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As I’ve been writing for
nearly a month, the new dynamic on the Troy Council is going to be interesting
- little did I know it would become so interesting so fast.
On Dec. 9, Council
President-elect Rodney Wiltshire sent a strongly-worded e-mail to three other councilmen
blasting Councilman Gary Galuski for hanging up on him and other perceived acts
of disrespect.
In the e-mail, which can
be read below, Wiltshire, who is bi-racial, said: “I will not be his (Galuski’s) boy or house
nigger.” Yes, the word distasteful, but focusing on just that is a superficial
reading of what is really going on.
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While the email is
directed at Galuski, one can’t help but wonder if Wiltshire is referring to
county Chairman Tom Wade. Wiltshire was one of many Democrats who tried to take
Wade out last year with Robert “Rabbit” Riley and there is no love lost between
the two. Now that Wiltshire is Council president, he does have some juice and
part of that juice comes in the way of appointments – both to committees and to
paid positions within City Hall.
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Not surprisingly, who
Wiltshire wants and who Wade wants are not the same people.
Perhaps the most high
profile is that of City Clerk. As I reported nearly two weeks ago (and The Record reported today) Wiltshire wants to replace the current city clerk, Karla
Guererri, with Cheryl Christianson, who happens to be Galuski’s sister in law.
I initially wrote that
it could be interpreted as an attempt to buy off Galuski, but given the email
exchange that obviously didn’t work and Galuski remains squarely in Wade’s
corner. And by extension that of current Council President Lynn Kopka, who brought
her friend Guererri aboard and would just as soon see her stay in the $54,800 a
year job.
In other words, the
divide I mentioned before between Wiltshire and company and Kopka/Wade and
company is reaching the size of the Grand Canyon.

While Wiltshire said
there is no way he will nominate Galuski to chair the Parks and Recreation
Committee, which he holds now, Galuski points out it takes a majority to
approve any appointment. That much is true, but what’s also true is the
nomination has to come from Wiltshire.
Furthermore, given his
familial ties, Galuski should abstain so that leaves Kopka (pictured left) and Wiltshire vying
for five votes out of eight.
What few may know, if it’s
a four-for tie, Guererri remains clerk until a five-vote majority is reached,
whenever that may be.
Galuski also said he would
lobby for the position of Council pro temp, which also needs five votes. Wiltshire,
however, would like to see the No. 2 spot go to Councilman Ken Zalewski, D-District
4. As you know, he has always been an independent voice on the Council and also
supported Riley over Wade.
Which brings us back to
the Great Divide.
Zalewski is squarely in
Wiltshire’s corner. I’ve heard Councilman Bob Doherty, D-District 4, is too but
his support tenuous at best. I’m less sure of Councilwoman-elect Anastasia
Robertson, but I understand she is too.

In the Kopka/Wade corner
is Galuski and Councilwoman-elect Erin Sullivan-Teta.
That leaves the two
Republicans – Councilman Dean Bodnar, District 3 and Councilman-Elect Jim
Gordon, At Large, with a surprising amount of clout on a Democratic Party
dominated Council.
Galuski said Wiltshire
is ready to nominate Gordon for the high-profile position of Public Safety
Committee chair and who knows what else the two may get or want. As an aside, I’m
not sure who else would want to chair that committee because the controversy in
the TPD is unlikely to go away anytime soon but it is one of the more coveted
positions on the Council.
In the end, the Council
is starting off way more interesting than the last one and it’s not even the
New Year yet.
Dec. 9 e-mail from Wiltshire to Gary Galuski, Robert Doherty, Ken Zalewski
Gary earlier today around 11AM, very rudely, hung up the phone on me after my 5th or 6th attempt to meet up with him and discuss the transition of the council.
His behavior was and is bizarre, unprofessional, discourteous, and dis-respectful. Despite what he may believe, I have never disrespected him in that or any manner.
I am continually shocked by the manner in which some he behaves.
I am not Lynn, and I don't wish to be compared to Lynn. I clearly indicated to him before him hung up on me that I am trying to meet with each councilperson in person (as was done 2 years ago) and we would have our caucus meeting after. Probably this week.
I specifically had wished to discuss his committee preferences and also have a serious conversation about the perceived slight that I am told that he has felt from me 2 years ago surrounding the courthouse and the pro-tempore vote. I had wanted to discuss that with him in person and clarify and apologize for my insensitivity. Since we are not meeting, I guess he will not receive my apology for that behavior.
However, it is clear, that he is unwilling to meet me, and discuss things. He has also not responded to my request for committee preferences. I had assumed that he would have wished to continue as Parks and Rec chair.
