Vito favor or ice cream king. Karma king drives and nice 1989 s10 cool red wheels I have painted thy say one with most toys wins. That rat sarris and mirch blok my nephew who's head always in books growing up and my brother jack sr hardest working man in troy and call me down in Florida an tell me horror storie of troy. I have friend ken denaker come help he fight for my family. I come to troy after mirch leave troy to go to Florida where I have tree cutting business treeman becomes boatman and friends with randy and eddy and boys and fight whats dog eat dog growing up in troy that's a fact jack jack leg sarris tell Zener owns wards as cost is millions. He will foot bill for demo on 112 and chamberlain and vandenburgh single person ruining troy when j worked as welder sonny doin and was chef and tell vandenburg he tell me sit and I did like a trained puppy. Good thing had on depends but after acost him and escorted out. That's a fact jack
DeleteWhy does fitzy smell like soot and accelerant? Why are the buildings on 5th already demolished? What will fitzy do with his 85000 and why did he really get it. What was discussed in the luxury box at the rpi name or while on line doing the Cuban shuffle at the wedding?
ReplyDeleteBoy I haven't seen that many people dressed up as clergy since the dance seen in Tom hanks movie Philadelphia
ReplyDeleteWhat was the outcome if rodney taking sand an salt. Can I as a tacpayer
DeleteIt's good to see that Willy put blue tape on the only white guys mouth that marched with him in the front. Keeping the white man down.
ReplyDeleteToo bad one of them wasn't Mark McGrath. Taping his mouth shut would bring everyone in North Central out in support.
DeleteTermed out after 8 years.
DeleteSo were u bill and on the verge of being fired from amc
DeleteLynn stood in the back where she couldn't see over the pews
ReplyDeleteLynn when will you make Lou release overtime numbers that show fitzy at 50 g's and Monica overtime getting paid for farmers market she did before she worked for Lou. She has been known to tell those at the market it ok I'm on city time. Did bryce pay her to do this also
DeleteLou sat in the back with Fitzgerald along with others from his inner circle, Bacote, Lublin and all the troy lovers who he lays down with who now are now turning on him. They are trying to portray Tedesco as the villain but the public sees Lou as a rudderless sinking ship. The rats will start to jump.
DeleteCouncil members stayed far in back away from Lou and Pete., interesting.
DeleteLynn was in the back with Erin helping her with the big words.
DeleteWhere was mark McGrath? Did he march. Was he at the meeting? Things like this didnt happen when mark McGrath ruled district 2 and he didn't have rev Tim as a handler.
ReplyDeleteMatt McGrath has now taken over for Mark. Now that boy is large and in-charge, and dreamy! No sweater though, skin as soft as Lou's spine.
DeleteDreamy? Who is this Hillary? What does hank Bauer think?
DeleteThis would not happen if harry and dan were in power
ReplyDeleteWhat about bobby cox claims over on the FB page that the zoning board of appeals is racist. Commissioner dunne? They sure weren't racist when a woman of color was in charge.
ReplyDeleteJay & the ZBA hates Minority's of any Color he don't want any of them Soiling up the burgh and living past 103 rd st
DeleteCode and TPD are the targets of the very people that either break the law or don't adhere to municipal law. In 2 months when the sun is shining and you look around and become petrified of what's taken over your block or your entire neighborhood you'll bitch they don't clean up the mess you helped create. That's a fact Jack!
ReplyDeleteIt snowed today. The scene on brunswick road was a biracial man who calls himself the czar blowing snow into the street from his sidewalks. After he snowblowe his driveway he spread sand and salt he was heard saying it's ok. I'm a taxpayer. I'm entitled to it. Did I mention I have a water runoff problem.
ReplyDeleteWhy was Kevin McGrath there?
ReplyDeleteHe bounces at Kokopellis
DeleteI want accountability as to why the council prez is allowed to take taxpayer sand and salt. I know the city doesn't use it but please
ReplyDeleteHeard the two guys who were locked up for breaking the car window and refusing to move were inside partying before the arrest. Yes, that's right, the two 19 YEAR OLD's!
ReplyDeleteOh no! That can't be. Mr. Glick wouldn't allow such a thing. He came to Troy to create a refined place for taxpaying, lawabiding adults to gather and sing kumbaya while drinking fine pinot noir from crystal stemware. If he knew that 19 year old thugs partied in his bar, he never would have come to Troy.
DeleteWe are at a crossroads in our city over the deal with the PBA president. If this council agrees to this payment they will be handing the city over to the unions. This lawsuit is baseless.. I hope the council has some guts and stands up to the bully Fitzgerald is. I do not feel the other officers will allow their dues to be spent on such an issue. It is time for the council to say we will not be threatened.and the PBA members to say to Fitzgerald bye-bye.
ReplyDeleteIf the lawsuit was baseless it would have been thrown out long ago. The city is cutting their losses. The bullying was by the former administration and that is why the city has to pay. In fact, the Chief was a part of it. Union busting doesn't work in a blue collar town. The PBA protects who serve. Strong leadership on their part doesn't make Fitzy a bad guy. He at least has options after he retires, Harry is still begging Renss. County GOP for a job and benefits. Part time is the biggest bone they can throw him! He's lost the past two elections he ran in. He's done. Harry has no juice. Fitzy, now he has a retirement and options, thanks to good work on his part. And now thanks to punk like behavior on the former administration's part, he will have just a little extra cash to play with. Good for him!
DeleteWhen we pay union leaders if we hurt their feelings we are doomed.
DeleteHarry has no juice. Harry shows up at the council meeting and gets enough votes to shoot down the property sale to Cox. Fitzy was coaching Cox and told Cox he had the votes. Harry wins, Mirch wins, Crowley wins, Cox remains a looser. Harry even gets Dems to vote his way. Harry blurs the lines for the peeps of Troy. Hail Harry!
ReplyDeleteHarry your going to go down in History as the most retarded human ever to hold office in Troy NY
ReplyDeleteSorry that award went to K McGrath. By bipartisan vote.
DeleteMy god! Where did these comment writers go to school?
ReplyDelete“I think what we have in front of us now is a vast improvement in traffic safety over what we have now,” Nelson said. “There are fewer points of conflict with pedestrians and vehicles.”
ReplyDeleteThe proposal includes expanding the existing parking lot by demolishing the current Stewart’s building as well as the residence at 485 Second Ave., currently owned by Pastor Willie Bacote.
Chuck Marshall, real estate representative for Stewart’s, said a contract to purchase has been signed by Bacote and would be executed once the commission approves the project and Bacote vacates the home. Marshall did not disclose how much has been offered to Bacote, and Bacote declined to comment.
I know about all blog information, it's really the best services to shutter, i like this.
ReplyDeleteComplete Shutters
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