I am not giving him a chair.
I have just spoken to Cheryl Christiansen about her proposed appointment and confirmed that Gary's behavior will not and does not reflect on her. She said that she doesn't share his views on things, and is happy to be professional and keep the affairs separate.
I have a call and an email into Jack McCann regarding both this and Lynn's behaviors and attitudes, I will insist that he publicly support me and my position.
Let me be very clear, I am not happy with our phone call, and I will not be treated or addressed in that manner.
This boat has sailed, I am not trying to fix issues that aren't my doing or responsibility.
I am going to be making some very hard, serious, and possibly controversial decisions in the following days concerning all of these appointments. I absolutely need YOUR support and confidence.
I am not his boy, or the house nigger.
Gary earlier today around 11AM, very rudely, hung up the phone on me after my 5th or 6th attempt to meet up with him and discuss the transition of the council.
His behavior was and is bizarre, unprofessional, discourteous, and dis-respectful. Despite what he may believe, I have never disrespected him in that or any manner.
I am continually shocked by the manner in which some he behaves.
I am not Lynn, and I don't wish to be compared to Lynn. I clearly indicated to him before him hung up on me that I am trying to meet with each councilperson in person (as was done 2 years ago) and we would have our caucus meeting after. Probably this week.
I specifically had wished to discuss his committee preferences and also have a serious conversation about the perceived slight that I am told that he has felt from me 2 years ago surrounding the courthouse and the pro-tempore vote. I had wanted to discuss that with him in person and clarify and apologize for my insensitivity. Since we are not meeting, I guess he will not receive my apology for that behavior.
However, it is clear, that he is unwilling to meet me, and discuss things. He has also not responded to my request for committee preferences. I had assumed that he would have wished to continue as Parks and Rec chair.
I am not giving him a chair.
I have just spoken to Cheryl Christiansen about her proposed appointment and confirmed that Gary's behavior will not and does not reflect on her. She said that she doesn't share his views on things, and is happy to be professional and keep the affairs separate.
I have a call and an email into Jack McCann regarding both this and Lynn's behaviors and attitudes, I will insist that he publicly support me and my position.
Let me be very clear, I am not happy with our phone call, and I will not be treated or addressed in that manner.
This boat has sailed, I am not trying to fix issues that aren't my doing or responsibility.
I am going to be making some very hard, serious, and possibly controversial decisions in the following days concerning all of these appointments. I absolutely need YOUR support and confidence.
I am not his boy, or the house nigger.
Rodney G. Wiltshire Jr.
At-Large Councilman
Dec. 12 response from
Councilman Gary Galuski
Dear Council Member,
I am forwarding an email
sent to me by incoming Council President Rodney Wiltshire because it should be
seen by all majority members of the Council. After reading the entire
piece, I'm sure you will agree that he owes me an apology as well as others
offended by his insensitive and distasteful choice of words.
I am entering my fourth
and final term on the city council. In all of my prior terms, the
incoming majority has met to collectively decide committee assignments and
committee chairmanships. Never have I or any of my colleagues been submitted to
the type of threat incoming Council President Wiltshire issued to me with a
guarantee of no chairmanship simply because I asked when we will caucus to
conduct such business. Additionally, he is pretending to grab control of
the entire process by handing out committee chairs to his favorites while
ignoring senior members of the council.
Recently, he even
announced he plans to "give" the Public Safety committee chairmanship
to newly elected Republican Jim Gordon. Two years ago, he opposed giving
committee chairmanships to Republicans when Council President Kopka raised the
idea which we voted down.
You should be aware that
this process deserves and requires the input of all majority members---ALL
SEVEN DEMOCRATS. I urge you to remind incoming Council
President Wiltshire he was not elected Emperor and Committee members shall be nominated by the
President and confirmed or rejected by a majority of the members of the Council
at each organizational meeting. Each committee, if possible, shall have at
least one member from a minority political party. (City of Troy Charter
Section C-15) He campaigned with
promises of transparency in government but, before being sworn into office,
projects a closed door style of "my way or the highway" bossism.
In closing, I want you
to know I wish to remain as the chair of the Recreation Committee where I feel
my background and skills can be full utilized and I will be reaching out to
each of you for your support for the position of Council President Pro-Tempore.
Everyone who knows Gary Galuski knows full well he is not capable of writing that letter. It's obvious Tom Wade wrote that letter for GG. Gray is a thug who uses language much worse than Rodney. When it comes to skill sets Gary took the same civil service test numerous times never passing it and that is why he was laid off from city employment.
ReplyDeleteWe are finally getting a look at the real democrats! Racist, insensitive liars.
Recreation Aide CS test and failed it several times? Wow!!!!! House N-word? Wow!!. Nina being naughty, McGrath granted immunity, Campana/Guluski indicted, and Brown doing weekends at RCJ --Wow!!! Vote Row A all the Way!!
ReplyDeleteThe only reason that Row B hasn't been indicted is because of "Uncle" Joe. Now he's gone. Bad boys, whatcha gonna do when they come 4 U?
DeleteThis is 100% True ans Yes you can use the Conspiracy to defraud the Tax payers Law or the Hoist Services Law.
DeleteBruno will be found guilty this time too unless he roles over on Mirch and others!
Mirch did more voter fraud than any one in Troy and Laposta is a Liar too
The city clerk should ABSOLUTELY be changed. We need someone who is more organized and capable of performing this job.
ReplyDeleteTom Aldrich is the natural choice for City Clerk. Tom has the personality, appearance, and the people skills that would bring a breath of fresh air to the clerk's office. Tom is close to Rodney and worked tirelessly on his campaigns. Besides, no one wears a Giants jacket like Tom can. Gary Galuski likes the Giants so he might vote for Tom too.
ReplyDeleteRodney and Erin Sullivan teat should get along great together. They use the same words!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWho does this Wiltshire guy think he is king of Troy?. I guess when little guys who never accomplished much get a little power they feel like big guys. what a clown.
ReplyDeleteOkay Tom Wade, I know you're not happy but live with it because you CAN'T DEAL WITH IT!
DeleteThe elected official is accusing his DEMOCRATS as treating him like a nigger? WTF?
ReplyDeleteWake up and smell the Park Gary. You're an ass. Very childlike that you can't have a conversation about changes that are certainly going to happen. Here, take your ball back and go play somewhere else. AH!!!
ReplyDeleteNow this is funny!
DeleteHere's how his conversation will go:"Please Tom Wade, tell me what to do"!
DeleteI cant believe that someone actually made Gary look sympathetic. The Arrogance of Rodney and lack of substance around him will be his downfall.
ReplyDeleteWake up Rodney and your bunch of misfit supporters. Your letter is just an embarrassment. Period. More than embarrassing it was laughable. You were elected to the city council not made King. Another example of the type of politicians we are stuck with here and we wonder why the rest of capital district laughs at Troy.
ReplyDeletePeople want change and now they have change and the best part is that change will definitely be for the better good of Troy!
DeleteIts Coming Just pull up a seat and watch the Sparks
DeleteTom Aldrich would do a great job as City Clerk. He has much better organizational skills, and hiring Guluski's sister in law just stinks of nepotism -- and just doesn't look good for the party. We need to stop acting like Republicans and do things correctly here.
ReplyDeleteHiring Guluski's sister in law (read my lips) NO NEW NEPOTISIM, CAN NOT HAPPEN!
DeleteGuluski's is a Hypocrite to the 10,000 Degree.
DeleteCoach Guluski what a joke.
While Rodney's strong language may be regrettable, I can certainly understand his frustration at being utterly disrespected by a fellow Democratic council member. It seems like Rodney should have earned a certain level of respect with his decisive electoral victory, but apparently not from Mr. Galuski. I'm not sure of the nature of Galuski's lack of respect, but maybe Rodney's on to something...
ReplyDeleteThe nature of Garys disrespect comes from Tom Wade. It's garanteed that Gary will NEVER vote for something that Wade wants him to vote against!
DeleteDisrespect is in the judgment of the egomaniac who called Galuski at work demanding Vito Corleone style adoration from a peer. People who know Galuski respect him.Wiltshire should learn respect is EARNED, not ordered.
DeleteGaluski's got bad vibrations all around he will be the last hold out for disunion on the Council
DeleteIt has become so much clearer now that Carmella should have been elected president, Where is the recount? She would never use such derogatory language. She would call everyone "peeps" instead of the "n" word. She might call someone "Brother" but not in a racial way. She would lead with charm and charisma and great tunes would play before and afte council meetings. It would be awesomesauce. TRUTH!
ReplyDeleteI hope the R's run Carmella in 2015. It gives us an easy seat --Teta is a good example of this. I mean, what's she ever done, and who is she --but she got elected. Those geniuses making the decisions for the R's make it easy for us. Run Carmella Run!!
ReplyDeleteDon't forget Robertson, we don't know her either but she's got a seat at the table. Sad that the women of Troy are being represented by puppets.
ReplyDeleteAll of you overlook one fact: Wiltshire would not be the incoming Council President without the IND line which provided the votes for him to narrowly edge out Teta for the top spot. And how did he get the IND line ? He had to make a deal with the Republicans since only republican backed candidates get that endorsement.
ReplyDeleteWAKE UP. Wiltshire sold his soul in order to finish first and already has shown his inability to handle simple issues. You can expect more dictatorial attitude from him.
almost 200 votes is NOT a narrow margin at large....and would you rather see teta Sullivan as president?? Jesus you are all fools!
DeleteI 4 one was hoping for a Teta presidency. But Rodney already seems to be fulfilling my Teta dream.
DeleteOkay Tom Wade, we know you weren't happy when Rodney got the IND line because you didn't have any "political capital" to spend this election cycle on Lynn's campaign. You and that other idiot, SS, need to say goodbye to Rensselear County politics, at least as Dems. I'm sure that Row B would take you both under their "wing".
DeleteJolene don't disparage Erin Teta Sullivan with above post. She is a hard working mother of 6
DeleteThe best laugh of the week has to be proposing Tom Aldrich for a job---ANY job.
ReplyDeleteThe best laugh of the week has to be proposing Tom Aldrich for a job---ANY job.
ReplyDeleteWhy is that? Could it possibly be because he took the only "job" he wanted? ;)
DeleteAldrich use to follow loporto around and now he is wiltshires lapdog
DeletePLEASE, Carmella loves Troy and her peeps(family). Have you ever seen a politician use their peeps(family) in the manner Carmella did!
ReplyDeleteFinally some with real brass balls as Troy City Council President and every one is Surprised get a Grip Harry,Vito,Vandenburgh,And A few others are the Biggest Bloggers here Funny all anonymous Bloggers here mostly Harry & Vito Rat Citizen !~~!
ReplyDeleteAnd ice cream murphy who say park vette on my family lot and jack rj should be mayor is very smart always had head in book growing up. Vito no like me drive around his house will call police closer to Christmas so I say warm on holidays. I miss my friend randy and Eddie all I have. My tree business I don't worry about even tho million dollar operation I have nice 1988 s10. I am good with my red rims. I gotta get back to posting on all pages and video of vandenburgh because he said no 5 times I don't get it. I also stay away from his car don't want to run from rich crist again like I did behind gendrons. Back to my new cat and my old ranger even tho I millionaire
DeleteWhat a jack leg. And that's a fact jack
DeleteNow you're cooking with peanut oil!! Anybody from the Administration show off any body parts this weekend
DeleteBill dunne said dry yer clam ya cry baby
DeleteI heard Sullivan Teta has a strong worded letter coming out with some of the same words in Rodney's letter. She penned it herself unlike the letter bully dunne drafted for Gary.
ReplyDeleteDunne is too daft to have penned that one, it had to be Wade.
DeleteNice of the incoming council president to snowblow all the snow from his sidewalk out onto brunswick road. Way to look out for the people. I almost crashed.
ReplyDeleteAre you sure you had the right pair of glasses with you? I just drove by there last night and saw a lot of snow blown up on his property. You probably don't have his real address.
DeleteHey lug nut stay away from vandenburg car. Rich will come looking for you. You will run again. Zba says no again. You say down like a puppy when vandenburgh told you too lug nut charles
ReplyDeleteWednesday Lou gives his employees a Christmas party like harry did. Will he call the press like when he raked leaves
ReplyDeleteWho will attend? Will the twins make an appearance.
DeleteTwins are booked at the wine bar that day
DeleteThey are real and they are spectacular.
DeleteRodney so nice of you to blow the snow out onto the street your such a civic leader brunswick road was a mess becausee you chose to blow all snow from drivway and side walk out to street. Why can't you do your homeowner duty like everyone else and blow it on your property rather than make life safety issue for Russ reeves to respond to. You think your that good. I saw an old lady trip in the snow you blew out there.
ReplyDeleteEveryone forgets Rodney's soul employee is Tom Aldrich. Does that speak volumes or what.?
ReplyDeleteYou are an idiot....Tom didn't even help with the campaign....I know I was there every day. Tom couldn't be further removed from Rodney's politics. You are all jokes...you know nothing. This whole blog is the same 10 people bashing Rodney at Tom Wade and Jack McCann's request. It's disgusting.
DeleteYour post certainly speaks volumes, "solar guru", those volumes shout loud and clear about how totally clueless you are.
DeleteFat head Harry is the main actor on here what a Joke he is Vito And Harry Rats of a feather flock together.
DeleteThey will blow away like Dog Shit Blows away
Watch as Rodney and Jolene fly fish on YouTube. You elected this man now you deal with him.
ReplyDeleteVideo has suddenly dissappeared. Glad I saves a copy for primary time
DeleteHe reads this religiously. With his shirt off
DeleteWhats with dems and taking shirts off
DeleteCharles Cox is right, we finally have someone with brass balls. When Franco asked Rodney yesterday about the letter on the show Rodney told him "we're not talking about that"'. Jim did what he was told then asked the hard questions, what's your favorite color? What's your favorite food?
ReplyDeleteI say read all these comments I realize how childish and sore losers some people are.
ReplyDeletethe man won the election fair and square just deal with it and stop this petty crap
as I read all these commentsI realize just how child like some people are.
ReplyDeleteit appears they are a bunch of sore losers.
get over it already he won fair and square.
agreed he won, not fair and square, there are no fair and square elections in Rensselaer County the board of elections is filled with fraud both the GOP and DEM have a deal worked out between them.
DeleteYou should know all about that end of it 3 job bob.
DeleteHey 524pm, I can name one thing Sullivan-Teta did, she buried your buddy carmella in the election..Hopefully she and the Republicans got the message...3 strikes and your out..
ReplyDeleteShe also uses the same words as rodney
DeleteSpeaking of the Carminator --guess who's back reviewing the machine info at the BOE? And 11:58 --don't be bangin the drum slowly over beating the Carminator --she beats herself just fine thank you. And what's with the 2 last name thing? I for one am happy to have a woman of her qualifications voting on a city budget, as you too probably are. Hopefully, she's already realized that our party now has 2 factions. First there's the Delusional Bunch /aka, Misfit Mafia. Made of of philanderers, convicted felon's, formerly indicted councilmen, and to add a cherry to the top of the banana split, This half wit Cox guy is now part of the crew. Second, there's the true people of our party, who stand behind Mr. Wade --you know -the one who wins elections --who's organization got you elected. You know, right?
ReplyDeletefunny stuff --true though
DeleteWhat elections has Mr Wade won in Rensselaer County, he doesn't even run candidates for County executive and county Clerk. Heck, Rabbit can do that and still date married women.
DeleteAll the Troy seats have a D on them now, as does the council majority. We need to get rid of the Campana's and Kevin McGraths, and keep them away. These guys are proven dirty and I for one do not, and will not be associated with them. That other kook LoPorto was also dirty, and should thank his lucky stars his ass isn't in jail, all cause he wanted to be a big shot. And to hell with your hero Rabbit and his BS. Misfits
DeleteYeah, and the Democratic species is an endangered one outside of the Troy borders. Tom can have the city, we'll keep all the rest, thank you.
Deleteat 12:23 PM
DeleteIf you consider the Wade faction the true Dems then you must be Susan Steele. You're part of the problem which will be getting "fixed" during the next Dem "election" for Committee people. Everyday people are seeing what you and Wade truly stand for and it's not pretty. The only way the word pretty can be used is when describing your tactics as pretty disgusting.
I though that chubby chick from working families party would have left town after her flip flopping performance on witness stand in Democrats fraud trial, evidently she found a home with Wiltshire.
ReplyDeleteBill dunne isn't working family party
DeleteReally? Really? That's the best you could come up with? That she is chubby? Nice observation. Now observe that she destroyed the democratic party with her victory over wade....what's next for her? I bet she's counting down the days to Wades forced retirement from politics. muahahahahahahaha
DeleteRelax Rodney..go take your shirt off and fly that silly shark around your house.
DeleteHey 9:38 AM, Don't know how your slanted mind sees a victory over Wade whose Democratic slate won 6 of 6 legislators in Troy and 7 of 9 council seats. Wade backed all of them---even the traitor Wiltshire who sold out to Republicans for minor party endorement. Let's see you crow when he reveals the cost for his sellout.
DeletePrice for Wiltshire/Zalewski sellout published in Times Union, Monday, Dec. 23 and on this blog today. Stay tuned for more self serving actions by the "traitorous two" councilmen.
DeleteThey will stop at nothing to feed their egos.
He was busy plowing the lot up in lansignburgh vandenburgh and Vito said no to
ReplyDeletePlease bobby and randy busy playing with nickelodeon gak they just purchased
ReplyDeleteWill bill dunne bring his dogs to the Christmas party Wednesday harry always did now Lou will
ReplyDeletePRESS RELEASE: MAGNETTO LOVES TROY SO MUCH HE WILL QUIT AND GO TO WORK FOR RPI........YOU HEARD IT FIRST HERE @ FRANCO & FRIENDS******************************************************
ReplyDeleteAll of your racist comments are absolutely sickening!! No one should be judged based on the color of their skin. Rodney Wiltshire is a great man. He was frustrated by the lack of respect and actions taken by his "fellow councilmen." Some may view his actions as uncalled for and inappropriate. I feel his actions made his colleagues think twice about their arrogant actions.
ReplyDeleteLet's remember that he came out on top in the last election winning by over 200 votes. He is very well respected for that. He has been a very much needed voice for our city for the past 2 years that he has served on the council. He advocates for what he thinks is right and is not swayed by his political patronage. Council President Elect Wiltshire needed to defend himself.
Thanks Jolene
DeleteLOL That is definitely not Jolene, but one of the many, YES VERY MANY, Trojans who worked tirelessly on Rodney's campaign. He had more volunteers for his campaign than all other campaigns in the city combined. THAT is why he won.
DeleteYes --he's special. He'll lead us to the promised land. Loved him shirtless --perfect for a future commercial
Deletedefinitely Jolene. Stop kidding yourself. You had 4 complete misfits working on campaign, remember all the facebook pics you posted, same 4 including the chubby chick from working families. get over yourself. This is a democratic town and a pile of rocks would be elected. Give Kopka the Ind line and she is still President. You and your husband are clowns and the more you talk the more people will realize this fact.
DeleteWiltshire came out first because he threw his running mates under the bus. First, by selling out to the opposition for that extra minor party endorsement that only goes to Republican candidates, next by promoting voters to vote for him and nobody else (aka bullet voting). He is the poster child for the phrase "there's no I in the word team." He is all out for himself---all window dressing, no substance.
DeleteGo fly a fish Jolene
DeleteWiltshire threw no one un der the bus, his party fu@$ed him over for no other reason than that Wade and McCann had personality conflicts. He made NO deals with anyone, he was given the IND line solely because the republicans didn't want Carmella to win...and further more...did you look at the vote totals? if no-one had the IND Rodney still would have won. Idiots you all are.
DeleteVery well said
DeleteJolene sticking up for her man. Clean up that house and go fly the shark around some more with Roddy. priceless.
Deleteat 1:41 PM
DeleteStill reaching into your bag of tricks to find an answer as to how you could possibly have lost yet another election Tom Wade? Why don't you ask your boy who has been known to protect you and your daughter from being indicted?
How come the small band of Rodney backers haven't revealed one of their campaign workers was nabbed by police for sexually abusing a child---after election day ? His name is Sousee and they welcomed his support---before election day.
DeleteFunny Some one walked rite into Code he had no Deed No Water Bill No Power Bill and this Crooked Lawyer Felon Sarris took a Statement From this Man and used his Forged Instrument in a Court Room of a Lie.
ReplyDeleteSo Dave Sherhan Knew about This Sondra Knew about this.
So they stole Jack Cox Jr's Business They Stole his Future and Guess what all you Anonymous Bloggers are all guilty and Total Scum and eventually you will all get whats coming to all of yas Its going to happen Trust Me.
Vito Rat Citizen Vandenburgh Rat,Code Nazis Rats all Rats.
Scum Bag Lawyer Rat
Funny Some one walked rite into Code he had no Deed No Water Bill No Power Bill and this Crooked Lawyer Felon Sarris took a Statement From this Man and used his Forged Instrument in a Court Room of a Lie.
ReplyDeleteSo Dave Sherhan Knew about This Sondra Knew about this.
So they stole Jack Cox Jr's Business They Stole his Future and Guess what all you Anonymous Bloggers are all guilty and Total Scum and eventually you will all get whats coming to all of yas Its going to happen Trust Me.
Vito Rat Citizen Vandenburgh Rat,Code Nazis Rats all Rats.
Scum Bag Lawyer Rat
And they took lot up snowman Murphy say we park vette on lot and jack jr Gould be mayor always had head in book growing up smart not jack leg like bill chamberlain Vito rat citizen vandenburgh flex sarris lawyer no mirch harry crawley stop cox family multi million dollar tow business's good for city jack leg that's a fact jack with sondra she know and we lose business Canadians always in way and Sheeran he know but not want jack jr in burgh I know I talk him he lie like Sarrris crooked lawyer I go ramble council members an call Pete I frustrated so remove lug nuts from zba car and drive up Vito way. Me randy go play with Playdo at eddies and make sculpture and run next time confronted by harry and crist I make tree fort on property and no allow vandenburgh Vito citizen hoax Sheeran to come in. I use tree skills and junk cars and john wright guard door randy pave and we eat jack leg snacks from jack juniors new snack bar and shop and that's a fact jack
DeleteRight on Robert you epitomize the need for more mental health coverage and as a Burg resident I like the touch of 30 junk vehicles at Jacks Snack Shack.
DeleteNice. Talk about a woman that is in this city to put a positive spin on things. She's not party affiliated and not we'll known yet everyone has something to say and it's wrong we need more peopel like the press woman Lou hired if we ever are gonna turn this city reputation around. Find someone else to pick on.
DeleteYou know Robert, maybe it's not a real good idea to be calling an attorney a felon --with nothing but those voices in your head to base it on. You'll prolly get served some paper in the near future.Bottom line is you've done more damage to your families cause to open their business, than the pile of dirt in front of the door did. You've successfully pissed off Congressmen, Senators, Mayors, Deputy Mayors, Council people, and have displayed your kooky self to the 30 people that watch the council broadcast. 150 e-mails to Gov Cuomo with no response --should tell you something. I've read that you now think that Rodney will save the day --think again. You've burned the bridge Robert --keep throwing gas on the fire and eventually it will completely fall.
DeleteFunny Your Just Another Anonymous Jack Ass At least you know what you get with me I say it like I see it Anonymous Chicken Shit For Brains And the Hits just keep coming
DeleteHarry your a looser just collect your cash for your do nothing job it will get you stigmatized as a Blood Sucking Pig
DeleteRespect is earned. It's not about vote count.
ReplyDeleteThe residents of our city do respect Mr. Wiltshire and this was proven when he was reelected. Now we just need the other elected officials to follow suite.
DeleteMay I remind you of the large margin he won by. Why don't you look it up before you comment on here. You are all idiots!
nobody knows who the guy is. has not done anything in 2 yrs on council and ego will undoubtedly bring him down, you wack jobs keep harping on a huge victory, it was 200 not 2000 get over yourselves if the Reps did not eat their own and pull Ind line from Carmella Kopka is still council pres,
DeleteMr. Wiltshire has done plenty for this city serving on the city council. The people of our city know this and that is how he garnered the most votes. 200 votes is not a narrow margin for an at large.
Deleteat 7:16 PM
DeleteI guess narrow margin looks different when you have candidates getting on 3 lines and still losing by well over 1,000 votes. ;)
It has become quite evident that the people on this site are puppets for the master puppeteer himself Tom " I threaten women with bodily harm, I buy votes and I steal elections at all costs" Wade. The irony is that he was beat. And he was beat quite badly. He was simply outwitted, his fear tactics and bullying are what the people of Troy stood against when the loud and clearly voted for Councilman Wiltshire. He is still up to his old tactics by trying to make Galuski pro temp and Kopka the defacto president.
ReplyDeleteNewsflash Tom and Company: You are all racist jerks who just lost a huge race, your influence is waning and your rein is about to come to an end. Troy is primed and ready for change under new leadership. You lost. You lost bad. Now, to the victor goes the spoils.
So Tom was the one who used the word --house nigger? Drink more of that Vino
Deletebecause an African American uses the n-word to describe himself and how he is being treated does not make him racist. Tom and Jack both have used that word to describe Rodney, I know I witnessed it myself. They both also like to threaten Rodney's volunteers and campaign workers...as well as threatening bodily harm to women who have worked with Rodney. Vino? I think Tom will need a tall glass of scotch after the organizational meeting.
DeleteRodney was not using that word to describe himself. He was using that word to describe how Gary Galuski allegedly treated him. Gary never used that word, nor did he ever reference Rodney's race. Nonetheless, Rodney Wiltshire decided to bring race into the conversation. Why? Without any basis in actual fact, we can only conclude that he assumes white people have a problem with his race simply because they're white.
DeleteNow, what do we call people who ascribe a negative set of characteristics (such as prejudice) to a specific race? Yes, that's right. We call them racists.
thanks for clarifying jolene
DeleteGary's indignation is funny considering he has said a lot worse. Gary and his puppet master Wade is just trying to use it to further their hold on power (or get more in Gary's case), and people are seeing through it.
ReplyDeleteIt's sad that Tom has allowed idiots like Guluski to seek, and help gain office. We need better qualified candidates, not just jokers with established family names in their communities. We're still winning, but for how much longer. Eventually, with all the baggage we've picked up because of some political never will be's, the house of cards will fall. Look at our new self proclaimed savior, Rodney. How stupid is he to be putting that in an e-mail? Remember Dunne & the Dormitory Authority e-mails? Like I said, Tom needs to be finding candidates with a bit more moral fiber than some of these guys we have. No more creeps like Kevin McGrath, or Sybil clones like Nina. It's a damn embarrassment to someone like me who has voted Democrat since the 1968 presidential election, to see the conduct of some of these people. Who's running with this ones wife, who's forging ballots, lying felons granted immunity, stealing HUD money, taking pictures of nude teens at HQ. When does it stop? Tom needs to step up and get rid of these people
DeleteWell said
DeleteDear Anonymous @12:48 PM. Perhaps if the Republicans had better candidates, they'd have won something in the city in the last 5 election cycles - Tutunjian, Bauer and Mantello - all two-time losers.
DeleteCorrection: Mantello 3 time loser--- mayor 2x, city council
DeleteFirst election I voted in was 1968 --and it wasn't for Nixon. You're right, the R's should field better candidates, and get rid of that clown at the County Leg making 6 figures
DeleteThat's a fact jack who ever you are ?
DeleteFranco you need to teach these old dogs some new tricks the Truth Seekers slant is the best way to do things.
Anonymous Bloggers don't pay the bills.
Problem is Both Party's have issues I am not 100% sure How many Felons The Dems have on there parole.
But I do know that The Repubs During Harry and the bunglers administration had to many to count on All 10 Fingers and All 10 Toes.
Sorry. It's easy to forget about Carmella's loses - she has so many!
Delete3:15 --are you a real person? Nobody could possibly be this stupid. Did you mean, Parole, as in, "after his arrest in 98, Kevin went on Parole"? Or did you mean, "how many felons other than Kevin do the Dem's have on their Payroll? And F-Carmella --OK? She's still at the BOE counting the votes and getting the same results.
DeleteCouncil needs to work with its new president
ReplyDeleteWe moved to Troy five years ago and have attended a fair number of City Council meetings since then. Prior to the citywide election in November, we attended a “Meet the Candidates Night” where we personally met Rodney Wiltshire for the first time. We were impressed by his intellect, honesty and his well defined vision for the future of the City of Troy.
We were angered this week after learning that several Council members have refused to attend important organizational meetings, and have voiced their opposition to working with Mr. Wiltshire, the incoming City Council President. Such behavior is reminiscent of recent political infighting at the Federal level, which nearly shut down our government and cost millions of dollars to our economy.
Mr. Wiltshire attained the highest vote count, earning him the position of Council President and the duties which accompany that seat. It is clear that the voters have spoken and that we approve of his goals and ideas.
Mr. Wiltshire was quoted as saying, “The election ended Nov. 5 and now it’s time to govern.”
We sincerely hope that all Council members will remember that they were elected to represent the people of this City. We expect that you will work with our new Council President in an open and honest manner, and in the best interest of all.
Mike and Chris Rinaldi
This should Cover Everything
Do mike and chris rinaldo realize rodney loved solar power and they do not????
DeleteBobby can't write his ow. Incoherent rambling anymore?
Deletewho the hell cares what these rinaldi people think about the new king of troy ego maniac Rodney
Deleteat 8:13 PM
DeleteYou're just another one of those spoiled rotten kids everyone knew when they were kids. You know the kind, play by my rules or I take my ball and bat and go home. You have a lot of growing up to do.
outside of a few judge races Wade has won nothing county wide. time for the Cat Herderer to go.It has to be done for the good of the party.
ReplyDeleteWow rodney Jolene and Aldrich all posting on this blog flying fish In between posts
ReplyDeleteSeriously rodney and Jolene and Aldrich just posted 24 anti wade pro wiltshire comments. Not obvious right? Grab popcorn and watch this 2 year show. Perhaps a reality show?
ReplyDeleteOther than flying fish Jolene and rodney must not have much to do but post against wade and for rodney. Old lady almost slipped in snow rodney blew into street
ReplyDeleteThey have time to post Facebook pictures of themselves half naked on the beach.
DeleteYou mean in bathing suits while on vacation? Jesus, you will stop at nothing to try to destroy them. Its ridiculous nonsense. Stop. Seriously stop. A family vacation is not a reason for you to mock them.
DeleteHalf naked pictures, let's have a glimpse. Let's see if the Ticonderoga Titans are real. We know the "slush" puppies are, low hanging.
DeleteDoes Rodney still shop at Denby's?
ReplyDeleteNot since Kimbowa was born.
DeleteJolene should stop bashing Erin Sullivan Teta in public. It does not make your hubby look any better. Drink your wine at home.
ReplyDeleteMaybe she will clean the house first and put the flying fish away
DeleteJust think Erin your 12 days away from dental insurance. You can get those "baked beans" choppers fixed just like Zuul and her new peepers.
ReplyDeleteHow come the small band of Rodney backers haven't revealed one of their campaign workers was nabbed by police for sexually abusing a child---after election day ? His name is Sousee and they welcomed his support---before election day.